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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Uomograsso

  1. 1 hour ago, sradwan said:

    Hi everyone! On post op day 3, and feeling super bloated. Getting the clears in is a struggle. Question to all of you - I was told I can start raking my blood pressure tablet again from today as a whole pill....seems a bit early? What’s everyone doing for their meds?

    My doctor had me keep on one of my blood pressure meds, amlodipine. I have stopped everything else. They had me set up and appointment with my PCP before my one month checkup to review my meds.

  2. I am post-OP day 6 with very little pain and I am feeling great. I haven't had many low energy moments even though I am only getting about 500 calories per day. The most amazing thing to me is I have zero hunger! I am only drinking Protein Shakes because I know I have to get my Protein in. This is the first time in my life I can say that I am eating to live rather than living to eat.

  3. 1 hour ago, Winchell said:

    I had gastric sleeve I was back at my desk job in 4 days. I was just sitting pretty much all day. If it was something more strenuous I would have waited till pureed foods at 2 weeks. Just because I tried easily that first week.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have had similar experience. I had surgery 6 days ago and I am back at work this morning. BUT I work from home doing IT so it is not very strenuous.

  4. I started the whole process of getting approved in July 2019. My BMI at that time was 64 and even my insurance didn't require any weight loss during the 90 day PCP visits, my surgeon wanted me to get down to a BMI of 50. I started tracking calories and exercising to do that. I was planning on having surgery in December 2019, but my insurance wouldn't cover the original surgeon I chose so i had to switch. Luckily my new surgeon was able to use all my previous work and tests to get me approved. From July 2019 to Jan 16 I lost about 90 lbs. That and being in better shape from exercising is what has helped me recover so quickly in my opinion. My advice is to do whatever you can now exercise wise because it will help you later after surgery.

  5. I have Aetna and they require 90 day physician supervised weight management. Main thing my surgeon said was to make sure last visit was on or after day 90 or I would be rejected. I did monthly visits about 4 weeks apart with my last visit on day 91. I started in middle of the month around the 15th to make sure I could get each month visit in without worrying about running into the next month. Also make sure your PCP clearly notes that your visit is for weight management and not just a general visit or they can reject for that. Just the hoops you have to jump through.

  6. I have Aetna and they require 90 day physician supervised weight management. Main thing my surgeon said was to make sure last visit was on or after day 90 or I would be rejected. I did monthly visits about 4 weeks apart with my last visit on day 91. I started in middle of the month around the 15th to make sure I could get each month visit in without worrying about running into the next month. Also make sure your PCP clearly notes that your visit is for weight management and not just a general visit or they can reject for that. Just the hoops you have to jump through.

  7. I feel pretty good. First thing after surgery in recovery room was a little rough, but nurses got my pain under control quickly. I think I got 3 or 4 doses of dilaudid via IV for pain the day of and day after surgery, but fter that I mainly used liquid tylenol to control pain. I did take a hit of liquid oxycodone at bedtime to help me sleep. But oral pain meds gave me nausea, but again nurses were quick with anti-nausea meds. Had surgery on Thursday morning and got discharged Saturday morning.

    I am on full iquid diet. Protein Shakes, Decaf coffee or tea, sugar free popsicles, smooth Soups (no chunks, meat, nor pasta), skim milk, plain yogurt (can use artificial sweeteners in it), grits, runny oatmeal and sugar free pudding. I am on this for 2 weeks, then onto pureed foods where I can add low fat cottage & ricotta cheese, creamy soups, but no solids. Next 2 weeks is stage 3 soft foods progressing to regular foods. Then stage 4 to start integrating regular foods one at a time back into my diet.

    Right now I feel good. Sipping Water to get my 64 oz in daily. I have zero hunger. Just a few little stomach cramps when I sip to fast, but again doctor prescribed levsin for cramps and it seems to be working. Haven't had to take anything for pain since I have been home. My incisions are pretty painless as well I only feel them if I really twist or bend to far. I guess am very lucky in that regard. My daily diet is one Protein Shake first thing which takes me about 2 hours to sip down. Then I do sugar free pudding with Protein Powder added. Just add two scoops to the pudding mix and I mix with Fairlife fat free milk. That gives me about five 4 oz servings with about 15 grams of Protein and 100 calories. I also do a protein water or fruit flavored protein mix in the afternoon to try and get 60 grams of protein each day.

  8. I have taken unflavored Protein powder and mixed it into pudding, Jello, broth, watered down oatmeal, etc. I have also tried some of the fruit flavored protein mixes and are great. I make them half strength using 16 oz rather than 8 as per directions. Good thing is that 16 oz counts toward my daily 64 oz and gives me 15 grams of protein.

  9. If you have to do 6 months of physician supervised weight management, you might be able to do that with your primary care physician. I had 90 day program my insurance required and was able to do it with my PCP. You might be able to do things via video chat as well. A lot of insurance companies are pushing that now. Don't be afraid to call doctor and insurance company to ask a lot of questions.

  10. 12 hours ago, RMaxton76 said:

    Now, I'm only about 2 weeks out, so I've been somewhat limited in my intake, but I haven't noticed any dumping syndrome like issues - that said, I can definitely IMMEDIATELY feel it if I take in too much at once (like the one time I took a large gulp of Water out of habit - oh boy that wasn't fun)

    In the hospital they gave me a stack of 1 oz cups with a goal to do 4 cups per hour. At home I am continuing with a 2 oz cup every 15 minutes. Takes me 1 1/2 hours to finish a Protein Shake. Very hard to just sip sip sip when I have gulped my whole life. My stomach does flip flops if I drink to much, but I haven't had any dumping yet.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Taj said:

    Serious kudos to you for going to the community center to exercise. I’m still self-conscious so don’t even like walking outside so bought this machine to use at home. ☹️ Maybe I’ll be brave enough one day to work out in public alone. I truly love walking outside, just not alone.

    There are no hard bodies at the community center. Lots of Winnie the Pooh bodies though ;)

  12. 2 minutes ago, Taj said:

    Sounds like you have the same hybrid elliptical/recumbent bike that I have-which I love. Not up to 30 minutes yet but I get in 20 whenever it’s too cold to go outside. Wish I could have eggs so badly. My surgeon doesn’t allow them until the soft foods stage. No idea why but should have asked at my post-op. Really appreciate reading all the posts from everyone. So informative and motivating.

    No, I just have a squeaky old recumbent bike at home. I work out at our local community center and the have a wide array of machines to use.

  13. 7 hours ago, BadWolfGirl said:

    At least 80 g. I'm on two drinks a day plus I'm allowed to eat low fat high Protein food. I've had eggs and chicken so far today. Just feel so blah

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    I kept exercising during my pre-op and that helped boomy energy. I cut back on the intensity though. Would do 30 minutes on elliptical or recumbent at a very easy pace. Even just walking might help.

  14. 37 minutes ago, BadWolfGirl said:

    I've been pre-op for a week and I've had a headache and general malaise the last four days and I'm not even on a strict liquid diet! I'm sure it's from lowered carbs and whatnot (I quit caffeine months ago) but I'm so used to reaching for ibuprofen and instead I just suffer. Tylenol doesn't work for crap for me. Trying to extra hydrate and even had a small cup of coffee today to try and break it but nothing.

    Magic cures?

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    How much Protein are you getting? Make sure you are getting recommended grams of protein. I had energy ups & downs during my 1 week liquid diets. Just hang in there.

  15. Well here's my surgery story. My surgery was pushed back from 7:15 to 9:45am on Thursday, so at least I got to sleep later. Spent an hour of pre-OP getting IV, stomach shaved, pre-OP meds. Surgery started at 10 am, they gave versed and the only thing I remember was sliding over to operating table, then it wa lights out.

    Post-OP had quite a bit of pain, but nurses quickly gave meds to help, dilaudid works great. Had to spend some time in post OP waiting for a room. Once I got to roommgot some more dilaudid. Didn't have much nausea or pain. Got ice chips to suck on at first then switched to Water. Has some stomach cramping when I sipped but it's just a small twinge and then it was OK. My biggest complaint is the kept coming every hour and waking me up for vitals, draw blood, get my blood sugar. I couldn't get any rest. Next day was better as I just asked them to try and group things so to give me more time to rest.

    Switched from IV pain meds to oral, liquid hydrocodone and liquid tylenol. The gave me some issues with nausea. Got about 4 hour sleep on Friday and Saturday morning got discharged. My incisions don't hurt much at all and I am doing good sipping water and Protein Shake. Takes me about 2 hours to get one shake down. Popsicles go down much easier for me. I got these below an fill the with Protein Shakes and Protein water to make protein sicles


  16. 20 hours ago, jubug09 said:

    My surgeons office told us specifically not to use Bone Broth and they HATE Premier Protein with a passion. I don't get it but apparently the pp are too processed with chemicals they don't like. And I think they are concerned with the sodium or fat levels in Bone Broth. It sure would be tasty tho lol

    Sent from my moto g(6) (XT1925DL) using BariatricPal mobile app

    I have been using this for broth. It has 12 grams of collagen Protein per serving and the same amount of sodium as low sodium chicken broth from the grocery store which my doctor recommended.


  17. My doctor recommended I have the sleeve as he considered a better idea when looking at my health history. Part of the process for my doctor was to have an EGD to confirm that sleeve was the right choice. My doctor found a mass in my duodenum which turned out to be non-cancerous, whew! A second opinion from a surgical specialist they decided to just monitor the mass instead of removing it as that surgery would be very complicated and losing more weight would help if I ever needed that surgery. Due to that issue the sleeve is a better choice because they can still do an EGD in 6 months to check on it. So long story short, the choice should be made by you and your doctor based on your situation and health history.

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