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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Uomograsso

  1. 2 hours ago, BadWolfGirl said:

    I've been up and walking as much as I can. But I can't pass gas yet and they and they won't let me go until then ugh

    Good luck at home !

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    Don't worry, that too shall pass, lol. Luckily I didn't have that requirement to go home. They just listened to make sure my bowels were making noise. I have been pretty gassy since about day 4 Post-OP with my first BM on day 10. Ask your doctor about adding Fiber to your liquid diet like Miralax or benefiber. That should help as well.

  2. 1 hour ago, Slownstedy said:

    I asked my surgeon and she said that they leak checked me right before closing me up.

    Same here. My surgeon pumped some air into my sleeve to check for leaks before closing me up. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't sip Water right after surgery as my mouth was soooo dry.

    Keep sippin' n walkin' everyone.

  3. 1 hour ago, ResaRoo said:

    I’m having surgery in 2 weeks (February), and wondered if I could ask you guys who have just had your surgeries as few questions...

    1. My doctor says I can likely be back to work in 7-10 days. I’ve had my gallbladder removed and I felt like I was ready to head back to work after 3 days. Is 7-10 days after realistic? (I teach kindergarten, but can head to the washroom when needed and avoid lifting for the first few weeks as I have a full time EA this year).

    2. Did your cravings drop after surgery? I’m 1 week in to my 3 week pre-op and not craving sugary foods. I think maybe because the Protein Drinks are sweet. But the cravings for savoury things is intense (cracker and cheese, steak, etc). I’m seasoning my roasted veggies and it helps a little. But when you have to make 3 meals/day for your family and see and smell the food, it doesn’t help much.

    I had VSG and I have a desk job. I am ready to go back to work tomorrow. I don't have the same energy used to as I am averaging about 500 calories per day. I have zero cravings and no hunger. But I feel I can handle working. As long as you can get in 64 oz of Water and meet your Protein daily goals you probably should be able to go back to work. If you have a job that is more strenuous you probably will need more recovery time. Also keep in mind, no lifting more than 10 lbs for the first 4 to 6 weeks until you incisions heal.

  4. 13 hours ago, msilva_777 said:

    Had vsg in July 2019 ,but now I'm stuck at 217 from 298 in this normal? and now I'm all ways hungry?ask my doctor and all the say is everyone is different. I completely under stand that ,but I'm I doing somethings wronge.just wonder if anyone experiencing this as well .thanks in advance for your help

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Remember as you lose weight your calorie requirements go down as well. Since you have no stats posted I used mine. If I went from 298 lbs to 217 lbs my caloric needs would go down by 500 calories! Of course weight loss will slow as you lose weight. You can't maintain the same rapid weight loss the lower your weight becomes. Here is link to Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator to calculate your daily caloric needs.


  5. 6 hours ago, Love27 said:

    I got my surgery yesterday the 23rd at 7am. Those gas pains are no joke! Feeling a lot better today hopefully they send me home today but the doctor wants me to drink two bottles of Water but even when I sip it hurts and I get nauseous. I just want to get better and hope to heal quick. I was getting cold feet but this support group helped me push through this. You guy are awesome!

    I got twinges in my stomach every time I sipped right after surgery but it got better day by day. sugar free popsicles were my go to as I could handle those with little issue. Hang in there and keep sipping.

  6. I started in July 2019 with diet & exercise. My weight then was 427 lbs. I couldn't stand for more than 10 minutes before my ankles and legs started hurting. My right hip was also in almost constant pain. My doctor wanted me to lose enough weight before surgery to get my BMI down to 50. I started tracking calories and exercising 4 to 5 days a week for 30 minutes. Once I started losing weight everything started to feel better. I had my surgery on January 16 and as of today I have lost 103 lbs, 80 prior to surgery, 11 lbs during one week liquid pre-op diet and now 12 lbs one week after surgery. My pain is 1000% better. I started with Water aerobics and after a month of that moved to doing recumbent bike, then onto elliptical trainer. Start slow doing what you can and try to increase every week. As you get in better shape and lose weight it will get even better.

  7. 52 minutes ago, bandsmom74 said:

    I had my first post-op visit with my Dr. today...doing swimmingly! He told me I'll be under 200 lbs next time I see him- in a MONTH. I can't believe that could be true, its incredible to me and I still can't fathom the possibility of being under 200! I can actually notice the physical weight loss today (I'm down 13 lbs since surgery). I see it in my hips and face!

    Struggling, struggling with the liquid diet though. I have 10 days of that total and I will be done 1/28. I have hunger, I have cravings. Big time. But yet I don't want to "eat" (drink, heh). I'm siiiiick of the shakes, tell you what. lol. Its very weird. One of the biggest cravings I'm having is - strange enough- sauteed fajita veggies...which I won't be able to have until March. And food commercials are the devil. That is all. ;)

    Woo hoo you're venturing into one-derland. I am one week into my two week liquid diet and I am tired of it as well. I have no hunger, but I see food on TV and think that I am missing out, but not for long.

  8. The dietitian at the hospital gave me this little booklet with the 4 stages of food to follow. I am just finishing up 1st week of full liquids post-op (jealousof those who can have pureed food). I scanned it in so I could share. This is what my doctor & dietitian recommended, so if your doctor is different then please follow their advice.

    Post-OP Nutrition Guide

    I think it has some good information though.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Foxbins said:

    I had to drink a gallon of Nulytely. All the horror stories about the prep on the internet made me put off having one for a decade. Honestly, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I drew a line on a clear glass and drank one every 15 minutes. Mostly I didn't like being up until 2 a.m. to finish the prep. The colonoscopy itself was fine, I was sedated with propofol, recovered about 20 minutes after I woke up, and took a taxi home.

    Don't put it off. I did for a couple of years and then had to have a piece of my colon removed because the polyp the found couldn't be removed during the colonoscopy. Luckily I now have 3 years to wait until the next one since the one I did in December prior to my surgery was clean.

  10. 10 minutes ago, FreedomFinally71 said:

    Thank you Uomograsso! I am ordering this to try now!

    You JUST had your surgery, how did you find this? I have been having a hard time finding one not only with no sucralose but also that's not too sweet for me now! Also, how does all your info show up under your profile? ( and the weight timeline in your signature?)? This site says my profile is complete...I just joined today and there is not much direction, it also said I can get points for reviewing my surgeon (which I want to do, he was amazing!) I found where to look him up and he's "unverified" and I could not do a review but others had? And had listed him as their surgeon but I can't see where to do that. Any help is appreciated! 🙂

    There are quite a few unflavored Protein powders out there, on this site and others. I started back in July of 2019 and did a lot of research and got a few samples of stuff to try out. If you click your screen name in upper right you can choose "My Surgery" to fill out your surgery details. Click on "My Ticker" to create one for your signature. Can't remember what I did to get things to show up, but it is a switch on one of the profile settings.

  11. 1 hour ago, TattooedSeaStar said:

    I’m freaking out too. Not because of the surgery but because I’m scared of the pain. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance but who knows- this could be the time it’s different.

    Like others have said, don't be shy asking for pain meds. And don't chase pain. Keep on the schedule allowed for the first day or two. Once the pain gets too far it can be hard to catch up.

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