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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Uomograsso

  1. Uomograsso


    I had one larger incision that my doctor used to remove the piece of my stomach. He put a couple of sutures in it. The others were small enough that the didn't need it. I had some times when I could feel it pull and cause a sharp pain. Just a guess on my part though, but you should check with your doctor.
  2. Uomograsso

    Still cant believe it

    That is awesome! Very inspiring.
  3. Uomograsso

    Amerigroup In Tennessee

    You can search by city on this site https://www.bariatricpal.com/surgeons/
  4. Uomograsso

    Time frame

    Depends on the requirements of your insurance and doctor. My insurance company required 90 days physician supervised weight management. When my first doctor went to get prior authorization I found out my insurance required me to have surgery through a "center of excellence." So I had to switch to a new surgeon. Luckily all the tests I did with first doctor were accepted by second. Call your insurance company and find out the requirements.
  5. Uomograsso

    Surgery Date!

    IMHO the more you can get into good habits prior to surgery the better it will go after surgery, i.e. eating slowly, taking small bites, putting your silverware down between bites, not drinking 30 min prior to and after eating, eating protein first etc. Obviously you can't do 600 calories per day like you will be after, but the other things are doable. Good luck with your surgery!
  6. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    I saw my doctor 10 days after surgery. He looked at my incisions and he told me I could start exercising, lift weights, go swimming, lol. Said nothing I could do would hurt them, WOW. Go figure. I didn't do any of those things though. Just stuck with walking for a couple of weeks. Then I hopped on the stationary bike at the gym. Tried elliptical today and it just about kicked my butt. I finished 30 minutes though.
  7. Uomograsso

    Just not hungry...

    I got an ice cream maker for Xmas and have been making protein ice cream with milk & protein powder. I'm going to throw one of these in it and see how it turns out. Hopefully like a protein frosty.
  8. Uomograsso


    How much protein are you getting daily? I just had my one month checkup and the nutritionist recommended I up my protein daily since I was getting fatigued later in the day. She recommended 80 grams daily for me. I had been doing 60 to 70 grams daily.
  9. Uomograsso

    Vitamin & iron deficiencies after DS

    Here as ASBMS guidelines for RNY. I don't know if they have them for DS. You can use any brand but you want to make sure it meets what ASBMS recommends
  10. Uomograsso

    Gatorade before surgery?

    Yep, they recommended I drink 32 oz Gatorade zero or powerade zero the day before surgery. No carbs recommended for me though. The doctor also had them do a full bag of saline IV fluid prior to surgery in pre-op area.
  11. Uomograsso


    Emergent care is normally staffed by physician assistant or nurse practitioner. Last time I checked these are medical professionals. They can perform any test a doctor can and also prescribe medication. I made that suggestion over an ER as they are much less expensive.
  12. Uomograsso


    If you can't see doctor head to emergent care. Sounds like you are starting to get a bad cold.
  13. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Stalls come and go imho. Last week I lost two pounds, I officially weigh myself every Friday. Hoped on the scale today and was down three pounds since Friday. Go figure. My thinking is that it will all average out in the long run. (At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself)
  14. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    If you are on full liquids you should be able to have sugar free jello & sugar free pudding.
  15. Uomograsso

    Weight loss before surgery

    I lost 97 lbs prior to surgery (12 of that was pre-op liquid diet). I have lost that same 97 lbs three times in my life before this. Each time I lost weight like that I regained it and more. I too questioned whether I needed surgery or not as well. Then I thought back to previous attempts and decided to go forward with surgery. I am so glad I did. I have almost zero hunger compared to pre-surgery. Four ounces of food fills me up. I am now eating to live rather than living to eat. I am working hard on reprogramming my fat brain to a skinny brain. Every pound you lose prior to surgery is one less you have to lose post surgery in my opinion.
  16. Uomograsso

    Peeing alot

    Watch the color of your urine . If it is close to being clear, you are very well hydrated and getting rid of excess water. Yellow like lemonade and you are hydrated. Dark yellowish brown like apple juice and you are beginning to get dehydrated so you should increase your water intake.
  17. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    I made salted caramel protein mini-cheesecakes yesterday. It was delicious. Texture was more cake like than cheesecake, but that was OK. My stomach handled it fine, but I could only eat about 2/3 of it. I used 4 oz ramekin and the recipe makes 4. 205 calories, 13 g fat, 6 g carbohydrate, 15 g protein. https://www.bariatricfoodie.com/salted-caramel-protein-mini-cheesecakes/
  18. You might see what you can find on real self site. https://www.realself.com/
  19. Uomograsso


    Awesome, weigh to go
  20. Uomograsso


    Welcome and good luck with you journey. I think you have had a great start and that will definitely help you post surgery.
  21. Uomograsso

    Food Before and After Photos

    Made these today in honor of Valentine's day. Salted caramel protein cheesecake.The texture was very light, closer to cake than cheesecake. Since I am on soft food phase, I made them without the crust on the bottom. https://www.bariatricfoodie.com/salted-caramel-protein-mini-cheesecakes/
  22. If you didn't experience any discomfort you are probably OK. Soups are slider foods. That means they slide through your pouch quickly.
  23. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Breakfast this morning. Another cheese omelette with a little diced spam lite in it. I am using egg beaters smart cups which are single servings. It looks big because that is a 6 inch salad plate I am using. Took me 25 minutes, but I was able to finish it.
  24. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Yes, it took about 30 to 45 minutes. I've really been working on taking small bites and pausing 30 to 60 seconds between bites. Remembering that "stuck" feeling is helping me be more mindful.
  25. Uomograsso

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    I have been really good about taking small bites so far. Prior to surgery I used to just scarf food down. I had one meal where I ate too fast and had the same thing. Felt like there was a lump of clay in my chest/stomach. Haven't made that mistake again. You just have to be mindful all the time. Hopefully keeping it up will build good habits.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
