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watermelon seeds

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by watermelon seeds

  1. I am not sure exactly but I heard that it's the first week of Post-op. I actually am just feeling some of the gas pains and my surgery was yesterday. I've just been trying to walk as much as possible so I can get some releif.
  2. I was banded on yesterday and I was in pain also in my port area because I could not keep my pain medicine down. I found out that my doctor should have given me liquid pain meds and nasuea medicine. I called the doctors office and they called my in the liquid meds that I needed. Once I did get the pain meds down last night after crushing them up I felt a lot better in my port area. Have you had an trouble with gas yet? I have not so far but I heard it's coming :biggrin:. I thought that it would be here already and I'm hoping that I've actually missed out on that part. Well, I am sorry that you are having pain in your port and I hope that it gets better.
  3. watermelon seeds

    Any September Banders?

    o my goodness tomorrow is are big day Sept. 8th How are you doing on your liquid diet today? I am handling it very well. I've had a slim fast and some chicken noodle soup broth. I am in my room trying to get support to make it through the rest of the day becasue I am still hungry. Hit me back and tell me how your doing.
  4. watermelon seeds

    Hello newbie here

    Congrats! I am in the process of going through my preop now. I am on week two, and I have lost 12 pounds just doing that. I get banded on Sept. the 9th and I can't wait. So back to you, how are you doing? Tell us more about your experience. Did you suffer a lot with the gas? Did you have a preop? Okay I guess I've asked enough question but I'm just curious about everyone's surgery because sharing on this site has really helped me and I'm sure others. Bye
  5. watermelon seeds

    Felt my port 'pop'?

    oh my goodness! I have not had my surgery yet, but i can't belive that this is possible. Have you called your Dr. yet? Keep us posted because I am curious about what his response will be. be careful and take care of yourself.
  6. watermelon seeds

    It is getting closer

    Hello Congrats! I can't believe that you are not using any pain meds wow! I aslo wanted to ask you about your fatty liver. I am curently on the shrink your liver diet and I have been doing a couple of things wrong. I was eating canned veggies instead of steamed, I just found out yesterday that I was doing that wrong. Another thing was that I ate two helping of meat instead of the one a day that they state. I ate chicken, bbq shoulder,and 99% fat free ham. Let me tell you what they have put me on for Pre-op which started last Monday. Breakfast-prorein shake morning snack-fruit Lunch-shake Afternoon snack-fruit dinner-3oz lean meat baked potato or two slices of light bread, salad or veggie late snack-fruit veggies are unlimited but no corn, potatoes,peas Well, I wanted to share this information so that you can tell me whether I am doing something you did to have a fatty liver. I don't want my surgery to be cancelled because I messed up. Please let me know when you get some time.
  7. watermelon seeds


    I was excited when I found out that I could have SlimFast because it is a shake that I can tolerate. I have not tried any other shakes. I guess I need to venture out, but I'll do it another time I am just trying to stay focused. I was told that my shake had to be no more that 220 calories and no more than 10 gr of fat. So that put a limit on my shake issue.
  8. watermelon seeds


    I am doing okay so far. The first couple of days I had a headache all day, but it got better after the third day. I did mess up and I was eating canned veggies and i was suppose to be eating steamed. I actually found out that information yesterday when I looked over my diet again and I was dissappointed because I should have noticed it. I then decided I will just do better the rest of the time I have left before surgery. Good Luck
  9. watermelon seeds


    go edit profile on the right when u sign in, then go to edit signature on the left part of the box, then cut and paste. Actually mine is still not right. My ticker should be showing up not the website. I don't know what to do about that problem.
  10. watermelon seeds

    Shhh...Keep it in the Closet!?

    Hey I am going to be banded on Sept. 8th. I have share it with a few of my family members and they are being supportive so far, but of course they told me that I did not need it. I have shared it with some of my co- workers and church family. My reason for sharing was so that when I start losing people don't asking me a million questions like I am trying to hide how I am all of a sudden losing weight. I hope that I don't regret my decision. I do just feel after I have it that I don't have to go into details with people, they'll already know that I had, so the ice is already broken. Talking further will be my choice!
  11. watermelon seeds


    What no pre-op diet required? I can't believe it I thought that every Dr. required it. I was told that it is to shrink your liver so that they can get around inside your body better during surgery. So did you just have to do the one day before liquid diet?
  12. watermelon seeds

    Any September Banders?

    Hello I am also a September 8th soon to be bandster. I am so excited! The days are winding up. Are you on the shrink your liver diet?
  13. watermelon seeds

    It is getting closer

    Good luck!
  14. watermelon seeds


    Hello, my big day is also Sept. 8th and I am so excited. I am now on the shrink your liver diet. Tell me about your diet if you have time to share. It seems as if you were saying that you only are doing shakes, is that the case? I have to have two shakes a day three helpings of fruit and 3oz of lean meat and a baked potato or two slices of light bread. I am just curious about what others are required to do before surgury. So please hit me back if you get a chance.
  15. watermelon seeds

    New Kid in Town

    :lol:Welcome, I hope that we can be of some help to you here. Good luck on losing your 10-20 pounds. Oops and Congrats the Lapband being offered.
  16. watermelon seeds

    Question about Books

    It is so amazing to me how you are asking someone to send you a book but you are not doing it in a kind way. If I really needed something I would list my situation and be polite when some sends me a post stating for me to check other places like the library. You apparently have not tried to go to your library. If you have you should state that in a nice way so someone would be willing to help you. I also think that the information of looking on the internet to get information is an awesome idea but do you say you appreciate that information no, you just want someone to give it to you for free. Sorry, I hope you get your book.
  17. watermelon seeds

    Question about Books

    Just for your FYI (for your information) Amazon and Ebay sell used books 24/7 try those sites and they may be helpful.
  18. watermelon seeds

    14 hours after surgery

    Congrats! I am suprised that you are able to take time to post. I hope my surgery goes that well.
  19. watermelon seeds

    Question about Books

    Hello, the answer is yes to your question of whether I have found a good book. I found it online and it is the following: Lap-Band For Life (The Complete Patient Guide to Success with the Lap-Band) by Areil ortiz Lagardere MD FACS I chose this book because this doctor actually had the surgery himself and I thought that no doctor could tell the Lap-Band story like someone who has actually been through it. So I have enjoyed it. It helped me to know what questions to ask when I went to my Nutritionist Seminar and when I go to see my Dr. Weaver tomorrow. It was about $20.00 but it was worth it for me to understand what is getting ready to happen to my body. I got it from Amazon.com I hope that enjoy it!
  20. watermelon seeds

    What happened with my surgery today

    Congrats! You are a real trooper for taking the time to post a message for us future banders and already bander. I hope you get to feeling better!
  21. watermelon seeds

    Hello from Millington Tn

    Hi Gina, I also live in Millington. So now you have a real neighbor! We just moved to milington in November and we love it. Now I have to write in concerning Dr. Woodman. I know two people who went to him and one friend who went to Dr.Weaver. The ones who went to Dr. Woodman scared me with the talk of how negative he is when you are going through such a difficult time to do such a serious surgery and making such serious life changes. I heard good things about Dr. Weaver and her bedside manner. I decided to go to her and actually my appointment is tomorrow and I am so excited. I have finished everything but my visit with her and my insurance approval. I had to complete the six months and I was so glad when that process was over in April. Well, good luck and I hope that you choose the right person who best suits you and your needs. I am also sorry that you are now gonna have to battle with your insurance company. Good Luck and stay in touch!
  22. Hello, I also had to take the 500 plus questionaire and the thing that was so funny was that some of the questions seemed the same. After I came home I talked to my sister-in-law and she told me that they intentionally designed the questions to be the same in a slightly different way just to see if you are crazy enough to answer the same question differently. I actually did my questionaire first which took about one hour in a half then he talked to me for about another hour. It went great I thought and appearently he did also because, he sent my information in to my weightloss center stating that I am a good candidate for surgery.
  23. watermelon seeds

    Banded for 9 days now.

    You guys are doing great! I have not been banded yet I am still waiting to meet with the doctor on June 10 to get my surgery date. I hope that I do as well as the two of you. Keep up the good work!
  24. watermelon seeds

    I want to live

    Hey I am waiting for my surgery date and I have completed everything else. So I would be glad to partner with on email my address is NinaMook@hotmail.com
  25. watermelon seeds

    Just banded, May 20th

    Hey I have been told that the pain is not worst than the C-Sect pain, but know I am getting nervous. Please continue to post so I can follow your progress to see if it lets up soon. Thanks

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