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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shoresexy

  1. shoresexy

    I have a date!!!!

    Good Luck! We are all testament that it can be done! Just sit back and enjoy!
  2. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    How are ya????? I have been steady. Going down..... I am so excited to start this boot camp from the begining.... You have lost 15pounds! wooo hooo ..... you are working hard.. I have done well with my adjustment.. I have finally had the "slimes" as I have heard it called. I just updated my signature to show 58lbs gone as of this morning!!!! They are out the door "Don't come back, ever!" I thought this thread started April 3?????? Where is the sarge.... Hope all is well with you, remember Keep up the good work!!! (((((HUGGS))))) TTYS Jen
  3. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Is it spring yet???????? Is this where I sign up for Boot Camp???? Hello any one there!
  4. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    woo ra Teresa way to go... I have been a scared to come into the closed room.... I too have kept up the good work... I am at 54 lbs gone today.... woo hoo for us! I am really excited about the spring boot camp... Keep it up "We can do it!!!!"
  5. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Teresa I am doing well !!! I can feel the restriction this time... I just hit 50lbs this Morning!!! Spring is going to keep us on the roll we are on!! The second adjustment seems to have done the same for you too!! Keep up the good work and drink the water every day!
  6. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Dead or not .... Glad to hear the Great News!!! Youre on a roll girl!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Great job Teresa!!!!! I just wanted to post that I had my adjustment Tuesday and have been taking it slow.... Thursday am I had lost 4lbs!!!! I can't wait till spring camp....... This has been a great tool.... Enjoy the warm weather that's in our future!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  8. shoresexy

    I am having my Band replaced

    YOU GO TRISH! You did get a bum deal but.. at least you can replace it.. Think about every thing that feels better, think that you are going to start all over and you will get to the end!!! I am rooting for you!! Your positive outlook is beautiful! Good Luck
  9. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    ps.... I am not changing my signature..... I am not changing it until I can lower anything.... LOL
  10. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Strange week!!!! I find I am eating too much...maybe it's the weekends.. harder to keep on track... lots of family crap going on...... oh well Today... 326 but yesterday 327 :omg: but, I go for my second adjustment in the am........ I must really need it. any hoo I did check my measurements I did loose 2 inches on my hips and thighs.. so the excersise is still working. I have lost 2lbs and 5 1/2 inches over the past 4 weeks. and I am doing liquids today....... have my adjustment in the am... then finish the liquids on Tuesday and start all over again! I have lost 39 pounds with my band (done 12/27/2005) I am going to start on the work to loose the next 21 (or more) pounds to reach my goal for the Bathing Suit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh:omg: .. This boot camp was fun... I thank the Sarge! it's helped me keep track of what I was doing... scary but very helpful. I'll let you know how I do...... Ten Hut
  11. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Reporting in late too.... This week was not so good on the exercise... but food and liquid were pretty good My total weight loss for the week is 2lbs and inches total 4 1/2. I am very proud! I am off for my second adjustment on 3/14/2006 and hope that will help! :clap2:
  12. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I met with my nutritionist yesterday. she gave me some tips and wants me to get my heavier calories in earlier in the day. Even though I don't eat after 7:00pm the bulk had been between noon and 7 so I will try it.... I got so many compliments on my eating and journaling.... Write it down... she even gave me a sheet of stickers to give me incentive to commit to my exercise program better... :biggrin1: (I haven't gotten it into a routine yet but am working on it) Today I did the drill 15min on treadmill slow so I can speek, then arm exercising with the 3lb weights, then neck and back, then abs and finally the dreaded sit ups on the balance ball... it is a scream to try to keep on it, but today I did! Good Week to you all!!!
  13. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I am proud to report that I have lost 4lbs and a total of 2"!!!!! I missed one of my treadmil times but achieved all other goals set!!! 4 pounds and 2 inches :clap2: I will update my signature later!!!!
  14. shoresexy


    At the end of week two, 4:00pm ish I was starving!!!! I called my nutritionist... she recomended that I drink a 8oz glass of milk, slowly. Low Fat is prefered (actually she wants me to drink Fat Free Plus.) It has protein and stays in your stomach longer.. It helped me. Right after school I had my glass of milk and made it a much easier night! Good Luck! Do it, it's worth it!!!!
  15. shoresexy

    A Little Prayer

    For those of us who believe in a Higher Power, God, Jesus Budah whomever, try this. Print this prayer on business cards and stick them here there and everywhere. In the car, in your wallet, in the bathroom or on the fridg. My good friend who was banded on 11/1/2005 gave it to me. Dear God, I surrender my body and my weight loss to your divine care and love. I ask that you remove all excess unnecessary weight from my body. Return mybody to it’s most healthy and balanced state. Give me eating habits that support my health and life energy, and finally, teach me to love my body and to care for it from this day forth. Amen I know it when I read it I stop... I might eat, I might eat better or sometimes I say "Drink some more water" LOL That and another tip Lynn gave me... eat with a baby spoon it slows ya down... now it's like a love affair with my yogurt... oooooo LOL any hoo just something I would Share! Good Luck to you all! Just Keep Swimming!!!
  16. shoresexy

    Why are YOU Fat?

    DeLarla, You have been working for so long.... you have been so good and once in a while guess what... you have to revert! At least I do... I want a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips NOW! ok and because it's Sunday I want to have desert with the family perhaps I will even have two brownies.. (late at night when no one is looking) but who cares.... I say I have to do it to keep myself sane.... then the next day or three days later I say" I am only making myself sick Hello, don't you get it girl???" You may or may not have this exact same problem but the thing is we need to be "The biggest black hole of need" once in a while.... Sometimes it is all about "me." So screw what others say, do what is right for you, listen to your body and when the binging stops don't beat yourself up.... Try a Oh well back to basics, Protein, Water and Calories... set goals agian,,, pretend you had your surgery yesterday and today is the first day to start loosing weight!!! Just Keep Swimming" (((((((((Huggs ta ya)))))))))))
  17. shoresexy

    Hi I am home from the hospital!

    I too had bad (I"m talkin bad) gas problems... one thing that we were always taught as kids, Lay on your left side, raise your right leg as close to you body will allow and rest in this position while you watch a tv show lets's say........ The angle of the leg and the left side will help to move gas along naturally. My mom always made us do it when we had too many icecream soda's or junk. I tried it post op and I found it really worked. G Good luck and congratulations....... ps make a index card of all questions you have and take it to the doc. for your post op visit!!!!!!!! No matter how dumb the question sounds, ask it... find out what size band he put in.... why the injections,,,, why the meds?????? Keep us posted!!!!
  18. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Thanks, I went back and figured the weights... Bmi will have to wait... my nutritionist has my info and I wont see her till next Tuesday. But I will fill it in when I get it. I just recently took measurements and I will take them again for Next week. I will add to my sign. Till then I won' give up! I must remain on track I have a prayer I say every time I want to eat:hungry: Dear God, I surrender my body and my weight loss to your divine care and love. I ask that you remove all excess unnecessary weight from my body. Return mybody to it’s most healthy and balanced state. Give me eating habits that support my health and life energy, and finally, teach me to love my body and to care for it from this day forth. Amen I printed it on business cards, put one in the car one in my wallet, one on the fridg, one at my desk and so forth. My good friend who was banded on 11/1/2005 gave it to me. She's having trouble with her second fill... I think of her each time I read the prayer and I do that often. I think I will start my first thread with this prayer. I will call it Lynn starting 2/27/2005 banding LBT BOOTCAMP starting at 365 pds 1-1 (-4) 361 1-8 (-17) 338 1-15 (-4) 334 1-22 (1) 335 1-29 (0) 335 2-5 (0) 335 2-12 (-2) 333 2-19 (-4) 329 2-26 3-5
  19. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Sorry I didn't get to post to be up there with all the other soldiers... I will be shure to post next time to chatch up... Here is the Data. (Not sure how to present it) Banded 12/27/2005 wt 365 Fill 2/14/2006 wt 333 2/22/2006 wt 328 Total Loss 37lbs Boot Camp Loss 5 lbs. Weekly Goals Pray x3 a day treadmill 3x week weights 3x week 70 oz+ Liquid daily 70 oz+ Protein daily 1200 calories daily I am amazed at all the progress and how inspired I am to read and share... Like Dory says "Just keep swimming, what do we do? We swim!" Good Luck! Jen
  20. shoresexy

    I did it!!!! 50 lbs gone!!!!!!

    A GOLDEN GOAL OF 50!!!!! :faint: Congratulations!!!!!! Awsome Job!!!!! I can't wait till I get to post my 50lb goal achievment and read about everyonelse working to it too!!
  21. shoresexy

    Why are YOU Fat?

    The relationship we have with food is the common thread! I had few friends as a kid, except for food and Food was focal part of every aspect of our lives. Two views: 1. It was like a hug from inside, being full and swallowing felt good. When I drank soda the bubbles tickled and filled me up. Nothing felt better than eating a whole bunch of food and then snuggling up under the covers and watching TV. 2. Eager to please! "Do you like my cheesecake Jennifer?" "Oh yes, may I have some more?" Every event from St. Patricks Day to Christmas to Sunday's Nascar Race had food as a focal point. "Jen, are you making those chedar cheese pretzles for Sunday? They are great!" Eating to make others happy and providing food for others is a great feeling! Food became more important than conversation, the race, the presents etc. Since my decision to Lap it up, I go weekly to a Support Group and there is no food! We talk! We share! People have become such an important part of my motivation. This past Thursday I spent the day with my two girlfriends. (We are like sisters) Once a month we chart on our calendars a day for Us. One of my "sisters" was banded 11/1/2005 and the other has been a size 6 all her life. Two of the best people in the world! After our "therapy" day of gosip, shopping, laughing and yes eating(carefully), I went to a Support Group meeting at our local hospital. When I came home my house was a wreck (kids home for more than one min. without me screaming "We dont have a maid pick it up!") but it didn't bother me I felt so good. I was almost HIGH! I have made a turn in the road that has given me something else to focus on besides food! People, I call people, I email people, I read and post here now! I have changed my focus to people, events and not the food. We all have different stories but the common thread is our relationship with food! Change that and keep the support level high seems to be working for me so far! One of my favorite movies is Finding Nemo and the character Dory says "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!" Good Luck to all who are looking for the change they need. "We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance." Harrison Ford
  22. shoresexy

    Okay Im a whimp

    My surgery was easy,,, the fear factor was up but after 4 children, umbilical hernia repair and ankle surgery this was a walk in the park! The key I think is to do exactly as you are told.... I took the pain meds and I did not lift anything over 10lbs. After 2days I had lost 8lbs which helped too! Keep doing the liquids, get your protein in and you will be fine. My hardest strugle was being tired, my doc attributed it to the anesthesia. I had gotten a plastic breathing thing... (you blow into the tube and keep the level up at a steady rate to exercise your lungs) and kept using that for about a month. It helped with the sleepy feeling I had. Keep in mind that you are going to feel better than you did before the surgery!:clap2:
  23. shoresexy

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    What a tragic event! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. shoresexy

    Hi from another Newbie!!

    Welcome, I too just joined Support is great here and you can learn soooo much.......
  25. shoresexy

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Joining Late...... I will, I will, I will I love this site... and will report daily sir!

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