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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. Thanks so much Penni! Your a gem!
  2. K@t

    Prozac Anyone?

    My doc has given me Lexapro for my pre surgery jitters.
  3. K@t

    I made 3FT club @ Curves!!!

    Congrats sounds like its a great deal for ya, but what the heck is 3ft club? How do you lose 3 feet?:Banane56:
  4. Hey Suzi that sounds neat....how much is it? Would you be willing to ship it to me in Portugal?
  5. Hey Sarah, I haven't seen you around MSN lately so I will say congrats here. I'm glad to know you made it though everything ok and your feeling well. Congratulations! Let the weight loss commence!
  6. K@t

    No one chats on here

    Hey I'm there now and you took off...come back and chat if you like.
  7. K@t

    No Edit Buttons?

    I understand how most of ya are feeling. And I understand why most of you like to have the security of the delete option there. But honestly this is the first forum I have ever been on that actually allowed deleting from users. Every where else I have been only moderators and admin can delete entire threads. (users can delete their own posts, but not entire threads) So for me this wouldn't be a big change. But I think we should be happy.... I got banned on another weight loss forum for posting the website to the European Banding Board (the group that regulates lap banding in Europe) They told me it was advertising, I told them it was informative, and the refused to budge. So I REALLY appreciate all the freedoms we are allowed here on LBT. For me, it's a privilege to be able to post here...and I'll take whatever they give us.
  8. K@t

    No Edit Buttons?

    Hey Susan, I have to politely dissaggree....how is any one to know which folks are delete happy or not? And some people have no history of deleting stuff and then all the sudden up and delete. There is no way any one can really know who likes to delete stuff and who doesn't
  9. Secret Sam... I love it! Hence forth....all who participate...shall be Secret Sams!!!!
  10. K@t

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Well it looks like my bunny was a newbie. Only 29 posts here on LBT and the last time she posted was on March 20th so that was before Easter. I guess she hasn't come back since then and forgot all about it.....:phanvan Ohh well, on to better and brighter things...:clap2:
  11. K@t

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    *sigh* welp I haven't gotten a PM from any one so I can safely assume the Easter bunny gave me the shaft. I give up.... At any rate, I did make a new thread for a 4th of July/Summer exchange. I am going to try to do it differently with confirmation PM's before the exchange begins. I hope you all will participate because when these things go well its very enjoyable for every one.
  12. K@t

    What's your slogan??

    hummm... Live in your Heather, Play in Ours. that could be taken so many nasty ways.....hhehehe
  13. K@t

    April 2006 Bandits

    Hey Alison, It's ok to be freaked out...I am as well and I still have a few more days to go. Don't worry about it. Best case senario.....you loose all the weight you want and become a hot babe. Worst case, you don't lose any weight. Don't worry to much about complications. My husbands uncle (who is a doctor) told me this surgery has 2 on their scale of complicated surgeries. Which means .2% in ever 100 people have some sort of complication. Thats a really low margin, so try to think of it that way. We're all behind ya here! Good luck.
  14. K@t

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    there isn't any way for some one to "re-post" nana's thread. Unless you copied and pasted the entire page into 1 message which would be confusing and messy. It's there for informative purposes only. Maybe its no big deal to you, but to some one who has now lost photos of themselves at a time they can never go back to, it might be a bit more tragic.
  15. K@t

    Just had a hard day

    lol...now there is a food that should be banned!!
  16. K@t

    Just had a hard day

    Damn.....Girl Scout cookies.....*drool* yummmmm.... I haven't had any of those for years...considering that I'm in Portugal now...thin mints...where are you my love......:nervous
  17. K@t

    Overdue FUN THREAD!!!

    say it with me people.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  18. K@t

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    I'm sorry but this REALLY isn't dredging. I don't even know the person who deleted the thread and honestly I could care less about it being deleted. I did it because I feel bad for the member who lost some photos she can't replace and I was trying to help her get them back. You guys are taking this in the wrong context.
  19. K@t

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    Cached pages remain for about a month, sometimes longer it depends on how often google gets around to the site. And I didn't pull it up just to prove I can. I did it because some one asked me to, because the person who deleted the thread didn't consider all the valuable information they were deleting that belonged to OTHER members. And because some one here lost some valuable and possible irreplaceable photos because the person who deleted the thread didn't stop to think about how it would effect others.
  20. K@t

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    I'm sorry you feel that it's sneaky and underhanded, however this is what I have been trying to say all along.. Nothing you post on the internet is EVER really deleted. Things can always be dredged up one way or another, and your forgetting that the moderators of this forum can still see EVERY SINGLE deleted post. Its not sneaky at all, its the way the internet works, and when you post online you are agreeing to those rules.
  21. There was a thread here a few weeks ago that talked about baning fast food and advertising. I just found this article today and I think it's worth the read. Very interesting. http://www.slate.com/id/2139941/nav/tap1/?GT1=8019
  22. K@t

    Ignorant People Irritate me!!!

    I actually did a report on PeaPod when I was in college. From my analysis they are well worth their services, and in the future we should start to see more services like theirs pop up.
  23. K@t

    Overdue FUN THREAD!!!

    Ok this rocks... I'm wearing pink lycra high cut panties from a brand called Unno..their the seamless kind made of only 1 piece of material. Lucky for me I haven't changed into my comfy grannie panties for bed yet. Bra, I'm not wearing one at the moment!
  24. Hey guys, Here I was this morning, trying to get all my hard work done.... reading and posting on LBT. (because that is just such hard work! :biggrin1: ) But some one (2 some ones) had a different idea. Mia and Annie's idea of work.....
  25. K@t

    Working Hard or Hardly Working

    Hehehe, the darker one is Annie, Mia is the orange one. Annie LOVES the camera, I take all kinds of photos of her, its to cute, but she has decided right on top of my mouse pad is her new favorite place to sleep!

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