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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    hehehe, nah I'm a Heather, however I wanted to name my daughter (if i ever have one) Kathrine just so I could shorten it and call her Kat! Sucks though, some one else in the family used that name...twice...so I have to find something else!
  2. K@t

    Airplane Seats

    I'm 250lb and 5'5 and I flew lots of places on lots of airlines and I never needed an extender.
  3. Thanks every one! We have 22 signed up so far, and we have 5 substitute sams as well, thats great!! Just a note: Carlene, I still haven't got a PM from you with your address and information.
  4. K@t

    It's official, I'm a bandster

    Hey Susan, Glad to know everything went ok, and glad that your feeling ok. I was really sleepy when I got home too, I slept almost the entire next day. I still feel like I want to nap in the afternoon but I'm trying not to because is I do I don't sleep at night. Keep us posted! Heather
  5. ok, well i got home this morning, stayed one night in the hospital, and all i have to say is uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... my pain tolerance must be a lot lower then most of yours because i really thought this was a bit painful. Bad part was my body didn't like the anesthesia, so when i woke up i was vomiting. They were also putting a catheter in me when i woke up...fun. I stayed one night in the hospital I had my own room and the staff was really great. I slept off and on, and my neck really hurt, i wanted to lay on my side but it was difficult. I got up around 8am and walked around and got dressed but slowly and painfully. I came home and haven't done much but answer phone calls from family to see if i was ok, and sleep. I'm going to try to sleep on the bed tonight (I've been sleeping on the recliner) I have a bit of gas pain but not to much, my incisions also hurt but not a lot, its worse when I get up to walk around. hopefully I'll be feeling a lot better in a day or 2.
  6. K@t


    lol thanks Karen, I actually mixed some in with my milk today right in front of him. He didn't notice until I had drank it all...he sai...sooo u mixed in some hot chocolate ehh....and that was it. He's leaving to go to work later and I think I might have some chicken broth. The same puree vegetable soup is just getting old. Good new is I'm not hungry. But when I am hungry I would like to drink something with a bit more taste. Any way, I'm only on day 3, here's hoping to hubby keeping me straight until day 7.
  7. K@t

    Why not CHEAT??!!?

    Hi Dani, I to am on day 3 of the post op liquid diet. I am struggling, not because I'm hungry, but because I want to have different foods. My nutritionist gave a me a strict diet and I am only allowed to drink 3 things. Milk, natural fruit juice with no pulp, and a vegetable Soup...the same soup.... I understand ur having a hard time, and a slip here and there on the liquid phase isn't going to kill any one, however we should do our best to try and stick to what our doctors tell us. As much trouble as I'm having right now I am just hoping and praying I can make it 1 full week with out cheating. Good luck to you and I hope you don't feel to shaken.
  8. K@t


    You guys suck! Your not supposed to be supporting my hubby!! Your supposed to be telling me what I want to HEAR! I.e. I can go eat whatever I want...... Ok back to reality. I lost another 300gm last night, thats around .6lbs...can u say :wow2: In one day. I know if I stick to what the nutritionist wants I'll lose faster. *sigh* ohh well..... I still want a bit of a cheese burger and fries when I can eat normal food.....(not mc donalds food either, like real cheeseburger and fries, from a good hometown kind of restaurant.)
  9. K@t

    Why is LBT knocking me off the interne?

    I have a similar problem. I can be posting or browsing threads and after a few posts or a few pages open, it freezes up and wont let me open another page. I just have to close the browser and open it up again, but still it's obnoxious. It could be the using the back button thing. I do that quiet a lot, I'm going to try not to and see if that helps.
  10. K@t


    Thanks every one. It's day 2 and I'm doing a bit better. I actually made lunch for hubby and loaded the dishes in the dish washer. It just hurts when I get up or lay down now. Problem is I'm starting to feel hungry. It doesn't take much to fill me up (less then 100ml) but I feel like I want REAL food. I keep watching TV and people are eating real food and I want a little bit. My hubby is being really strict keeping on the liquid diet, and not just the liquid diet, but what the nutritionist prescribed.....vegtable Soup 3 times a day, milk 3 times a day with a carb powder supplement and then juice 3 times a day with a Protein powder supplement, and Water in between (at least 1.5l) I wanted some chicken broth and he wouldn't let me have any because the damned nutritionist didn't put it on her list, and we have SF hot chocolate and he wont let me mix that with my milk because the damned nutritionist didn't put it on her list.... *sigh* I'm sure if I stick to exactly what the nutritionist prescribed I'll lose weight faster, but I hate the feeling of depriving myself, and it's not like I want to eat a lot. Ohh well...here's to hoping this liquid phase gets over fast (I'm supposed to do 2 weeks but maybe after 1 week she will let me move on to mushies)
  11. K@t


    Thanks every one! I am feeling a bit better today, I think everyday gets a bit better. My lip still hurts and is swollen, apparently I bit it during surgery. So far I haven't had much of a problem with gas pain. It's more incision pain and port pain. It hurts mostly when I get up now. Speaking of which. I have 5 incisions, and 1 VERY large one which I'm assuming is the port incision, but I thought it would be a bit smaller, they look bigger then most of urs. Any way, my aunt and cousin sent me some beautiful flowers!!
  12. K@t

    For K@t

    OMG guys!!!! I'm in tears really! I can't believe all the support. Thanks so much for this thread Susan and every one else for their well wishes. I really don't know what to say, I'm speechless (and that doesn't happen very often to me.) Really...thanks so much guys. It means a lot. :grouphug:
  13. Hey Yoda, Yes the exchange is anonymous until after it's all over, but they then you should have gotten your gift, and know who your secret sam was any way. Monetary limit i think is gifts should be between $10 to $20 plus shipping charges. The gift can be any thing you like but lots of people like to send stuff related to the theme, like on the easter exchange lots of people got easter baskets or spring type stuff. Since this is Summer/4th of July stuff a patriotic or summer type theme gift is appropriate. This is my first time hosting the exchange, so if I'm wrong some one please correct me.
  14. K@t

    Solids Stage Recipes

    chicken Adobo 2 lbs. chicken cut up 1/2 tsp. garlic, mashed 1/4 cup soy sauce salt, pepper & accent to taste 1 medium onion cut into cubes 2 Tbls. vinegar 1 cup Water Mix all ingredients together. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover & simmer 1 hour. Serve over rice. -Jessiebear
  15. K@t

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    BAKED POTATO SOUP 2/3 cup butter 2/3 cup flour 7 cups milk 4 Large Baking Potatoes, baked (not overbaked), cooled, peeled and diced 4 green onions 12 bacon strips cooked well done, crumbled 1 1/4 cup cheese 1 cup sour cream salt and pepper to taste Melt butter in large pot. Add flour to make a paste. Add milk and cook on low heat until thickens (this takes a long time!!!!) Add potatoe and onion. Simmer 10 min stirring constantly. Add everything else and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes. --thunderThighs
  16. K@t

    Positive Experiences

    Hey Alex, thats more or less, not necessarily because we're over weight but something positive. It just seems like we all have some story to tell where some one was rude to us, or something embarrassing happened because of our weight. I just thought that some good things have happened to me as well and I like to hear the more positive side of things :confused: ,not just nsv's. Situations where others didn't let our weight get in the way. Yours is a very true example. And for me, it was similar, except I usually ended up with the guys, they found out what a sweet caring person I was while being friends and then ended up wanting to date me. So I was 2 for 2 in that category. Big girls can get lovin too!!
  17. lol, thanks Angel! I just wanted to clear it first to make sure it was ok. And I hope every one follows through as well, there were a few more from the Easter challenge who didn't get their gifts and I hope that doesn't happen here, but again I am going to do the follow up confirmation e mails and if I don't get a response then that person can't participate. Hopefully that will help with that problem.
  18. K@t

    Pre-Op liquid diet help

    Hey Ddiedre, Thanks for the help, I totally understand... I actually ate some real food last night (I didn't go crazy, just a bit of beef and rice) and I actually had a pretty solid bm this morning, so I'm feeling ALOT better. I'm still drinking a Protein drink for Breakfast and Soup for lunch, but I'll probably eat some chicken for dinner. So i think everything is fine now.
  19. Hey guys, I'm on Day 5 of my pre-op and I feel like shit. I'm not really hungry, but my stomach hurts soooo much. Last night it felt so bad I couldn't even sleep. I'm not sure if my tummy hurts because I'm hungry or because it's feeling sick from the stuff I'm eating. It's weird because I don't feel like eating, but my tummy seems like its telling me to eat something, but a yogurt or soup doesn't cut it. Last night I could have eaten almost any thing, but I got a yogurt instead and just sipped on it until it was all gone. If I'm having these problems now, what's going to happen after I'm banded? TMI----I seem to be having a lot more gas then usual, and some acid reflux when I lay down at night. In addition, I either can't have a bm when I feel I need to, or I'm having diarrhea...how the hell does that happen? After I drink a protein shake it's straight into the bathroom, but when I wake up in the morning I feel like I need to have a bm but nothing happens. This liquid stuff is screwing my whole system up, and to boot I don't think I have lost any thing. Maybe only 1 kilo or something. What I'm eating: Protein shake for breakfast (slim fast type of thing) yogurt for snack (low fat no sugar) vegetable soup for lunch yogurt for snack (low fat no sugar) chicken soup for dinner (no chicken just broth and noodles) sf pudding or another yogurt for desert -+1.5l water -+1l crystal light or tea Help guys-.......:help:
  20. Hey Gwen. I'm new at this also, but what I think is that after you get your Sam, you can read some of their previous posts to try and find out things about them to see what they like. Also if you have some specific questions you can PM me and I'll pass them along to your Sam. Hehe, no ur not the only one. Jenna had to explain it to me! Well, as soon as we see some people aren't getting gifts I'll PM the Sam that was supposed to buy to see why they haven't sent a gift. If I get no response then I'll PM one of the subs to send a gift. I'll use the subs in the order that they signed up in. I already have quiet a few, so hopefully it won't be a problem. I hope that answers your question. On another note, I have a question...is it ok for me to participate in the exchange? I noticed that Kimberlilly received a gift, but she didn't buy for any one. I'd like to buy for some one and recieve...is that ok?? Since I'm the one that started it I wasn't sure if I could participate or not. Aside from that, I probably won't be answering any Pm's tomorrow or Thursday as I will be going in for my surgery, but don't worry, I should be back late Thursday night or Friday. Thanks every one!
  21. K@t

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Egg drop soup 1 can low sodium chicken broth(save 1/4 cup)cold bring to a boil 4 egg whites teaspoon of cornstarch mix with 1/4 cup chicken broth add to thicken salt and pepper to taste (by ladysplenda)
  22. K@t

    Pre-Op liquid diet help

    Hey All, You won't guess what happened today! I saw the nutritionist today and she said I didn't need to be on a liquid diet!!! She was all upset that the surgeon put me on a liquid diet. So I called the surgeon and he told me it was more to reduce the liver, but I only lost 4lbs this week and my period started so I'm not going to lose any more...he told me just to go ahead and eat something!! :embarassed: All this work and I didn't even need to do it any more! But I'm not going to stop I made it this far, so I'm just going to finish the liquid and be ready for the surgery on Wednesday.
  23. K@t


    Hey Kim I had it done, they are just looking to make sure the inside of your esophagus and stomach are healthy. They can see if you have any tummy ulcers or any thing else that might prevent you from being a good band candidate.
  24. Hey Every one, Thanks to all who have signed up so far. I am keeping track! I didn't get a PM from you yet...did it get lost in the cyber mail??
  25. Hey guys, I just had a hard day so I thought I would vent a little here. Today was my first day on the liquid diet. I made it through ok. I can really see the difference in head hunger and real hunger just from 1 day. I didn't cheat once I am going to try to do this faithfully. However it was a difficult day. I teach more hours today then I do on any other day, plus I had to go in early for a meeting, and on top of that I am trying to prepare all my stuff for next week when I am going to be out. (lesson plans for the subs and all that) And on top of that I had an observation today! They forgot to tell me until today, so then I had to redo my entire lesson so I could make a more interesting one for the observation. I came home beat and a little shaky and tired. And then I still had to cook dinner for hubby and heat up Soup for myself. :faint: Whew! But I made it and its 11:00pm so I'm off to bed soon...have a great night every one. :notagree

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