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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Cat Freaks-Is she preggers?

    ohh wow! she's adorable. Just from looking at the pic she doesn't look pregnant at all, her belly looks like a normal one for a cat. Like every one else says the best thing to do is take her to the vet. If she got domesticated pretty fast, then she must have belonged to some one or she was use to being around people. Wild cat's don't domesticate so well and so fast. Ur right about someone dumping her probably. Well, let us know how it goes.
  2. K@t

    Whats wrong with this picture?

    That does sound a bit iffy that all 3 of you have the same problem. What kind of diet are you eating? How many calories? Protein before carbs? A lot of losing weight has to do with the diet your eating as well, the band can only restrict the amounts, not the actual calories. But I'm sure you know all of this. Is there not another doctor you can see for a 2nd opinion? You have had your band well over a year you should have hit some sort of restriction by now.
  3. K@t

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Hey guys, Here are mine 2 and a half weeks post opp, their looking great I must say, the surgeon said I had beautiful scars!
  4. K@t

    Just banded...weight gain

    glad to hear its normal because i lost around 16lbs right in the first week but after i started eating more foods the weight loss stopped, I haven't gained but for 2 weeks now I've been sitting at more or less the same weight. Hopefully this will get better soon.
  5. Thanks, got it :confused:
  6. K@t

    Cinco de Mayo - (Funny)

    lol to funny, i always celebrated it down in south texas, but i thought we just did so because there were so many mexians there, i had no idea it wasn't really their tradition.
  7. K@t

    I've Got the Blues!!!!

    wow, i understand ur hard time, ive just been banded and im having problems with the post op diet. i can eat everything just fine, but just because you can doesn't mean you should. it sounds like you have a lot of strain on you right now, but you have to remember why you choose to do this in the first place, and what the end results will be. I think and hope that it's all worth it. there are so many success stories here on LBT i hope to be one of them some day.
  8. K@t

    How I feel on the way down....

    its not a dumb thought at all, you were use to the pain of being heavier then 311 so now that 311 feels pretty good, just wait until your down to 250 then 200 and then...onederland!
  9. K@t

    NSV's for me!`

    Great NSV, thats a big deal for you I can see. Congratulations!
  10. K@t

    Mushies help

    Thats a great list! Thanks so much I'm going to print it off actually and put it up on the fridge. I actually gained back 1 kilo that i lost and that is not the direction i want to be going! Thanks for the help.
  11. I haven't gained the weight back yet, but i too am making poor food choices and i don't know where to go from here....
  12. K@t

    Exercise Today

    I haven't tried exercising yet, but i am on the 3rd floor of a building with no elevator on saturdays...for work...does that count for exercise??
  13. K@t


    Hey Vines, it sounds like you have had a really rough time lately, but don't let it get you down, there is always a sliver lining! Hopefully you can get some answers from your tests. We're thinking about you.
  14. K@t

    GRRRR just blowin' off steam

    hey Audra, I know how teaching can be and I know how all the interoffice politics can be as well.. its frustrating and difficult some times, but schools always need teachers, if you have to u can switch schools. As for that nurse, every one else thinks they know best for every one else...my grandmother's favorite quote....consider the source and ignore it! As for the rest, my period started the day before my operation and continued the entire 1st week of recuperation.....THAT was difficult!
  15. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    aww I lofe the floppy ears.... all the doggies and kitties are sooooo cute!
  16. K@t

    Changing Fill Doctor?

    Hey there, If you aren't happy with the doc there in TJ why not find another doctor in your own area here in the US that will do it? Why go back to TJ if your not going to see the same doctor? I think there is a group that you can call and they will give the numbers and names of american doctors in your area who might take you on. I don't remember the name or the number but maybe some one will post it here.
  17. K@t

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    I wasn't sure about the ground beef either, but it was on my list of mushies from the doc, so he gave it the ok...i guess its on an individual bases.
  18. K@t

    Feeling guilty pre-op

    I felt and still feel some of that guilt as well. I was self pay and my husband wasn't to thrilled to be spending the money either. But then I was mad. I was mad at science. Science invented all of these yummy foods that most of us like to eat, all the prepackaged stuff with preservatives and all the doritos and fritos etc. And society says its ok to eat that stuff (any one watch Gilmore Girls, its a series, great series, but they 2 women are always eating junk and they look perfectly slim and beautiful) And now science has to help us lose the weight as well by implanting a device in our bodies. It made me feel like crap. Why me. But the truth is, no matter how mad or how guilty I feel, nothing is going to change unless I do something about it. I did the diets, we all did, and they didn't work. This is one of our last hopes, so here we are. I'm not going to feel guilty for trying to be a healthier me. Also this may go back to some stuff that I have read on here about how most of us are usually enablers and we put every one else first before ourselves and we feel guilty when we put ourselves first.
  19. K@t

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    1 medium potato 1 pinch sea salt Pre heat over to 400º. Peal potato, and pierce with a fork a few times around the potato. Tear a small sheet of aluminum foil and place potato in the middle, sprinkle with salt and wrap with the foil. Place in the over and bake about 45 min. *this makes a very soft baked potato and can be mashed up with a little butter and sour cream or any thing else you would like to eat with it.
  20. K@t

    Solids Stage Recipes

    4 medium beef steaks (or 1 per person eating) thin cuts 2 to 3 pinces of sea salt (or meat tenderizer) 1 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce. Put steaks in a Pyrex dish and pierce several times with a fork. Add salt and pepper and douse with sauce. Bake in the oven at 400º for 30 min. It usually leaves a nice aujuice sauce so the meat is tender and not dry. Don't over bake! Sauce can be spooned over rice or Pasta or potatoes. (you could also vary this by using ginger and soy sauce instead of worcestershire sauce for an Asian flair)
  21. K@t

    What do you drive?

    I just got a new car here in Portugal in June its a 2005 Opel Corsa (opel is a division of GM) It's not a big car because here in Portugal as u know the streets are small and space is limited, but it gets me where I need to go and its a pretty color. I hated the idea of a hatchback, but here in portugal thats what most people drive because gas is so expensive and space is so limited. I got use to the idea after I started driving and had to find parking spaces! I got to pick it out bran new with all the options and they had it made especially for me. I got an MP3 player and all the goodies inside. Only draw back is its stick. Here in portugal no one drives any thing but a stick. Automatics are for people with disabilities. However on the plus side that makes me a chick that can drive stick! We are hoping to get hubby a new car next year.
  22. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    awwwww....but he's so cute...how can you hate any animal!! The rest are adorable as well. I love the Saint idea. My hubby and I argued for days over what to name the cats. It would have been easier to have a simple system like that.
  23. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    and for the rest..... Mittens and Amy were my cat in college and lived with me but when I moved to Portugal my mom inherited them. Mittens was the runt of the litter and now he's the fattest cat I have ever seen. Amy is VERY lovable she runs up to complete strangers that come in the house to get petted and loved..very unusual, most cats shy away. Tiger is the grey cat, a little scardy cat, he hides all the time and sleeps only in my mothers room. And this is her new dog, I'm not sure what they named it....Natasha I think.... nigella 3.bmp
  24. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    Wow, I love to see all these furry friends. I wouldn't mind a dog either, but we live in an apartment so it's difficult. Maybe one day when we move to a house. P'nut-I'm sorry about ur doggie and your kitty. I know it's hard when a pet dies, I fortunately haven't had to witness that to many times. The first cat I ever dragged home...a Siamese named Ms.Sue - She still lives with my grandparents. She is around 19 years old and she is still healthy and active. Here are my grandparents cats. Bigboy unfortunately isn't with them any more, but he was a wild cat and just made his home at their house for a few years. One day he disappeared so we don't know if something happened or he just found another home. Ms. Sue and Big Boy little boy and Missy nigella2.bmpnigella.bmp Hehehe, I guess there are lots of alternatives for Kat. That kind of changed when I moved to Portugal though, I have to find a name that can be used in Portuguese and English. And I actually found a name like that from one of the members here on the board....not to embarrassed any one but Jenna is a great name and sounds almost exactly the same in English and Portuguese.....
  25. K@t

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    post 'em all!! Whatever you consider a pet....(I guess that means I ought to post a pic of my hubby as well then huh.) :eekB:

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