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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    I'm so disappointed

    Hey Sherri, I know this is difficult for you, once i decided to get banded come hell or high Water I was doing it the fastest route possible. A lot of people here will tell you to wait it out. But I think its a personal decision, I personally couldn't live with myself if I had to wait 6 more months so I paid. However I had the money and it wasn't a hardship for me, plus insurance just wasn't an option. I think if you can wait it out, go ahead, you have the rest of ur life to lose weight and trust me its not going to be all off by summer, this is more of a slow and steady thing. Plus only having to pay $800 is WAY better then the $10,000 that I paid. However if you think mentally you just can't handle waiting and you can afford it, go self pay. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  2. K@t

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    skinny sexy momma please........a thumb is an ounce, wow didnt know that...rock on sista!
  3. K@t

    Thought for Today.....

    Thats great 3loves, your mom sounds like a wonderful person. And good luck to you BOTH on your upcoming surgeries, I will keep you in my thoughts.
  4. K@t

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    thats becoming my problem now, i see the food on my plate, and it doesnt look like enough. so i add more but then i end up stuffed. Has some one posted a portions guide any where? So I know more or less how much of normal foods I should be eating?
  5. K@t

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    I've been a bit worried about this as well because I'm only supposed to be eating around 200ml of food, but I seem to be able to eat more then that. I just figured that some of the food was passing through the band while i was still eating (since I eat pretty slow). I don't think I'm stretching it, but I guess it could always be a possibility... at least its not a serious problem.
  6. K@t

    Troll Patrol

    hum...? you think the pm was a troll? am i missing the boat here?
  7. K@t

    Old Disgruntled Failure Forum

    I welcome any and all advice in any form that it's given to me. Positive or negative. If I can use it, I will, if I can't, I don't. Simple as that. Penni, Letha, Delarla, NewSho, Jack, Sue, Alex, Paula and all the rest of you guys have been nothing but a guiding light for me. I love you all for that! If it wasn't for LBT I wouldn't have even gotten banded, nor would my husband have agreed to it. He reads here too sometimes and you all helped a "skinny" person see the light as well. A big hug for you all! (((((((((((((((:eek:)))))))))))))
  8. wow!!! I've gotten 21 of the 29 confirmed. As soon as every one is confirmed we will draw names!
  9. Hi All, I have closed the sign up for the exchange. Was have 29 participants in all, not to shabby! I have sent you all a confirmation e mail, please respond before June 1st. On June 2nd I will draw names and PM you all with your SS. Thanks again to every one!
  10. hehe, i thought of another one.......this isn't exactly a stupid thing some one shared, but more like yoda's thing. I told my sister one night to set out some chicken for lunch the next day. (what I meant was for her was to take it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge.) sooooooooo....the next day I'm looking for the chicken and there is no chicken in sight in the fridge...so I ask her where its at. She had put it on top of the fridge...she said that way the cats wouldn't get it.,.....:faint: (I guess she thought I wanted her to leave it on the counter, but the cats can jump there and they might have tried to nibble at it....so logically she just put it some place higher where they couldn't get... I guess it never occurred to her that leaving raw meat out overnight could be baaaaaaaaad.)
  11. K@t

    Ziploc Omelettes

    I tried it last night.....we have a gas stove though and the heat from the flames started to melt the bags right away, I had to lay the tops of the bags over the handles on the pot. Otherwise, they were fine, it missed that kinda buttery taste you get from pan fried omelets, but they didn't taste bad, just a bit different. The technique worked just fine.
  12. Being an American in Portugal, I get all kinds of silly questions like.... Do you eat any thing OTHER then hamburgers? (most people think a typical american diet is fast food every day) Do you Celebrate Christmas over there? (duh!) Are there ANY skinny Americans? (you know... because all Americans are fat...:confused: ) When's your baby due? (I'm not pregnant, but this I've had more times then I can count) If you drink anything ice cold, or walk around barefoot on a cold floor, or go out with your hair wet when its cold/windy outside, you will catch a cold. (Portuguese won't drink anything cold in the winter, it has to all be room temperature) Air conditioners cause you to get a cold if you leave it on all night. (hubby's mom would make us turn it on during the day , but wouldn't let us sleep with it on at night because we might catch a cold.) There are some more, when I remember I'll post it.
  13. K@t

    Which shoe fits "right"? (fashion etiquette)

    i dunno about there, but here in Europe its a big fashion no no to have ur heel over the shoe, OR to have to much space behind it. The best thing is to try and match them up, or to have just a tiny bit of space left, but NEVER let ur heal go over the shoe.
  14. K@t

    Ziploc Omelettes

    ohh yeah! Now THIS is something I can teach my husband, I'm goign to try making them for dinner tonight, see how it goes.
  15. Hi All, I just wanted to share my experience, because I have seen some threads about this, and maybe this can give some hope to some of you that are struggling. I had my surgery on April 26th, and the first week after I lost about 16 lbs. (7kg) The next two weeks I lost nothing. I was disappointed and my nutritionist even told me I hadn't lost enough. (what does she know) All that together was making me feel really bad, so I was making some poor food choices trying to stick to the liquids/mushies thing. But every one here on lbt kept telling me this time was for healing and not weight loss, so i decided I wasn't going to worry about the scales any more. By week 3, I could get down any thing I tried to eat with no problems, so I decided instead of trying to stick to something that wasn't working for me, I would just move to solid foods and make healthier food choices. And guess what? It worked! I feel full after eating very little food, but the food I'm eating is healthy solid food. I'm now about to start week 4, and all my body functions have returned to normal, and the best part? I started losing again! I'm losing around 100 to 200 grams a day, which should add up to about 1kg a week which is about 2.2lbs, that is excellent progress. So don't loss hope guys, a week ago I would have told you I'm failing at this whole band thing, I guess I just didn't give it enough time. The weight loss will happen when your body is over the shock of the whole thing, and things can return to normal. Good luck to everyone!
  16. Hey guys, I just have a little silly question, ever since surgery I have been burping a lot more. Fortunately I haven't have a problem with the other end. When ever I burp I always feel like some pressure has been released off my chest and I feel better. And it's not right after meals or any thing like that, its just random through out the day,and its usually little quiet burps. Does any one else experience this? What's it mean?
  17. K@t

    Mushies help

    Ok guys i need some help here. I'm on mushies/liquids now and for the life of me i can't seem to find yummy things to eat. I can get everything down that i try to eat (even a donut :nervous ) and i can't seem to get a good mushies diet. I'm having refried beans with a bit of cheese, and a potato tuna mash that i made, and baked or mashed potatoe....other then that i'm short of ideas. a little help please....
  18. Your situation sounds similar to mine in the beginning. My husband wasn't 100% on board with me either, but like some other posters said it was our choice. I made it and he supported me with it. I think now he even takes pleasure in watching me eat smaller meals, and helping me pick out things that are more band friendly. Just tell your husband your reasons, and let him sort it out, let him know your an adult and your not asking for his permission, but that you would like his support. Thats how I got my husband on board.
  19. K@t

    Whats wrong with this picture?

    Yeah I think you should find another doc. for a diffrent opinion, this one doesn't sound like he has much bedside manner.
  20. K@t

    Reaction to Chinese food!! - - Help!!

    I haven't tried chinese food yet, but from what you guys say it sounds like maybe I ought to stay away from it......I'm not sure if the restraunts here use msg or not, I guess I'll have to find out.
  21. K@t

    Women Compared to Men

    I think Alex summed that up nicely. Congratulations on your success though! :clap2:
  22. K@t

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    humm, i wonder why they would do that the modified way though, it seems to leave a much bigger incision then just the normal laproscopic surgery.
  23. K@t

    Differences for self-pay

    I had my surgery done in Portugal where I live, and I was self pay. The surgeon wanted what seems to be the standard tests, a echocardiogram, chest x ray, and blood test. He did require an endoscopy which was the worst, but not all doctors do. As far as the pre surgery weight loss all the doctors are different, mine didn't ask for a specific weight loss pre surgery, but asked I do liquids one week before surgery, and he said there were no problems with surgery. I think all the doctors are different so you should just check around and see whats available in your area.
  24. K@t

    New Mirror at Wal-Mart

    lmao! that looks like it came from a sims game!
  25. K@t

    Mind Crush... Ode to Jack...

    ohh ohh, these are fun, I want a mind crush too....any one wanna volunteer?? and Jack rocks! I am currently in the process of converting to the holy shredded wheat alter as well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
