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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Whiskers On Kittens

    kitty litter, straight from the package.......:biggrin1:
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering does any one know what percentage of things we should be eating ie. x% of carbs, x% of protein and x% of fat = 100% of daily intake? I was thinking like 30% carb, 50% protein, 20% fat ??
  3. K@t

    I'm home and banded...

    wow, its great that it wasn't as bad as you expected, happy recovery time!
  4. K@t

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    lol, its the Thai alphabet, there are 44 consonant symbols in all. But unlike Chinese and Japanese, each symbol is an actual letter where as in Chinese and Japanese symbols can represent an entire word. Also the best part about Thai?? They don't use most grammar rules! No conjugating the verbs (French is the worst!! uuugh) and there aren't many articles or filler words. Its a tonal language where the same word written can mean several things, but spoken in a high to low pitch can tell you the difference in the word.
  5. K@t

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    you and i are in the same boat, im going to start weighing my portions and doing some portion control. i need to get myself set on a daily diet routine.
  6. well i took a week off from work and i was fine to go back when I did. In fact it helped, until the day I went back to work I couldnt sleep in bed laying flat hurt to much, but the exercise of geting outta the house and working helped my muscles warm up a bit and ive been sleeping in bed fine since then. It wasn't as painful after i got out of the hospital it was just the inital day of surgery and day after that was a bit traumatic for me. Now my scars are looking great, and i havent had any problems with food, no pbs or golfballs or anything of that sort really.
  7. K@t

    Mind Crush... Ode to Jack...

    ahahahah hehe..... I leave this post for a few days and look what I miss, almost naked vin (yum) and all the other bandster boys jumpin on the wagon. and jack your a chiropractor? I didn't know that.....where did you say you live again? My back hurts..... can't sleep on my tummy any more since the surgery.....I wake up stiff as a board in the morning. Ok thats it, I'm officially in the harem. Girls....lets show 'em what we got!
  8. K@t

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    so what about the hole in the wall...did ya get it patched up?
  9. K@t


    it seems really nifty, but the problem is that most of the foods listed are american so i have to put everything i eat in by hand.....blah....and then the percentages and stuff dont match up because here in europe they use a diffrent system
  10. Does any one use sparkpeople.com? From what I can tell its similar to fit day, but its free. I'm logging in and I'm going to try it....has any one else tried it?
  11. K@t

    Well done, and greatly appreciated

    I concur! Mods, great job. Being neutral in a place where you also share your feelings isn't easy to do.
  12. K@t

    this man rocks!!

    ahahahah!!!!! I made hubby watch it too...tooo funny!!! that guy is good!
  13. K@t

    Kitty Litter

    Did ya look in the kabonker? Mine always esconde around there.... Maybe you can call the plumber and he can help you pull it out?
  14. K@t

    kids pics

    sooooooooooooooooooo adorable here ya go (no problem) :biggrin1:
  15. K@t

    Cheesy Question

    don't look lins, go about your life, make friends, go out, do things you enjoy, and when your not looking..wham..mr.right will hit you in the face.
  16. K@t

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    Hey Vines, Thanks for remembering me. I speak Portuguese and Spanish (castellano from Spain). I am currently taking French and German, so I wouldn't say I am "fluent" but hopefully by this time next year I'll be fluent in them as well, also if I'm REALLY nice to A1ikou, maybe she'll teach me some Greek. As for Thai, well here ya go Telly: ยินดีด้วยกับความสำเร็จของคุณ.. ขอให้เจอแต่สิ่งดีดี or if you prefer yin dee duay kub kwam sum ret khong koon, kho hai jer tea sing dee dee
  17. hey there, your about the same weight as me, i was 240 when i was banded, and i was scared outta my mind too, when i was in the hospital room waiting for them to take me i was wondering what in the hell was i doing as well, but its all over with and forgotten now. so im sure you will be fine! we all go through the same thing.
  18. K@t

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    hum...im not a home owners expert, but id tell the managers they ought to pay for it unless they wanted dead bird stank all over the building... if you google how to fix a hole in the wall you should be able to find something.... Gawd i feel really bad for ya....
  19. K@t

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh, how frustrating.....there isn't a local animal controll that you can call to come help you? Some one from the humane society, they have more experience in dealing with this stuff....poor bird....i dont think it would have died just from being there this morning, it probably got stuck, or got to tired to make any more noise? If you cant hear it though its gonna be hard to get it out.....can u see in with a flash light? Maybe that will stir it back awake or something....
  20. K@t

    I'm Feeling A Tight Feeling In My Chest

    I had and still have a tightness in my chest, its just my bodies way of adjusting to the band, my surgeon said its normal. its not really painful just sort of a sensation that i have now that i didnt have before.
  21. K@t

    How Are You Going To Meet Your Maker ?

    While driving on the freeway, you're cut off by a truck, and your car veers into the concrete median, killing you instantly. ok this is freaky because i am a bit of an excentric driver and portuguese drivers are insane, my mom is always afraid im going to drive in a car accident......
  22. K@t

    Just wanted to say hi!

    Hey Jessie, I noticed you wern't around...good to see you back.
  23. Any one wanna chat, I'm there.....
  24. K@t

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    hey sally, thanks, I'm going to start weighing stuff too, i have a nice kitchen scale as well....is that 4 to 6 including everything? veggies meat etc? and is that before cooking or after cooking?
  25. K@t

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    ohh, how terrible! Can't you call animal control or something like that?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
