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Everything posted by K@t

  1. wow! You look great!! I bet the cruise was a lot more fun this time. My husband and I took a Cozumel cruise out of Tampa, fl for our honeymoon, and needless to say i was to embarrassed to get into my swimming suit and get in the beautiful pool on the boat, and i missed out on a lot of fun because I was so afraid. Kudos to you! Looks like you had a fantastic time!
  2. K@t


    weight 107.9kg ok I'm going to try and keep track of stuff here. Food: 1 carb smart carnation shake (calcium fortified milk) 250ml 1 peach ice tea (with surgar) 200ml 1 whole grilled chicken breast(yeah a whole one) 1/2 cup salad (lettuce and carrot with olive oil and vinegar) handful of potato chips 2 scoops of carmel ice cream (the day just keeps getting worse...) 1 cup of orange drink (think tang) 1 plate of nachos (yep nachos) (cheese, meat, olives, beans) Exercise: 20 min on the treadmill (87.6 cal, 27.3 fat) Regular Routine (there are 3 stories in my school and no elevator, I walk up and down the stairs all day) Alright writing this all down has made me see why I'm not losing any thing...I gotta get with the program....*sigh* Hopefully tomorrow will be better.....
  3. K@t


    weight 107.9kg ok I'm going to try and keep track of stuff here. Food: 1 carb smart carnation shake (calcium fortified milk) 250ml 1 peach ice tea (with surgar) 200ml 1 whole grilled chicken breast(yeah a whole one) 1/2 cup salad (lettuce and carrot with olive oil and vinegar) handful of potato chips 2 scoops of carmel ice cream (the day just keeps getting worse...) 1 cup of orange drink (think tang) 1 plate of nachos (yep nachos) (cheese, meat, olives, beans) Exercise: 20 min on the treadmill (87.6 cal, 27.3 fat) Regular Routine (there are 3 stories in my school and no elevator, I walk up and down the stairs all day) Alright writing this all down has made me see why I'm not losing any thing...I gotta get with the program....*sigh* Hopefully tomorrow will be better.....
  4. K@t

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Hey Penni, I think your looking great! I like both outfits, however you do seem to be happier in your most recent photo.....way to go!
  5. Ok so I'm late for work today and I forgot to shave my legs so the skirt i had sitting out to wear was a no go. So I throw on the first pair of pants I see in the closet. They felt a bit loose but I was like..ehh whatever. So I get in my car drive to work, park my car and get out and start walking over to the school. I'm on the other side of the road and I need to cross a busy intersection. The light for walking turns green so I walk across, but i SWEAR I can feel the eyes of all the people in their cars following me across the road. Not to mention this hottie with loads of tattoos walks past me (meaning he must have been behind me). I get to the school and start walking up the stairs when I realize my pants are half way down my ass and my panties are showing!!! :embarassed: They were so loose that they were sliding off and I didn't notice it. I had to get paper clips and clip them to my underwear to keep them on the rest of the day! :guess
  6. K@t

    Embarrassing NSV

    hehe, ya the paper clips held ok except for the the one getting stuck in my underwear fabric. The boys were doing that when I was in high school....my hubby recently lost a bit of weight as well and his pants are starting to hang a bit, it annoys him so bad that he has to have a belt or he just takes them off when he gets home, I have seen some of those boys running and literally holding their pants on...shessh
  7. I'm 5'5 and started at 240lbs and my surgeon who is the expert here in Portugal told me that I was the ideal candidate because I didn't have any co-morbidities and because my bmi was right around 40.
  8. K@t

    Jury-duty policies?

    i was always a believer that if you gave a little they should too, but when i gave first i got stomped on...now im always getting asked to stay just an extra 30 min, or to take the worst classes and shit like that...it blows up in your face...and once you start its hard to refuse....i feel ya...
  9. K@t

    Embarrassing NSV

    LMAO!!!! haha, yeah i dont know how they do it either, ive seen the guys with their pants so low u can see almost all of their underwear..what the heck is that....?!
  10. K@t

    come and chat

    i promise my pants wont fall off again!!
  11. K@t

    Jury-duty policies?

    well, he can just tell him he doesnt want to make up the day, or he can just call in sick :cake:
  12. K@t

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    Thats it, I'm going to have to set up free LBT language lessons....I can do French, or German, or Portuguese, or Spanish, or Thai, PM me if your interested!!
  13. K@t

    Jury-duty policies?

    Hey Alex, This is what I found on Federal Jury Duty JURY DUTY PAY COMPENSATION FROM THE COURTS, YOUR JOB Courts generally compensate jurors with a stipend. Federal courts tend to pay the best (example: $40 per day), with state and local courts paying less (example: $5-$10 per day). You may also be eligible to receive compensation for parking, mileage and tolls. Your job must be protected while you serve on jury duty. However, employer policies vary widely as to whether you will continue to be paid while on jury duty. Check with your employer prior to reporting for service... your compensation (or lack of a paycheck) may have an impact on whether you are selected to serve. Some employers will allow you to continue to receive full pay, others will deduct the court's compensation from your regular pay while other employers won't pay you while you are on jury duty. Looks like they don't have to pay him. Sucks rotten eggs!
  14. K@t

    Jury-duty policies?

    I think by law they have to pay him, but the laws differ from state to state and county to county. If I was in your shoes, I would find out what the law says and then go from there. If the law supports you I would bring it up to his employeer. If it doesn't then I guess its just crappy that he's gotta work..... wish i could be more help, but I'm not to up to date on employee laws in the US any more...
  15. K@t

    Is it true about catherder

    I didn't have a catheter during surgery, but they put one in me while i was still asleep when i got out, and i kept it all night, which in the long run was kinda nice (if a bit uncomfortable) because I didn't have to get up all night to go pee. It was only in the morning when they took it out and I got up, and it was actually quiet painless.
  16. ops I missed one...could the following people please send me their confirmation Pm's ASAP?? Were just waitin on you guys to draw names! Jerseytammy Francesca beautifultina Thanks! It's much appreciated!
  17. K@t

    Haha, kinda funny NSV

    hey way to go! I saw your pics and your a beautiful girl you can see such a difference in your face. as for the kids...poor kids....at least their movin around to keep them warm.
  18. K@t

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    hum.....I guess Telly doesn't speak Thai...I would have thought she would have said something about my comments.........
  19. K@t

    Mind Crush... Ode to Jack...

    sign me up!
  20. K@t

    Embarrassing NSV

    hehehe....actually I was wearing some cute black undies....so at least THAT was good, a thong would have been better though teehee.....hubby would LOVE that, he has been trying to get me to wear a thong since we started dating. I told him I was to fat for them...I think its going to come back and haunt me when i do lose more weight...then its gonna be...your not fat any more so you can wear thongs now....hehehe.... the paper clips....yeah well....i couldnt think of any thing better, no one in the school is as big as me so i doubt they would have had a spare belt to fit me, and rather then having my pants come down in front of all my students...i decided paperclips would do....on the down note, the one on the right side got stuck in my underwear fabric and put a hole in my cute black undies...damn.....:straight Thanks ladies for all the kind words!!
  21. K@t

    Whiskers On Kittens

    OMG!!!! the poor cat..aww he looks so upset.... :cry 199 ( onderland).bmp
  22. K@t

    Whiskers On Kittens

    Really? My kitty litter stays in the box, i have this neat little mat you put in front of the box and it keeps it from going any where, but even when it does get out, its fun because the cats just bat it around and play with it........
  23. K@t

    Whiskers On Kittens

    Jack!!! What did you do to the poor kitty??? And yes i take baths....i like to smell purty!
  24. K@t

    Whiskers On Kittens

    lets see... a cold shower right after you mowed the lawn, or some other equally strenuous activity. hot chocolate on a cold night... ice cream on a hot day.... thats my kitty litter......
  25. K@t

    Kitty Litter

    shackdog... Both your posts are still there, no one deleted any thing...the only people allowed to delete posts other than their own are moderators, and Delarla isn't one of them. Also, this forum...isn't in America, its on the internet...hence people from other countries being here as well. It is private property belonging to Alex and every one has to abide by his rules.

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