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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    31-5-06 Weigh in Day

    Weight: 107.2 (-.8grams)(-1.8lbs) Food: Ice tea (29 kcal, 7.3g carbs, 30mg vit C) 125ml 1% milk 3 Maria crackers (ok these I'm debating the nutritionalist told me to eat them but the surgeon said not to. hummmmmm) 60gm (1oz) lean pork girlled 1 tablespoon white rice 100gm (3oz) salad 200gm (6oz) turkey with mushrooms 100gm (3oz) rice with beans 1,5 liter of water Exercise: Daily routine
  2. K@t

    31-5-06 Weigh in Day

    Weight: 107.2 (-.8grams)(-1.8lbs) Food: Ice tea (29 kcal, 7.3g carbs, 30mg vit C) 125ml 1% milk 3 Maria crackers (ok these I'm debating the nutritionalist told me to eat them but the surgeon said not to. hummmmmm) 60gm (1oz) lean pork girlled 1 tablespoon white rice 100gm (3oz) salad 200gm (6oz) turkey with mushrooms 100gm (3oz) rice with beans 1,5 liter of water Exercise: Daily routine
  3. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    All right! I want in the gone for good club, and I want in on the June challenge (I second the motion for doing month to month challenges). For those of you who don't already know me here is a bit about me. I'm from Florida, however my husband is Portuguese and 3 years ago we moved to Portugal. (the tiny country next to Spain, in Europe...just to mention because some people think it's in Africa!) I teach english at a private school and help out DH and DFIL at the family owned stores when I can. I've had weight problems my whole life and was at my highest 250lbs in January when I found out about this new fangled thing called a lapband. When I first read about liquid diets and what not I forgot about the idea, but then some weeks later I stumbled across LBT, and they helped me decide that this is what I wanted to do. I was banded on April 26th and I still feel like a newbie at this whole thing. I haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks so I can't wait for some motivation. Now I just have to go read the first post and figure out this whole score card thinggie....geezz Susan, your programming analytical side came out here didn't it?? Also I would like to say that I sell Avon, and I will be offering a free gift bag with Avon goodies in it to the winner of the June (or summer which ever it turns out to be) challenge. (if thats okay with you Susan) Good luck to every one!!
  4. I'll give my thanks again to every one, this job isn't easy and is often thankless, and at times very difficult. I have been to other banding forums and weight loss sites, but this is the only one I keep coming back to and I'm proud to call it my online home. Keep up the great work guys!
  5. K@t

    June Challenge

    I'm in! I really need something to help me as well. My goal is to lose 2 kilos (4.4 lbs) by the end of the month. lins, for colors just use the big A symbol above the messagse, and you can change the font or the size by using the 2 drop down boxes next to it. Challenge winner should be the person with the best over all improvement? (most weight, inches lost?) perhaps? Also, I would be willing to donate an Avon gift bag for who ever wins the challenge. (Avon has stuff for men and women!)
  6. K@t

    What Book Are You Reading?

    humm...I read Da Vinci Code a year or 2 ago and I remember it being a quick read I think I read it over the span of 1 day while I was on vacation. I read all his other books as well and enjoyed them. (even though the base line of all his stories is the same...one man, one woman, both specialist in their areas who compliment each others knowledge, an evil organization, something of value....etc...) Currently, I'm reading the first Harry Potter book, I never did read any of them, even though I saw the movies, so I figured what the heck, I went out and bougth them all, and I decided to read them. I also recently re-read the narnia books after the movie came out. Patricia Cornwall, I have a book by her that I bought but haven't read, I'll have to see the title to see if its the same.....
  7. K@t


    Food: 1 ice tea lemon (29kcal) 100 ml yougert (60 kcal 4.8 protein, 20g sugar, 200mg calcium) 115gm (4oz) spagettie with tomatoe and beef sauce 60gm (2oz) salad (letteuce, purple cabbage, carrots) 1/2 ham and cheese sandwich (no mayo) 50gm (+-2oz) spagettie 15 light pringles 1.5 liter water Exercise: walked on the street 15min daily routine
  8. K@t


    Food: 1 ice tea lemon (29kcal) 100 ml yougert (60 kcal 4.8 protein, 20g sugar, 200mg calcium) 115gm (4oz) spagettie with tomatoe and beef sauce 60gm (2oz) salad (letteuce, purple cabbage, carrots) 1/2 ham and cheese sandwich (no mayo) 50gm (+-2oz) spagettie 15 light pringles 1.5 liter water Exercise: walked on the street 15min daily routine
  9. Ok guys, I have seen threads before where people said they have a hard time getting much down in the morning. I too have this problem, the bad part is, my tummy is hungry, it makes growling noises, I feel tired and faint, but no matter how much I try the thought of food makes me sick, I feel nauseous looking at it in the morning. I try to drink a yogurt, or have some milk or juice, but I can't even think about food in the morning. By lunch time I'm fine and by dinner I can eat any thing I want (more then I should) What the heck am I supposed to do for breakfast?? We don't eat lunch here until around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon so I have to eat something in the morning.
  10. K@t

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    hehe did you mean sawat-dee? cool! sabai dee mai? the sanscript you can get from just instaling the font on your computer, its like any other font we use, and then you can type using it when you want to.
  11. K@t

    Morning Eating Problems

    humm...im gonna try that! I think I can only get the shredded wheat, and milk here...maybe peanut butter but the fatting kind...what the heck is stevia???? I am going to buy some shredded wheat though, its not sweet and sweet stuff seems to make me worse......see how that works out...i was going to try some scrambled eggs, but DonnaB scared me away from those!
  12. humm..seems like I'm in the minority here....like many others we kick our shoes off when we get home, but we walk around in slippers because tile and wood floors can get a bit dusty. if some ones asks me to i'll take them off, but like p'nut said then maybe some one else with a fungus is walking around and im walking over it...ick! I have a foot thing, i hate feet, the smell of them, the look of them and the touch of them.....ew ew....my feet are nice enough but some other peoples feet scare me! Hubby's favorite way to annoy me is to stick his feet on me in bed at night...gerrrrrr......
  13. K@t

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    lol i like that one when my husband saw this thread he was like...what? people moo or make rude comments to fat people....as if his eyes had just been opened...i was like..um yeah.... my favorite was always the, well I can lose weight but what are you gonna do about ur stupidity thing... I now have new amo with the I'd rather have more then less comment...that one is great... I know I should ignore that stuff, but I can't, i totally blasted 2 teenage boys that were at my school making fun of me.......I asked them if they thought what they were saying was funny, and of course they were embarrassed that I had come back, I was still bitching at them when their parents picked them up, and I told their parents....the parents look apphauled... ohh well whatever, hopefully most of us will never have to hear these kinds of insults EVER again!
  14. K@t

    Permanent Makeup

    a girl at my work does it, but its not permanent, the dye wears off after a few months, but it looks nice.
  15. okay, which is it them? 3-4oz of meat or 6-8?
  16. K@t

    I Love Watermelon!

    ewww frozen lettuce....ok scratch that idea..... my mom LOVES salt on her watermelon...ya crazy gals!
  17. K@t

    Morning Eating Problems

    they ship internationally? Wohh hooo...I'm gonna check that out, I could probably nibble on a breakfast bar or something.... crap...portugal isnt on their list of shipping countries...*sigh* ahh well...
  18. K@t

    Morning Eating Problems

    i tried that, but i literally mean...any type of food makes me wanna hurl in the morning, and it must be my band because i didn't use to be like this....*sigh* the only thing i can seem to stomach is tea, but that doesn't do much for the hunger pains...
  19. In Portugal, very few people have carpet, we have tile and wood floors with rugs in various places, so its not common for people to ask you to take your shoes off here, however in the states....we never took our shoes off any way, even when my mom got new carpet in her house. After all, thats what carpet is there for, to walk on. And I only did it in some one else's house if I was asked too. (and even then I thought that was kinda snobby and posh to take your shoes off) However my husband and I have this reoccurring battle over the rugs in our house, I walk all over them with shoes slippers, it doesn't matter, but he thinks we shouldn't walk on them at all, or if we do only walk with socks on. Bah to it all I say, I bought them to put on the floor, and you walk on the floor, ya might as well use them :biggrin1:
  20. K@t


    Food: 1 peach ice tea 20g trail mix 1 lemon tea (29kcal, 7g sugar) 1 small plate of nachos 1 small ham and cheese sandwich (no mayo) 150ml of potato soup (100kcal) 20 light sour cream pringles (ok not great but could be worse) 1.5l of water Exercise: daily routine
  21. K@t


    Food: 1 peach ice tea 20g trail mix 1 lemon tea (29kcal, 7g sugar) 1 small plate of nachos 1 small ham and cheese sandwich (no mayo) 150ml of potato soup (100kcal) 20 light sour cream pringles (ok not great but could be worse) 1.5l of water Exercise: daily routine
  22. K@t

    A Size 16 NSV

    wow!! thats great!! Way to go!
  23. K@t

    I Love Watermelon!

    I wonder how frozen watermelon would be...you know like frozen strawberries or frozen blueberries...you think you could do frozen watermelon too?
  24. K@t

    Permanent Makeup

    I can understand eyebrows i guess because its not like they change color much, but I'm always changing my eye makeup and lipstick depending on the clothes I'm wearing or the event I'm going to. I just don't think I could see doing something permanent when you have the option to change colors when ever you want.
  25. hey we were banded on the same day! You have lost quiet a bit more then I have though...I haven't been so good either. I started using my journal (the lbt one on top) to log my exercise and food intake to help me. I think I have restriction because I get full quicker, but i still can eat quit a bit though. Good luck!

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