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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    I'm having fun with this, i know i could be more strict, and the challenge helps keep me on the straight and narrow...most of the time! Yesterday I was going to eat this little pastery with chocolate thing..and then I thought..but then I'll have to post it on the challenge...bah to much work :-p BTW Funny, I got my exercise in today even with work, i ran up and down the stairs today at the school on my 10 min breaks, i did 5 min each time 6 times.....my legs HURT! and the kids wondered what in the hell i was doin! :guess :girl_hug: :biggrin1:
  2. i would sent it out at least by June 28th to give a weeks time for shipping, but feel free to send it earlier, I'll be starting a thank you thread soon so people who get their gift early can post a thank you.
  3. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    you guys suck I'm tired :tired ...but ur right :biggrin1:
  4. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Yeah, I smile alot As for the excuse...well i can make the water and the food things pretty much every day but its the exercise that kills me. I'm going to work at 8am, and then home around 2:00pm for lunch and then to school by 4pm until 10pm to teach...my lunch hour isnt enough time because i have to cook lunch and then eat, and when i get home at 10:00 I'm beat. And I tried getting up earlier in the morning to do it, but I just can't I'm just to tired.
  5. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    I suck :nervous there is no way im getting a perfect score card this month with the extra hours im working...this month is a warm up..next month when im back to normal hours i'm gonna really be pushing myself then....
  6. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    And....just for fun....teeheee...this was when i was around 100 kilos, you can see my muffin top is smaller....but some on elses is getting bigger.....:guess *looks over at hubby*
  7. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Alright, here are my side by sides. you can't notice much difference yet, however the clothes i was wearing the day of surgery were pretty baggy. However, you can see my face is a bit thinner and my thighs are looking a bit better. Plus it's only like 10lbs. but hey..every little bit helps!
  8. K@t

    LapBand Poetry

    Alison, that poem made me laugh.....
  9. ohh good ya never know the stuff we can start imagining when we don't hear from some one...that really sucks about the dry heaves though...and kim you probably should be taking ur pain meds, even if its just half a pill or something just to take the edge off.
  10. K@t

    Womans name with Russian

    tee hee...this gave me a good morning laugh....i knew something was up when i took so long to load the page, text should have been almost instant....that was VERY cool...how the heck did you find that??
  11. K@t


    Food: 100ml peach ice tea with green tea (NO sugar) South Beach breakfast bar 100g grilled white pork 2 teaspoons of white rice 2 tablespoons of green beans South beach snack bar Cuppa Soup(100kcal) Chicken sandwich (low cal bread, no cheese) 1.5 l water Exercise: 25 min treadmill (1.42 distance, 128kcal, 40fatcal) daily routine
  12. humm...i hope shes ok, i just sent her the pm's about the summer exchange....I'll have to check if she included her phone number...if she did maybe ill give her a call to check in with her.
  13. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    LMAO ...lol p'nut that was funny..fortunatly i don't like cheetos to much...now doritos....bah, i just started the challenge and im already crap..i work to damn much....i dont have many great expecations for this month but I'm going to keep track of everything any way, and next month when things are back to normal at work (right now I'm working from 8am to 10pm with about 2 hours in between for lunch) ill be shooting for that perfect score card (looks around to telly and a few others) tee hee... :heh: Jorget - to get a score card, highlight the blank one on page 1, and then right click your mouse and select copy, then create a new message and right click your mouse inside the message and select paste...then volia! you have your own score card!
  14. Alrighty, well every one should have their secret sams now. If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to PM me! Happy shopping!
  15. K@t


    Food: 125ml milk 3 bolachas Maria 1 ice tea lemon 37gm Manhazito (130kcal, 3.3g protein, 17gm carbs, 5gm fat) 110gm beef sliced thin 2 spoons of rice with beans 4 small strawberries 50gm of salad with mushrooms pizza (for gawd sake! i suck!) 1 coke (doh!) 2,0l water (good) Exercise: Daily routine
  16. K@t


    Food: 125ml milk 3 bolachas Maria 1 ice tea lemon 37gm Manhazito (130kcal, 3.3g protein, 17gm carbs, 5gm fat) 110gm beef sliced thin 2 spoons of rice with beans 4 small strawberries 50gm of salad with mushrooms pizza (for gawd sake! i suck!) 1 coke (doh!) 2,0l water (good) Exercise: Daily routine
  17. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    wow! I love that swim suit. I'll get hubby to take some before photos tonight to post, then at the end of the challenege we can take new ones and put them side by side. Great idea!
  18. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Gone for Good Club June Challenge Score Card Points earned for Rule 1 For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point. You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__1___6-01__1___6-02__1___6-03__1___6-04___1__6-05___1__6-06__1___6-07___1__ Bonus__5__Week's Total__13___ 6-08__1___6-09___1__6-10__1___6-11__1___6-12__1___6-13__1___6-14__1___ Bonus__5__Week's Total__12___ 6-15___1__6-16__1___6-17__1___6-18__1___6-19__1___6-20__1___6-21__1___ Bonus___5_Week's Total___12__ 6-22__1___6-23__1___6-24__1___6-25___1__6-26__1___6-27__1___6-28__1___ Bonus__5__Week's Total__12___ Grand Total____49___ Points earned for Rule 2 For each day that you exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, you earn 2 points. You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__0___6-01__2___6-02__2___6-03__2___6-04__2___6-05__2___6-06__2___6-07___0__ Bonus__0__Week's Total__12___ 6-08___0__6-09__0___6-10__2___6-11__0___6-12__0___6-13__0___6-14__0___ Bonus__0__Week's Total__2___ 6-15__0___6-16__0___6-17__2___6-18__0___6-19__0___6-20__0___6-21__2___ Bonus__0__Week's Total__4___ 6-22___0__6-23___0__6-24___0__6-25__0___6-26__0___6-27__0___6-28__0___ Bonus__0__Week's Total___0__ Grand Total__18_____ Points earned for Rule 3 For each day that you do not eat foods that contain flour or sugar, you earn 3 points. (sugar substitutes are allowed) You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect week. 5-31__3___6-01__0___6-02___3__6-03__0___6-04__0___6-05___0__6-06__0___6-07___3__ Bonus__0__Week's Total__9___ 6-08__3___6-09___3__6-10__0___6-11__3___6-12__3___6-13__0___6-14__0___ Bonus__0__Week's Total__12___ 6-15__0___6-16__0___6-17__3___6-18__3___6-19__3___6-20__3___6-21___0__ Bonus____Week's Total__12___ 6-22__0___6-23__0___6-24__3___6-25__0___6-26___3__6-27__3___6-28__3___ Bonus__0__Week's Total__12___ Grand Total___45____ Points earned for Weight loss For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point Beginning weight 5-31: 236lb Weigh-in weight 6-7: 236lb Weigh-in weight 6-14:236lb Weigh-in weight 6-21:236lb Weigh-in weight 6-28:235lb Total lost during challenge:1lb Total points earned for Rule 1: 49 Total points earned for Rule 2: 18 Total points earned for Rule 3: 45 Total points earned for weight loss: 1 Total Challenge points earned: 113
  19. Alrighty, we got our list of people and I will be matching up names today, hopefully by tonight I will have you all PM'd with your SS.
  20. K@t

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    aww...I don't have much courage when it comes to men i think. I just ignore that, unless I'm in a really pissy mood at the time they decide to mess with me, but kids...i guess thats second nature because I'm a teacher....well don't worry about it, what goes around comes around and one day those kids will get theirs....
  21. The following people MUST pm me before tomorrow morning. If I do not receive a confirmation PM from you before tomorrow morning I will assume you no longer want to participate in the exchange and your names will be removed from the list. Jerseytammy Francesca beautifultina
  22. K@t

    Who do I have to thank.....

    I LOVE jewlery and all types, I shop on www.ice.com They have reasonable prices and you can make interest free payments and they usually e mail all kinds of discounts and deals.
  23. K@t

    opinions on suggested diet

    my nutritionist is against the whole high protein low carb thing. She says we all need a good balance of everything. She has me eating 3 to 4 oz of meat with 2 to 3 oz of veggies (cooked or raw) and then a small portion of cabs at every meal (i.e. 2 baby potatoes, or 2 tablespoons of cooked rice) I agree that the healthiest way is to give our body a bit of everything. I think when we eliminate something we are naturally meant to eat it could mean trouble. And this is coming from some one who lost around 50lbs on Atkins at one time, I put it all back on plus I ended up with fat in places where I had never been fat before (like on my upper arm and thighs)
  24. K@t

    constipated please HELP

    This is a very normal problem so don't worry to much, you need to get lots of fiber and drink TONS of water.(if you take fiber you MUST drink water other wise it will just make it worse) I don't know where your from, but if your in the US they have laxative products like Maalox and Ex Lax that you can take. If your some place else, you can just go to any pharmacy and ask them for some laxative medication.
  25. K@t

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    the adult with the kids just said to ignore them???!?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! What kind of manners is she teaching the kids?? Ohhhh I would have done a lot more then that to the kids i would have went in the store and VERY LOUDLY told the lady that the children she left ALONE in the car were shouting insults and curse words to people....I would make sure that every one else in the store heard what I was saying to her.... I might shy away when it comes to adults, but as a teacher I have no problem telling off kids or their parents (responsible adult with tme) when they are displaying unacceptable behavior.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
