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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    lol, I feel bad for the poor thing. I'm sure he isn't catching any bugs under the bathroom sink. I just hope he doesn't die under there...that will be a stinky mess to clean up!
  2. K@t

    Prom Night

    Hey Penni, I can totally relate to ur kids and their dad feelings. My dad is a complete ass, and even to this day is really nasty to me for pretty much no reason. I think its great that you let your kids go and experience for themselves though. My mom hide from me what my dad was like and I use to think I always wanted to go live with him. It wasn't until after I graduated from high school that I realized what an ass he is. On my 18th birthday he called me and said it was the happiest day of his life because he wouldn't have to pay any more child support. :faint: Your doing a great job and you have a lot to be proud of! I can't wait to meet your daughter and you in september!
  3. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    thanks for the tips, there are a lot of other options, i guess i just feel the safest with the pills....
  4. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    hehe thanks Paula, I edited because, damn that was some pretty serious stuff, and i feel better have gotten it off my chest, but i felt guilty for posting because i know hubby would HATE and I do mean HATE it if he knew I was posting intimate stuff like that online..so i felt like i shouldnt leave it any longer... herbs huh......hummmmm good idea...
  5. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    I'm not in North America I'm in Portugal, but I never heard of poisonous ones either so I'm not to sure. I haven't seen it since last night, I hope I can catch it out in the open in a bowl or something before the cats get it though, I 'd feel bad if they killed it.
  6. K@t

    Deal or No Deal

    ahahah, this is cool, hubby is taking over to play it! I didn't do to bad I ended up with 500,000.
  7. K@t

    Unique Though

    I'm sorry...but you did say your RETIRED didn't you? I guess you have a lot of time on your hands.....:guess :biggrin1:
  8. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Alright here are a few of my hubby. He's about 6'2 180lbs. He was around 160 when I married him so he's gained since we have been married as well, but I think its for the better...he was to skinny before! This one was on our honeymoon cruise, and this one at a friends wedding. This one is in our store, and this one is at a party we went to.
  9. K@t

    Prom Night

    wow penni you must be really proud! How cool that the parents chipped in and got a limo, looks like he has a great group of friends.
  10. K@t

    Fun Thread: Goofy Pictures

    I think im disturbed by numbers 1, and 2. Number 3 doesn't shock me all that much being that you can see almost any thing posted on the web.:guess As for the type of disturbed...its the type where I'm reading a funny thread smiling and laughing at the post and when I saw that one my jaw dropped.....so I'm not really sure which category that fits into.. I think the fact that his legs are spread and his jumping and that there is a car coming and that hes all sweaty and shiny....disturbes me the most....so quiet possible the whole picture
  11. Ok I dug up this photo recently and I couldn't resist. Any one else got goofy or fun pictures???
  12. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hehe..... I'm a baby crawly things make me squirm. This lizard though...I'm not sure if its a geko, but my husband said I shouldn't touch it, he said it has some kind of thing on his skin that poisonous to humans.... here is a pic of one, this is what its called in Portuguese "osga" but i dunno exactly what it is in english... http://www.horta.uac.pt/intradop/noticias/osga.jpg
  13. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    well, these are some great ideas....i have thought about other methods, but im like argon, the others kinda freak me out, and my cousin had 3 of her 4 kids while on depo. I do want kids, just not in the next 2 or 3 years so getting "fixed" wouldn't be the answer. I've actually made a big slumber party order with Penni so I'm hoping that in there we can find something. U know the whole massaging and foreplay stuff would be good, except hubby is to tired for all that most of the time, he always says he just wants a "quickie" hence the feeling its a chore. Welp u guys have been helpful, but I think its really just a matter of us working less and making more time for ourselves. Hopefully we can work that in soon.
  14. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    LMAO..of COURSE they are ready....now...any tips for getting a woman ready in the morning??? It's all I can do to roll over and get outta bed and get my ass into the shower......
  15. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    my cats totally suck...i got them both when they were baby kittens (like 6 weeks old) and they were raised here inside the house, so it was the first time they had ever seen any thing like it. One cat completly ignored it, and the other pawed at it a bit and chased it under the sink and started at the sink and mewowed for awhile, but when it didn't come out she just left....stinkin cats, i feed them clean up their poop and pet and play with them...the least they could do is corner the thing so i could toss it outside. (I don't want them to kill it i think i would feel bad about that, but at least corner it some place so i could catch it.)
  16. K@t

    Twentysomething Bandsters

    I'm 25 and married, however I can related to the being overweight my whole life thing. I use to think i was huge too but looking back at the photos i don't think i was as big as people made me out to be, or as i made myself out to be. I'm not to worried about plastic surgery, but i do think i will need it eventually and im scared of having to have another surgery...(pain ouch!) but I'm still young and I want to look my best married or not...so i know what ya mean.
  17. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    I've tried about 4 diffrent brands over the past 5 years and it always seems to be the same thing, and we get up at 6am every morning almost....I'm way to exhausted then as well as at night.... but i agree if you want something bad enough you have to make it a priority....i guess we just need to make it more of a priority...
  18. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    and that...emilee is one tight end!!! You guys look so cute together!
  19. K@t

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    I thought about that...but hes paranoid about me getting pregnant...he just doesn't want it to happen. If I went off the pill I would have to lie to him and tell him I'm still taking it, and I'm not sure that's really something I want to do.
  20. Penni - add super stretch to my list!! teresita - I'm reading the site as we speak morsaille - i make him pull out...the thought of man juice any where near any part of my body makes me kinda sick.... funnyduddies - unfortunatly....its not kinky at all.... u know what i feel like im hijaking this thread, i'm going to start my own....sorry...:speechles :focus:
  21. Ok I just had to post. I decided to order my secret sams gift online so i didn't have to pay shipping charges from here to there....so i googled some things she said she liked, and I found a bunch of things on ebay. So i contacted one of the ebay people about making a gift basket and WOW momma!!!!! She did an awesome job. When this thing is over I'm going to post her contact for any one else who is interested in these types of things because this women went WAY above and beyond the call of customer service. I'm very impressed!! I'll post a pic after my SS gets her gift, I don't want to ruin any surprises. :cool:
  22. K@t

    Dear abby......

    Ok so I'm an avid Dear Abby fan, and just about any other advice column I can get my hands on. I love reading them and reading the responses and seeing if I agree or not. So this thread will probably be dead in the Water, but I thought it would be fun if any one would like to participate. I'd like to do my own version of Dear Abby here on the forum. If any one has a problem as far as relationships, etiquette questions or any thing you would just like an opinion about, PM me and I'll post a thread with a response. (no names need to be used) Even if you don't participate it would be a fun thread to read if I could get some people to write me..... Maybe I'm just being silly but if any one wants to give it a shot pm me!
  23. omg, this thread is to funny..where did that smily come from?! I want one! Welp, I'm actually surprised to hear so many women like to do "it" because I actually don't like to and only do it when I'm begged to and I've ran out of excuses...Am I missing something? Is there some way to do it that makes it more enjoyable for me???
  24. K@t

    Job interview update

    ughhhhhhhhh the waiting is the worst.....i feel for ya, and I'm crossing my fingers!
  25. K@t

    Dear abby......

    This was for fun. And all those who participate do so with full knowledge of who is answering the question, they are under no illusion that I'm some professional, and they can do what they want with the advice that is given.

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