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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    I'm afraid he's going to die under the sink. So far I haven't seen him again, I keep looking at the floors thinking he might run out one day. The sink is impossible to move so I have no way to know if he's still under there or if he went some place else. If he's still there I'm sure he's not getting any food.....I feel bad, but I dunno what to do...there isn't any place to put plants in my bathroom...other wise i would trie to lure him out with some plants... Jack...your ex isn't hiding under my sink...i think...:straight
  2. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    okay, there is a freakin lizard in our house...a flat geko i think...how the hell it got up on the the 4th floor of our building and then climbed into our apartment I don't know but it scuttled in a week ago, and the cats chased it behind the tv furniture. We hadn't seen it since then and tonight it turned up in our bedroom! eeecccccckkkkkkkk!! I tried to catch it in a tupperware bowl, but it run under the skin in the bathroom....now what???? How the heck do I get it out?? I just know its going to climb the wall over my bed and land on my face in the middle of the night..... :phanvan :faint: :cool:
  3. K@t

    I don't think I want a fill

    My doctor told me some people never get a fill and lose all their weight. It is possible. I had my surgery on April 26th and so far have not had a fill. My doctor said as long as i felt full and was losing it wasn't necessary. However the last 3 weeks I haven't lost and I feel like I can eat normal portions, so I am scheduled for a fill on June 22nd. I think as long as your losing and you aren't hungry the fill isn't necessary.
  4. K@t


    Alrighty, after 3 years I finally finished this blanket for my aunt. It fits a full size bed (the bed its on is mine and its bigger then a queen but not quiet as big as a king) it's crocheted using the shell stitch.
  5. pictures picture!!! We want pictures and details...EVERY little thing ya got!! The whole point of this is to see what goodies every one got! :biggrin1: ps. if any one needs help resizing or posting pictures, pm me.
  6. K@t

    My surgeon is a newbie

    My surgeon is a general surgeon with laproscopic expertise. He isn't a bariatric surgeon, and I was his 11th patient. He was GREAT. I wouldn't have traded him for any one else. My scars look great, and I was never in very much pain, and so far he has held my hand every step of the way. And fills are free. (self pay). I say if your confident in the doctor then go for it. It all depends on if you trust the guy or not.
  7. wow this is happening to you again?! I'll contact your SS for you to see if they got it.
  8. K@t


    yeah that site is good i printed off the entire 54 page instructions, after i finish this blanket i'm working on i'm going to try and teach myself to knit.
  9. Thanks for all the advice everyone!!
  10. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    wow i really like that dress... can't wait to see the pics of you in it!
  11. K@t

    Lizard in the house

    I don't want to kill it, I want to get it outside, we tried to get it inside a bowl with a lid but it ran under the sink....i'm afraid it is starving...what do they eat? What would lure it out?
  12. ..... I can relate..... :nervous
  13. K@t


    it will usually always curl up the first couple of rows, only when you get whatever your making big enough to weigh the material down will it stop to curl.
  14. K@t


    candle wicking is just a type of needle point where you use different types of stitches like french knot and back stitching and stuff. The apron set was a gift that I gave to my husbands grandmother for chirstmas this year. Stitchy, your stuff looks great! i have seen that celtic kit before i was thinking about doing it...do you use hoops or do you use something else to hold the material? And does yours have straight lines on the back?? I have ton's of cross stitch stuff, but it always seems to be so tedious and takes me forever....what process do you use when your making them. Do you do sections at a time, or do you do all of one color? Do you constantly change colors on the needles or do you have a needle for each color? I would love to do more of these, but I'm trying to think of ways to make it simpler.
  15. Mine was sent today as well....its going out west as well....except for me, coming from portugal that could be any where in the US .....hahahahah!
  16. K@t


    I crochet and do needle points, counted and stamped as well as candle wicking and things like that. I love crafts. I'd love to learn how to quilt and to knit. I never learned those things. Here are a few pictures of some projects I have done. This is a blanket I did for my mom that is a shell stitch. This is an apron and kitchen towel set. I bought the set and then cross stitched the cherries and strawberries. This is a counted cross stitch that I did and then I had it laminated and sent it to my cousin who is stationed in Kuwait. This is a candle wicking set I did and it hangs in my bedroom. This is a stamped cross stitch that I made for my mom to hang in her classroom...shes a teacher!
  17. K@t

    Dear AbbyKat...

    Dear Abbykat, Me and my husband met and after a very quick whirlwind we married less then 6 months after meeting. There was pressure to marry from different things ( not pregnancy). Though I love this man a lot I just don't feel spark there like I have in past relationships. He's a lot younger then I am also and sometimes I just feel like he doesn't understand me. He's very good to me, doesn't abuse me in any way and would never go out of his way to hurt me. I just find myself not very excited to get home to see him. Our sex life is decent. No complaints there. I find myself lately having very detailed dreams about marrying other men. Men I don't know and have never seen and I find myself very disappointed when I wake up. Maybe it's the fact that my husband isn't very affectionate and I'm a very affectionate person? I don't know. He also seems rather self centered. The past two years he forgot my birthday even though his sister kept reminding him. On my birthday he went out and spent over $100 on a new gun for hunting and I didn't even get a card. Am I doomed? I just am scared that maybe my marriage is heading to unhappyland. What do you think? Am I crazy? Bored with my 2 year marriage --------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Bored, Have you talked to your husband and asked how he feels? Does he feel that the "spark" is gone also. The first step, I think, is to open some communication up and have a real heart to heart. If you feel you can't open up to him alone then marriage counseling may be the way to go to get to the bottom of it. By getting to the bottom of both of your feelings, you should be able to decide what is best for the both of you. PS. I know I would be hurt if my husband forgot my birthday, but isn't that the cliché? That husbands always forget their wives birthdays and anniversaries?
  18. K@t

    Dear AbbyKat...

    Ok, due to popular request, Dear AbbyKat is back. Please feel free to PM me with your problems and I shall respond! :clap2: *Note: This thread is for fun, and is not in any way to be confused for "real" help.
  19. K@t

    Dear AbbyKat...

    Dear AbbyKat, I have 2 children ages 5 and 7. My best friend has 3 children ages 4, 7, and 9. Neither of us work and we like to spend time together during the week. She usually brings her youngest child over with her because he's not in day care yet. While I love kids and I think hers are well behaved, she lets this youngest one get away with murder! He is constantly breaking my own children's things and making messes in my house. She apologizes, but as of yet has made no effort to replace the broken items or to pay for the damaged caused by his messes. What is a tactful way to bring this up with my friend? CA ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dear CA, This is a difficult situation because whatever you say may offend your friend either way. Mothers are fiercely defensive of their own children. The best thing to do is begin with a compliment about how well behaved her older 2 are, and then work into telling her your kids really miss playing with X toy because it was broken, and maybe mention you had to spend X dollars on having the carpet cleaned last time she was over with her youngest. If she doesn't take the hint, then honesty is always the best policy. Tell her sweetly and politely that you love her company but that you can't afford it any more unless she offers to pay for the damage caused by her son.
  20. K@t

    Dear AbbyKat...

    Dear AbbyKat, Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 8 months. Things are going great and we are starting to talk about the possibility of a future together. There is just one problem. He smokes. I can't stand it, I hate the smell, I hate the smoke, I hate everything about it. I make him carry around a pack of gum to chew after he smokes to get rid of that nasty ashtray mouth. What do you think? Is this going to be a problem for us in the future? Smoked out ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Smoked out, Relationships have broke up over less, and people have stayed together over quiet a bit more then this. Perhaps you can compromise and he can agree to only smoke outside, or cut down on the amount he smokes a day. Or if he is open to the idea, possible begin trying to quit? You have to ask yourself if this a deal breaker for you, or if his good qualities out weigh this bad one.
  21. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Thanks, this is the ONLY time he will shave his entire face,(when we have to go some where that he has to wear a suit.) normally he jus trims and has a permenant 5 o'clock shadow. It's a shame he closed his eyes in the pic it would have been a really nice one to keep. I just like the way my legs look in that photo :biggrin1:
  22. K@t

    Bragging rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chase Baileigh Kaleb
  23. K@t

    Dear AbbyKat...

    hehe, well what the people want, the people get!
  24. K@t

    New to this forum

    Linda, Welcome to LBT, stick around and you will find some great support here to help you make your decision. I can't speak for others but I can tell you my experience. I was a little over a month ago, and so far things have been fine. I don't have restriction right now, and I haven't been eating the best I could...but guess what? I haven't gained any weight! In fact I have lost a little. Not as much as I would like, but still...any direction but up is good for me. Even if it's standing still. Like Mia, I am on the lower end of the bmi scale so my weight loss might also be slower. I decided to get the band because I have been overweight my whole life and I have been dieting my whole life, going up and down up and down. I wanted a permanent solution to it all. Sure you still have to diet, but dieting is a whole lot easier when your not starving all the time. Even with out restriction I can still eat less then my usual meal and feel satisfied. I've only been banded a little over a month, and it takes time to relearn how to eat properly and it's not easy. But this is the first time I have every felt I might have some real long term success. This is a difficult decision for any one to make, and I wish you luck.
  25. K@t

    an NSV I could do without

    Hum, I say get fitted for a nice expensive new bra, splurge on urself and get 2 of the same. Hummmm NSV I'd rather do without, my pants falling around my hips with my undies hanging out, while walking across a business intersection... :faint:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
