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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    lack of emotional support

    I'm going to be the voice of unpopular opinion here (apparently from what I have read on the other responses) But I think it was rude. Intentional or not, the hostess knew that her guest was going to have special needs as far as the food went and to pass something around and eat it in front of some one who can't have it, well, its just a bit mean. I host dinner parties here at my house all the time, and I always think of my guest, I have one friend who only drinks 7up, another who doesn't like cheese, and another who doesn't eat meat. When they come to my house I make sure to make them feel comfortable and welcome in my home and try to provide them with the things that they like. It makes for a better dinner and every one goes home happy, and it's not like its much more work for me to pay attention to the special details. There are a million other things the hostess could have served that every one could have ate, like SF pudding or SF pudding pops. And she should have had some soup for you as well instead of giving you jello for a main course. The jello could have been your dessert. Shame on her for being such an insensitive hostess.
  2. K@t

    My demons have returned

    Hello there, your post could have been mine. I am 2 months out and still have no fill, and I can eat almost any thing I want. I have golf balls occasionally, but I haven't had a PB and I haven't had trouble eating any thing, including McDonald's or donuts. I know that I need to get into healthier habits, but I'm not going to beat myself up to much and you shouldn't either, because these things take time. We didn't get fat overnight and we aren't going to lose it over night either. I am going to be proactive though and try to take control. I no longer have any junk food in my house, including sodas. I make my own tea using splenda. I try to keep healthier things on hand if I want a snack like yogurt or sf pudding, carrot sticks or natural popcorn. I am already scheduled to see my doctor so I am just counting the days!
  3. K@t

    Nexium not working

    I had quiet a bit of acid reflux before surgery, and my band has eliminated it. I haven't had any acid reflux since my surgery over 2 months ago. I would speak to your doctor and see what your options are. I feel for you, it can be very painful and annoying.
  4. K@t

    Aaaggghhh!!! My Port!!!

    Mine is placed in about the same spot, but it wasn't near the surface and it wasn't sticking out. Have you asked your doctor? If your in a lot of pain you should go see him, and see whats going on. I was still in quiet a bit of port pain 9 days out though as well. I think it was at least a week before I could even sleep flat on my bed, the rest of the nights were spent on the recliner. I would be more concerned about it sticking out.
  5. K@t

    Proud of my lil' Buckaroo

    Thanks guys! :biggrin1:
  6. K@t

    Proud of my lil' Buckaroo

    I used a program called PC stitch which cost about $60. If you scan the picture and send it to me though I can probably do it for you, there is no sense in spending money on it just to change one picture. Tricia- thanks! I did them both in 1 night :biggrin1:
  7. All surgeons have to get experience some where, and Inmed will proctor the surgery. I was my docs 13th patient and I have had absolutely NO problems at all, its not as if its the first surgery your MD has done, just the first of this type. No one is being a "cheerleader" but people tried to scare me away from my doc as well (including another MD here on LBT) telling me that the risks were higher etc. But I have had nothing but the BEST experience. It's in the doctors best interest to do things right. In addition to that, I think if you check the complications section, you will find people who had problems with surgeons who have done thousands of these. It's not about how many he's done, but rather the doc himself. If you are confident and comfortable with him I say go for it!
  8. That sounds terrible! If I were you, I'd get a lawyer while your waiting for the second surgery, get everything documented, and sue the guy for malpractice. I don't care how nice the guy is. What if he does another lap band surgery on some one else and injures them as well?! And not only that, after the mistake was discovered his office treated you like YOU had done something wrong....and thats just not the case...I would strongly advice getting a lawyer or patient advocate involved on your behalf.
  9. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

  10. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

  11. K@t

    She had to drive herself.

    I agree with 3loves, what goes around, comes around.....that guy will get his sooner or later, and kudos to the wife for sticking to her guns.
  12. I just wanted to say thank you to DrewsLou for my gift. It arrived today. She sent me a lovely jewlery set with what looks like sterling silver and garnet. There is a set of earrings and a pendent. Thanks again!
  13. Hey guys, I'm just checking in. Glad to see lots of you are getting your gifts. I will post the list of who got who on July 4th. If any one is unable to send their gift out PLEASE pm and let me know. We have substitute sams on stand by. And all the gifts look wonderful, every one was very generous!
  14. Hello everyone, *Update - A lot of people have asked me about what to get their Secret Sam since most people don't know others personally. I thought it might be a good idea to do this: When I send out the confirmation e mails you will all need to reply to confirm your address and that you still want to participate. In addition to this it would be helpful to add 2 or 3 things that you like and also maybe include your shirt size if you feel comfortable.(some people have asked about getting T-shirts) (i.e. I like cats, butterflies, and rock music, I wear an XL) That way your Secret Sam can have a few clues. Hope this helps! I know the Easter gift exchange just ended, but I would really love to give this exchange thing another try. But, I'm going to try to do it a bit different. 1st If you would like to participate, please PM me your name and address. 2nd On May 22nd I will close the sign up, and send confirmation PM's with your own address to every one who asked to participate. You MUST respond to the PM to let me know your still interested in the exchange and to confirm that I have your correct address. I think this way it should help eliminate the problem of wrong addresses and people who signed up but then forgot to participate. 3rd On June 4th I will draw the names to match people up, and that will give people time to reply to the confirmation PM's and then a month to decide what to buy and to mail it. What do you all think? Would you like to give it a go?? We will be calling ourselves Secret Sam's. (courtesy of princess_n_thep) :Banane56: :clap2: :clap2: :eek: :clap2: :mad: :clap2: :clap2: :cool: :clap2::cool: :clap2: :cool: :clap2: :cool: :clap2: :cool: :clap2: :cool: *The idea of Secret Sam Substitutes has been brought up and I think it is an excellent idea. The substitute would send an emergency gift ASAP to any one who has not gotten their gift. The Substitute Sam must be an established and reliable member of LBT and check the LBT site daily for messages and postings. If you would like to be a substitute Sam please let me know in your PM. Thanks!!
  15. That was a very thoughtful thing to do, what a wonderful follow up!
  16. K@t

    I'm Ready To Quit.

    Ok well NO one has the right to talk to another person in a way that belittles them. Do people do it? Yes. Should we take it? No. Next time she talks to you like that, gather up your calmest, but firm voice and tell her that you don't appreciate the way she is talking to you, and that you are both adults and you expect her to talk to you like one, and remind her who is the paying customer. :eek: I still can't believe people in doctors offices talk to others that way. We in no way have to put up with that kind of attitude.
  17. K@t

    Welcome to our new moderator!

    Wow thats great! Wheetsin is a perfect pic! She knows tons about boards it seems. Sorry to see Kelly going but I can imagine its difficult. Good luck Kelly, and Congrats Wheetsin.:clap2:
  18. awwwww...whats wrong with kittens??
  19. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    ....and for a little motivation here is the AVON kit this months winner is going to get. There also might be an awareness cancer bear key chain if it comes in time. Its a little bear with a pink shirt, very cute. I ordered them but they were out of stock, so we will see if it comes. It includes: 1 makeup bag 1 mini Célèbre perfume 1 Color Slide eye shadow trio (Bouquet) 1 Color Trends nail polish (Irridistic) 1 Avon Color lipstick (Pout) 1 Avon key chain 1 Planet Spa cooling eye pads
  20. K@t

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    GAWD! Are we back to this...WHY oh WHY did I start that conversation that day???? Okay, FUPA is Fat Upper Pu$$y Area. There. I've said it. Now everyone knows!!! :heh:
  21. 3loves - Didn't you tell me you liked those scents in your confirmation e mail? Maybe that's how she knew...or...shes psychic!! P'nut - hummmmm......it sounds like ur thinking about sending..............animals.............??? :guess :biggrin1:
  22. Hey Susan! I never see you online any more, I'm glad to hear everything is going well. I haven't gotten my first fill yet, but hopefully soon, and hopefully it will be as smooth as yours!
  23. K@t

    Offically Banded

    congrats to every one who just got banded, your on your way to weight loss success! :clap2:
  24. Hello there housecatgirl...it was from...ME! I'm so glad that you like it. I almost sent you a bottle of red wine from Portugal but I was afraid it wouldn't make it. Glad you liked it, the lady who put it together for me rocks!! Shes on ebay and her name is Rosie Bair and her contact is widdlefaeriescom on ebay. If any one likes Amy Brown stuff you should check her out!! PS. Here are the photos resized.
  25. K@t


    ohh no, its just all one piece, you start with a chain, and then just keep going, when the thread runs out u just tie the ends together and keep going. I used a variegated (sp?) thread and a solid one, and then i just did the border around when i finished the whole thing. it was hell to work on it the last few months because its so heavy and hot. these things are better to work on in the winter!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
