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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Which side is your port?

    Mine is just under my rib cage on my left side. It has actually moved a few cm to the left of the scare which i thought was kind of weird, and it feels like (i don't know if it really, is but it feels like) its pushing on my ribs some times. I told the doctor but he didn't seem concerned, I'm having my first fill on Wednesday and hes going to do it under flouroscopy so we can see where everything is.
  2. K@t


    Hey Paula, Believe it or not, but here in Portugal Herbal life is a big thing. I got suckered into it last year, i spent more then $200 to get all set up. It was a friend of a friend who sold it to me, and they told me if i didn't like it after trying it for 2 weeks they would give me my money back. It turned out I was allergic to something in one of the herbal pills, so i had to stop, and when i told the couple that they said, "oh" but never offered me my money back. Any way, i think its crap, and i think its the thing were people sell etc. I wouldn't waste your time or money with it. And its pretty crappy of that lady to shove it down ur throat when she hardly knows you, but i guess thats what sales people do right?
  3. K@t


    Hey guys, I have a treadmill at home and i wanted to start walking, and i was wondering how often and how long i should walk to get a decent work out during the week. I probably have time to walk 4 to 5 times a week. What do you guys think?
  4. K@t

    Hello from Singapore

    Hello there, I'm sorry to hear about some of your problems. Its great that you lost weight, but as you can see you are still having health problems because apparently you didn't lose it the right way. (and there are so many right ways out there) I would definitely seek therapy for bulimia. There are so many terrible side effects, and personally i would rather be fat then do to my body what bulimia does to it. Your first step to recovery should be geting that problem under control. I wish you a speedy recovery and lots of luck.
  5. K@t

    Last min. what to wear?!?!

    hey thats great, it looks like u had a good time!
  6. K@t

    Food nightmares

    ahahah, the dog dream, that takes the cake that was really funny. I haven't had a dream like that, i usually dont have food dreams but more like hot steamy dreams with guys i've never met. And you know what, I'm fat in all my dreams and the guys still want me!:guess
  7. go to the lounge section of the forum there is a thread there about it.
  8. K@t

    She had to drive herself.

    wow, i wish i had that kind of will power, i told every one and now im paying for it....every one keeps asking when im going to lose weight...:faint:
  9. K@t

    Last min. what to wear?!?!

    My hubby is a gamer....he and all his gamer buddies that came over tonight to play x box all overwhelmingly voted for number 1. and then number 2. They said nix number 3 because guys wanna see legs.
  10. K@t

    Food gets stuck

    I usually get this when I'm eating to fast or to big of a bite. Are the foods your eating very dry? I try to make sure my meat is moist and veggies still have juice, etc as to not have anything to dry.
  11. K@t

    1st fill - details

    Hey Cloe, Thanks for the post, I have my first fill scheduled for Wednesday of this week and I'm a bit nervous. I've already seen the needle though, they actually gave me my needle that came with the band pack at the hospital. I took it to my surgeon. Glad that things are going well for you!
  12. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Ok here is my list so far. If your name is in red its because you haven't told me your job yet, even if your retired or a STAH person let me know it all helps. So please pm me that, also if your name isn't listed but you signed up please send me another pm. Penni60 A1ikou Time to love me jorjet Maudeispam Vickie1177 JoyceGA FunnieDuddies housecatgirl sallyjo ralheit princess n thep mychevygirl mysherrijo jeangab DrewsLou Carlene tribon yoda lizzilo jucyc Denika escudero012004
  13. K@t

    3mm to much?

    I saw my doc today and we finally scheduled my first fill. I asked him if he knew how much he wanted to put and he said 3mm. It seems to me that, that might be a bit much for my first fill. Am I wrong?
  14. K@t

    3mm to much?

    good, so sounds like no problems then. Well I will find out next week, it sounds like 3 isn't so bad then.
  15. K@t

    3mm to much?

    I have a VG as well so maybe its normal?
  16. K@t

    Virtual Model

    Here is mine at my current weight 107kg and one at my goal weight 70kg
  17. K@t

    Funny Dancing Hippo....

    funny I think I have seen it before some where in a cartoon or something...Madagascar maybe?
  18. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Hey guys, I got every one on the list except for mysherrijo, lizzilo, jeangab, and Texas Princess, you guys need to PM me with your address and profession. And the rest of you who didn't pm me because I already have your info, you still need to tell me your job! :biggrin1:
  19. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Penni, I have ur info already...and the 5th is ur birthday??? The 6th is my sister's birthday and it's also my wedding date!!
  20. K@t

    Reflux Poll

    I haven't been banded for 6 months, but I wanted to just make a comment. I had acid reflux before my surgery, and really bad painful reflux. Since my surgery I haven't had any. I'm not sure why I had it before because I don't drink coffee or eat any of the usual suspect foods, but I am happy as a peach now because it seems that my band has stopped the problem.
  21. Jenna gave me some tips to help make things run smoother, the substitute sams were her idea. I think a Labor day exchange sounds good. I'll go ahead and start a thread. When every one does the confirmation this time you should tell me your jobs, and we can try to get job related gifts this time. I like the Secret working class stiff idea!
  22. K@t

    lack of emotional support

    Most people don't even notice the difference, and as you said in your previous post, people are perfectly capable of saying no thank you if they don't like what is being served. I personally think its poor taste to have to eat before going to some ones house. I would feel horrible if I knew my guests were eating before hand because I couldn't provide them with something to suit their taste. Whats the point of inviting people over if you can't make them comfortable?
  23. awwwwwww...shucks Jenna, your gonna make me blush. I had a great time with this, I really enjoyed doing it. I wouldn't mind doing it again at all, but I didn't do it alone, you were very helpful as well. Thanks! Is Halloween the next holiday??? When the heck is labor day any way??
  24. Ok everyone, it seems like most of us got our gifts. I am posting the list of who bought for who. If you wern't able to send out your gift please let me know so I can call in a sub. The first column is who bought, and the 2nd is for whom. Kyleighp--> kim2bhealthy A1ikou--> princess n thep 3loves--> FunnyDuddies Josette--> Penni60 Asphalt--> Angel 3loves Sallyjo--> A1ikou kim2bhealthy--> Jorjet housecatgirl--> Cheri photonut--> Jessiebear jessiebear--> Maudeispam ralheit--> mrycrltn Cheri--> Josette Maudeispam--> DOC Jorjet--> Gwendolyn susan4794--> ralheit mrycrltn--> Asphalt Angel Iziksmom--> TrishS FunnyDuddies--> DrewsLou k@t--> housecatgirl Gwendolyn--> mychevygirl DOC--> Carlene Mychevygirl--> dawner119 princess n thep--> Kyleighp TrishS--> PhotoNut Carlene--> sallyjo Penni60--> Iziksmom dawner119--> susan4794 DrewsLou--> k@t Beautifultina--> Cheri Cheri--> beautifultina
  25. K@t

    Proud of my lil' Buckaroo

    Hey all, I was just so proud of the way this turned out I wanted to share it. I made it for my cousins new baby. She bought a bed set called lil' buckaroo for the baby with this cowboy in the center. So I used a program to turn it into a cross stitch. I am really thrilled about the way it came out. This is the latest thing I have done, but if want to see what other kinds of things I have done feel free to check out my gallery here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
