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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K@t

  1. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Hey guys, sorry this is late, I will be sending out confirmation pm's today. PLEASE respond ASAP the sooner every one confirms, the sooner I can draw names. Again sorry I'm behind a day. Check your pm's later this afternoon for a confirmation pm. Thanks!!
  2. Hello all, Since I'm thinking of moving to Florida, and since more then likely, if I do I'll be teaching, I started checking out BCBS of Florida. I read the federal employees policy and weight loss surgery is covered, but what about after care? I had my surgery done here in Portugal and I want to know if they will cover fills, and/or any complications I might have even though the surgery wasn't done there. Any one had any experience with this?
  3. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    *snort* why did you have to say that when I'm drinking orange drink???? now its all over my monitor!!:heh: I'll be sending out confirmation pm's soon every one!! The bold means ur a substitute if we need one....hope thats ok i thought i asked every one, maybe i forgot ya Jenna, ive been so frazzled lately. :bored
  4. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    *bump* its almost confirmation time! :biggrin1:
  5. Ok people here is the thank you thread, when you get your gifts try to post pictures and your thank you here. It's always appreciated! *mods can we have a sticky?
  6. I'm glad you liked it :clap2:
  7. K@t


    Hello all, I may be posting this a bit premature, but I'm so excited I just had to post something. My husband and I have come to the conclusion that we may move back to the US next summer (one year from now) My husband has never lived in the US and he really loves computers and we think he has more job opportunities there than here. Previously he was working with his father but things have changed. I have been living here 3 years and although I am teaching English, I think I could find a job in my field (business) there or I could continue teaching. We will probably be moving to the Lakeland area of Florida (in between Tampa and Orlando). We have to settle things up here like selling our house and cars and all those things.....so we will see, I'll keep you all posted!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  8. K@t


    hehe, well i think living in Portugal has been a great experience for me, i have gotten to learn my husbands customs and traditions and i learned another language, how cool is that, but i think now that its time for use to see what else is out there for us. The more i talk about it the more convinced hubby is that we should move, so now we just need to hash out the details and of course talk to his parents...:eek: that ought to be interesting...:heh:
  9. K@t


    she works at Boone Middle School in Haines City. She's the new Media Specialist there this year, but shes been teaching there for the past 7 or 8 years i think, but shes been teaching for 14 years. I substituted at a lot of schools in the district but I spent my last year as a perm sub at Boone as well. Funny, I'm emailing you about the contract jobs.
  10. K@t


    He's a hardware guy, but he's going to take the A+ and networking certificates......
  11. K@t


    I'm already scouting out houses...i think its freaking hubby out! I have a guaranteed job at my moms school, the principal there will hire me in a min. the tougher part is finding hubby a job, he wants to work in computers, but problem is hes self taught he doesnt have any degrees in it. so it will be hard to find something, but im sure we will manage.
  12. K@t


    nah, portuguese aren't very big on online buying. They like to go into a store and feel and touch stuff. It's ok i think we can get a bit more for the house if we sell it furnished. The rest of our stuff i think we will box up and have it shipped probably. We will have to wait and see.
  13. K@t


    Hey Mandy, I would LOVE to, maybe we could even do Disney together. My mom use to work there and we use to get free passes, my husband and I went every time we came back to the US on vacation, we love it! I'm just so excited, I just hope things don't fall through and we make it. Hubby is really worried about the logistics of such a big move, we have to sell our apartment here plus we have 2 cars, plus all of our stuff....and our 2 cats......thats why were waiting another year to save money for the move and to get things organized, selling our house and what not.....this should be a ride!
  14. K@t

    To all teachers.... need some help.

    Hey Jenna, I'm teaching English now in Portugal, but I taught 6th grade language arts in the US any my mom taught 6th grade science...what subject are you going to teach? There are TONS of resources online for lesson plans, and most first year teachers just go by the book, don't be ashamed to do that because you will build up your stash of teaching materials over time. Talk to other teachers at your school they are a WEALTH of information and will share all kinds of goodies with you. As for your letter the other suggestions are good, include what the school has given you as approved curriculum for the year, and what you plan on teaching, and maybe even some projects the students might be doing. However, I'm not so sure about giving your personal information. You should speak to your principal on their policy about that, lots of schools now days have a protocol they follow for parent complaints and often times it needs to go through the school and not through you personally first. I know that sounds like crap but they have to watch out for lawsuits and they have people trained to deal with things, sometimes teachers can say something innocent and muck it all up to were a parent can bring a lawsuit... I know because I was involved in a racial incident in my school where a student accused me of being racist twords him. The mother came to talk to me but I refused and it was a good thing too. The lawyers told me almost any thing I would have said to her could have been twisted and used against the school in some way, these days its gotten so out of hand that often times parents are just looking for the slightest incident to sue the school. Good luck I hope it all goes well!
  15. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Yes i did get the bracelet, I'm so sorry i didn't pm you to tell you! Ive been so busy, but I love it!! Thanks so much. I got you both on the list now.
  16. K@t

    "Eat solids 3 days post-op"

    Each doctor has a different recommendation, just from reading posts here we can see that it runs the gambit. I'm in Portugal and my doctor happens to love liquid diets, he had me on one 1 week before surgery, 1 month after surgery and he told me 1 to 2 weeks again after my first fill. Now I'm going to be completely honest here, I ate solids about 5 days after my surgery, not every day and not at every meal, but I was able to with out problems. I tried as hard as i could to stick to the liquids, but some days were better then others. I also know a few other people who started eating solids a few days after surgery. I think it all depends on how you feel. If you feel ok, and your doctor gave you the ok, then thats fine. In my case my doctor didn't give me the ok and I did it any way, so if there were any problems, I'm the one who has to answer to him. He asked me to do 1 to 2 weeks liquids after my first fill, its been 3 days and I ate normal food last night, of course a lot less of it, but I find it hard to stay on the liquids when I can have solid foods with no problems. Good luck on your journey!
  17. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    pm me with what you do for work 3loves.
  18. K@t

    Wanted to share about my daughter

    I'm not as young as your daughter but I'm 25, so I am one of the younger ones around here. It sounds as if we have about the same amount of weight to lose, I need about another 80lbs or so to be at my goal. I wish her luck and being shy is hard in real life but its a lot easier to come here to a forum and post because its a bit more anonymous, she will find lots of support and help here.
  19. K@t

    Ozzfest rawked~ photos

    ohh...how was system of a down and disturbed? I would be interested in how they sound live, I like their music, but I've only heard prerecorded stuff, nothing live....
  20. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Ok here is my updated list, I've been a bit busy so it took me awhile to get every one who pm'd me in the last few days (burning fills and what not...:heh: ) If I forgot you PLEASE pm me, I promise I'm on the ball now...ohh yea bold people your sub stiffies....:guess Hope thats ok......and dont mind the parenthasies, thats me being lazy and just copying and pasting......:notagree (Penni60) (A1ikou) (Time to Love me) (jorjet) (Maudeispam) (Vickie1177) (JoyceGA) (FunnyDuddies) (housecatgirl) (sallyjo) (ralheit) (princess n thep) (mychevygirl) (mysherrijo) (Jeangab) (DrewsLou) (Carlene) (tribon) (yoda) (lizzilo) (jucyc) (Denika) (escudero012004) (barbara465) (those eyes2004) (Woodys) (PhotoNut) (sbmorgaine) (Jammin & Losin) (TrishS) (jan.barnett) (moon goddess) (Cheri)
  21. ok guys, I had my first fill today and I have a few questions. 1. i didn't get an anesthetic shot, but it didn't hurt much when he stuck me, however when he started pushing in the saline, it burned like hell....any one ever had that problem before? 2. the doc told me 1 to 2 weeks liquids :faint: :) is he kidding? I knew a few days liquids but 1 to 2 weeks? What do you guys think?
  22. K@t

    First Fill Burning

    damn, no one else really had any burning huh? Maybe its the way the doc did it?..or maybe I'm just weird like that...but it burned like a mother for about 15-20 seconds and after it was over i still kept feeling twinges like u know when you scratch yourself and the skin burns later...he didn't use alcohol on me he used monkeys blood...what do you call it...benedine? that brown kinda stuff...any way....I don't think i can do another week liquids, i think i have restriction i ate a half bowl of creamy soup today and I'm good. I think i may try some mashed potatoes tomorrow and see how the week goes. I'll keep u posted.
  23. K@t

    First Fill Burning

    well i'm pretty sure he hit the port, he did it under flourscopy and i could see my port on the image, he could too, i told him it was burning, but he didnt seem to think it was a problem. Maybe it was burning when he took the needle out? I'm not sure now....I'll have to wait and see if I feel any restriction, so far I have just had water so we will see.
  24. K@t

    First Fill

    Hello Vicki, I am also getting my first fill tomorrow, and I was banded at the end of april. I have also been eating pretty normal up until now. I think its safe to assume that we should go on liquids for a day or 2 after the fill (soups yogurts, etc) and then take it very slow to see what we can handle after that. At least thats my plan.
  25. K@t

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    Ok guys, I'll post an updated list soon...er....or..late....er....:biggrin1:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
