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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Hugs
    Bastian reacted to NikkiOwl in Questions   
    I obviously asked because I am curious. I am trying to follow my plan but feel best on shakes and broths. I am supposed to be having more foods but everything seems to create acid. I was hoping that someone might have something useful to share because I never experienced heartburn before this.
  2. Like
    Bastian reacted to Riva_G. in Keto   
    Thanks Everybody! I’ll discuss this with my Dr.
  3. Like
    Bastian reacted to Meadow76 in 8 Years Post OP - Weight Gain   
    I’m only 7 months out but happy with my progress. I’m eagerly looking for others suggestions to you that have more experience. Your situation is something I think many of us are always concerned about- Maintaining our weight loss. You certainly sound like you’re doing right things. My brother has maintained his 160 lb weight loss for 18 years. He has had periods of struggles & has said he’s been up as much as 15 lbs. He then is super careful & goes back to early basics & does go back down.
  4. Like
    Bastian reacted to New&Improved in IN MAINTENANCE - loving life - NEW PHOTOS!!!!   
    hair on my head or my face?
    1. My hair has got thinner with bypass and it appears to be growing slower than before.. I'm hoping it will get thicker..
    2. I don't like facial hair.. makes me look old.
  5. Like
    Bastian reacted to rjan in IN MAINTENANCE - loving life - NEW PHOTOS!!!!   
    Looking good!
    Personally, I think you'd look even better if you grow your hair out more...but that's just me, I like hairy guys, lol.
  6. Like
    Bastian reacted to ChubRub in IN MAINTENANCE - loving life - NEW PHOTOS!!!!   
    Thank you for continuing to inspire us all!
  7. Like
    Bastian reacted to New&Improved in IN MAINTENANCE - loving life - NEW PHOTOS!!!!   
    Hope all is well
    Here in Australia in my state we are starting to ease covid-19 restrictions opening some shops this week and cinemas and gyms and restaurants next month but still with social distancing and limits on numbers.
    I've been well and everyone I know and love is well.
    Anyway just want to summarise my journey for those who are new.
    I started my weight loss journey 8.5 months ago at 322lbs and I had roux en y bypass 6.5 months ago.
    From day one I chose to go cold turkey and cut out all the bad food sugar fat carbs and lived off Protein Shakes religiously for months.
    By surgery day I was 257lbs and I've now technically been in maintenance a few weeks and this morning I'm 168lbs most days between 168/170lbs and have been that way for a few weeks; finally starting to feel good about myself that's a total of 154lbs gone.
    Now when I look in the mirror I do not recognise myself anymore it's amazing to see how small I look now.
    Everyone in my family is so happy for me because I spent half my life obese and unwell mentally not just physically but now my mental health is improving because I no longer dislike what I see in the mirror; is amazing how much my brain has changed now that I'm healthy and skinny.
    I've only just started experimenting with food more than past 2 months and have relaxed in the carb counting/calorie counting but still quite aware of my daily intake.
    i will admit I've had a few treats here and there in the past month but it literally has not affected me weight loss at all.. It's like I have a completely new metabolism..
    I love coffee and I feel great mentally and physically and I cannot wait to meet a nice young lady who will appreciate me.
    I'll be 36 in 11 weeks and I'm feeling better than I have in 20 years I personally think and feel like I'm going to be 26 hehehehehe
    I've got a few photos to show you guys and I appreciate honest comments from the ladies
    (it's not easy to take photos & get good angle of myself but I did my best)
    Thank you.
    If you have any questions about my bypass or anything feel free to comment or PM.
    Starting BMI 43.3 current BMI 22.7
    Love Mikey xx

  8. Like
    Bastian reacted to afterthought in IN MAINTENANCE - loving life - NEW PHOTOS!!!!   
    Anyone that see's you walk down the street would never believe you weighed 322. You look fantastic.
  9. Like
    Bastian reacted to catwoman7 in Advice Needed   
    I actually found the six-month period very helpful. For one, it gave me a lot more time to research the procedure, post-op life, etc. I read several books and spent lots and lots of time on bariatric internet forums. I felt really well-prepared before I went in for surgery - moreso than I would have been had I just attended the pre-op classes that my clinic mandates.
    also, the two dietitians I had during that period helped me to gradually change my eating habits so that the post-op plan wouldn't seem so radical. For example, they had me gradually increase my Protein, gradually decrease my carbs and calories, slowly wean myself off caffeine and carbonated beverages, start an exercise program and work up slowly, etc. Nothing ever seemed too drastic - and like I said, once I got on the post-op eating plan (after the first few weeks of liquids/purees, that is), it didn't seem so radically different than what I was doing before.
    so my intention here is even if you have to do the six-month thing, embrace it. At first I was not happy about having to go through it and just wanted the darn surgery, but I did find this period really helpful.
  10. Like
    Bastian reacted to DesperateEC in Hate bypass   
    Yes I do. When I lost the weight the first time a lot of negative ppl in my life said I would fail and gain it all back which I did!😢😢😔😔😔 and evening though I cut most ppl out of my life the main ones are my family. I’ve literally been in hiding. I can’t believe they were right.
  11. Like
    Bastian reacted to DesperateEC in Hate bypass   
    I know 😔 I just want to lose more. Quicker. I need to be under 200😢😢 I tired of being a hermit
  12. Like
    Bastian reacted to summerset in Hate bypass   
    Please don't compare the weight loss rate of a man to the weight loss rate of a woman. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
  13. Like
    Bastian reacted to DesperateEC in Hate bypass   
    Don’t get me wrong you guys. My revision was done on March 9 and I’ve already lost 35 pounds so I’m happy, it’s just not what I was expecting . I had the perfect sleeve but the pregnancies forced my pouch to spread. The last pregnancy I was on complete bed rest for the entire thing. I guess I’m sad
  14. Like
    Bastian reacted to New&Improved in Hate bypass   
    The surgeon should have told you heart burn GERD is a main component of the sleeve and bypass will most likely be needed to fix it...

  15. Like
    Bastian reacted to New&Improved in Hate bypass   
    The bypass does alot more than the sleeve ever could... Being that bypass has your 2nd attempt it will not be the same as a virgin surgery..
    RNY BYPASS was the best decision I ever made and I know it has changed my metabolism I can no longer gain weight and I've lost 152lbs in 8 months and some days I don't even get hungry.. but you need to still have self control and be mentally prepared..
    It's not a magic trick
  16. Like
    Bastian reacted to summerset in Hate bypass   
    As a never-sleeve I can only imagine how strong the restriction with a sleeve might be. I went from MGB to RNY and I get uncomfortably full way faster now.
  17. Like
    Bastian reacted to catwoman7 in Reflux remains after revision 😩   
    You can definitely throw up after bypass! I wonder where people got the idea that you can't??
    weight loss after revisions IS slow for most people
    how long ago was your revision? I'm surprised you're still having reflux. If it was recent, does your surgeon have you on a PPI? Most surgeons put people on them for the first 3-6 months (for revisions AND for virgin surgeries.
  18. Like
    Bastian reacted to catwoman7 in No one has noticed ...   
    P.S. I ran into a former co-worker once and she didn't recognize me (she knew me when I was 200 lbs heavier). When I told her who I was, she said "oh - sorry - you look so different - your hairstyle is different or something". WTF???? I do think some people are just afraid to comment on other people's weight.
  19. Like
    Bastian reacted to AZhiker in No one has noticed ...   
    It will come. It takes fair bit before people start noticing. And amazingly, some people will NEVER comment, even after you reach goal weight and you are half the size you used to be! I have relatives like that. There are 3 women in the family who struggle with weight, and not a single one of them even tells me, "Hey, you look good." Funny, but the MEN all tell me I look great! Ha!
  20. Like
    Bastian reacted to Jay19 in No one has noticed ...   
    I think sometimes people are scared to ask too. I’ve lost 50 too and people that I see everyday don’t really notice but I seen a friend that I hadn’t seen in a couple of months before my surgery and she was like wow you lost a lot of weight. Weight is a fragile subject. Great job on the 50 pound down!
  21. Hugs
    Bastian got a reaction from DaisyChainOz in Wondering WHY I did it!   
    I lost 30lbs, sounds good huh BUT I went through absolute hell. I had 2 major surgeries a week apart because my sleeve went wrong so ended up with a bypass, I have had nothing but problems since, nausea/vomiting/bile coming up in my sleep which I inhaled and the burn in my oesophagus was so intense I thought I might die then and there (that was just last week 7 months out), due to inhaling it I now have a chest infection and I am trying to cough hard every 30 mins to prevent pneumonia developing.
    So, you haven't lost 30lbs but you HAVE lost! THAT is all that matters. Be happy with what you have it could be worse.
    Good luck xx
  22. Like
    Bastian got a reaction from Palta in Am I eating too little? How not to ruin my metabolism?   
    Your weight loss is awesome! A 3 week stall is pretty par for the course, we ALL stall sooner or later and repeatedly as our metabolism adjusts
    I'm 8 months out and only eat around 500 cals most days unless i eat some kind of junk food to up my calories. I just can't eat enough food to get over 500 cals with meat/veg aaaaand I don't wanna be eating junk regularly you know?
    I would really try not to worry too much at this point still early days so slowly incorporate weights when ready and adjust your food then
  23. Confused
    Bastian reacted to Sabs211 in My WLS team is confusing me...   
    I'm in the UK so it's different but I think they'd rather have the tests done so they can schedule your surgery as soon as everything starts to become normal again.
    Tests should be valid for a few months providing your health doesn't get worse
    good luck xx
  24. Confused
    Bastian reacted to NovaLuna in My WLS team is confusing me...   
    I had my pulmonary and cardiac stuff done in August. My surgery was in January. So it can be done months in advance. Or at least here in California it can. Under my health insurance lol
  25. Confused
    Bastian reacted to slim1972 in My WLS team is confusing me...   
    Hi, I have done my surgery last June 2019, I have lost 80 lbs from 310 lbs.
    You can go through all you appt , when things come back nanual you finish all your tests.
    Don't forget their are many people has been post back for surgery.
    Good luck.

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