Once again my comment still stands....to make vague statements without an explanation just makes you sound like a troll. Hence it sounds like you probably failed at it because you didn't do what you were suppose to. You should stop discouraging someone to do what might be right for them all because you were probably a non-compliant patient.
And my opinion still stands for Jennifer47 -- having the vsg procedure and all of these other surgeries can come with a lifetime of risks as well. Also they're not magical surgeries, you can regain weight -- my takeaway is you have to do the work and maintain your loss with any surgery. So once again do your research and get reputable opinions, not from trolls like this, and do what is right for you. Your the only one who has to live with it. And once 80+ percent of your stomach is gone or your gut is re-routed you can't necessarily change that. If the Lap Band was not effective in some manner -- it would be off the market - until that happens there must be something effective in getting it.
A lot of docs are pushing other surgeries but then again a lot of them don't want the maintenance of taking care of their patients either (ie. having to have you come back for periodic fills and readjustments) and dealing with the noncompliance of their patients. You have to really maintain your care with this surgery and keep up with your fills and know when it needs adjusting. A big issue I've heard on here is people who didn't do either or even understood how it worked (and they're complaining?). That is part of this procedure. So if someone doesn't want that level of care post surgery then maybe a Lapband isn't the best option. Then you get those complaining about getting things "stuck" all of the time. The Lapband is a restrictive procedure (similar to Vsg). It is meant that you be committed to changing your diet and eat in a similar way. Wherever I've researched I find somebody admitting they didn't follow the rules. I'm not saying it is a great procedure (I'm neither for or against) but it does require more care and effort on an individual's part. I just don't like when individuals come on here pushing others to try the surgeries they had, dogging out others and giving little to no advice about why they are against it. Don't feel forced or scared not to try what might be right for you to begin your journey.