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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to JRT Mom in Three Month Mark   
    WOWZA!!! Great job! People call WLS just a tool, but I call it a miracle!😁
  2. Congrats!
    Lynda486 reacted to loridee11 in Three Month Mark   
    Congratulations! Your loss so far is amazing and I'm so glad you are feeling better. I'm just past the 3 months myself and am down 43 lbs since surgery (I was down >40 before surgery) and agree, I feel so much better.
  3. Congrats!
    Lynda486 reacted to Sammi_Katt in Three Month Mark   
    Today is my three month post sleeve day, and I have lost a total of 61.4lbs!!!!!! This is wild- I'm SO close to my high school weight again. No more blood pressure or cholesterol meds, I have more energy than I've had in years, I crave healthy foods and eat well... this is the reason I had the surgery. I needed that push to get me going. It's been the best tool I've ever had to become healthy. I am just legitimately so happy to finally feel like a human again... after I'm finished with my Breakfast, I'm going out on my new bike for a victory lap lol

  4. Haha
    Lynda486 reacted to JessLess in My Hungry Head Webinar   
    My program paid for me to attend some webinars from My Hungry Head since we can't meet. I wondered if anyone else had done them? They seem a little low level to me so far. During the first Zoom meeting, I fell asleep with my iPad on my head. Good thing my camera was off!
  5. Hugs
    Lynda486 reacted to BoredFatGirl in Just feeling sorry for myself..   
    I feel like something always goes wrong when things seem to be going in the right direction for me.
    I turned 30 this year. My husband planned a romantic trip to Paris together for my birthday weekend to Celebrate. That was mid-March, so it ended up being postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and our country closing the borders. I was honestly looking forward to it -- a weekend where we didn't have to worry about the kids, where we could just enjoy each other, be intimate, go on an adventure, and be able to forget about everything else going on in our lives right now (which is honestly a lot of ****).
    I figured that we didn't need to leave our country to do that, though. We could figure out something at home since we would still have the weekend alone, and I got comfortable with that idea. That is, until our babysitter canceled on us completely, refusing to watch them for even a few hours. Great. It didn't turn out to be a bad weekend, but it wasn't what I had wished or even planned for. 😕
    Anyways, I still had my surgery at the end of April to look forward to, so forget my birthday. No big deal. I've managed to keep my weight below where it needed to be in order to get surgery (down roughly 50lbs). I have stopped smoking completely & picked up nicotine-free vaping. I was really excited that this next chapter was getting started for me.. And I really hoped that it wasn't going to get canceled with how soon it was, that maybe things wouldn't have escalated as much as they have by now, and I would be okay.. But no, I got the email.. The email from the hospital telling me that my surgery is going to be postponed, that they would let me know by July 1st when I can expect my next date for surgery..
    Another two months before I even hear back on when my next surgery date is, and even that isn't promised.. We don't know how far or how long this COVID-19 pandemic is going to take to be over with, or even to just where it can be managed to a point where hospitals can return to a normal routine. It's really getting me down and it's been hard to stay positive.
    I've stopped posting on here.. I am not sure why. Maybe I was ashamed or felt like I had no reason to be posting here.. These forums and having a set date was what was keeping me on track and motivated to keep going. Instead, I've turned back to food as a source of comfort. My diet has done a complete 180 and I am over-eating all the **** I shouldn't be eating in the first place. I've gained 8lbs back already. I hate how easy it is to put on weight. I hate how weak I am, how easy I can cave and give in to bad habits. I hate seeing myself sabotage all the work I've put into losing the weight I have. It's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes.. My head is not where I need it to be.. I feel stuck and I am just overall unhappy.
  6. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to New&Improved in 170LBS & MAINTAINING !!!   
    Hello everyone what a ride it has been.
    I spent a year researching bariatric surgery before choosing RNY BYPASS.
    my highest weight was 322lbs and I was very unhealthy and probably heading for an early grave.
    With a BMI of 43.7
    now today after 7.5 months I've managed to hit 170LBS.
    that's a total loss of 152lbs in 7.5 months and I think I'm done and in maintenance mode.
    I've started adding more variety and carbs into my diet but still being mindful of my Weight.
    I'm just so grateful for the bypass it has completely and literally changed my metabolism for the better.
    Lately I have indulged here and there on a few squares of chocolate or a Mars Bar or even a cup of icecream without it affecting my weight at all.
    it's like I'm a new Man.
    thank you all for your ongoing support.


  7. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from CammyC in What do you eat in a day to get 70-80 G Protein   
    My average Protein looks to be around 60 to 70 a day according to Myfittnesspal. I haven't had a Protein Shake for a month or more now.
  8. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Beatsalad in Recreational Drugs   
    This thread is why I don't frequent this board much. I am 10months post up and am at my goal weight. All my labs are perfect and I work out 5-7 times a week. Oh and I also do recreational drugs on occasion. Try and remember that not everyone is you and every situation is different. Doctors and surgeons are people and give what they consider best practices but are not gods. Not every one is an addict, I've had this success because because I worked the program into my lifestyle and didn't make the surgery my religion.
  9. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to elcee in Recreational Drugs   
    There is no such thing as a one time thing
  10. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Frustr8 in Recreational Drugs   
    Believe you will land on your feet and make this a success. And we will want to hear updates as you start losing down your weight.
  11. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Walter.Sobchak in Recreational Drugs   
    Coke is like this, you will feel fantastic for like an hour and then you have to do more, I was starting to use coke in addition to my drinking when I finally hit bottom and got sober.
    I am an alcoholic to the core, so I simply have to abstain from drinking. Having said that, I am an addict too and cannot use any form of drug or I will abuse it even something as simple as Benadryl. I will abuse anything that makes me feel good, hence my food addiction. I am a food addict and that is what led me to getting up to 440 pounds. Food was the only thing I had left to abuse. I was 9 years sober when I got sleeved and 3 months after getting sleeved I relapsed and almost died. Like literally almost died, my wife had to call 911 and I had to be taken to the ER. Why did this happen? I didn’t protect my sobriety and once I couldn’t abuse food anymore my alcoholism and drug addiction came back with a vengeance. I am sober today by the grace of God and very fortunate I did not die the night I relapsed.
  12. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to FluffyChix in Recreational Drugs   
    *grabs popcorn and tiptoes out of the thread...I chose the wrong day to give up carbs...and sniffin glue...*
  13. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to sillykitty in Recreational Drugs   
    Do you not see the hypocritical-ness of this post?
    I think @sideeye has a very valid point that no one wants to come on here and be judged, that's not what this forum is for. @Tootiesmom came here with a legitimate concern, acknowledged some bad choices and is asking for help. Hasn't everyone made some poor choices at some point?
  14. Haha
    Lynda486 reacted to Tess0554 in Recreational Drugs   
    I think everyone pre n post op and hungry as shit and angry from eating chicken broth all day lmao y’all chill
  15. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Frustr8 in Recreational Drugs   
    Well I still like you, you made a couple bad choices, but you're going to try doing better, right? And if you getvtempted you will remember how you feel now. Pick yourself up, shake off the criticism if it hurts, dust yourself off, all is not lost. Your sleeve will feel better when you feel better, and you are still pretty cool, okay? Please stay, you were at least honest, in this politically correct eera, it's refreshing.😜
  16. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to sideeye in Recreational Drugs   
    You're not asking a stupid question. And it's not TMI. Goddamnit, people depress me sometimes.
    First: when did you have surgery? Have you done coke before, and is this typical? Had you had alcohol since your surgery?
    Just based on the timing, I'd guess that you've got a stomach bug and that this isn't related to the drug use. Anyone vomiting for three days would feel ache in their stomach. Did you have a flu shot this year? Are you drinking a ton of Gatorade or Pedialyte to make up for the dehydration? If not, your symptoms are just going to feel worse.
    Even if this reaction has nothing to do with the coke or booze, you know that introducing a rogue element into a healing system isn't a good idea, obviously, and you'll be more careful in future. Good.
    Few things make me bristle with rage. Idiotic responses like this would be one of them. Her question was related to WLS, since she's concerned there's been an interaction between the drugs and the surgery. She's asking for help because she's worried. I am incredibly angry that your response was the first here, as it is worthless.
  17. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from jasmineinmymind in Im scared of gaining weight through this crisis   
    We are all in this together! I am afraid of gaining during all of this also! My husband is also home until at least April 30th, so I understand what you are going through lol!
  18. Thanks
    Lynda486 got a reaction from Krimsonbutterflies in When does energy return?   
    I would say I turned a corner between 4 and 5 weeks. The healing process can be exhausting!
  19. Thanks
    Lynda486 got a reaction from Krimsonbutterflies in When does energy return?   
    I would say I turned a corner between 4 and 5 weeks. The healing process can be exhausting!
  20. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Hop_Scotch in Gas, Gas and More Gas   
    Perhaps give the raw salad veges a miss for a little while see if that helps. If the gas stops you know that the raw veges are possibly the culprit.
    Cabbage, broccoli, cauli, brussel sprouts plus some others are probably the gassy culprits.
  21. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to JessLess in Work outs/hiking/gym/weight lifting/HELP   
    Did you lift weights before? Either way, go for it, but it will be a lot easier if it's something you used to do. If you haven't I would start with a trainer (if you're not social distancing) so you don't hurt yourself. There are a lot of weight training classes too.
  22. Hugs
    Lynda486 reacted to AZhiker in Ever forget you had surgery?   
    I'm 14 months out, and although I can eat anything I want, my tummy still reminds me of volume. I find that the things I used to love eating a LOT of - like stir fry veggies, just don't sit so well any more. I can eat out anywhere (except now!) or fix any kind of food, and in that sense, things are back to normal. But volume is definitely not the same - THANKFULLY!
    I am presently enduring 2 weeks of home isolation due to COVID-19 symptoms, which are resolving without any problems, but I admit that there has been heightened anxiety/stress during all this. I am utterly dismayed to find myself resorting to food for comfort - I thought I had that one licked, but it has raised its ugly head, and I have gained 5 pounds! I have been too tired to exercise, so I have been a couch potato/food addict for nearly 2 weeks, and now I am paying the price. But.... I am now back on track with starting some exercise again, tracking my food, intermittent fasting, and working on my emotional issues. It feels MUCH BETTER to be in control of the food, rather than the food being in control of me. I need to hold this thought and remember that the long term reward greatly outweighs the short term gratification.
  23. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to GreenTealael in 🔔 MOOD ENHANCEMENTS 🔔   
    4c5e2b6e091cd575a28551a41f58592d.mp4 9738ba4e3c4ae6e031ca9408d9f8224c.mp4 5424e0102fc0cc104013dd0866fb5ceb.mp4 e5dcb56d95ab8d15aeb75fd76b37a280.mp4
  24. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from momof3_angels in Look, Look!   
  25. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from momof3_angels in Look, Look!   

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