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  1. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from JAKE H in Cannabis and WLS   
    I also use it everyday, and have had no issues with the munchies.
  2. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from JAKE H in Cannabis and WLS   
    I also use it everyday, and have had no issues with the munchies.
  3. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to qianmij in Exercise for loose skin   
    Dr. Vuong says loose skin is a badge of honor. I’m going to keep that in my head when I get there. I’m looking forward, to be like you ❤️.
  4. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to chunkarella in What do you eat in a day to get 70-80 G Protein   
    I know this is an old thread.. but something I have found that fits amazingly in my diet is Tilapia.
    I know fish isn't ideal, and i HATE fish, but tilapia absorbs any flavors you put into it and doesn't taste fishy!! Marinating it in some lemon juice with some garlic and herbs, then throwing it in the air fryer is amazing. For 1 loin, its about 30g of Protein. So it's akin to a Protein Shake. That right there is 1/2 of my daily protein. I got a bag of individually packaged ones at BJ's (like sams club/costco) and they're frozen and ready to go when I am.
    putting it w/some steamed broccoli or shredding it up onto 1/2 a veggie wrap for fish "tacos" is really nice to do. almost feels normal to eat.
  5. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Vacation pic - golden hour by the Ocean
    The dress was so soft and clingy that it revealed every little thing and now I want abs. Help.😆

  6. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Dtrain84 in OOTD   
    I have a confession to make, I love dressing up just to go shopping and I developed shoe fetish (I bought the shoes I'm wearing this past Saturday) . By the way, I have mad sock game too,lol!

  7. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from LaLaDee in Exercise for loose skin   
    Thank-you all for your uplifting and supportive comments. I am 55 so myself I don't care what the world thinks. It was hurtful to hear it, because I know there is nothing I can do about it, but they keep cheering me on. I have starting to lose weight again, but at a much slower rate. So maybe that will help future issues. Again thanks to all of you, you are my biggest supporters!
  8. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from LaLaDee in Exercise for loose skin   
    Thank-you all for your uplifting and supportive comments. I am 55 so myself I don't care what the world thinks. It was hurtful to hear it, because I know there is nothing I can do about it, but they keep cheering me on. I have starting to lose weight again, but at a much slower rate. So maybe that will help future issues. Again thanks to all of you, you are my biggest supporters!
  9. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to LaLaDee in Exercise for loose skin   
    It so mean and pointless to point out you have loose skin. It's absolutely not your fault, while time, body tightening creams and some exercises may help some people a little bit, for others there's nothing you can do, due to a combination of genetics, age, how many times you have lost and gained weight, skin elasticity etc. It doesn't mean that you didn't exercise! No amount of bicep curls would have gotten rid of loose skin on my arms. I really wish people understood that!
    About two years ago, I actually went to one of those body sculpting clinics, they do "non-surgical" fat freezing and they said they couldn't help me with my arms. I'm glad I went somewhere reputable and they didn't just take thousands of dollars from me. They basically said, plastic surgery was my only option.
    I just had my first plastic surgery, and waited 3 years. Honestly, the loose skin is like a trophy and it tells a story of how far you have come! I try to be proud of my stretch marks and skin, it's a lot better than the alternative, having that skin filled with fat! Plastic surgery is a game changer, but it's expensive and not for everyone. While I'm thrilled with my arm lift, I don't take any blame for the loose skin (as my surgeon explained, there was nothing I could have done to improve it on my own), I'm very proud of what I accomplished with weight loss. If the skin bothers you (I had rashes and pain), then you can consider your options. It's no one else's business! And nothing for anyone to comment on!!!
  10. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to STLoser in Exercise for loose skin   
    It really makes me sad that when you're working so hard to do something good for yourself, instead of cheering you on, your husband and son had to be negative and point out something you can't control unless you get plastic surgery. [emoji3525]

    Sent from my moto g(6) using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to AlwaysCruising in Exercise for loose skin   
    I’ve got to be honest, there is no exercise for loose skin. If someone has lost a little bit of weight and has no muscle tone, they could gain a little muscle to push out the skin. But for significant weight loss, skin and exercise are completely separate issues. Unless someone is quite young or won the DNA lottery of skin, there will be loose skin.
    I’m not trying to be Debbie downer, but those are scientific facts and I hate for people to spend a lot of time and money on things that won’t work (and there are people who will lie for their own reasons, including the beauty industry trying to make money). I wish that weren’t so (but I spent $20,000 on surgery because it is). But there is still looseness on my lower legs and arms that surgery can’t fix. It is just part of the journey.
    I don’t normally do this, but I’m going to attach a before and after picture of my arm surgery (after my 100 lb loss 7 years ago). There is nothing that would’ve fixed that skin but surgery. 🙇🏼‍♀️

  12. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to rene50 in Exercise for loose skin   
    I'm so sorry they pointed out your loose skin which I'm sure you had already noticed. I'm dealing with the same thing and have been excercising religiously, light arm weights, yoga, bike riding and swimming. I also put coconut oil on my arms, legs and neck, although I have no idea if this really helps, just read it somehwhere, so figured it couldn't hurt. LOL! I saw a young lady yesterday who is 4 years post surgery, and her arms looked worse than mine, but she's lost more than 100 pounds. From my reading, I think toning and building muscle will help some, but there's no absolute fix unless you have surgery, which I am not considering. Like others mentioned, I am hoping my skin will tighten a little after a year, but I'm 57, so it may not, and I'm okay with that because I still look and feel better. How old are you? It's the very top of my thighs and my batwings that bother me, but, oh well. At my age, I'm not trying to get skinny, just healthy, and if I feel good at 170, I may try to maintain that to avoid more sagging, instead of losing to 160.
  13. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to catwoman7 in Exercise for loose skin   
    doing weights - either machines or hand weights - and doing things like squats, lunges, bike riding - will all help somewhat, but if it's really bad, plastic surgery is the only way to get rid of it. And I agree with the others- that was horrible for them to say that to you!
  14. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to AlwaysCruising in Exercise for loose skin   
    @Lynda486 it was late when I posted (which is why it says “I normally do this” vs. “don’t do this” LOL). But I did want to add this - I was heartbroken when I read this in your post - “until this past week when my husband and my son separately told me that I need to do something about my loose skin.” I cannot imagine anyone saying that to you, much less beloved family members. I can’t imagine the callousness of it nor someone thinking you could just “do something” about it. You must feel you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t 😣. I hope you have people in your world that will be there for you and help you during this journey ❤️
  15. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from tahoegirl96118 in 🎈 Pity Party🎈   
    Maybe you could sell the bras online. I still think we should have a buy sell or trade group 😉
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    Lynda486 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 🎈 Pity Party🎈   
    Oh no! Is it sprained or broken? Heal quickly!

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    Lynda486 reacted to Sassafras1 in 🎈 Pity Party🎈   
    Ouch 😩 this is what you get for being cocky on a hike

  18. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from Sassafras1 in THE SLOW LOSERS CLUB SUPPORT THREAD   
    Starting Tuesday this week I upped my calories to almost 900. The whole time freaking out that I was sabotaging my goals. I had 896 calories on Tuesday, 858 on Wednesday and 916 yesterday for an average of 890 a day. This morning I stepped on the scale with a 2 pound loss! That is more than I have had at one time for a long time!
  19. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to sarahSingh91 in OOTD   
    Amazing!!! 😍
  20. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to Dtrain84 in OOTD   
    I attended a funeral of a former coworker. It stopped raining long enough to take an outdoor picture.

  21. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to JAKE H in OOTD   
    Here ya go soph. Only because you asked.

  22. Like
    Lynda486 reacted to New&Improved in CAN'T STOP LOSING WEIGHT??   
    Hello there guys.
    Hope all is well.
    Well most of you know my story.
    Started my weight loss journey 10.5 months ago. Had surgery 8.5 months ago. Been in maintenance now 2.5 months.
    My high weight when I met the surgeon was recorded at 322LBS and I have lost weight really well and consistently the whole time, averaging about 20lbs a month 😁
    i got down to 165lbs and have been stable and maintaining that weight for the past 2.5 months, I still check my weight often to make sure I'm not going up and this morning my weight has gone down again....
    i don't understand. Like I'm not even trying to lose anymore weight I'm already below goal weight and feeling amazing.
    In maintenance I've been eating more calories and adding in different foods and some carbs and to be honest I've had a few treats here and there; I honestly believe the bypass has completely changed my metabolism and how my body processes calories 😁
    I'm not counting calories as much and enjoying my new life.
    I'm just wanting people to see it is possible to be successful.
    Today weigh in - 162.8.
    that's 159.2lbs lost and that is amazing literally HALF MY BODY WEIGHT GONE......

  23. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from NerdySongBird in If you are queer, lesbian, no label, poly......   
    Hey there, I am a 54 year old married female from Missouri. I have 2 grown boys, a small flock of chickens and a dog. I work part time in a medical office. Always looking for friends and support! Welcome to the forum!
  24. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from Tralynn222 in Foul flatulence and stools   
    I also have these issues. At least I can say I am very regular. Also what I eat predicts how bad my gas will get later in the day.
  25. Like
    Lynda486 got a reaction from JAKE H in i made the jump   
    Wow, amazing! I don't think I could jump out of a perfectly good airplane though 😁 Congratulations!

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