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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TattooedSeaStar

  1. TattooedSeaStar

    Hospital Bag

    Roommate? Oh dear lord I hadn’t considered that. I thought they were doing away with that in hospitals due to HIPPA, but I’m going to an older hospital so who knows!
  2. TattooedSeaStar

    Hospital Bag

    Off topic- I noticed you recently had surgery. How is your recovery going? My husband is getting wishy washy on me now that it’s closer and trying to fill my head with noise about the pain and stuff. Just curious.
  3. TattooedSeaStar

    Hospital Bag

    I like the lotion idea. I got some good smelling stuff for Christmas from Bath and Body- it’s called Hello Beautiful. Uplifting and smells good- yes please!
  4. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I hear ya! My psychologist told me to “say goodbye to the foods that made me fat.” it makes me want them more. 🤔
  5. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hey y’all!! My date is 1/27/2020. I’m soo excited. This process has taken forever (started last June) and I can’t believe it’s already here. My doctor is Dr Jacome and I have having gastric bypass at University Somerville in Augusta, GA. I’d rather have it at Doctors Hospital so if they can, they will. It’s closer to my house and it’s just a better hospital. I have BCBS of Virginia- and living in GA they don’t get many peeps with my insurance at their office! Liquid diet starts 1/13. My doctor requires two weeks of liquid diet so fun times (not really). Gotta do it though because I’ve come this far!
  6. Today is my last weigh in before turning in the paperwork for approval. Crossing my fingers for good results. Thanksgiving was hard but I made a plan and stuck with it.
  7. That’s what I’m hoping for!! I have BCBS of Virginia and I turned in all my paperwork today. Hoping for a FAST turn around.
  8. TattooedSeaStar

    Last Doctor Visit!

    BCBS of Virginia. (Even though I live in GA. It’s weird, I know)
  9. TattooedSeaStar

    Last Doctor Visit!

    Soooo it didn’t go as well as I had hoped but my doctor is still optimistic I will get approved. Here’s to hoping insurance pushes it through and I can get it done in 2019 (not trying to rush the process- just max out my insurance)
  10. Me too!! My BMI is 42 but if I go below 40 I won’t be covered. My weight is measured at the last evaluation date- not the date of surgery.
  11. TattooedSeaStar

    Official Before

    From the album: Before

    Eeeek. How did I let it get this bad?

    © My daughter

  12. TattooedSeaStar


    These are the photos that made me seek help.
  13. TattooedSeaStar

    Where is everyone from??

    I’m not toooo far away in Augusta, GA
  14. TattooedSeaStar

    Final Blood Work

    Yay! Good luck!
  15. TattooedSeaStar

    Favorite underwear?

    I’m not at this part of the journey yet BUT my goal is to get back in my Victoria Secrets undies and hopefully buy more!!!
  16. I am still in the very early stages of this whole process. I have met with a surgeon, gotten insurance approval, have a date for a scope, have an appointment with a nutritionist, and will me with my GP next week to start the 6 months of monitoring. just curious how much you share with your extended family. My parents are on board as well as my besties and my husband, but I have refrained from telling his family as of yet. They will know eventually, but right now it’s a mixture of embarrassment and feeling like they won’t support me. My MIL has made several comments about how I wasn’t raised like my husband (which he shot down PTL) and can be very stuck up at times. My husband is a recovering alcoholic and my SIL (his only sibling) dabbles in drugs. I’ve never done these things and get really stressed when compared to her since MIL doesn’t know about the drug use. I was planning on telling them about my surgery at Thanksgiving, just not so early on the game. Thoughts? Is there anyone out there who struggles with what/when to share. Just curious.
  17. I went to my General Practitioner for the first of my 6 months of observation. I already knew that it wasn’t going to be a great visit, but I was shocked at how badly it actually went. First let me say according to the nurse at the surgeon’s office, my surgeon can’t be the one to monitor me for 6 months. My GP is a former army doctor. I usually try to pick a female (sorry guys, there is a difference) but after my last doctor misdiagnosed my hernia as a fold of fat, I went to my husband’s doctor. Unfortunately I feel like he is a pill pusher, and today was another “let’s take a pill” kind of day. He tried to prescribe phentermine again but I hate how it makes my heart race. He then went on the prescribe belviq because it supposedly has some mood stabilizers in it because I “obviously eat my emotions” so I need that. He wouldn’t listen when I told him I had already been To see a surgeon, that i’d Been to a support group, that I have a nutritionist appointment in a few weeks, and that I have a scope right after that. He wants me to lose 20 by December or he won’t sign off. I tried to explain to him that if I lose 20lbs my insurance will no longer cover it because I will be under 40 BMI, and his response was “thats dangerous game you are playing there.” I can’t afford this surgery otherwise. He also told me that I would be “subject to regular bloodwork for the rest of my life” and that since I am HIGHLY allergic to sulfa, multivitamins would be difficult to find. All things I know from research I’ve done. I left and and called my mother crying. I felt like it wasn’t going to happen at that point. She told me to stick with it because we have been praying for this so it has to work out. Show him that you can lose the 14 lbs (and no more) and see how it goes. Anyway, any stories of difficult doctors with positive outcomes would be appreciated! TIA
  18. TattooedSeaStar

    How supportive was your GP?

    I’m in Augusta, GA. I’ve had a time trying to find doctors because there are soooooo many here- we have the Medical college of GA and LOTS of doctors. When I find one I like they leave 🙁
  19. TattooedSeaStar

    How supportive was your GP?

    If I change doctors I will “start over”.... trying to get the surgery by the end of the year so I don’t have to repay my deductible. ... almost would rather have a more supportive doctor.... 😑
  20. Everyone has a moment where they realize they need to do something. Maybe it’s not fitting in an airplane seat, or having to go up a size in clothes.... I’m sure there has been a thread like this before but I don’t want to go back and search it! Mine isn’t a moment but a series of moments. I saw a picture of myself and thought, is that what I really look like? The final straw was a trip to DC- I about DIED. All. The. Walking! And if you will recall the Southeast had a heat wave in May- yep we were there when it began. The worst was when we visited Mt Vernon on the way back. I was swollen, hot, cranky, and MISERABLE. I called and made the appointment for the consult right after we got back- it was late May 2019. Two months in and I am about to start all the requirements.... hoping for Surgery in Dec (only so that I won’t have to repay my deductible- but if not, it’s not the end of the world....) Anyway, I’m attaching a horrifying picture but I have to preface it like any good fluffy girl would do- yes, I’m big, but the day this picture was taken was the second attempt at a swim meet that had been canceled the night before due to lightning. We had to be at the pool by 7 am after leaving the night before late and having kids hyped but from adrenaline because they couldn’t swim. I had on little makeup and I know that does nothing for my fat rolls, but still.... I look like the walking dead because I was. I usually try to keep my toes done and my hair did, but this is the worst of the worst for me! This is not the moment that made me call but the moment that confirmed my decision. Im approximately 255 here.
  21. TattooedSeaStar

    What was your moment?

    Completely understand
  22. TattooedSeaStar

    Thoughts on sharing with extended family

    I love this. You are right- it’s a very personal decision and I don’t have time for head games. I may not include them at all!!
  23. TattooedSeaStar

    What was your moment?

    Jdymitc- sooo sweet. Life definitely gets in the way but we have to make ourselves the priority!
  24. TattooedSeaStar

    What was your moment?

    S@ssen@cch- your comments hit me to the core. This person is vile and I hope they never have anyone do something like that to them ... sorry, the southern in me is blessing their heart right now!! And not in the good way!! Sweet girl I hope you continue to use that as fuel for your fire!! 😘😘😘

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