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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TattooedSeaStar

  1. TattooedSeaStar

    New here with questions!

    Walk walk walk! As soon as you can get up!! They pump you full of gas and walking helps it work it’s way out.
  2. I have never heard of those places but I’m interested in getting back into running. Years and tears ago I was training for a half marathon when I broke my foot. Now that I’ve had surgery and and going “the other way” I’d like to try again.
  3. While that is certainly true, I am a teacher and education runs on politics. If I were to sue my principal for telling my AP, I would never get another job. Im in it for the long game. Don’t worry, this will come up- I just have to play my cards right. Politics, it sucks.
  4. I tried to keep it a secret, but when filling out paperwork for FMLA I had to get my boss to sign. She saw what type of surgery I was having and told her admin team. I’m not so sure they haven’t told others. I also told my work BFFs... but I trust them and know they haven’t told. IDK- when I get back from FMLA on 2/10, I will prob start to blab. I just know I can’t NOT talk about it. It’s such a huge part of me right now that I don’t really care what people think.
  5. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    My worst day was day 2. I prepared for day 3 by drinking lots of water. I feel much better today (day 4).
  6. I totally understand. My hubs lost 160# a few years ago and his spin instructor invited him to her 40th bday party- super swanky and lavish. I didn’t go because hello?? A spin instructor??
  7. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I was wondering the same thing.
  8. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Just found out I have to do 30 laps around the unit. 2 down, 28 to go before I can go home!
  9. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I have to drink something in the morning then X-ray.
  10. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Doing great!! I had visitors today that helped me walk the halls. She was afraid she would hurt me- I said baby, on the good drugs!! What hurts isn’t even the bypass!! I am scar tissue from my c/secttuo
  11. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Me too. My husband called it “nesting”
  12. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Happy Surgery eve to all my Surgery twins!! Omg omg omg. It’s tomorrow. See y’all on the other side 😘
  13. TattooedSeaStar

    Hospital Bag

    My surgery is in 3 weeks but I’m wondering what I should pack. So far here is my plan- my favorite PJs, a thin robe, my house slippers (they are slides), fuzzy socks, chap stick, a lap blanket. I don’t start my supplemental vitamins for two weeks post surgery, but I was going to bring those as well since the nutritionist will be visiting me before I leave. Any other suggestions to make life easier? I’m only in one night PTL but I want it to be as comfortable as possible so that I can concentrate on recovery and what I’m supposed to be drinking.
  14. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I’m freaking out too. Not because of the surgery but because I’m scared of the pain. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance but who knows- this could be the time it’s different.
  15. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Hey y’all!! Been a busy week. Gotta get everything ready for Monday- THE BIG DAY. Eeeek. Getting nervous.... but I’m excited too.
  16. That was me! I was a BMI of 41 and couldn’t go below 40!
  17. TattooedSeaStar

    Waiting for approval in GA

    Hey! I’m in Georgia too... Near Augusta. My insurance required all that and I am finally having my surgery a week from today. During my 6 month observation I went up and down, finally ending up right where I started. I only really started losing weight after the first of the year. I went on Keto to lesson the effects of the Keto flu when on liquid diet- it worked! As as far as your question- no I wasn’t turned down. But as my doctor explained it’s prob because they try to rush everybody through at the end of the year so they can leave for the holidays. This isn’t helpful to you in your situation, I know, but stick with it. Pray about it. And most of all, love yourself. You didn’t get here overnight.
  18. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Me too!! Rny as well.
  19. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    True that!! And I’m going back to my pre fat days andnonly wearing Vicky’s (Better known as Victoria’s Secret)
  20. TattooedSeaStar

    Effect on families

    prob not the best place to vent this to. Maybe seek out Alanon? They would be more helpful.
  21. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Mines not, but he’s got his own baggage that I’m tired of carrying. If he won’t deal with his own crap, that his problem. I love him and I always will but at some point I have to put on my big girl panties and deal with my own stuff. Its a different story for a different day, but putting me first has actually been amazing for our relationship. I was becoming a doormat, and the last 7 months have taught me I have to speak up. He’s started getting things in line to join me on the healthy train. In his own way, but still.
  22. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    I love this.
  23. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    You know I will!! If you don’t take pics it didn’t happen!!
  24. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    This is the most random of random posts but this morning I was updating my profile and I saw my Audrey Hepburn quote..... NEW GOAL- Me. As Audrey Hepburn. Halloween 2020. Can. Not. Wait. I would have never done that at 275#. Giving me something to look forward to instead of dreading this surgery. You may now return to your regular posts. 🤪
  25. TattooedSeaStar

    January 2020 Surgery Date

    Not all sugar free pops are created equal. The tropical kind left me disappointed but good ole cherry, grape, and orange have been my saving grace.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
