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  1. Like
    JoanM reacted to Healthy_life2 in Hate meats   
    Vegan Proteins
  2. Like
    JoanM reacted to kitty0422 in Hate meats   
    Since I’ve had gastric bypass I hate meat, I hate the look of it the smell of it. I try to eat it for the Protein because I’m not able to stomach Protein Shakes anyone. Has anyone else gone through this?
  3. Like
    JoanM reacted to sillykitty in Birth control after surgery   
    I love my Mirena IUD!
  4. Like
    JoanM reacted to starladustangel in Birth control after surgery   
    I've had a mirena IUD for 18 months. No issues with it

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Like
    JoanM reacted to KCgirl061 in Bariatric Nightmare   
    I indulged in half a hot dog yesterday. Couldn't finish the whole thing.
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    JoanM reacted to Brent701 in Bariatric Nightmare   
    Our bodies are capable of amazing things on both extremes. I had my first burger yesterday. As expected I managed to get to half and that was it. Unfortunately it took 2 hours to digest but I think that was from the bun more than the ground beef. Im never going to eat the cleanest but the restriction amazes me every single day. Normally i would be able to eat 2 burgers and various other Snacks and still be hungry. To be able to enjoy a holiday but consuming 80% fewer calories is so nice.
  7. Like
    JoanM reacted to AutumnG in Depressed, Scared, and Everything In Between   
    Hey everyone. This is my first post to this forum. I am one week post op, and I am feeling so down. Of course, my love of food is partially to blame. But, I live alone and I'm pretty much going through this by myself. Yes, I have friends who live far away that are supportive, but I still have the "sads".
    I am afraid for a few reasons.
    1. I'm afraid that I'm gonna lose my hair. I've grown my locs for 7 years and nothing would be more devastating than to have to cut them off.
    2. I'm in the full liquid diet stage and idk what to think. I had cream of wheat, about 6 bites, and I didn't get full (I don't think) but I stopped because I was afraid I would overdo it.
    3. I'm extremely tired. Even though I work from home, I'm afraid I won't get through the day on my first day back tomorrow.
    4. I'll be starting my Vitamins tomorrow and I'm terrified because nobody seems to be able to tolerate them.
    Idk, yall. I just want to live a normal life and I can't see it. I need to see it.
    Thanks for listening
    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Like
    JoanM reacted to jlinville69 in What The Hell Man   
    My mother said the same thing. She couldn’t bring herself to just be supportive and say she was at least happy that I had taken steps to improve and lengthen my life span. She was living with us in my home at the time I had GBS in 2003 and I asked her if she would help me on the toilet because I couldn’t reach around without having pain yet (3-4 days post-op). She told me no. She told me months later when I went from 333 pounds the day of surgery to 190 pounds 5 months later that I looked sick. Well, YEAHHHH, my body ate itself! And apparently it was hungry! Luckily, I had enough fat to feed it and once there was no more, I had about 25 pounds of excess skin and fat that wasn’t going down without a fight (5 years later they lost to a plastic surgeons scalpel). Along with all that fat, I lost muscle tone, Iron stores, hair, and all of a sudden these hills and curves of bones I hadn’t seen in years came protruding back up to the surface-even bones I didn’t know I had. But lo and behold, I stuck to the plan-protein shakes, iron and Calcium supplements, quality Multi Vitamins (I still love the flinstone chewables!), as much Water as I could muster, and walking every single day for 45 minutes. The Vitamins, minerals, and supplements, along with a meal the size large enough to make me full and small enough to keep me from getting sick (one bite too much has made me double over in pain for 4 hours-I really miss grilled asparagus!), the wonderful walks-just for me time-and most importantly getting enough water each day made me go from looking “sick” to very healthy and beautiful in a matter of a few short months. You ARE sick for the first 18 months-let me rephrase that-you are HEALING in that period of time from having been sick for perhaps many, many years (15+ for me) and the surgery itself. Maybe they didn’t say anything before you had surgery because they were judging you behind your back. Or, maybe they were afraid to hurt your feelings by saying anything to your face. Either way, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. This was totally for YOU. But if you feel compelled to respond, tell everyone you feel great, your life is good and it gets better each day because you gave yourself a gift that is priceless. I hope this helps. Good luck and way to go!👊🏼
  9. Like
    JoanM reacted to GradyCat in What The Hell Man   
    People are strange, aren't they? But I guess it's good they aren't barking at us when we're fat, but they should keep their mouths shut when we've lost weight as well. Rule of thumb: never talk about someone's weight, good or bad.
  10. Like
    JoanM reacted to KCgirl061 in Strange musings on my perception of my weight loss   
    That seems like a fun game. Wonder if I can get Mr. KC to play it....
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    JoanM reacted to AEdoesRnY in Any regrets with RNY?   
    This is 100000% me. Obsessive research fueled by my neuroses=my approach to any and everything!
  12. Like
    JoanM reacted to FluffyChix in Can anyone post a sample of diet   
    I use the free My Fitness Pal (MFP)-both desktop and the phone app. I weigh AND measure my food.
    It was the most confusing thing to me. But honestly? Being 14 months out--VOLUME is king. So when they say limit yourself to 1 cup of food. That's the absolute max! But it's just easier to pop stuff on a scale right? That's why on important things like protein--to be sure you are reaching your 60-80g of daily Protein, I weigh it on a scale into a measuring cup. When I reach the top, that's it for the meal. The exception I make is that I allow myself to have 1oz of avocado + 1/2-1oz grape tomatoes at dinner each night. They are slider foods, and are an extra 1/4c of food. So I eat 1 1/4c of food with 1/4c of that being slider.
    Because I track everything, LOL, I know how much I can have now. I can have 3oz of grilled chicken + 1 1/2oz al dente broccoli or 1oz asparagus + the 1/4cup avo/tom mixture. That's my 1cup of volume for that meal. I have to start with my protein. Eat it all, then do my veggies, then and only then can I eat my sliders. It works for me!
    Once I figured out that volume is king, it all kinda fell into place.
    I rarely if ever eat compound recipes like (lasagne, potpie, etc). It's usually a dense dry protein (low fat) + a separate al dente veggie + a healthy fat. (And I would never eat sushi--I'd eat sashimi--the rice would have me curled into a miserable high glycemic ball waiting for the dump and praying.)
    And btw? You "thank people" by hitting the little LIKE and thank you emoticons by their posts! TY.
  13. Like
    JoanM reacted to FluffyChix in Can anyone post a sample of diet   
    I'm a bypass but I have the same quantity limits you have. I "can" eat 1 1/4 cups of food and more if it's a salad cuz salads are sliders for me. But I limit it to 1 cup of food and try for more like 3/4cup per meal.
    At first, when your tool is very tight, focus on getting in Protein at your meals. So when you are in the losing phase, here's what I do:
    1oz (by weight) of lean diced or ground protein = 1/4cup by volume.
    So eating 2oz by weight is about 1/2cup of volume which is probably close to where you are right now?
    1oz by weight of lean protein = roughly 7g of protein. Most women need to get between 60-80g of protein (by content) per day.
    Soooo doing the the math: 60 divided by 7g average = 8.5 ounces by weight (up to) 80 divided by 7g ave = 11.5 ounces by weight. So most women need between 8 1/2 - 11 1/2 ounces of lean dense protein by weight.
    Soooo my RD said to drink one Protein Shake so you satisfy about 25-30g of your 60-80g requirement. I would do that in my coffee each morning. Then I would eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if I felt hungry I would have a veggie snack.
    When you are at the point that you can eat 3/4-1cup of food, things get easier. You can usually get in 3oz of protein per meal (by weight) and have room for about 1oz of veggies cooked by weight. When that happens, then you really don't need Snacks. They can lead you down a slippery slope of grazing. When you are in maintenance, there is likely another set of rules.
    B1: protein shake + coffee (30g protein)
    B2: egg puff (75g egg white + 14g JD turkey crumbles + 14g onion/bp/celery frozen chopped blend + 1 wedge light laughing cow cheese + 1 mushroom + 28g baby spinach)
    L: 1oz Boar's Head lunch meat (turkey) + 1oz Boar's Head lacy swiss cheese + 1-2oz raw veggies
    D : 2oz grilled chicken + 2 oz al dente broccoli + 1oz avocado + 1/2oz grape tomatoes + 1tsp olive oil
    Here you can see, that by drinking a full Protein Drink you're at the top of your 60-80g protein window! So you wouldn't even need to drink all of it. At this stage, I'd use about 1/2 of one of the drinks in my coffee. This is a very typical eating day for me (even right now while I'm 14months out and still in weight loss mode).
    Here's how it looks in MFP:

  14. Like
    JoanM reacted to Matt Z in HOLY BANANAS!! Fast Track and I am still debating   
    That's a fairly old report and does not include the rate of revision from Sleeve to Bypass in the "complications" It also seems to include the dumping in the Bypass but not for the Sleeve as far as "complications". The rate of Sleeve to Bypass revision is fairly high. This also doesn't include or account for the medical advancements that have become common practice over the past several years AND seems to include older post op issues from older forms of the surgery. And, lets talk about the fact that Gastric Bypass happens more often than the Sleeve, thus again skewing the real numbers.

    Case by case. They would come out about even. Except with the looming revision for the sleeve.

    I had the band. I needed revision. So I had to have 2 surgeries thus increasing my overall risk as opposed to getting the bypass first which would have lowered my overall risk.

    Any information, when taken without all facts can seem scary. But you need to look at the entire picture.

    273 SGs were performed of which 6.6% (n = 18) were converted to RYGB most commonly due to inadequate weight loss (65.3%) and severe reflux (26.1%).

    You've got approx. a 10% chance that you'll need revision to another surgery.

    So, maybe 1 surgery vs 1 surgery without factoring in revision increasing the risks because now you've had 2 surgeries instead of 1, leaving out dumping for the sleeve but adding it in for the bypass, sure, it looks like the bypass is a much more dangerous surgery. When you factor EVERYTHING in... pretty sure they break even if not a little in favor of the bypass.

    You still can't undo the sleeve though, no matter what happens. 70-90% of your stomach is gone. Nothing usually gets removed in the bypass, just moved around.

    Again, either way. Good luck with your choice.
  15. Like
    JoanM reacted to Matt Z in HOLY BANANAS!! Fast Track and I am still debating   
    There are actually not more compilations with the bypass than the sleeve, this is incorrect. Also, the sleeve is 100% non-reversible, because parts of your anatomy end up in the waste. The bypass is actually reversible in certain situations, the reversal is tough and has it's own complications, but it is possible and does happen.

    Honestly, I'm really happy that I didn't go with the sleeve (I was a band revision and my surgeon *will not* do band to sleeve due to the increased staple line failure risk) I'm over a year with my bypass and I still am so very happy with it. To each their own, just, make sure you are basing your decision on facts, not feelings. Good luck!

    The bypass will prevent GERD, the sleeve has a chance of causing it or making it much, much worse. Stick with the facts and figures over feelings... because feelings associated with things we don't know much about... are generally not accurate. I was afraid of the bypass too at one point, because I had the wrong information. I got the band. I really wish I had just gotten the bypass from the get go and not waste so much money on 2 surgeries only because I was afraid of something based on the wrong information.

    My personal experience here. Good luck with whatever you chose to do!
  16. Like
    JoanM reacted to gabybab in Binge eating disorder   
    I'm not sure if I have binge eating disorder, but I ate an awful lot at night. That seems silly to put off approving you. You will definitely not be able to binge ear afterwards.
    I Hope you get approved soon!
  17. Like
    JoanM reacted to Avery's Mom in Broke out in sweat   
    to me it feels like a panic attack. I have had it three times.
  18. Like
    JoanM reacted to BostonWLKC in Broke out in sweat   
    Beginning of a type of dumping syndrome: you feel awful. Happens if you eat too much sugar or too much in general
  19. Like
    JoanM reacted to 2Bsmaller18 in Broke out in sweat   
    I’m betting the house dressing had a lot of sugar in it.
  20. Like
    JoanM reacted to KCgirl061 in Frequent Periods Post-op   
    I have an IUD and had a lot of breakthrough bleeding at that stage as well. I never specifically talked to my doctor about it but from what I can see from other women its not uncommon after the surgery.
  21. Like
    JoanM reacted to SaltLifeClint in Smoking   
    I quit a 2 pack a day habit about ten years ago. I tried and failed so many times! I failed all but the last time! You can do it. Stats show that most people quit multiple times before it sticks. One small jedi mind trick? Don't try to quit smoking-Become a non smoker. The first takes way too long, and the second is instantatneous. BTW, The patch worked for me the last time (though I had failed with it previously).
  22. Like
    JoanM reacted to lynn in Smoking   
    I was told i need to be smoke free for the rest of my life.
  23. Like
    JoanM reacted to atcgoddess1 in Smoking   
    One thing...it can greatly increase the likelihood of ulcers.
  24. Like
    JoanM reacted to chriss_bt in Anyone Out There From Calgary, Alberta?   
    Hey Everyone,

    I am very new to BariatricPal and am wanting to get in touch with anyone from Calgary, Alberta! I am expected to have VSG this summer and was wondering if anyone went through the Calgary Adult Bariatric Clinic?
  25. Like
    JoanM reacted to 🅺🅸🅼🅼🅸🅴🅺 in Dumb Insecurity   
    So I’m sitting here 13 days PO and I keep having these recurring thoughts of “what if my bypass just doesn’t work...?” Irrational, I know. I’m not talking about losing the weight and regaining. I mean straight up NOT losing anything ever. That doesn’t happen, right? I have no complications, no pain, I can drink and take my supplements with no issue. That scares me too. Like, I thought this was supposed to be hard. If I didn’t see the scars on my belly I would second guess that I ever had surgery. 😕

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
