Thank you:smile2: I have a 10cc band and am filled to 5.6cc (on 9/15/08). I don't drink anything while eating - that hurts way too bad. I think I chew everything up enough...but what I may think is enough may not be. Salad seems to be the easiest thing for me to eat. But I can't stop eating it...??? I never feel the full feeling like I should with that. I have heard that some things just go down easier...maybe that might be why?! I also have had 2 C-sections and really hate that I will have to have cosmetic work done later. Guess we are not as young as we think we should be huh? I don't want to be younger (don't want to do that all over again), but I sure would like to have my skin tones back!!! Thank you for the response...hopefully my fill will help with alot of these issues. Good luck, and thanks again!