I have been fairly lucky with my health. I suffer from back aches, and acid reflux, but I have always been able to keep it under control. So I have never actually ben diagnosed acid reflux. I think my age has alot to do with it. I would have been 14 when my gallbladder was removed. I was 20 when I got pregnant. I have decided to try the lap band now while I am 22 and still in good health, instead of waiting another 10 - 20 years and be in my Mother's boat and have high blood pressure, pulmonary embolism, type 2 diabetes, and my father high cholestrol.
Oh and the fact that right after high school I was no longer covered under my parents health insurance and I didn't aquire my own health insurance until jan 2007. I couldn't afford healthcare from 2004 to 2007, so thats why I didn't go to the doctor.
I am going to have to wait until my consult to see what kind of documentation my insurance company is going to require, from what I read, every case is different.