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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Josette

  1. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Turner... don't be so hard on yourself!!! Please. We all have our vices. I can't move away from the chocolate myself. It's horrible! I refuse to buy it and have it at home cause I'll just keep eating it! I feel like giving up soda is like giving up smoking for me. If I have just ONE I'll talk myself into it over and over again. I was at a Tim Hortons a while back with my dad and they gave me rootbeer instead of iced tea and I got a sip and was like YIKES!!! I ran over and made them replace it because I didn't want to be tempted with drinking it just that once. You're doing great and we all have the same cravings during PMS. Hang in there sister
  2. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    You drank cherry coke? I miss cherry coke and pepsi hehehe. I quit drinking any soda cold turkey a month before my surgery. It helped me lose weight prior to my surgery. I was a three can drinker everyday prior to that. My hubby said "I don't think you can get this surgery because you'll never beable to give up the pepsi" so to prove him wrong I stopped drinking it that day and I've never touched it since. I miss it at times but I'd rather drink Water or crystal lite then mess with the carbination.
  3. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Don't feel bad. Yesterday seemed to be a bad day for a lot of us. I had to goto the funeral home for visitation of a long lost friends grandfather. The funeral home happened to be the one we had my brothers at back in 1982. It just brought up memories and I came home and had a small plate of baked ziti (hubby surprised me with dinner ready when I got home. YAY!) and then I had a bowl of ice cream! But... I got my water in! hahaha. I went to bed early without exercise. I'll try harder today! just wanted to tell you guys I love ya all because you're so supportive and I've belonged to a couple groups on lapbandtalk since i joined and this one keeps me coming back. Thanks for being so GREAT!
  4. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    I actually have no problem drinking water. I get in plenty of water because I require myself to drink 4 bottles with 20 oz in each per day. I just like drinking skim milk and was wondering if it'd count since it's so watered down anyways. I like the protien and vitamins it gives me.
  5. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    does skim milk count as Water?? What do you guys think? Thanks for the comments everyone. I lost my 49 year old mother just a year and a half ago to ovarian cancer. It's still a struggle everyday! But here I am kicking my weights butt in her memory! She's very proud of me I'm sure! On the subject of the scale... My husband gets VERY annoyed with me because I've been obsessed with weighing myself. I think for the month of Feb I'm going to have him hide the scale from me and I'll weigh in at the end of the month at my doctors. I've burned threw batteries in my scale twice already. hahahaha.
  6. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Ok Ladies... I'm feeling kind of depressed today. Last night I got my dinner (chili) stuck TWICE so I couldn't eat it and my german shepard got to have it so I waited a few hours and had a cup of ice cream before bed (bad I know). I'm just depressed today. Thinking about my mom a lot lately. I miss her and I wish she were with me for this entire process. One of my best friends mother was diagnosed with advanced cancer and they're doing a 8 hour surgery on her today to try and remove as much cancer as possible, which involves removing half her stomach and liver..etc. I'm just very sad for my friend because I don't think her mom is going to make it. It's so hard to lose your mom. Sorry, I'm just down...but on the bright side I'm getting all my water! I had one slice of wheat toast for breakfast.
  7. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Turner... I would get a small unfill. Me and a lot of other people experience the tightness in the morning and the looseness in the evening. When I first got my current fill I couldn't even drink milk in the morning but water went down fine. I then started drinking hot tea in the morning and the heat helped open me up faster but I couldn't eat until afternoon. I always seemed to forget that after each fill you have to learn how to eat all over again. I had to learn all over again what I could and couldn't have and how much to chew it. With each fill I've had to chew more and more and take smaller and smaller bites. Good luck!
  8. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Welcome back LapBandFan!!! Glad to see you! There will always be the ups and downs of this process. Keep your chin up because we're here for you!
  9. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    so I'm checking in. Saturday I did the gazelle twice and had all my water. Sunday I had over 80oz of water and did the dishes, made dinner and cleaned our bedroom (laundry everywhere!!!) and did several loads of laundry. I think I got exercise in. hahaha I'm glad to be a part of this group!!!
  10. Josette

    Feeling Like A Failure

    I think you just need to go get another fill.. just a small one. You'll get food stuck but that teaches you what to eat and what not too eat. When I first got my current fill I was getting EVERYTHING stuck and PBing 4 times a day and I got very frustrated. After 2 weeks of that I realized that it wasn't the fill.. it was ME and I was failing to pay attention to what I should and shouldn't be eating and how fast I ate it and the size bites I was taking. Now I'm very aware of how much and what I put in my mouth. I've lost 15 pounds in the 2 months I've had the fill. I rarely PB anymore. Good luck and keep us informed. I had my band on August 3rd 2006! Keep the faith band sister!!!
  11. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Karey... I'm thinking about doing the deep water aerobics. That sounds like fun and a lot of work! i'm going to check into that. I have difficulty eating in the morning also. I can eat a slice of wheat toast but it takes me about one hour to eat it. My surgeon told me he was very happy with my loss so far and my restriction. I told him most of the people banded the month I was have lost a LOT but they also are filled too tightly and PB on almost every thing they eat at every meal. He said that's not a healthy way to do it and they might be addicted to the fast moving scale but they're jeapordizing their health and the band itself.
  12. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    I hate grazing but I'm so guilty of it!!! I had a bite of muffin today and now I had two small square pieces of cheese garlic pizza for lunch. I've had 32oz of water so far. I've gotten my water in every day.
  13. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    wow avilla.. is that in a 4cc band? I tried 2cc's at one point and felt like it was strangling me from the inside out. I had to get it unfilled. I'm now at 1.3 and very comfortable with it. it's perfect restriction right now.
  14. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Teresita... it was the muffin that was 650 calories. I usually have wheat toast for breakfast but decided to get something different. Then I saw the calories of the muffin and threw it away. I'd rather not eat then eat 650 of my calories in one muffin. hehehe.
  15. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    I went to have my usual toast this morning and decided to switch it up with a muffin... till I saw how many caleries. 630!!! i threw it away after one bite.
  16. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    hahaha... were you in the military teresita?
  17. Josette

    A psychological blow

    Hello Want, My name is Josette and I'm 31 from Michigan. I got the band on August 3rd, 06. I can really relate to what you're feeling. I went to a seminar in Feb and chose that doctor to do my surgery. I went then set up the consultation and the day before I found out about several out of pocket fee's that would be due prior to surgery that I couldn't afford. I was very unhappy with that but decided to go search out other surgeons in my state and find out my other options. I then set up another seminar for a lap band center 2 hours away but had to wait a month. I went to that seminar and fell in love with the doctor. I knew he was the one for me. I set up the consultation and the day of the consult I was an hour from the hospital and got a call they had to reschedule... this set into motion the whole "maybe I shouldn't be doing this. maybe this is a sign.. this process keeps getting delayed!" so I rescheduled and two weeks later went and all went well. Met with the dietician, had a sleep study... got my surgery date for a month later. I requested two days off from work and then my boss called me in to tell me that he had to renig on the days off and i couldn't have them anymore. again the "maybe I shouldn't be doing this" thoughts came back. Then the doctor had to cancel the date because of a conflict... again the thoughts.... But... I knew that I really really wanted this and needed it more then that. So I stuck to it and got rescheduled again and after that everything went fine and I finally had the surgery and I don't regret it for a second. I love my band and I don't miss the 36 pounds I've lost! You'll do great and don't worry. Everything happens for a reason and you'll have your surgery and be on your way to a thin and happy life! Now if only I could talk my husband into getting the surgery! tee hee! Good luck and keep us updated!!
  18. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Yay Turner!!!!!!!!! I'm very proud of you! Teresita... that articale is great. I'll join the exercise group. We all have to run up and down stairs 5 times?
  19. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    *Josette grabs Teresita by her wrists and swings her around the room.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
  20. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Teresita... I got your back sister!!! You know it!!! I went to my monthly checkup with my lapband surgeon yesterday and I lost 7 more pounds since Dec. 19th which he said was amazing considering it was over the holidays. So I've lost 15 pounds in the past two months. He said I'm doing so well that I don't have to go back for 6 weeks. Yay! Breakfast today: 2 slices of lightly buttered wheat toast.
  21. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Hello all. I did my exercising last night. I haven't done it yet today though. I did get out and walk the store for about an hour. Does that count? I'm going to do the fitness ball shortly. I have been snacking a little excessively today though. But I did get all my water in again.
  22. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    woo hoo losingjusme!!! You're rocking it lady!!! Sargent Teresita... I have a 4 day weekend. I have Tuesday off to goto my lapband doctor. Yay!!! I'm going to do my treadmill and the exercise bike tonight. You ladies are the best and I know we can do this. I'm on break and dying for some chocolate but I'm not going to do it!!! Question... Are we weighing ourselves and checking in or what? Are we all going to weigh on the same day? Am I paying enough attention?
  23. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    I'm so jealous Kristin!!! I love RHCP!!! Shake your booty a little for me!!!
  24. Josette

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    so last night I didn't do the treadmill but I did do my exercise ball and all my set ups. YAY! I drank all my water. I did eat chocolate again :lost1.5lbs: But it'll be ok. I'm working my way off the chocolate bandwagon. hehehe. Hubby bought ice cream and I didn't have any! Today I plan to do treadmill again and I think I'll goto the Gym tomorrow to start swimming.
  25. http://lapbandsurgery.us/ First of all why the hell would a person post NAKED pictures of his dead wife to prove any point? Almost all of the pictures are of different women. The one in the halloween costume I've seen before in joke emails. This is a bunch of BS and I hope it doesn't turn anybody away from getting the lapband that truely needs it. I found the link to this on Yahoo! Answers from someone asking if the lapband was safe. Three or four people were directing her to that site so she decided to steer clear of the surgery. Sad...VERY sad!

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