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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from FluffyChix in Weight-loss funnies   
  2. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from sillykitty in Dating? How do we do this??   
    Hello i dont have much advise but Have you ever downloaded the app meet up.? Im in california and its a great place to meet up with other people in ur area or surrounding. You can search like single groups, people with similar interest like music or movies im a mom so mommy groups. Theres tons of groups you could join and meet new people (at least in my city) and find what the new you wants and likes. You have alot of changes u seem like ur going through with the loss of that relationship to also going to be getting weight loss surgery. U get a redo on life in a way so you geet to experience new things for the first time and find who you are and what u want in life. I wish you the best! It may seem scary now not knowing what to do but focus on ur self and what makes u happy and sooner or Later when ur ready u will be dating and find someone who complements you and loves you for you.
  3. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to Sosewsue61 in Problem with liquids at 6+ weeks   
    Could be inflammation yet, everyone heals differently, or you might have had a hiatal hernia repair and it is stitched tight, or a stricture - it does happen.
    Try warm liquids first, followed by only room temp, no ice.
    Upset stomach from milk products also can happen early out, or you could have some reflux - see about taking a PPI. If meat is an issue back down a stage and wait - your body is not ready yet, do soft fish, or sauce with the meat - fat free gravy, broth with the meats. It takes awhile for healing and the muscles to relax. Hang in there.
  4. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from sillykitty in Dating? How do we do this??   
    Hello i dont have much advise but Have you ever downloaded the app meet up.? Im in california and its a great place to meet up with other people in ur area or surrounding. You can search like single groups, people with similar interest like music or movies im a mom so mommy groups. Theres tons of groups you could join and meet new people (at least in my city) and find what the new you wants and likes. You have alot of changes u seem like ur going through with the loss of that relationship to also going to be getting weight loss surgery. U get a redo on life in a way so you geet to experience new things for the first time and find who you are and what u want in life. I wish you the best! It may seem scary now not knowing what to do but focus on ur self and what makes u happy and sooner or Later when ur ready u will be dating and find someone who complements you and loves you for you.
  5. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to Frustr8 in I finally get why people dont tell others they had weight loss surgery!   
    Because you are showing maturity, you are growing away from being under her thumb, and she hates to see Baby getting on her own. And a little bit of she doesn't believe in You and Your success really happening. I can say this because I have been on both sides of the question, the daughter and the Mommy. And Oh you better not get me started on MY Daughter R.D., short for Rotten Daughter, she knows she is but refuses to make our relationship better. And I do still try to reach out to HER. Point in context: When I was about to have my OWN surgery I called her to tell her about it. Didn't plan on dying but since she was my 1st- born, I thought it Only right to tell her. Her answer: WHATEVER and then promptly diverted the conversation to how bad her knees were and how her surgeon would only do surgery on one at a time! When she finally paused for breath, I said " Did you hear ME? I will be having Major Surgery next week!. Her answer was" So What!" so I said "So What" to HER and ended the call. If it had been my Late Mama I would hope I offered to help anyway I could . Cassaroles, cleaning her house, helping my Dad purchase their groceries and on and on. The Difference? I ❤my parents and would do all I could to help if I Could. R.D. only loves herself, been that way for years and years. Both Grandmas spoiled her incessantly, and she still believes GOD asks her express permission before the Sun rises each day. She is now 50 years old And the most unreasonable soul you could find. Turned her over to GOD and Karma, let them handle HER! I ❤her down deep but I don't like her Very Much! ,,,,,,,Sad State of Affairs, isn't it?
  6. Hugs
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to AZhiker in I finally get why people dont tell others they had weight loss surgery!   
    I am so sorry you have family members who are undermining your success. For some reason they want you to fail, or else they think THEY will be embarrassed if you gain the weight back! Please try to find one or two friends you can TRUST to have your best interests in mind and who will support you. Being said, I have found that even my few close friends who know about my surgery really don't want to hear about it every day. They like to know I'm losing, but not totally into hearing me out about struggles. That is where this forum is so good.
    Exercise has a couple of really good benefits after surgery. First (maybe the most important), it gives YOU control. You cannot know what your pain will be like or what your food tolerances will be, how long it will take to progress from stage to stage, what your emotional fluctuations will be like, how your healing will progress, or if your weight will come off slowly or quickly. You have no control over those things. BUT.. you CAN have true control over exercise goals. It gives such a sense of accomplishment and empowerment, and helps divert the tendency to form new addictions. Exercise can become your new obsession/addiction (a lot better than buying shoes, drinking, or gambling!)
    Get yourself an inexpensive step tracker. I think mine cost $29 on Amazon. It is a highly motivating little friend. Start wearing it now to see what your baseline is. Work up to 10,000 steps a day. After surgery, start right up with walking, walking, walking. Get up to 10,000 steps as soon as you can do so comfortably. (Several of us here were up to 10,000 by the end of week 2.) Start taking a walk every single day. As the weight comes off, you will go further and faster. It's just amazing to see progress. I also started wall pushups 3 times a day. Started at 25 per set, and now do 50 per set. Later, I got 3 pound weights and started an upper body strengthening routine. I also incorporated stair climbing. Anyway, exercise is such a great tool for your MIND as well as your body. It will reduce depression and anxiety, as well. You start out with small goals, and track them daily - just like your food.
    Exercise also helps you set up a pattern of activity that you can maintain for the rest of your life. You have to make major changes in your diet and lifestyle if you are going to keep the weight off. You have a wonderful took with WLS, BUT after the "Honeymoon" period (a year, give or take), hunger can come back and restriction will not be so noticeable. You HAVE to have your lifestyle, dietary, and mental habits in place and well established if you want to succeed longterm. (I HAVE done the research and this is what everyone says.)
    OK, for diet - start making modifications NOW. GIve up the addictions you can't have after surgery. I think this is another key to feeling better after surgery. Surgery and recovery is hard enough by itself. You don't need to be going through withdrawal at the same time! For me, that meant caffeine, sugar, soda, all processed food, anything artificial. (My goal was to make every bite post-op, and for the rest of my life as nutritionally dense and healthy as possible.) Of course, smoking and alcohol would be in there, too. I saw how much better I felt, and again, it gave me control. Even in the hospital, I did not eat the Jello or weird Protein supplement that was full of artificial sweetener/ flavors. I had herbal tea, broth, and my own Protein Shake that I knew I liked. That was just fine. I was the first one of the surgery group that day who was out of bed and walking!
    Soooo...….. in my opinion, you have 2 things to focus on - your diet, of course, Getting your fluids and protein in will be the first goals. But exercise can start on day one. It will help prevent complications, boost your metabolism, give you more energy, help beat depression/anxiety, give you control and empowerment, and set you up for long term success. I promise that you will have struggles with eating. Everyone does. A LOT of your focus and frustration will revolve around eating. Exercise is actually a lot easier in the sense that it is predicatable and controllable. It helps you feel positive about SOMETHING, even on the worst of days.
    Above all, don't listen to the naysayers. They are already experts on WLS, right? You have to take control over YOU, in spite of what any one else says. Surgery is for YOU - not for them. Stick with the forum support. We are all here for you.
  7. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from deletedprofile123 in Where is everyone from??   
    Im in Rancho Cucamonga California
  8. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from GreenTealael in Needing advice to get weightloss going.   
    I dont know. I heard other people mention on a different post that going back to the liquid phase for a few weeks helped get there body losing again. I wish you the best of luck with ur weight loss
  9. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from KatieMc in when you ate eggs..   
    I tryed eggs a week ago and i wasnt ready for it ,pain in my chest felt funny and hurt so i waited a week and tryed it again and now my body is fine with eggs. I tryed making deviled eggs the other day grosses thing i ever ate post sleeve. The taste of eggs and cheese is funny tasting i dont think i will be eatting anymore anytime soon. I loved eggs before so hoping my taste buds change back eventually.
  10. Haha
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from KatieMc in Post op diet   
    My docter wanted me to do liquids for 1 month then pureed for 2months then soft food for a month. I went rogue at 3 weeks and started pureed for a week then moved to soft food a week later...
  11. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from othella2 in I finally get why people dont tell others they had weight loss surgery!   
    Ive pretty much told everybody i was doing a weight loss surgery. My husband mentioned to me yesterday that on a conference call for work a bunch of people asked how my recovery was going and if im doing ok. I was like ooh u told them he said yes they ask how u are doing all the time.. all i can think is dang it now i have to be the ones that loses the weight and keeps it off just to prove it is successful.. i guess its alittle motivating knowing i dont want to be that person who screws it all up and does it all for nothing.
    WLS is not a easy way out what most people think.
    My sister knows a few people, personal friends who had a WLS and gained it all back soo i have promised myself i will not be one of those people. Im a month out weighing 209, day of surgery 237 so think im doing good cant wait to be under 200..
    I hope sence everyone knows i had this surgery in time i can be more help to people who have weight issues. who can learn from what ive done and be inspired so to speak.. will see i have a long way to go
    relating to my first post above. I do kinda wish my family didnt know so much because some say its not them judging but them being helpful i guess but i feel like the way my family is there just super judgie with everything. Everyone asked me for the fourth of July do u want me to make sugarfree or some artificial sweetner lemonade slushie for u sence they were having the good stuff i said no im good thank you i just had 2 sips of my husbands it was good! I dont want to feel different or that people need to alter recipes for me. I had a bite of bbq rips wish i could of had more but new better.
    Before i did this surgery I hear from my sis that my good days looking good are behind me to embrace my (fat) body cause ill never look as good as i once did. I hate what she said and normally it would make me depressed and wanting to binge eat which at the time i did and was sad but because the weight is coming off now on the scale im using it to motivate me to stick it too her and show her i can be just as cute and sexy as i once was. Lol. Ive become more competitive with myself.
    If only i had a time machine to go back and change so many things. Did it done it, theres nothing i can do about it now. Oh well!
  12. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from ClarkRomulus in OK guys maybe I’m just pessimistic (I stress maybe) but am I the only one who has found this surgery to be a complete B*TCH?!   
    Oh yes waking up was the worst pain ever! Id say it was more painful than my c section recovery. I was crying and could hardly keep my eyes open and talk because of the pain was so bad. My husband kept saying to the nurse is this normal is she ok. No one told me all the BS. I didnt ask more questions i didnt know so much. The Docter said its minimally invasive surgery recovery goes by in a flash. I call BS! I regret everyday i had this surgery done. I hope to be one of the people on here that finally get to there goal and say it was the best thing they ever did. My fingers are crossed!
  13. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from Puddin57 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    Thank you so much everyone! I havent been logging in my food which i should. Im going to try some of these other food ideas. Appreciate it, thank u
  14. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from Puddin57 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    I like ur logic. Thank you for the web pages!
  15. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from TheJuice202 in I finally get why people dont tell others they had weight loss surgery!   
    I didn't understand why some people didn't want there families to know they had WLS . I do now! Last night at a family get together everyone is around the counter getting there pizza and whatnot. I grabbed a tiny piece of french bread and took out the middle thats wonderfully soft. Everyone said you cant eat that. I said ohh yes i can. Then my sis said dont you dare eat that. I shoved the whole thing in my mouth it was great! I should of put "i cant believe its not butter spray on it". In that moment my eyes are opened to all the judement you get. People who know you had something to help u lose weight watch you. Everything i put in my mouth there judging me thinking im not taking this weight loss seriously. Its annoying! They all make me want to hide in the bathroom and pig out! I didnt but wanted too. Lol.

  16. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to Puddin57 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    I only tolerated 1 shake per day which was 64g Protein. And blended one of these meals and ate 2-4 bites for dinner. I lost 22lbs my first month.   

    Sent from my SM-S727VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to jelos98 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    I'm not a doctor and not a nutritionist, but I like math. What you're saying doesn't sound mathematically unreasonable, if I'm interpreting correctly (weight drops a pound every ~4 days or so). So, let's consider the basics and the math:
    First off: Are you tracking your food with a calorie tracker (I use myfitnesspal)? When I don't for a while, and then I start again, I often find I'm eating more than I mean to. If you are tracking, then you should have a good idea of what you're putting in to your body, which is half of the equation.
    Based on an arbitrarily chosen TDEE calculator (https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&age=32&g=female&lbs=210&in=64&act=1.2&bf=&f=1), you'd be expected to burn about 2000 calories a day[1]. If you're eating around 1000 calories a day[2] for instance, you will only have a net deficit of 1000 calories / day, which equates to about a pound every 3.5 days, which is about spot on to what you described (at least as I interpreted it)
    Exercising helps, too, but only so much. If you, for instance, are walking a mile and a half each day at a brisk pace, you'd burn about 150 extra calories each day (according to https://www.verywellfit.com/walking-calories-burned-by-miles-3887154 at least) This helps, but would only be about 0.3 lbs / week.
    In short, 1-2 lbs a week sounds about right, mathematically. Think positively - if you can keep up loss that rate, you'll hit your goal weight in about a year!
    [1] Assuming you don't have a super-active job.
    [2] The program I got calls for 700-900 for the soft foods stage, but I'm rounding up for ease of math.
  18. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from dvmp61 in REGRET   
    I feel the same regret but starting focusing on becoming a new me hasnt changed my attitude much yet. (I dress better now tho, i actually where jewelry and put makeup on now that my face is thinner).I feel as if my happiness was taken from me. My happiness to food , my comfort my joy to food i havent been able to replace it with a hobbie or anything to help me feel whole again. My family was centered around food and feel like i always have a scowl on my face. I know i already had the surgery so theres nothing i can do about that now . The past is in the past and i have to move forward. Im hoping my negative attitude goes away in time but for now all ican do is stay on the path i picked. Many people recommend therapy or meds i know my therapist didnt want me to do the surgery so i kinda have to stick it to her when im 50pounds down then ill go see her. Haha. I cant go now she'll say i told u so. All we can do is look at tomorrow and focus on our future
  19. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from Ren951 in Road trips   
    Ya you will be fine. I had 2 kids under 5 when we went not to long ago just sit down when u can. All the walking around will help with ur weight loss. Mall of america is fun. liquids suck but at least taking Protein Powder or drinking the already mixed ones will be easy to carry with you just remember to drink Water in between ur delicious Protein Drinks since u will be walking so much. Hehe i remember those days not to long ago i will never go back to pure liquids..
  20. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to Losingit2018 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    Here you go. Be sure to check out the ricotta bake. Super yummy

  21. Thanks
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to Losingit2018 in I need more food ideas for soft food stage   
    Search for a website called the world according to eggface. She is a wls patient and has shared many excellent food ideas and recipes for each stage.
    If you are sticking to plan there really isn’t much more you can do to lose more weight. Everyone loses at their own pace. We all want instant gratification but, slow and steady wins the race
  22. Congrats!
    BlueAngelEyes reacted to mc2017 in Pounds lost   
    Since I last posted I have officially hit 10 months post op on July 3rd. I started at my high weight of 308 pounds two weeks before surgery and I am currently 173.8 pounds. So many things have changed since my last update. I have gone vegan and so many aspects of my health has improved beyond what the WLS has done for me. So that is amazing. But also I might have an ulcer so I am scheduled for an endoscopy later this month. So things have been up and down but hopefully everything comes back fine. However, back to a lighter note my first picture is me right before surgery and the second is me from two days ago. The changes have been dramatic but so worth it. I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds and I hope to make it to the 150's by my one year mark.

  23. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from ClarkRomulus in OK guys maybe I’m just pessimistic (I stress maybe) but am I the only one who has found this surgery to be a complete B*TCH?!   
    Oh yes waking up was the worst pain ever! Id say it was more painful than my c section recovery. I was crying and could hardly keep my eyes open and talk because of the pain was so bad. My husband kept saying to the nurse is this normal is she ok. No one told me all the BS. I didnt ask more questions i didnt know so much. The Docter said its minimally invasive surgery recovery goes by in a flash. I call BS! I regret everyday i had this surgery done. I hope to be one of the people on here that finally get to there goal and say it was the best thing they ever did. My fingers are crossed!
  24. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from othella2 in I finally get why people dont tell others they had weight loss surgery!   
    Ive pretty much told everybody i was doing a weight loss surgery. My husband mentioned to me yesterday that on a conference call for work a bunch of people asked how my recovery was going and if im doing ok. I was like ooh u told them he said yes they ask how u are doing all the time.. all i can think is dang it now i have to be the ones that loses the weight and keeps it off just to prove it is successful.. i guess its alittle motivating knowing i dont want to be that person who screws it all up and does it all for nothing.
    WLS is not a easy way out what most people think.
    My sister knows a few people, personal friends who had a WLS and gained it all back soo i have promised myself i will not be one of those people. Im a month out weighing 209, day of surgery 237 so think im doing good cant wait to be under 200..
    I hope sence everyone knows i had this surgery in time i can be more help to people who have weight issues. who can learn from what ive done and be inspired so to speak.. will see i have a long way to go
    relating to my first post above. I do kinda wish my family didnt know so much because some say its not them judging but them being helpful i guess but i feel like the way my family is there just super judgie with everything. Everyone asked me for the fourth of July do u want me to make sugarfree or some artificial sweetner lemonade slushie for u sence they were having the good stuff i said no im good thank you i just had 2 sips of my husbands it was good! I dont want to feel different or that people need to alter recipes for me. I had a bite of bbq rips wish i could of had more but new better.
    Before i did this surgery I hear from my sis that my good days looking good are behind me to embrace my (fat) body cause ill never look as good as i once did. I hate what she said and normally it would make me depressed and wanting to binge eat which at the time i did and was sad but because the weight is coming off now on the scale im using it to motivate me to stick it too her and show her i can be just as cute and sexy as i once was. Lol. Ive become more competitive with myself.
    If only i had a time machine to go back and change so many things. Did it done it, theres nothing i can do about it now. Oh well!
  25. Like
    BlueAngelEyes got a reaction from Ren951 in Road trips   
    At 2 weeks post op we stayed in San Diego for 2 days to go to sea world and the tide pools and i brought an ice chest that we left in the car with things i can eat. At the hotel i was able to warm Protein broth in the microwave and in the cooler i kept protein yogurt , string cheese, sf pudding and few other things. It went fine. Alittle sad when everyone else gets to eat yummy delicious food and im the one eatting a yogurt with a plastic spoon but o well i tryed my best.. good luck with ur road trip it sounds so fun!

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