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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kristieshannon

  1. kristieshannon

    what would be the best workout for me?

    I’ve recently started Peloton training when the Oregon rain keeps me from cycling outside. I too love the competitive nature of it! Love seeing my numbers go up against people around the world. The cycling community is awesome. I just completed my first 50 mile (outdoor) ride this weekend, working towards a 100 mile ride this summer.
  2. kristieshannon


    I really love the Mondetta brand from Costco. 7/8 legs, pockets, high waisted, and nice thick material that holds their shape.
  3. kristieshannon


    I’ve found the Aeropostale Curvy Premium skinny leggings fit well on a curvy figure. They also come in short which is good for me :) I think they come in long as well for those of you who are blessed with more height.
  4. kristieshannon

    what would be the best workout for me?

    Yes! Cycling is awesome. One of my true joys with my weight loss, being able to get out on a bike. I road bike, mountain bike, and have a gravel bike in the process of being built :)
  5. kristieshannon

    Creature of Habit

    Weird! We even get open heart surgery patients up and walking right away! (I’m a nurse)
  6. kristieshannon

    Creature of Habit

    After my PS (I had a tummy tuck + breast lift/augmentation + arm lift all together) I went back to walking. 1 mile post op day one and added more each day after. It isn’t the heavy gym workout that you’re probably used to, but it kept me feeling active. You can add ankle weights for a little extra oomph to your walks.
  7. kristieshannon


    I’m sure the majority of it is the IV fluids + post op swelling. But remember to account for your implants! Mine are 375cc, so about 2 lbs.
  8. kristieshannon


    Love your style!
  9. kristieshannon


    Such a good feeling-you look great!
  10. kristieshannon

    The New Year is Approaching!

    My guy and I have a big goal for this coming year. It’s going to take a lot of dedication and willingness to get outside in the Pacific Northwest rain. We want to ride a century ride on our bikes this coming summer, that’s a 100 mile ride. No way I will be able to do it unless I train religiously rain or shine.
  11. kristieshannon

    Mounjaro UK

    Mounjaro/Zepbound = tirzepatide Ozempic/Wegovy = semaglutide
  12. kristieshannon


    Gorgeous, and your shoes are amazing!
  13. kristieshannon

    360 Belt Lipectomy in a week 😬

    I didn’t have a belt lipectomy, but I did have an extended tummy tuck. I didn’t buy a recliner, but did buy a set of wedge pillows off Amazon for about $50. They were worth it and made sleeping much more comfortable. One big wedge under my head/shoulders and a smaller one under my knees.
  14. kristieshannon


    I often still, even 5 years out from my VSG, will see something in a store and think “that’ll never fit me” or “no way I can pull that off”. Today I was out shopping for a holiday party dress and saw this. Made myself try it on and bought it! You can’t tell so much from the pic, but it’s a burgundy burnt out velvet. I can’t wait for next weekend to show it off!
  15. kristieshannon

    Need some suggestions please....

    Progesterone can make you mildly sleepy, so take it at bedtime.
  16. kristieshannon

    Need some suggestions please....

    When I first started working nights it took me a couple months to adjust. A couple things I’ve done to improve my sleep: I have double layer black out blinds. My bedroom is an absolute cave. I use a white noise machine to block out daytime noises. I work 7pm-7am. I cut off caffeine at 1am and don’t drink any more fluids after 4am. I have a small, protein containing snack around 5am. I’ve done nights off and on through my 18 years as a nurse, currently on nights now. It does get better after your body gets used to sleeping during daytime hours!
  17. kristieshannon


    Hottie alert!!
  18. kristieshannon

    Food Before and After Photos

    I LOVE Somebody Feed Phil! Such a fun show and I adore his goofy personality.
  19. kristieshannon

    Breast Augmentation

    Honestly I have no idea what actual size I was. I was only wearing sports bras pre-op but had a whole lot of loose flesh. Just empty sacks of skin really. Mine are the “gummy bear” type of silicone implant, and were placed under the muscle.
  20. kristieshannon

    Breast Augmentation

    Shoulda’ added a pic :)
  21. kristieshannon

    Breast Augmentation

    Mine are 375cc moderate profile. I told my doc I wanted to be about a D cup. Turns out I’m a 32G. Drop and fluff-I guess that’s what I’d call it. Mine looked weirdly squared along the bottom, the rounded out after a couple months. I’m still thrilled with my results almost 4 years later.
  22. kristieshannon

    The New Found MALE GAZE! I'm Pissed 🙄🙄🙄

    This was very disconcerting to me. I’d been overweight most of my adult life. I found it pretty insulting that I was now “worthy” of male attention. That feeling has settled down, but I still can’t say I’m 100% comfortable with the attention.
  23. kristieshannon

    7 years post op 🥳

    Congratulations! You’ve been an inspiration to many, me for sure. I love the scientific info you share!
  24. I have the weird post-covid effect of yogurt (all yogurts!) tasting metallic. So cottage cheese has replaced it for me. I eat mine with a handful of blueberries and a sprinkle of chopped walnuts.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
