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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kristieshannon

  1. kristieshannon

    Black stool

    Are you taking a multi vitamin yet that contains iron? It can cause black stools, as can pepto bismol. Best to check in with your doc though, as black stool can also indicate gastrointestinal bleeding.
  2. kristieshannon


    It gets better! I’ll be three months out on Tuesday. I’m down 61 lbs as if this morning. I gone from size 22 or 24 pants to 18, and just bought my first two pairs of 16’s that should fit in another week or two. Down from 2x tops to L or XL in the regular women’s section. My stamina has increased, I’m hiking regularly and will run my first 5K on Thanksgiving day. I sleep better and am seeing my sleep doc next month to hopefully get rid of my cpap. I’m off all meds except my vitamins. I can eat all foods (but chose to follow my team’s dietary recommendations). I’m not hungry. IT DOES GET BETTER!!! Hang in there and reach out to your team for support.
  3. kristieshannon

    Trying to get started, but no idea how!!

    Start with calling your insurance company. They can tell you what their pre-op requirements are, and can tell you which surgeons are covered under your plan. Most surgeons offer free informational seminars which is a great place to start gathering all the info you need.
  4. kristieshannon


    My surgeon and nutritionist are ok with coffee. I start every day at the Starbucks drive through. I get a tall sized nitro cold brew and have them put it in a venti cup. I then dump in my premier protein shake, either vanilla or cookies & cream. 20 Oz of fluid and 30g of protein. I sip away at it on my hour long commute in to work. It’s delicious!
  5. kristieshannon

    Well this is about Sex

    RN here. There is a wide spectrum of “normal” as far as sexuality goes. As long as you and your wife are both happy, you are fine. Things will probably taper down a bit over time when the newness wears off.
  6. kristieshannon

    Any good liquid food ideas?

    Pho broth was a lifesaver for me.
  7. My favorite is the Premier Protein cookies and cream flavor. I buy them at Costco.
  8. kristieshannon

    Nutritionist thinks I should be eation 1000 cals a day!

    I’m just two weeks post op and had my diet advancement class today. Our NUT also said we should aim for 1000 cals/day! No way I could hit that yet.
  9. kristieshannon

    Any Early August Sleevers?!?!

    In had my two week follow up visit today. Down 12.2 lbs since surgery. We had our diet advancement class today. My program skips from full liquids to soft foods. I gave tuna and cottage cheese a try for lunch today, it went down well with no problem. I’m happy to be off the liquids! I was kind of queasy the last couple days and felt like I was developing an aversion to the protein shakes. I hope dinner goes as well as lunch did! Our program sets a goal of 80g protein/day and 700-800 cals. I won’t quite make quite that many calories today but should hit my protein goal.
  10. kristieshannon

    9 days post-op yogurt and peanut butter???

    Costco also carries a brand called PB Fit.
  11. kristieshannon


    I am taking the Bariatric Advantage chewables as well. They aren’t too bad. I bought some calcium citrate chewables on Amazon that I don’t like. I’ll switch to the Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium as well once my current bottle is gone.
  12. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    It was a rest day for me today, so just 2.1 miles.
  13. kristieshannon

    Post op foods help please

    My surgeons office sells Health Wise brands of soup/broth that have 15g protein per packet. I’ve enjoyed both the creamy tomato and beef broth. Not sure if it can be ordered online or found in local stores. It’s a nice change up from the protein shakes!
  14. kristieshannon

    Anyone else NOT NPO for surgery?

    I’m a nurse too. My hospital made this change a couple years ago. Rather than NPO after midnight now it’s clears up until 4 hours before surgery. It sure is more comfortable for those late in the day cases!
  15. kristieshannon

    Post op hot flashes?

    I had my VSG on 8/12. I had a few days of a mild fever post op. Ever since I’ve been having terrible hot flashes and sweating. I’m 49. Could it be a coincidence and menopause started at the same time I had surgery, or is this possible surgery related? Anyone else experience this?
  16. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    4.87 miles for me today.
  17. I’m a daily weigher.
  18. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    Yup, I specifically asked if it is OK to do the Green Lake loop walk. I'm a super compliant patient! Being a nurse I know how important it is to follow the Dr.'s instructions, I have certainly seen complications when people don't! Luckily our summers here in Seattle are pretty mild, yesterday topped out at 70 degrees.
  19. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    I hear you, and I agree-I did message my surgeon’s office this week and got the ok to “walk as much as tolerated”. However, I’m still on my original 10lb weight lifting limit for another month. Which is OK with me because it means hubby gets to do the big chores around the house 😂
  20. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    I should have added that I was able to walk this loop pre-op, so I actually haven’t increased my activity too much since surgery. I was just surprised I was able to do it again this soon. Even during these last two years at my heaviest weight I’ve been able to maintain a fairly decent activity level (short hikes, whitewater rafting trips, I even walked a 1/2 marathon 2 years ago). I want to get back up to that 1/2 marathon level of fitness again over the next 13 months so I can do it again next September. I know I need to take it slow, I figure I’ve given myself plenty of time to build up to it.
  21. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    Yes, just one loop around and the rest from regular daily activity-although I’ve started being conscious of parking farther away from the entrance of the grocery store etc. to get in more steps. I’m planning to up it to twice around the lake in the next month or so. I’m pretty please though that just 12 days out from surgery that I can do it once fairly easily!
  22. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    We have a lake in Seattle that has a 3 mile loop walking path around it. It’s a great place to exercise and people watch! I think I’ll do it again today.
  23. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    5.61 miles for me today.
  24. kristieshannon

    August 2019 Check In

    Wow-awesome Deedee!!!!
  25. kristieshannon

    Let's Track Our Miles!

    If there is anyone here that is in the Seattle area I’d love a walking/training buddy!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
