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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to Teri B in Weirdest things you are looking forward to after surgery   
    I don't know if these are strange but:
    - getting on an airplane. I can fit in an airplane now but I want everyone around me to be comfortable.
    - so I can throw EVERY LAST ugly fat clothing I own away!. I have clothing down to size 16 and I can not wait until I can give it ALL to goodwill and start afresh!
    - to (eventually) have a boyfriend. Let's be honest, the only reason I don't is because I am fat. I do not blame men, I am not attracted to fat people either. It is a preference.
    - to have sex again without a tank top on.
    - to be able to clean myself better! It does make a difference.
    - to shop for clothes that I actually LIKE..
    - to wear a non-skirt bathing suit. maybe never a bikini but a nice one-piece or tankini would be nice!
    - to prove T every one of the people talking behind my back, that I in fact can and will succeed...
    I am sure there are more!
  2. Haha
    ChocoTaco reacted to justmetj in Weirdest things you are looking forward to after surgery   
    Clipping my toenails and breathing at the same time 🤣 Which I can actually do now!
  3. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to gabybab in Week 2 Struggles   
    The first 2 weeks are the worst. I got really obsessed with looking at recipes and dreaming of food.
    Today at over 3 months out, the obsession has faded and I'm learning to slow down and enjoy the food I do eat. I eat mostly to plan, but indulge sometimes, albeit a small amount. Today i enjoyed fresh strawberries and blueberries, but not a lot. I can consume amounts that led to my obesity.
    Best of luck on your journey!
  4. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to rs in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    Oh I like that quote!
  5. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to JanJan19 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I will add - as much as I feel no need to tell anyone now, in my head I'm planning on telling everyone once I get to goal. Mostly because I want to proudly say "this is what I did," for those people that might be considering it too. I don't want to come across like "oh, new me? I took up jogging!" cause like, f that. I don't want to make someone struggling with their weight feel worse for their struggle. VSG is a very helpful tool. There's no way I'd be eating 500 calories a day without it. If I had more guts I'd probably just announce it right now, but I don't really want to be stared at WHILE i'm in the process.
  6. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to Amelia2019 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    So far I’ve decided not to tell I was approved twice and they were canceled because I had a seizure the week before 😞! The one person I did bring it up to said surgery is not the answer just eat better and exercise..... she doesn’t have 210 lbs to lose ☹️
  7. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from sillykitty in Not looking for advice! I just need to vent.   
    I've bought a lot of clothes from Walmart, and they are way more affordable than torrid. Not to mention some are actually cuter. Don't knock Walmart till you try it!
  8. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  9. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  10. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  11. Congrats!
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from NancyLF in Has anyone used baby food?   
    I was looking into this since I'm transition to pureed foods on thursday, but I dont think i could stomach majority of the flavors (I remember trying some when I used to feed my son) and the ones I do like tend to have a bit too much sugar.
    What I'm doing today is buying an immersion blender and just pureeing things myself. If you try the "hearty" flavors let me know how that goes.
  12. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  13. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  14. Congrats!
    ChocoTaco reacted to mc2017 in 100 Pounds Down in 6 Months!!!! (Pics)   
    Hey Guys,

    I am not super active in this site but I have been lurking for a long time now and I just wanted to give a very positive update about my progress since getting Gastric Bypass nearly 6 months ago on 09/03/2018 in Tijuana, Mexico at Hospital Angeles. I started my journey at my highest weight of 308-310 pounds two weeks before I started my pre-op diet. Since then I have dropped 100 pounds and I still have 5 days until my 6 months anniversary. I am so happy I made the decision to get gastric bypass. I am a type one diabetic and I knew that this surgery would help me not only lose weight but also prolong my life and allow me to do things that I thought never possible.
    I have had scary moments especially in the month right after surgery but looking back that was all worth it because I feel so much better and I know I will make it all the way to goal! I want to thank everyone on this site for all the knowledge and insight being here has given me. I don't think I would have pulled the trigger without the help of all of you guys.

  15. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  16. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from Carrot64 in To Tell or NOT to Tell   
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
    For me only my immediate family know as well as 3 close friends.
  17. Congrats!
    ChocoTaco reacted to mousecat88 in shorts 4 summer.   
    I bought some gym shorts a month ago with no intention of every wearing them. I wore them this past weekend. Not at the gym, but around my father who was/is the root cause of all the emotional BS that triggered my overeating and self-esteem issues. He didn't say a word, other than to scold me for having a thigh tattoo he just now saw (that I've had for years).
    I haven't worn shorts since I was 10 years old because I was so ashamed of my thighs. I am now 30. So, after 20 years... shorts are back in the wardrobe.
  18. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to froufrou in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    That's great you have tried some other things! However, personally I would skip the shake and the Soup - both are sliders and my surgeon and nutritionist say not to have these after 6 weeks. I bet if you replaced them with some dense Protein, you'd feel fuller for longer. Also, instead of just having just a boiled egg, maybe bulk it out and make scrambled egg (add in extra egg white) with a bit of cheese and some vegetables on the side or a small salad. Instead of the soup, make the Beans into a chili type dish. Add in vegetables, some soy or meat if you eat it, a sprinkle of cheese on top. Have half to one cup of it and see how it feels. It's all about getting creative and trying to fill yourself up with good filling Proteins. It'll stabalise your blood sugars and make you feel satiated.
  19. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to sillykitty in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    No, it's because if you eat more calories than you burn, no matter the source, you will gain weight.
    I could eat Doritos and wash it down with Coke everyday and lose wight. Or I could eat "fresh, organic, non processed" fruits, grains, dairy, meats, and gain weight. Weight loss is (nearly) all about quantity, not quality.
    You continually put forth this false premise that everyone on this forum is anti-carb.
    The facts are @MGBinIsrael is currently eating a relatively high carb, high-ish calorie diet. He is unhappy with his stalled weight loss, and lack of satiety. He asked for help, but when given solid advice he either ignores or argues against it.
  20. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    55lbs in 26 weeks is 2.11lbs per week. You are a female 5'6". Only you can say whether that is slow for you. Females tend to lose slower than males (especially 6'1" males with not very much weight to lose). But it still breaks out to 2.11lbs per week which by my docs definition is the low end of average weekly loss. They base their rates on statistical analysis. But, at the end of it, 55lbs loss is 55lbs loss. When is the last time you lost that amount of weight in a year and are continuing to lose?
    And even more importantly, are the foods you are filling yourself with keeping you satisfied and healthfully on you journey? If you are starving like the OP, then likely you need to look at your diet to see if there is any glaring thing hanging out that you know you feel better without. It just might speed up your weight loss if you kick it to the curb.

  21. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    Normal weight loss is 2-4lbs/week. Most men lose MUCH more rapidly than women and are closer to a 3-4lb/week loss schedule over the fist 6 months. You have 26weeks in 6 months. If you as a male lose 3 lbs per week, you would be closer to an 80lb loss. Yet, you are only 55lbs=2.12lbs of loss per week. That's achingly slow for a 6'1" dude. That's achingly slow for most of us women in the FIRST 6 MONTH HONEYMOON period.
    I am on a cancer drug that puts me in super menopause by shutting down all of my female hormones, and I was still losing in your time frame about 3lbs per week. So yes, I think you are losing too slowly and eating too many simple carbohydrates and having too much fructose.
    I know of ZERO surgeons who recommend getting your calories from juice. No fruit juices was an explicit order of my doc. Also "Don't drink your calories." Also, limit fruit and only have small servings of berries no more than a couple times a week. Also FOCUS on lean dense Protein, healthy fats, leafy greens, and low glycemic veggies. Have limited healthy fats in the form of healthy oils (EVOO, butter, ghee, avocado, nut butters as you tolerate them, and a few nuts here or there.)
    That's the advice of my surgeon. I beat the %ages for weight loss despite my metabolic issues due to the cancer drug and one other. It's do-able. But I tell you now, I will gain weight like a hog if I ate that much fruit, and also ate porridge and ate 1800 cals a day with 267g of carbs. LOL. But I'd prolly be dead first. Cuz that amount of carbs/sugar would send me into a HR coma first.
  22. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   

    Because you're eating slider foods! Porridge, papaya, banana, yogurt = slider foods deluxe.
    And btw? You didn't mention you were male and 6'1". Yet another piece of the critical puzzle.
    Eat dense Protein first for satiety along with healthy fats.
    THEN eat dense veggies to your volume prescription. (mine is 1c/meal max)
    THEN eat berries, nuts, seeds if you still have room.
    Avoid the carby stuff.
    You will dramatically reduce your cravings, the number of times you eat, and up your weight loss.
    But I will tell you? 55lbs for a 6'1" guy in 6months? Is crap weight loss. You are SQUANDERING your honeymoon period by eating too many carbs and too many cals for rapid weight loss. The end. Don't squander your honeymoon period. It will NEVER EVER EVER come again.
  23. Haha
    ChocoTaco reacted to FluffyChix in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    @Healthy_life2 I swear this whole post feels like a ho-ax...when I saw the daily menu...
    How can anyone eat a whole papaya? Granted there are many sizes of papaya, but to be able to eat a papaya and a banana at the same time without repurcussions, then be able to eat again within a couple of hours? I have very very little restriction, but I couldn't do it--even if I could tolerate the massive amounts of carbs/sugars/fructose in this daily menu without dumping (which I couldn't)...
    I don't like to think of anyone being "fake" nor do I accuse someone lightly. But gee whiz. This just seems cray.
  24. Like
    ChocoTaco got a reaction from JessLess in What are your favorite excuses?   
    I used the preop phase to ease people into the fact that I'm making lifestyle changes. So I told them that I was trying to lose weight by replacing two meals with high Protein Shakes and having a low carb dinner. I also bought a 64oz water bottle and have been toting around non stop.
    Since I had my surgery in Mexico I said I was going to visit family with my parents (my step dad is Mexican and his family lives in Tijuana) couldn't be more perfect. While I was there I made sure everyone took plenty pictures of food as well as tourist sites so I could post them on my social media to make things seem more normal. Now that I'm back no one has noticed too much of the weight loss, the few that have I just keep advertising my Protein shakes and exercising my will power when they bring in food for employees.
    I saw someone post once, "No one asked me the details about my weight gain or how I got there, so they don't need to know the details of my weight loss or how I'm getting there" LOL!
  25. Like
    ChocoTaco reacted to Healthy_life2 in HELP: Gaining Weight After Only 6 months from MGB   
    What foods are allowed on your surgeon’s plan? Do you have a print out?
    I can’t stress enough to log your food. You will never know how many calories and carbs your eating unless you log them. You can’t guess your way through weight loss. Restriction alone will not make you successful in the long term.
    food log apps - free download.
    Processed carbs are going to make you crave them more and make you hungry. Seriously, I hope you are not eating 267 carbs in the estimate below. My carb range is 55 grams of plant and low glycemic carbs.
    You didn’t give brands or how many ounces/serving sizes you ate. This is a estimated based on the information you gave. If this is correct you are eating weight gaining calories and macros – You can log your information correctly and get a better look at what you are doing with your diet
    Logged in Myfitnesspal:
    1802 calories - 74 grams Protein - 267 carbohydrates - 51 fats
    1 cup Black coffee 5 calories .5 cup soy milk 50 calories 1 cup fresh squeezed Orange juice 112 calories Nabisco rice crackers 48 calories 2 table spoons cream cheese 99 calories 1 banana 105 calories oats 1 cup 300 calories meat balls 171 calories .8 cup rice 150 2 oz sweet potatoes 51 calories 1 Banana 105 calories 1 cup papaya 62 calories 2 light n fit Greek yogurt 160 calories 2.5 oz Brie cheese 238 calories 15 small pretzels 145 calories

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