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Posts posted by Darktowerdream

  1. @lisafrommassachusetts take it one step at a time. I didn’t think I would get this far. Especially since it was more challenging than most to put it mildly. My food progress is slow but it’s a good thing I’m creature of habit and can get into a routine of eating certain things based on what’s available and how I “plan” it. I’m not the best at it but I work with what I can. As you get to smaller portions of more dense Protein and healthy fats you stay full longer as well. I’ve always been a weird eater. And I’m still learning.

  2. 2 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    perhaps these bariatric Vitamins account for that by including super mega doses of B12, knowing that their RNY patients are only going to absorb 1% (or less) of it.

    Interesting. I don’t take bariatric Vitamins yet my blood level is still on the higher end. All of the bariatric vitamins have added iodine to which I’m allergic. It’s true of course that sublingual or liquid will be better utilized. If high blood levels possibly signaled deficiency than one would think doctors would know this. They don’t seem to know much about vitamins in my opinion.

    sometimes deficiency is a symptom of a disease and not the cause. But they insist on supplements without investigation.

    my Iron levels are normal, but my saturation is low, my iron binding capacity is the high end of normal, and my ferritin is low ... so I don’t know if it is actually related to my surgery or something else going on.

    it’s hard getting doctors to give answers when it comes to Vitamin levels. Since they know so little. I studied these things and realized it’s more complex than people realize and vitamins have risks and side effects similar to medications.

  3. 3 hours ago, lisafrommassachusetts said:

    Do you continue to use these type of products? I can see incorporating some of these into my work lunches post surgery, for the extra Protein.

    I do still buy certain thing’s although not often. Some people do find them handy for work lunches. The creamy chicken Pasta is pretty good. I actually had it on purée just cooked very soft since it’s easy to chew to purée. I couldn’t tolerate normal purée foods.

    . I like their protein pancakes. I did try some of their protein chips. As I’m supposed to be doing more normal foods. I had half a small bag with two soft boiled eggs. As you advance you can get more creative with your work lunches.

    in the early stages try things like chia pudding :)

    I bought their protein mashed potato mix and I make that sometimes with a small veggie burger. Ie. Boca turky burger 2.5 oz 70 calories, 11 grams protein. I liked it with dr Praeger’s black bean chipotle pollock burger, 2.5 oz 90 calories 10 grams protein but my store stopped selling them. It took me longer than most to eat normal foods. I’m still eating fairly soft foods.

    my head is tired. But I’m sure there’s lots of ideas. Some people prepare their own meals fresh. I don’t have energy for it. I do a mix of buying a few things from BariatricPal, I buy things like veggie burgers, veggie sausage, if they come in small portion right calories, Egglands Best eggs, plain Greek yogurt or TwoGood yogurt, I mix PEScience select protein powder in yogurt. That helped a lot during purée. As did good culture cottage cheese cups.

    I admit I treat myself to a little land o lakes whipped topping (sugar free) on my yogurt. and evening coffee. BariatricPal does have protein coffee with Vitamins and protein hot cocoa with marshmallows that’s pretty decent.

    i love using ripple milk unsweetened plain , they also have unsweetened vanilla. It’s plant protein.

    sorry for rambling.

  4. Here’s an example of BariatricPal Protein pudding, butter toffe is pretty good. You can thin it out as much as you like. I’ve mixed with yogurt sometimes and/ Or with unsweetened ripple milk for extra creaminess and protein instead of just all Water.


    I haven’t tried their protein Gelatin mixes yet


    it’s very important that since when you first start out your portions are very small to make sure you are getting protein first.

    They also have protein Soups including ones with Vitamins. prices might seem higher but your portions are much smaller. Plus you earn points for discounts on future purchases. I don’t buy too often but get certain basics sometimes when they have a good coupon sale.

    one thing I wish I had right after surgery is their Protein Shots and protein juice ...

    You can get a variety pack to try the flavors. I like pink lemonade.


  5. You should try Bone Broth, that would help satisfy you and provide more Protein than regular broth as well. Look for a true bone broth. Kettle & fire costs more but is very well made. There also pacific foods a turkey that’s good. Imagine foods makes a beef, chicken, turkey bone broth that’s very good. You want a sipping bone broth.

    here’s kettle & fire they have other flavors and it’s priced very well here. I shop here all the time. I click through Rakuten to shop and get cash back each purchase (I’ve used both for many years) I also signed up for the site and get coupons. Although you can find it in the grocery. Some things I get better price online. Especially when they send me a coupon.


    Btw if you are interested in Rakuten please use my link.


  6. I never got answers about this. I’ve had this happen more than once, even though I was not supplementing with B12. Vitamin b12 is Water soluble so excess gets removed by the body when urinating. Similar to Vitamin C. So then there should not be excess in the blood. My levels are still on the high end considering I’m not supplementing extra B Vitamins. I too question this and yet doctors don’t consider it unless deficiency. Ie. I know someone in the low end of the normal range yet their doctor considered them deficient ...

    higher than normal blood levels in my opinion means your body isn’t processing it correctly causing high levels in the blood. There is a lot doctors don’t know and won’t admit they don’t know. Needless to say I never got answers and given my chronic illness I have my own concerns about it.

    One question. Are you taking B12 or b complex supplements? If so I suggest to stop them for now.

    perhaps this article might be helpful:


  7. Stressors like surgery or other procedures can cause fluctuations. Be mindful of any foods that might cause inflammation or Fluid retention (food sensitivities or even mild food allergies)

    I tend to weigh each morning. One thing that can cause fluctuations is if you don’t stay regular. Foods that cause bloat. But a one time gain of 4lbs does happen to many people and did happen when I had a colonoscopy. I think I stress even when it’s a small uptick. It’s just natural to worry about falling backwards.

    but you are doing amazing, so try not to worry too much. It’s likely a temporary blip on the radar that will pass.

  8. I wasn’t expecting such response from my comments, thank you. I keep thinking about this. I’ve never been a snacker, I think one thing nutrition guidelines sometimes make the mistake of including the concept of Snacks. I usually have something that’s a healthy version of a treat or snack as “dinner” which is my lightest meal. Compared to lunch. Breakfast is usually tea and half a Protein Bar. I probably am not a normal eater but I never was. dinner is usually yogurt mixed with Protein Powder with a little sugar free land o lakes whipped topping ... or good culture cottage cheese.

    i do obsess over buying things that I can prepare in small portions. I’m sure others can food prep and portion things out into containers and that works well too. I don’t have energy for it.

    being disabled I’m home bound so much of the time. And have very limited energy. I try to keep busy with my tablet.

    I do find myself having the occasional funny dream that I’m eating a lot of food.

    i had started writing notes on the notes app on my tablet from my nutritionist class. It turned into a daily log of the date, my weight, and the morning of I try to get some plan of what I will eat, sometimes as I go along making sure it adds up to my calories and Protein range. I’ve only broken the bank a little bit when I ate out. It’s not easy. I also not doctor appointments and any medical issues.

    I have a calendar I write my weight on daily. At least the first year. I started with that before I realized I should track my food, calories and protein.

    take it one step at a time. Eat to live. Have the three meals and if you find hunger strikes ask. Is this hunger? Is it thirst? Is it pain? Drink tea, or even coffee. BariatricPal makes a protein hot cocoa. They even make a coffee with Vitamins.

    I wish the best for everyone on this journey

  9. I struggled with this long before bariatric surgery was ever hope for being an option and when I fought to lose weight alone. But even when I got there couldn’t stay there. Partly due to lifelong chronic illness and disability, metabolic disorders, inability to exercise, etc. but I struggled with being a member of the clean plate club, with not having a sense of hungry or full which I often wondered had to do with being on the autism spectrum. I also never rejected food if a friend offered. And the one person I trusted and thought was a true friend, like a sister, mocked me for it and turned on me.

    I make sure to portion out and prepare exactly what I am going to eat. What will fit my pouch based on the stage I’m in. Does it work perfectly in the early stages? Not as simple since you need to be more aware of how your pouch reacts to foods with each new thing you introduce. Some people advance quick some slow. So it’s different across the board. I tried to be mindful and if I couldn’t eat it, I tossed the rest out the window for the birds (I hate waste)

    I use the little plates that came with my corelle dish set, I think they are appetizer plates. And the small bowls. Never prepare and put in front of you more than your pouch can handle and you will still feel that you are cleaning your plate.

    i thought I had works on this years ago but now I’m learning to change my mindset on portions. And eating what I need. I still don’t have that judgment of hungry or full so I just track my daily calories and Protein so I stay on track and in my daily goal range, I also stick to low carb options because I know carbs trigger cravings for me. And I don’t want to tempt that monster.

    its not easy and I hope to keep this as a permanent way of eating. I honestly thought I had made good changes before but it wasn’t enough without the tool of gastric bypass surgery.

  10. I don’t use saucers for plates but had Corelle dishes for ages, some basic white pieces (I wished I’d kept all of them) the plates are called appetizer plates and are the perfect size they are the same as a saucer but without that indent for the cup. they come in nice patterns now too. Just in case anyone is interested.

    appetizer plate


    I also have two types of small bowls that I use, one deeper bowl and one shallow bowl.

    shallow bowl


    Soup bowl


    As far as spoons I use a normal spoon or have tendency to use my fingers if or certain things. Like cut up veggie burger into small bites.

    I understand he is speaking to people who might be accustomed to being big eaters. Used to big plates and big bites. I’ve worked on that for years. I had habitat of my main meal being lunch. admittedly I don’t always take it perfectly slow. I might have a hard time with 30 seconds between bites. But I figure as long as the portion isn’t bigger than my pouch, that I’m full from the meal, And I’m sticking to my calories and Protein range I’m ok. I could be wrong I don’t know. I do try it’s just some foods are not good texture congealed or cold and it’s hard enough my tastebuds don’t work normally ...

    Anyway, it’s an interesting video, but I guess some of it seems condescending to say well if your hands are free you will automatically pick up bread and eat it ... I just put on my plate what my exact portion is measured out. No more.

    maybe it’s just me but videos like this make me panic a bit about the idea of stretching my pouch even though I don’t eat big portions and I thought it’s natural for the portion to increase to a certain amount over time. I guess some people do push the limits though. I’m working hard to not fall into that.

    My nutritionist did teach a little bit about mindful eating but I’m surprised at how many doctors do the surgery without educating their patients or giving proper nutritional guidelines.

  11. You can’t have meal replacement shakes on clear

    but you can have clear Protein Drinks

    like Dymatize Iso100 clear



    Premier Protein clear (I recommend tropical punch)



    Isopure clear, which costs more but is twice the Protein


    I suggest mixing with a little ocean spray 5 calorie juice, I like the grapefruit flavor. That’s also a good clear drink in between the protein or as I said mix it for taste. I personally had a hard time tolerating the clear protein especially straight up.

    im surprised you didn’t get a clear liquid list. Bone Broth is great for Clear Liquids. You can have Decaf coffee or tea but no milk. Jello. I personally don’t recommend crystal light but some people do.

    best of luck to you

  12. My dietitian through my surgeon (the Cleveland Clinic dietary guidelines) suggests no more than 4 grams of sugar in a meal. To focus on Protein first. As you progress through phases, liquid, purée, soft foods. You add soft vegetables. They don’t suggest complex carbs until maintenance. I keep things low carb. I have not counted. I count protein and calories to keep them both within a certain range. (Protein should at least be 0.36 grams per lb of body weight) I would guesstimate I eat below 20 net carbs a day. You subtract any Fiber from the total for net carbs (or sugar alcohols) although my nutritionist said avoid those. I mostly avoid maltitol which is harsh on your guts but erythritol is not. Allulose seems ok.

    when you get to veggies, that’s where the carbs should come from. Mostly green leafy. For many people maintaining a low carb way of eating is beneficial.

  13. I honestly wouldn’t do just sugar free Jello pudding. There’s no Protein. You can either buy BariatricPal protein pudding mix which is pretty good or I’ve found when I mix PEScience select Protein Powder (peanut butter cookie is great, or Cookies and cream) with TwoGood yogurt it ends up a nice pudding or even frosting like consistency. You can think it out if you need it more liquid consistency or put it in the fridge a bit for it to be thicker. Of course this is just my personal opinion.

  14. I had my gallbladder removed during my surgery but it wasn’t the deciding factor for what type of surgery I had. I had gastric bypass surgery due to severe gastric reflux (GERD) I had a HIDA scan that showed low gallbladder function and honestly was suggested possible removal when I first decided to finally pursue bariatric surgery. Since they are similar recovery for both surgeries. I wasn’t sure either would happen. When I finally got a great Bariatric surgeon he wasn’t sure if he would remove my gallbladder during the procedure, he said if it was too risky he wouldn’t. But thankfully he did because it turned out to be severe chronic inflammation of my gallbladder. Which I feel contributed to my weight problems (not to mention metabolic disorders and other medical conditions)

    my personal opinion is, if the doctor says your gallbladder is bad and they can remove it during your surgery then best to do that. because there is a high rate of gallbladder problems after rapid weight loss.

    I'm glad to have had gastric bypass surgery as an option for the added tool it offers of “malabsorption “ and that it benefitted me since I had severe GERD.

  15. Bone Broth is great. For me I prefer PEScience select Protein Powder and mixed my own with Ripple milk (original unsweetened) and let it thicken in the fridge before drinking I wasn’t a big fan of a lot of ready to drink Protein Shakes. Although labrada lean Body salted caramel is pretty decent. I didn’t use Premier Protein (being allergic to iodine) for a grocery store rtd Protein boost Max is pretty decent. If you want juice flavor BariatricPal has juice protein mixes, I liked mixing with ocean spray 5 calorie juice (I ,Ike the grapefruit) they also have protein boullion mixes as well as protein powder mix with Vitamins. Lots of choices for liquids.

    honestly, one thing I wish I’d known about for post op was BariatricPal Protein Shots (I like the pink grapefruit) 15 grams of protein, 60 calories, in a 3 oz shot.

  16. A lot depends on your height especially your goal weight but your Protein intake changes based on weight loss and activity. Baseline recommend protein would be 0.8 grams of protein per Kg of body weight which I believe is 0.36 grams per lb of body weight.

    This would put you at around 67 grams of protein per day.

    Stalls can be for several reasons. Protein (too much or to little) Calories (too much or too little’ , types of foods, or just a natural stall that will pass. My longest stall was two weeks as well but I can go even a week before losing. Slower now as I get closer to goal.

    my starting weight was technically “low” at around 208lbs but I’m also only 5’ height and was 40.3 BMI. It seems strange for the surgeon to just outright say you are already done losing weight and need to exercise to lose more. To be honest besides metabolic disorders, one huge reason I had gastric bypass surgery was the fact I cannot exercise due to chronic illness.

    In all reality exercise isn’t for weight loss. building muscle helps because muscle burns more calories than fat.

    I guess just have patience, and set your own goal outside of what the surgeon expects of you.

  17. @mousecat88

    bread is a tough thing for me too. I haven’t had it in a long while but it’s an issue Because of my chronic illness and constant nausea and gut issues as well as loss of ability to taste properly. But even as a kid I’d want a bagel with butter over any other foods , plain and simple.

    I struggle with metabolic disorders and inability to exercise. Back in let’s say 2008 my weight was up to 215 + lb but bariatric surgery was not an option back then. I fought so hard to lose I fought the sugar addiction and went strict low carb and low calories. The lowest I got was 124lb. But my illness kept getting worse as it still is. It’s chronic and lifelong. And I have many medical conditions. At some point when we moved states I needed to restart my efforts after so much stress. I found a low carb bread and it was great.

    they make low carb bread, Bagels, thin Pizza Crust, pastas. the ingredients are good, it’s a balance of Fiber and Protein. Their website is:


    i was losing weight. Until I wasn’t. I can’t say it had anything to do with their products. I was eating healthy, counting carbs and calories, eating healthy fats, etc. my worst thing was loving sweet kale salad with Gardein veggie foods like crab less crab cakes or cauliflower rice, etc.

    here I thought I was eating healthy things and my weight made a sudden jump. Actually it started while I was still strict low carb, low calorie. Went from 130-160 in weeks! Tried to get help from doctors and nothing. Decided to add more veggies and less meats. I mean who gets fat on veggies? And healthy fat like avocado?

    apparently me? So it scares me to dip into those foods even the healthy options. It’s hard finding foods when my tastebuds don’t work normally and haven’t in a long time and never got answers and plain toasted bagel with butter for some odd reason was always a comfort food. The low carb version actually tastes better.

    i end up limited on foods due to food allergies and eating foods that trigger it just enough to make me ill where I pass out Asleep from low oxygen and swelling, but not anaphylaxis.

    I think we all have a food we crave for certain reasons. I’ve dealt with my addiction in a way. And just put on my plate what I’m going to eat. But still don’t understand what caused the past gains when my eating was good. I probably veered way off topic. Sorry.

  18. There is a special prep that is less to drink that’s better for after gastric bypass surgery. I couldn’t use it since I’m allergic to it and mirilax. All I know is I had to do Clear Liquids three days prior, and the stuff I had to drink made me feel very sick. I started earlier so I had time to get it down. But I was much closer to post gastric bypass. It was a bit hellish and I had a upper endoscopy at the same time.

    ive had colonoscopies before but not quite as bad as that one was and honestly if my dr wants another I’m going to demand an alternative.

    Then not that long after, a few weeks or less, I had to clear out again for surgery. I had to drink magnesium citrate. Holy hell, I got shaking cold chills, instant intense pain and cramping after barely drinking part of the bottle.

    It’s not my intention to scare you. I’m sure it will go fine. ask the doctors office about the special prep with less liquid to drink, I’m sorry I can’t remember the name.

  19. 2 hours ago, sillykitty said:

    I've gone down the rabbit hole I'm afraid!

    I think you’ve earned it. If you have the resources, I say go for it. I appreciate reading your progress and updates. I don’t remember if I suggested it before, I find bio oil highly ineffective for scars, especially wound healing.

    Have you ever tried Tamanu oil?

    Used medicinally, Tamanu Oil works to reduce acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, ulcers, dryness, itchiness, scaly skin, body odor, fungal infections, rashes, sores, swelling, age spots, sunburn, stretch marks, cellulite, sciatica, rosacea, and foot odor”

    I just ordered some from a site www.okaypurenaturals.com

    shipping is free with $35 and you get a nice little bag. They have a very nice facial cream (night cream) their African black soaps are amazing too.

    of course as far as scar creams go usually Mederma is the best. I haven’t tried Tamanu for a fresh scar yet. with my highly sensitive skin I just bought more to try on skin abrasions, cuts and rashes and such. Which makes me desperately want skin removal especially my thighs.

    swelling is the harder thing to cope with. I hope it eases up soon and that your body settles nicely into its new shape.

  20. 3 hours ago, Slimming Down Steve said:

    I just relook at my above post. It may look as if it was being nasty towards you, I didn't mean it to if you took it that way!

    No problem.

    I started to answer it, and then just kind of left it there. I’m not very good with words. Or interpreting nuances of social interactions. But I don’t peg you for the nasty type.

    I think I was trying to say that Your mother is a burden you shed the same as your weight. Both are for you and your health. But sometimes when you think you cut all ties there are sometimes unwanted strings still attached that you can’t quite shake and you don’t always realize that. But I guess it’s just my own personal experience speaking. (Which I won’t bore you with)

    you were just being straightforward in your response. And are probably tired of hearing about “she who shall not be named” ...

  21. 5 hours ago, Slimming Down Steve said:

    Ended up going to the ER last night. My right ear was bleeding. They ran a MRI and I had some brain swelling but not bad. The nurse put something in my IV to reduce the swelling and they released me around an hour ago. Really tired now.

    Sounds like you got a concussion from the fall, which is the cause of the swelling in your brain. That was one serious fall. I would be more concerned about the hardware in your spine.

    Take it easy on yourself, you are only two weeks out of surgery. Even I forget that reading your posts. The problem with your mother is pushing you hard to escape from a heavy burden and losing the weight for you is a part of that, but take it easy on yourself. Forget about her. Remind you that Your body needs to catch up with the fact that you don’t need the blood pressure meds anymore. Your body has a lot of adjustments to go through.

  22. 24 minutes ago, JRT Mom said:

    My nutritionist said only to avoid gummy vitamins, but the other supplements can be in Gummy form.

    My nutritionist said no gummies but when I showed her the multivitamin and how much extra nutrition they provide she said they would be fine. The point about gummy vitamins is to make sure they are a good potency, that it’s a whole food source, and minimal sugar.

    im pretty sure they specify no gummies just because they assume most people won’t pay attention to what’s in it and the quality of the Vitamin. But even Centrum can be a garbage vitamin that isn’t utilized by the body.

    i just find it funny that sometimes the same nutritionist that says no gummies might also approve of fruit or carb foods earlier on. I’m not going to argue. But the nutritionist doesn’t know everything and sometimes I showed my nutritionist new things I’ve found and she was happy I shared and added it to her presentation for future bariatric patients. And she said the Vitamins I chose were great. And my levels have been good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
