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Posts posted by Darktowerdream

  1. 25 minutes ago, Frustr8 said:

    Thanks Darktowerdream, that gives me too a ray of hope, that there are others who were a year out before things settled down. I literally am sick and tired of being so sick and tiredm I saw on another thread, our Founder Alex Brecher had to have his mini- bypass, which he had for maybe 4 months, had gone there from a lap- band that wasn't working and affecting his quality of life, and now he had a bowel obstruction et all, so he is rejoined back up close to what he was before any surgeries. That's not done all that often, usually open surgery, and it takes a very very skilled surgeon. That's why so few even attempt it, but it was a Life Emergency for Alex so IT HAD TO BE DONE and we only can pray all the things he has learned over the years will stand him in good stead so that he won't regain back to where he was before any surgeries at all.
    I really don't think I would want a total reversal, I am lucky I made it through my RNY, many people my age either stroke out or have a cardiac event and don't leave there ALIVE. I just want what I have to work better, I need efficiency at this POINT not euphemisms and being told " Bye and Bye, it will get better!" I have devoted more than a Whole Pregnancy time to this endeavor, knew I wouldn't receive a cuddly baby but I expected at the very least---------- SATISFACTION!

    The Dr. did one small dilation but didn’t say anything. The report says

    GJ stenosis at anastomosis, Jejunal/marginal ulcer.

    Other than that I don’t know anything.

    I’ve been sick and tired nearly all my life so I understand it’s frustrating for you. I remember in nutrition class they talked about each phase and how long it is won’t be textbook for everyone. I guess Some just take longer to heal and adapt. But better to take it slow and easy after all it takes to get the surgery and what it means to have it.

    I wouldn't want reversal either. We might not be the same age but my body has many challenges and it was a hard fight to get here. Efficiency is better than euphemisms and the it gets better attitude. Do you have a nutritionist to consult with? Maybe take it up with your primary care physician and see if there is anything they might be missing.

    I wish I knew the key to getting through to doctors but I can’t even understand people. Birds ... them I understand but it’s pretty straightforward they have no such thing as dishonesty.

  2. 14 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

    Hi it's Frustr8, at the worst mine was maybe 2.5, they have gotten me on several occasions got me dilated to 9 with the endoscopy balloon, but next time They have gone down I still was 2.5- 3, so I don't stay open. I have now had 13 endoscopies lifetime, I joke that I could almost do my own. Now the last one, I was told the jejunem was now fully "patent," that's Medicalese for open, be simpler if they would use Real People language, wouldn't it? But they didn't say how the stoma was, only that they were able to inflate the endo balloon enough to get on through. It now has been 10 months and one week since surgery, pardon me for a mini- whine but I did expect to be eating everything I wanted that would be good for me , albeit small portions. The Good Times should be Rolling by now, but I do feel slightly like the bus keeps running back and forth over me.
    I do wish I would finish being repaired, if not Please Admit I am a Gastrointestinal Cripple, stop giving me hope if it isn't justified. I guess I can spend. the remainder of life on liquids and pureed if necessary, but by all that is HOLY, would someone please be HONEST with ME!

    As far as I know mine was less than 3mm and that seems extremely tiny. I’ve had doctors say a 3mm nodule was too small to be taken seriously. For the stoma from the new pouch to the stomach to be under 3mm? I’d expect a vein or something similar to be that small.

    . @Frustr8 It’s ok for the mini whine, ten months is a long time to still be in liquids and purée. And the doctor should be honest with you about wether you can advance to normal foods or not. My nutritionist did say it can be a year or more before some people do. Maybe something else is going on, have they ordered a swallow study to check for dysphasia?

    Im not as far along but feeling the same I just want some honesty and not to be given vague nothingness and implications that it’s fine when it isn’t. I’ve got multiple chronic issues and I’d want to know if this entails many dilations and if I can’t proceed past liquids, Soups, I can’t even do purée .... I can’t find my words anymore. I guess I’m trying to say is if this is what it’s going to be we need honest facts to adapt to the new normal. I hesitated to let him do the balloon dilation and he said but you need to eat. As if one dilation would fix it. So how do they decide what move to take next? I’m feeling exhausted, confused, and even if I know for a fact my body cannot handle several dilations, at a loss what to say to my doctor.

    He is a good surgeon, but doesn’t understand the complexities of my many medical conditions and it’s impact on decisions I have to make in treating these problems that have come up. The approach wont be the same as it would be for a healthy person. Ie. I cannot take proton pump inhibitors. Also to my body small problems are bigger problems.

    @Briswife15 there must be something else going on to still have issues with food.

    I don’t remember his exact words but My doctor said something to me like he doesn’t want me to develop an aversion to food. Well I think it’s a bit late for that. I’ve had issue with food since before 2010 (I can’t remember) I started to lose my ability to properly taste food, didn’t even know what was happening. And once I got an idea of it never got answers. When food either doesn’t taste like a Anything except a little salt even if you salt it extra or slightly sweet or just textures, or even tastes off or smells are interpreted wrong. So this just adds to 8t.

    I just wrote a whole lot and can’t find the right words. I’m exhausted and my throat is painful. But thank you both for your replies. I wish you the best too.

    i found an example of 3mm.


  3. @Frustr8 @Briswife15

    I was searching the forum for any posts that mentioned gastrojejunal stenosis or stricture.

    I’m wondering if anyone knows the size of their stricture. I had a upper gi fluoroscopy and it showed it’s 3mm and endoscopy today that said I have gastrojejunal stenosis and Jejunal ulcer (marginal ulcer) Im so used to things going haywire with my body. No one listens to me. I kept saying I am sure I have an ulcer.

    i know I read the largest normal size for the stoma is 20mm and dilation is maybe 16mm.

    the fluoroscopy showed small sliding hiatal hernia and Schatzki ring. With my chronic illness small is never small to my body. The doctor did not mention these things before he did the endoscopy.

    I trust my surgeon but was unhappy with the fact that going into the endoscopy the only option is balloon dilation with no indication of how sessions many it would take. Considering they can only do a bit at a time and the size of the stricture is 3mm one time won’t be enough. And I honestly don’t know if my body can take that many endoscopy sessions. But like I said no one trusts me when I sense something not right.

    yes other people experience these issues. I just have a lot on top of that. So I’m left not knowing anything.

    I haven’t progressed past Protein Shakes and Soups. I tried purée and just ended up having several episodes of vomiting even when I tried to eat extremely slow and stopped when Started to feel sick with was very fast. I didn’t vomit right away. I’m constantly nauseous.

    im also seeing a neurologist about dysphasia not related to these things.

    Im not even concerned about the food part. I just get in at least 50 grams of Protein. At most 55 so far but closer to 60 and I just got bloated. I get most fluids from the shake, soups, and BariatricPal protein juice flavor drink. Otherwise I can’t drink much Water due to the dysphasia which even thinner liquid sets off. And I’m at high risk for aspiration.

    I’m tired so if I’m posting in the wrong place. I’m sorry. The endoscopy took so long. Left early because my ride had to stop for a doctor appointment on the way. Endoscopy was 12:00 but then I didn’t get in until maybe 2pm or later I don’t remember. Got home nearly 4:30-5pm ...

  4. 38 minutes ago, Draven298 said:

    Thank you @Darktowerdream I think I am going to schedule another appointment with him and push the issue. I just sat there like a lump when he told me because I felt like I hit a wall and couldn't get my thoughts straight when he said it. Maybe he will reconsider and I wont have to go through finding another doctor and starting over again.

    @Draven298 don’t feel bad about your reaction. I was utterly speechless when the first doctor I saw said the things he did. He started off saying something like people seeing a buffet of food and eating everything in sight. My brain shut down. I barely remember anything that he said. I tried to maintain composure but was having a meltdown. I barely made it out of the office and not without being an embarrassment.

    I tried to email the office about it and they told me I wasn’t a good fit for the doctor and turned me away. Maybe it was for the best, he would only do sleeve, and the insurance process was way too complicated with his office. Thankfully the endocrinologist recommendation that Cleveland clinic was an easier process turned out to be true.

    I’m on the Autism spectrum and doctors treat me differently and don’t take my physical conditions seriously.

    I’m not trying to scare you, just expect the possibility that the surgeon won’t listen. I didn’t even know if I’d have to give up on the idea of bariatric surgery. But I kept pushing my primary care and pushing to try to figure out why nothing I was doing was helping me lose weight and made sure my doctor had record of this for months.

    Write down what you need to say to the doctor and bring it with you. I hope that the doctor listens to you and your needs. But if you feel uncomfortable than Finding another doctor might be necessary. There are risks with any surgery. So that should not be what makes your choice.

    It’s not easy, dealing with difficult doctors, and I have for much of my life and it’s hard trying to fight for the right thing. especially when a doctor won’t listen to what you need.

    I just know for me personally I knew the sleeve would not be enough. I had to listen to my gut instinct. Which can be hard to do. I wish I had better advice.

  5. I saw a highly recommended surgeon and he talked at me, making many assumptions about me without asking questions. He automatically said sleeve was the only option. For the fact that I have metabolic disorders, and cannot use exercise to burn calories to compensate for extremely slow metabolism I felt like pursuing surgery was not an option without RNY benefits of absorbing less calories. I was there for a surgical consult for my gallbladder as well and he also assumed my gallbladder was not inflamed. (My gallbladder was low functioning with severe symptoms) I didn’t feel comfortable and decided I was not going to pursue it with that doctor. It was crushing, I was getting exhausted trying to fight my weight alone, my own fight with low carb low calories wasn’t getting me anywhere.

    it wasn’t until I saw a endocrinologist and discussed my metabolic disorders and the fact that I couldn’t take the medications and that despite my efforts my weight kept climbing, that I got referral to Cleveland clinic.

    the doctor there knew right away based on my history of severe GERD/acid reflux that the best option was RNY. And I also had ulcers but that was not a factor for the doctor. If you have any kind of acid reflux the sleeve can make it worse. Many people get sleeve and then end up revising to RNY due to GERD.

    for me the possibility of dumping wasn’t an issue. One being that the gallbladder surgery also had similar dumping syndrome risk and I didn’t think It would be a big issue since I avoid the causes ie. Eat as little sugar as possible. And I’ve dealt with worse in my life. It was just something id deal with if it happened and not really think about.

    im glad I went with Cleveland clinic, they made the process much easier. And since I had record for months (actually longer) of my diet efforts. It was approved quickly. Also it turned out that I had chronic gallbladder inflammation despite what the highly acclaimed doctor had said to me ...

    but that’s just my personal experience. Some people do very well with sleeve.

  6. On 7/8/2019 at 10:58 AM, Frustr8 said:

    Or me either at 10 months, and thought I was perfectly ready, cool, calm, ready to start living the Bariatric life. And I read all the "pie in the sky" pamphlets I could get my chubby little paws on. Nobody mentioned my Evil new Friend. Stoma-stenosis and his sidekick jejunal ulceration. And I did not realize it takes it seems to take forever to heal. I have been on Carafate every 6 hours since October 12, 2018. I used to joke at autopsy the medical examiner would find my spine consisted of Halls cough drops, well now it has changed to oval white caplets of Carafate. And I am happy- proud of losing 125 since surgery , but Me Oh My, what I have gone through to get there! And when I try to talk to someone about my qualms, all they see is the thinner, more shapely body like a so-called Normal woman and they tune me out. I fear I will turn into a thinner corpse, easy on the pallbearer but actrifle harsh for me. And I am still on pureed, Protein shakes, Soups, broths and approved no calorie liquids. Know anyone else on basically a pre- surgery liver shrinking diet for almost a year? Except on it I got a 300 calorie Lean Cuisine every evening . Now I don't even have that! And when I try to advance my diet, Precious Pouch slaps some sense into me by vomiing EVERYTHING up.
    Why.can't I get a little honesty? If I am going to be a Gastrointestinal Cripple the rest of my fool life, OWN UP TO IT, I promise I will be less angry than I am now being ignored by the Clinic for 4 months. I reached out once, was told I was delusional, there was nothing wrong with me, this after not being able to keep anything down for 16 hours, and was advised to seek mental health help in my County. Relatively certain we have no one here. Local ER dreads seeing me, not sure how to treat anything beyond basics. They say "What can we do for you? We know little if anything about recovering RNY patients." Well my Bariatric surgeon is in Columbus, 50 miles away , Tomkitten and I don't drive, local transportation group wants 2 weeks prior notice so they will transport for scheduled appointments, but anything emergent, Forget about it!
    So I chug along, venting on here, praying still there is a Good Resolution to all this. Less than 25 pounds to Goal, now my PCP who I thought was in my corner is getting some sort of Cold Feet. Told me last week he only expected me to lose 70% of my excess weight, I have lost 68.3% and have 2 months before it's a full year. Some people you just can't please & he was the one 2 years ago dancing around ,singing. " Obesity gonna Kill You!" now I'm too thin? Oh come on, you were one of my Weight Loss Godfathers, and now you're backing Down? When I need some on to talk to about this, not even YOU WILL HELP? I feel rather abandoned by all, so I keep trying my best, and wistfully praying it is enough.

    I’ve been searching the forum for any mentions of Stomal Stenosis. I wasn’t sure the exact term to search. I came across your post - (I don’t want to scare the OP since my RNY experience is different since I have so many medical issues.) I had a upper gi fluoroscopy and am having a upper gi Thursday, that I waited weeks for.

    I need to research as much as I can yet even then you can’t find everything you need to know. Risk isn’t high but if there is a side effect to a medication or complications from surgery, im bound to get it. I don’t quite understand narrowing of the gastrojejunostomy aka stricture. The mechanism yes, but there isn’t a lot of information. I see some research studies and how stenosis is <9mm stricture. Average seems 5mm and balloon to stretch during endoscopy. (Can’t find my words right now) to around 15mm. And the dr shouldn’t stretch it more than 3-4mm per session.

    But my stricture is 3mm. I’m not comfortable with going into the endoscopy with him just messing around in there and me not knowing what he might do. I trust my dr, it’s not that. My body can’t handle the at least five endoscopy session it would take. I’m not sure what the alternative would be.

    Having RNY was a necessity, my last chance to fight my weight. I just need doctors to be honest and straightforward about it, not sugar coat it with, it’ll get better. I didn’t hear from the doctor after the first test showing hiatal hernia, Schatzkis ring and this 3mm stomal stenosis. I don’t know what treatment options are but I cannot take proton pump inhibitors. I did post about this but it’s not common here. It’s also hard finding information.

    I’m also still in Protein Shakes, broth, easier to eat Soups, purée made me sick. I did try soft Pasta but feel sick no matter what. Water ... I loved drinking water. Now I can’t. When I get thirsty I try and it’s quite painful.

    Im also seeing a neurologist for dysphasia, whatever mechanism that sends food to the stomach vs lungs isn’t working properly. Not likely caused by the surgery, just revealed after surgery. He is testing me for myasthenia gravis.

    one thing no one discusses is how surgery changes how you take medication. pills that are bigger or time release will never absorb properly. And no nsaids for life. I have no chronic pain management and it’s hard to find medication in liquid form.

    Living with chronic illness all my life I understand being abandoned by people including doctors that just can’t deal with the complications. And don’t acknowledge they exist. I have that with my uro/gyn I need some clarification on a pelvic mass and he told my mom wait two months after I’d already waited long enough and he didn’t look at the test to see I needed another test to determine if I need laparoscopic biopsy. I saw a nurse practitioner thinking the appointment was with him, they gave me an appointment that was supposed to be tomorrow but canceled it. Ugh.

    Sorry. I am likely posting too much out of exhaustion and frustration. All I want is proper information so I can deal with things.

  7. I haven’t moved past drinking mostly a Protein Shake a day (30 grams Protein in the morning) and some BariatricPal Soups and a couple of times their protein Pasta. Also when I need it their protein juice drinks. I get around 50 grams of protein and average 300-400 calories the highest being 480. I started writing down each day what I’ve had and calories plus protein. I’m trying to track a few medical issues that have come up.

    I started the RNY journey due to metabolic disorders. My body doesn’t burn enough calories as it should at rest. I’m hoping that the RNY will help that. I’d love to just eat like a normal person. It was getting ridiculous, I was fighting so hard to maintain the weight I’d lost on my own and watched it steadily climb despite my efforts. And seeing my mom eating nearly the same and be half my weight. She could have sweet treats and fruits as well.

    It’s always been hard for me to be able to understand how normal people can eat 1,200 calories for weight loss and I would gain.

  8. On 7/8/2019 at 11:13 AM, Frustr8 said:

    I am also an Autie, at the Asperger end of the Spectrum, but never got official validation until after 70. Oh I think it always was there, feeling like a square peg in a round peg world. Much sorrow but now I know, I can acknowledge it, use it for my good and I am ME and that is fine! Our motherboards are wired differently but we all are good people, and more than worthy to be here. Well you know, when we are interested in something we can be almost obsessive? I used that tendency to center on preparing for my RNY Surgery and let nothing deviate me from that goal. Dr Kramer, my Bariatric shrink , said I would be that way and he was correct. Still following my case and may the rest of my life, that's okay. Perhaps it will give new insights that may help others. So anytime you want to chat,PM me or look for me on here. And I will be cheering for you too.

    Im similar in that regard, i didn’t get an official Asperger’s diagnosis until 2010 (I was 35) All the school psychiatrists pinned everything on problems at home. Then again they paid no attention, simply segregated me and forgot me. I do have a very obsessive nature in some areas OCD but also everything is about the moment I’m in. My physical limitations, lifelong chronic illness and physical disability makes it difficult to say the least. When I found us (just my mom and I) suddenly moving to Florida I fell for all the awesome birds and other wildlife. ( I had already done some photography since high school but hadn’t been able to do much.) Here we can see them out our window. But to be a birder it entails long walks. Which having one of few medical conditions that is worsened by exertion from things like writing this message to even light exercise... my body ends up paying a hefty price. I tried to trick myself and take it slow but crash before I get started yet push to keep going despite hardly being able to stay upright. There have been bigger gaps between going and that hurts. I decided to fight for RNY because I can’t carry this weight, let alone my self. But that’s a long thing I won’t burden someone else’s post with. I will say the obsessive nature of fighting for this goal might make people think eating disorder. (I obsessively fought my weight before, using low carb and calorie counting but those tools were no longer working, my body just doesn’t burn enough calories that even 800 Calories I gained)

    losing weight won’t cure me, in fact I knew my conditions would get worse but I also knew it was do this now or give up ...

    i will stop before I write too long. But will say, I’m not very comfortable in writing on public forums (long story) but I have no support system. My mom is naturally very thin. She doesn’t quite get it. We ate similar foods and portions yet I was twice her weight ...

  9. Try to take it all one moment at a time.

    I’m on the Autism spectrum, I wrote a letter to my surgeon explaining my many medical conditions and disability. I am always a wreck at doctors appointments, never knowing if I will even remember my words as to what to say. I go into sensory overload. This was my second surgeon I’d seen too. But Thankfully a very nice endocrinologist pointed me in the right direction of a good surgeon at Cleveland clinic hospital Florida. It’s the last possible tool I had to try to fight my weight (again)

    im in the U.S. so I’m sure some things are different.

    i saw the doctor to discuss the surgery, RNY due to severe GERD/acid reflux. He knew what to do and had no hesitation in helping me. I also needed my gallbladder out. (I was worried because that wasn’t decided until last minute, he wasn’t sure he could do it if it was too risky)

    I needed bloodwork, a ecg and chest X-ray, and a clearance from my primary care physician. I also had letters from my endocrinologist and records from my primary care doctor to show record of all my weight loss efforts prior to this. (Insurance requires 6 months of proven weight loss effort) I had to pay for a nutritionist class. (Includes a few nutrition appointments) I was shocked how quickly the surgery was scheduled. The day they called I had to start the pre op two week liquid diet phase.

    it helps that the Clinic has a my chart app so I can track appointments, pre check in, and see the results of any tests done, as well as send messages.

    I have disability, immunodeficiency, lifelong chronic illness, and metabolic disorders. I understand wanting a tool to fight the weight battle. I wish I were 35 or younger when I had this. I tried to fight alone last time and thought I had. So this time it was fight to get this tool to help or give up. I had to have a different (major) surgery at 35 ...

    Fight the good fight and know it’s going to be a bumpy road but it’s worth it To have that tool to be able to fight harder. Each persons experience is different but I think You will do great.

    Ps. I wish I could visit Australia, though I doubt it can ever actually happen. I love the Kookaburra (I’m a birder and usually love to photograph them) and the magpies. Though my favorite bird is the Osprey (I photograph all things nature when I can)

  10. It’s good to know about Allulose, I don’t know when I’ll get to eat Protein bars again. They were always my go to when I wasn’t up to a meal. Especially Breakfast or dinner. The Hero bars are good. I wish Quest hadn’t switched to using corn Fiber but I did like their bars. Another favorite is No Cow bars. And oh yeah one bars.

    Halo Top was dinner for me when I didn’t feel like eating. I haven’t tempted myself with it yet. Even though I have yet to be able move past the Liquid Protein phase, except for some BariatricPal Soup or noodle soup. Which even the noodles make me feel sick. So I’m very tempted by halo top. I’ve seen some other new Keto friendly ice creams in the store. I wonder which one has the most protein per portion. I don’t think I’d be very good making my own. I did try to make protein ice popsicles.

  11. On 7/6/2019 at 4:45 PM, Sophie7713 said:

    Hi All - Happy 4th weekend! Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. I was excited to report this time last year we would have feasted on 2 ½ Boar's Head hot dogs, macaroni salad, Wise potato chips and apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Oh boy! This year - I am now 6 months out and 85 pounds down AND prepared a new menu of Tomato and watermelon salad with roasted hazelnuts, shrimp and filet tenderloin grilled kebabs with lots of veggies and chia seed chocolate sugar free pudding! Still only able to eat a few bites of each item BUT never felt deprived or the ability to enjoy such a big food centered holiday. I love my sleeve!

    How did everyone do? What did you enjoy eating? Exploring new strategies to get me moving toward my goal of 130 at 5 feet tall! Any idea's or suggestions welcomed? Want to look fabulous for our 25th vow renewal ceremony with dinner and dance next spring - May 17, 2020. ;]

    The foods you made sounds awesome. I’ve made chia seed pudding with Greek yogurt and cream in the past. I haven’t made it yet post op.

    Sorry my reply turned into a long winded message ...

    I’m in Florida too. I went to Shillingford but it didn’t work out and I ended up going to Cleveland Clinic. I needed gastric bypass due to severe GERD and Dr. Shillingford didn’t even discuss it. He made a lot of assumptions without hearing me out. Insurance doesn’t count metabolic disorders as a comorbidity, I had enough of them but never had high BP and did everything to prevent diabetes due to pcos. I didn’t have the energy to prove my sleep apnea. I couldn’t deal with a sleep study. Even fighting my weight I ended up hitting the 40 BMI mark. I dreaded that. It was an endocrinologist that helped confirm having bariatric surgery was my last method of treatment, or at least a tool to help fight my weight against several metabolic disorders. She referred me to Cleveland clinic.

    The one 4th of July bbq I went to was tough. All my mother’s friends. I ended up doing the work rather than eating anything. It was Saturday and rained on an off. (Drenching rain) Besides the person who always mans the grill, and my mother, no one did anything except say where’s the food. I felt like if I didn’t help, no one would halve. At one point I had to hold an umbrella over the grill. Would have been funny had I not been exhausted.

    I wasn’t feeling well so had not planned on going but my mother wanted me there. I haven’t been able to shift past let alone into the purée phase. (And I’m about 9 weeks in, I should have been moving into phase 4) There wasn’t anything I could eat. That didn’t bother me as much as being asked how I am knowing they expect me to say just fine, if I say otherwise it’s, it’ll get better or but you look good. Words hard to deal with because of living with lifelong chronic illness that no one can see. I will never be better. But need to get to a healthy weight to ease some of the burden on my messed up body.

    I have a upper endoscopy the 11th, I’ve got some kind of hiatal hernia, a stricture (3mm narrow gastrojejunostomy) and a Schatzki ring. I don’t know how the doctor will address that since I didn’t hear from them about the gi fluoroscopy results that showed these things. I’m almost tempted to cancel the endoscopy. I’m also seeing a neurologist about dysphasia separate from those things.

    I guess I’m just not good around people. I don’t expect anything. Definitely not pity. And I don’t mind helping either. But when I feel like that’s all I’m good for even though my body took a heavy beating from doing so ( and no one can see it) I don’t feel very welcome.

    Sorry. I have rambled on. My weight is going down thankfully. Sometimes it stays the same for days on end. I weigh myself each morning after I’m dressed. I mark it on a calendar I printed out. I started taking some notes on my tablet for each day my weight and what I’ve “eaten” calories and Protein. To make sure I get at least 50 grams of protein. I have the same Protein Shake almost every morning mixed with ripple milk. To get 30 grams. Probably is not smart but I haven’t eaten lunch. I get the rest of my protein at dinner. I’ve read some research that it’s good to have protein at rest, vs prior to exercise.

    im always worried my metabolic disorders will get the best of me And sabotage my efforts as it did before. How few calories should a person eat. I thought I was doing alright before, I didn’t eat sugar, ate low carb ... everyone talks about exercise. I cannot. It’s hard to get even doctors to understand that I’ve one of few medical conditions that exertion causes literal damage and worsening of my conditions. Just doing what needs to be done takes it all out of me.

  12. I had such a hard time finding Protein Shakes I could tolerate, they made me feel sick. My nutritionist kept suggesting things that had added iodine (I am allergic) and kept pushing Isopure Protein because it’s 100% whey protein Isolate. But just the smell alone just made me nauseous. And I couldn’t find a powder that mixed well. I tried several RTD Proteins some made me sick, some barely tolerable.

    I still need protein shakes due to some swallowing issues so I kept looking. I get a lot of my Vitamins, protein, and a lot of other things on a site called vitacost because I get good deals and coupons and I’m on a tight disability budget. I was searching the site for a certain flavor Protein Powder.

    Im posting this for two reasons one being that I finally found a protein powder I like, my gut tolerates and seems to be working out so far. The other is the misconception that only pure whey protein Isolate is healthy. It’s old science. The right blend of protein types is better. This protein is a blend of whey protein Isolate and casein. The company researched how the combination offered more benefits. Because not all whey proteins are equal. One brand might make you sick or trigger lactose intolerance even if they claim to be pure. I haven’t had either with this. And despite my taste buds being out of whack, it seems to taste like it should.

    the brand is PEScience Select, I got Peanut Butter cookie, and Cookies & cream. Macros on it for example cookies & cream is 110 calories for 24 grams of protein and less than one gram of sugar. I mix it with 6 ounces of Ripple Milk (a pea protein milk plain unsweetened) that adds 6 grams of protein and about 50 calories no sugar. I mix a little Water usually 2 ounces. It can spoon mix but I use a little milk frother I got for $11. So it’s 160 calories, 30 grams of protein and less than one gram sugar for cookies and cream. It makes a good Breakfast.

    They have other flavors, I’d like to try white chocolate peppermint. They also have cake pop, chocolate cupcake and some others. This is their web site for information. Though I bought from vitacost because they have extra savings. And if you sign up they sometimes send email coupons. The powder comes out more affordable than RTD protein. Even adding the Ripple milk.


    I also found two other things.

    a RTD protein called Koia it’s a plant based Protein Drink but tastes good. Particularly the cinnamon horchata flavor. It’s almond milk and plant proteins. Is 18 grams protein in 12 oz. a little more sugar but 4 grams. Didn’t upset my stomach. I just wish it was a bit more reasonably priced. I managed to find coupons and a sale price in target. But it’s good for a treat and still get protein.

    the other is skyr Icelandic yogurt. It’s not cheap. But it’s healthy. 5.3oz of plain is only 3 grams of sugar, 120 calories but 17 grams of protein.

    I just wish I could have nature Nate’s organic honey or even Manuka honey (if I could afford it)

    i hope this is a little helpful to someone. I tried to make protein ice pops with the protein powder, yogurt and ripple milk. I didn’t taste it yet through ...

    this is the little blender. I spoon mixed it and then finished blending with this. I got it for my mom to froth her milk for her tea. But tried it out in the Protein Shake.


  13. 6 hours ago, Briswife15 said:

    Yes! I just had lab work done and B12 was over 2000. I do take a supplement of 1000 micrograms a day. Doctor said to keep up with the supplements even though the result was high because there is no danger in too high B12, but low B12 can have serious consequences.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Honestly that makes no sense, even if you are supplementing that much b12 it is a Water soluble Vitamin that excess gets excreted in your urine.

    It’s similar to how Vitamin C works. People take tons of vitamin c thinking it helps. Not really, most of it gets basically peed out.

    Also Even if abnormally high b12 is explained by supplements, it doesn’t explain it without.

    still. High blood b12 levels in my opinion either means your body isn’t utilizing the b12 properly or it’s indicative of a underlying problem.

    Too many Vitamins are in a form the body can’t use properly. They need to be bioavailable to be more effective. Like Whole Foods based vitamins, especially in liquid or chewable forms.

  14. 1 hour ago, Frustr8 said:

    And Lucky Ducky you , Briswife, I feel I should have had a blood panel drawn, in June for my 9 month and especially for our co- condition. OSU never has called to aurthorize it, when I brought it up to PCP, he said you have 6 month check-in with me, I'll consider doing it in the office then, shoot I was already there with Tomkitten, why not now? Also been 3 months since Iron INFUSION, they told me test and receive every 3 months. Had blood drawn at the Band Aid station, our poor excuse for a community hospital in Mount Vernon. When I asked they batted. their eyes like a Southern Debutante, " Now you ought to kniw, we're not going to check a Silly Old Thing like that!" So do I try OSU, my Bariatric hospital of record? The last I called one of the N-P told me I was psychologically aberrant, a formal way of saying I was crazy as a look. Dumb me-- I thought repeated emesis might have been in their court! Or do I shut up, possibly become more anemic and until I topple over, nobody is concerned. Always heard squeaky wheels get lubricated, but either they don't have an oil can or I deserve not to have my worries addressed? WTF comes next?

    Your surgeon should have ordered the labs to be done during your follow up appointment. Don’t worry, when I push things with my doctors I tend to look crazy. I’m on the Autism spectrum and at times get treated like I’m some crazy monster if I show I’m not happy with the doctor in any way.

    I had to see a spine surgeon and he came in the room without announcing himself and was practically bouncing off the walls. Didn’t examine me and kept talking to his assistant. I practically tossed my very short self off the too high examination table and walked out of the room. I always have someone with me (my mom) talk about looking crazy being my age and having your mom with you. He didn’t listen or offer any options ... that’s just one example. I mentioned to my pcp and she’s like oh he has a reputation, why did you send me there?

    Call up your surgeons office and find someone that can answer questions about getting a order for repeat blood labs to be drawn. Get a prescription that you can go to a place like Quest Diagnostics. My surgeon gave me prescription to have blood drawn prior to my next appointment. If they don’t listen maybe have someone advocate on your behalf. Being persistent about doing right by your health shouldn’t be seen as crazy.

    Ive been through hell with doctors for way too long. I had one doctor threaten to call the cops , I didn’t even yell. I asked her why she said what she did, which was something insanely stupid. That was an endocrinologist. I swear sometimes doctors don’t know how to interpret blood tests.

    Shortly after surgery I had critically low potassium levels and ended up in the hospital. I have had abnormal levels on some labs but no one says anything.

    Like i I said get after your surgeons office about getting labs done and not wait until The next pcp appointment. It’s important to have labs done and results in before you have the appointment. I’m not sure why they would even wait to order them until they see you and then they won’t have the results. I’m not sure where their heads are at.

  15. On 5/9/2019 at 1:27 PM, angyplus5 said:

    Hi guys!!! it's been awhile, hope everyone is doing great!!! I just received my labs and my B12 level is over 2000. Anybody else have this???

    Sent from my SM-G930VL using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had wanted to post the same question. Mine was also extremely high, and not taking supplements yet either when they tested. It was also fasting blood tests.

    I did get B12 iv after my surgery but this does not explain high blood levels in recent blood tests.

    I did study holistic health and nutrition and have done extra research yet find no one takes it seriously. With the attitude of oh well at least you aren’t deficient. Um no. Wrong.

    What I know is that B12 is a Water soluble Vitamin, which basically means that even if you supplement, it comes out in your urine. So then this means blood levels should not be abnormally high. So there must be medical reason for the higher level.

    Incidental findings of high b12 is found with some diseases. (Similar to my opinion that low Vitamin D can be a symptom of illness not the cause) Ie. Liver disease releases excess b12 into the system, kidney disease not filtering out b12 into the urine, inflammatory conditions, blood cancers and other more complex conditions.

    i live with chronic illness so it’s hard to see the tree in the forest? Or needle in the haystack ... could it be a fluke? Hard to say. But my opinion is that it means something. Wether it’s symptom of something or you are actually b12 deficient and the b12 is in the blood vs being properly utilized.

    Im exhausted trying to get my brain to explain this. I can’t even recall if my surgeon discussed the blood tests with me and there were some out of range levels. I have a tough time with doctors appointments. And seeing my surgeon is practically an all day affair since I have to get medical transportation there, and it’s a bit of a trip.

    I don’t know how to get the doctors to at least investigate what causes the high B12.

  16. I’d say try not to worry about it, but I obsessed over each weigh in. I can’t exercise for medical reasons but have done quite a bit of research on Protein supplementation. I don’t think lifting weights would cause gain, except in the form of muscle. I’m pretty sure to prevent Fluid retention from working out, have the protein when your body is at rest, especially before bed because that’s when the muscles utilize the protein best. Maybe Try resistance training vs weight lifting. Also Have you ever tried Pilates? A good way to elongate and strengthen muscle.

    There are arguments out there about wether to do exercise after surgery, you will need a good recovery period first so post op you will likely only be able to do light walking and gentle stretches at first. Pilates is a good transition since it can be more subtle exercise moves.

  17. It doesn’t bother me to see other people eat, at least I try to not let it. But it is hard to process why I couldn’t just eat normal healthy meals and lose weight. I know I have the metabolism of a sloth. It just feels like (for me) food has become an enemy. Before I took the RNY journey I had lost on my own until it stopped working. My mom and I are the same height and ate nearly the same foods and portions but I gained and she stays small. Before surgery I weighed twice as much as her. I think that’s the hard part seeing people that can indulge if they want without worry.

    Anyway. Sometimes you can find healthier versions of things you crave. Bariatric pal has a bunch of flavors of Protein cheese puffs. 21 grams of protein in a portion and several flavors.


  18. I’m just starting out but I have read that it helps to do a pouch reset. Having hormone, metabolic and other medical issues I can relate. Try to pinpoint what medication might be affecting your weight and why. For example I needed beta blockers and the generic caused more side effects that included slowing my metabolism. Once I got on the name brand and also adjusted my calories it helped. If you can pinpoint the medication ask the doctor about switching to something with less side effects of weight gain. Also see an endocrinologist to have hormones checked and anything that could be throwing off your weight there. You might try some natural hormone supplements ie. Wild yam, black cohosh, (my head isn’t working to think of them all) 15 years a lot can change and it takes time to re-evaluate and adjust.

    2-Week Pouch Reset Diet

    The 2-Week Pouch Reset Diet can help you if your weight loss stalls after getting gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, lap-band, or another type of weight loss surgery. There may be a time after weight loss surgery when you wonder whether your pouch has stretched, or when you get off track with your eating.

    The 2-Week Pouch Reset Diet mimics your original post-op diet, but it moves through the stages more quickly. You start with Clear Liquids, move to full liquids, then progress to pureed foods, semi-soft foods, and solid foods.

    The 2-Week Pouch Reset Diet can help you:

    • Break the pattern of off-track eating.
    • Remember what it feels like when you feel restriction from your pouch.
    • Practice stopping eating before you feel overly full.

    Diet Guidelines:

    • When you get to the solid foods diet, this is the time when you will feel that your pouch is working again. Eat slowly and mindfully, and focus on the feeling you have when you stop eating just before you are full.
    • You can continue on the solid foods plan (repeat Days 10-14) for as long as your doctor agrees.
    • Drink plenty of Water and other calorie-free or low-calorie liquids to stay hydrated.
    • Only use under the supervision of your doctor.

    Day 1: Clear Liquids

    ½ cup apple juice, ½ cup Decaf green tea
    snack 1
    1 sugar-free ice pop, ½ cup sugar-free Gelatin
    Tomato Basil Sipping Broth, ½ cup sugar-free gelatin
    Snack 2
    ½ cup decaf coffee, Lemon Iced Tea Fiber Drink
    1 ice pop

    Day 2: Full Liquids

    Strawberry Meal Replacement Shake (240 calories, 35 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Decaf Protein Cappuccino (90 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Broccoli and cheese Protein Soup (100 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Vanilla Meal Replacement Shake (240 calories, 35 grams protein)
    Meal Replacement chicken Protein Soup (160 calories, 27 grams protein)
    Banana Protein Shake (80 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 910 calories, 142 grams protein

    Day 3: Full Liquids

    Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake (240 calories, 35 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Vanilla Cappuccino Hot Protein Drink (90 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Cream of Tomato Meal Replacement Soup (160 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Strawberry Meal Replacement Shake (240 calories, 35 grams protein)
    Corn Chowder Protein Soup (110 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Cheesecake Protein pudding or Shake (90 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 930 calories, 130 grams protein

    Day 4: Pureed Foods (Mushies)

    Peaches and Cream Protein Oatmeal, ¾ cup pureed canned or frozen peaches (150 calories, 16 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    1 container plain non-fat Greek yogurt, ½ pureed banana (150 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Pureed tuna salad with 3 ounces tuna, ½ cup cooked or canned green Beans, ¼ cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons black olives, pepper (180 calories, 25 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Vanilla Meal Replacement (240 calories, 35 grams protein)
    4 ounces pureed canned chicken breast, ½ cup pureed cooked carrots (130 calories, 19 grams protein)
    Protein Cheesecake Pudding with ½ cup strawberries, pureed (120 calories, 16 grams protein)
    Totals: 970 calories, 126 grams protein

    Day 5: Pureed Foods (Mushies)

    Shake with Peanut Butter Protein Powder, ½ banana, 1 5-oz. cup vanilla Greek yogurt (200 calories, 20 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Pureed egg salad with 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt, Dijon mustard, pepper (180 calories, 15 grams protein)
    ½ cup non-fat pureed cottage cheese, ½ cup unsweetened applesauce (140 calories, 14 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    ¼ cup hummus with 1 scoop, (220 calories, 32 grams protein)
    Chicken with Pasta Protein Soup, pureed with ½ cup cooked frozen cauliflower and ½ cup cooked brown rice (220 calories, 18 grams protein)
    Mocha Cream Protein Pudding (100 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1060 calories, 114 grams protein

    Day 6: Pureed Foods (Mushies)

    Vegetable Protein Omelet, 1 ounce cheddar cheese, melted, ½ mashed banana (260 calories, 23 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Pureed Protein Chili with Beans, 1 cheese stick (string cheese) (180 calories, 22 grams protein)
    Cream of Mushroom Protein Soup, ½ cup mashed potatoes with 1 teaspoon olive oil (200 calories, 16 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Maple Brown Sugar Protein Oatmeal, ½ cup low-fat ricotta cheese (250 calories, 28 grams protein)
    Chicken with Pasta Protein Soup, 3 ounces pureed cooked ground turkey meatballs blended with ½ cup tomato sauce, ½ cup cooked pureed fresh or frozen winter squash with 1 teaspoon olive oil (220 calories, 23 grams protein)
    Strawberry Banana Protein Gelatin (70 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1180 calories, 117 grams protein

    Day 7: Semi-Soft Foods

    Buttermilk Protein Pancakes, ½ cup blueberries (240 calories, 21 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Protein Hot Cocoa (80 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Beef with Pasta Protein Soup, with ½ cup cooked or canned beans and ½ cup cooked vegetables (240 calories, 24 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese, 1 cup cantaloupe (160 calories, 14 grams protein)
    1 veggie burger, 1 cup cooked green beans, 1 medium cooked sweet potato (250 calories, 14 grams protein)
    Soft-Baked Protein Brownie, ½ cup vanilla yogurt (180 calories, 20 grams protein)
    Totals: 1150 calories, 108 grams protein

    Day 8: Semi-Soft Foods

    Southwestern Protein Omelet, with 1 ounce cheddar cheese, ½ cup cooked spinach, ¼ cup salsa (270 calories, 22 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Hazelnut Cocoa Cream Protein Pudding (100 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Spaghetti and Meatballs Protein Entree, 1 cup cooked frozen broccoli florets (260 calories, 18 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Berry Delicious Protein Smoothie (100 calories, 15 grams protein)
    3 ounces broiled salmon with teriyaki sauce, ½ cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup cooked cauliflower florets (350 calories, 23 grams protein)
    Double chocolate Cake (120 calories, 12 grams protein)
    Totals: 1200 calories, 105 grams protein

    Day 9: Semi-Soft Foods

    Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes, 2 tablespoons peanut butter (300 calories, 22 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    (70 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Creamy Chicken Pasta Protein Entrée, ½ cup cooked zucchini (240 calories, 16 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    1 cup cut watermelon, 1 ounce feta cheese (120 calories, 4 grams protein)
    1 cooked bell pepper stuffed with 3 ounces ground turkey, ½ cup stewed tomatoes, 1/3 cup cooked quinoa or barley, and Italian seasoning (280 calories, 27 grams protein)
    Creamy Cheesecake Protein Dessert (120 calories, 12 grams protein)
    Totals: 1090 calories, 96 grams protein

    Day 10: Solid Foods

    Berries ‘n Chocolate Crunch Protein Cereal with 1 container Greek yogurt (230 calories, 25 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Chunky Crisp Peanut Butter Protein Bar (160 calories, 12 grams protein)
    Tuna salad on lettuce leaves, made with 3 ounces tuna, diced celery and onion, ¼ cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons black olives, pepper (180 calories, 25 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Caprese salad with 1 ounce mozzarella balls, 1 large tomato, sliced, 2 teaspoons olive oil, basil leaves, black pepper (210 calories, 8 grams protein)
    3 ounces Mexican seasoned shredded chicken mixed with ½ cup pinto beans and 1 cup cooked bell pepper strips, topped with ¼ cup avocado (350 calories, 30 grams protein)
    Tropical Banana Protein Pudding (100 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1230 calories, 105 grams protein

    Day 11: Solid Foods

    Breakfast sandwich with 1 whole-grain English muffin, 1 slice fat-free cheese, 1 cooked egg (230 calories, 17 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Fruit salad with 1 cup cut fresh fruit and 1 ounce sliced almonds (240 calories, 8 grams protein)
    Five Bean Casserole Protein Entree (240 calories, 11 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    1 large whole-grain high-fiber wrap spread with 2 ounces fat-free cream cheese plus shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes (170 calories, 18 grams protein)
    Protein Pasta with 3 ounces lean ground turkey, Tomato Parmesan Flavor Pack , and 1 cup cooked broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot mix (300 calories, 41 grams protein)
    Chocolate Chip Protein Cookie (150 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1330 calories, 110 grams protein

    Day 12: Solid Foods

    Crispy Lemon Meringue Bar (160 calories, 14 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Pineapple Orange Fruit Drink (70 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Roll-ups with 2 ounces all-natural sliced turkey breast, 1 ounce swiss or cheddar slices, and ¼ cup avocado slices (260 calories, 24 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    1 cup baby carrots, 1 tablespoon peanut butter (140 calories, 8 grams protein)
    High-fiber wrap with 3 ounces tilapia or other white fish, grilled eggplant, and Honey Dijon dressing (250 calories, 30 grams protein)
    Chocolate Protein Cereal, 1 apple (210 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1090 calories, 106 grams protein

    Day 13: Solid Foods

    Strawberry Meal Replacement Shake (250 calories, 35 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    Caramel Brownie Protein Bar (180 calories, 14 grams protein)
    Greek chicken salad with romaine lettuce, cucumber slices, grape tomatoes, 3 ounces cooked chicken breast, 1 ounce feta cheese, 2 tablespoons vinaigrette (250 calories, 26 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    1 cup bell pepper strips meat Snack (120 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Pasta Fagioli (210 calories, 14 grams protein)
    Mint Hot Chocolate, 1 apple (80 calories, 15 grams protein)
    Totals: 1090 calories, 119 grams protein

    Day 14: Solid Foods

    Golden Protein Pancakes ½ banana, ½ ounce pecans (240 calories, 17 grams protein)
    Snack 1
    2 hard-boiled eggs (140 calories, 12 grams protein)
    Salad with spinach leaves, 1 cup sliced strawberries, 1 ounce shaved parmesan, 2 tablespoons light dressing (230 calories, 10 grams protein)
    Snack 2
    Protein Chips (130 calories, 10 grams protein)
    Protein Chili with 1 ounce cheddar cheese, 1 cup cooked carro (280 calories, 24 grams protein)
    1 small pear, 1 ounce blue cheese (170 calories, 7 grams protein)
    Totals: 1190 calories, 80 grams protein

  19. My nutritionist said no sugar alcohols at all but I think they tend to treat them all the same as maltitol that tends to be the worst when it comes to gastric distress. But xylitol and erythritol don’t cause gastric distress and I found neither did Allulose. The one thing about allulose is it’s derived from sugar. My nutritionist said stick to anything below 4 grams of sugar. Which I ate less sugar prior to surgery (low carb) I haven’t gotten up to eating Protein bars again yet. I can’t say if the hero bars would cause dumping and every person is different in what causes dumping. I can only suggest to try a bite and see how your body reacts. For some people even if it’s a sugar alcohol their body sees it as sugar. I’m sorry if that’s not helpful.

  20. I have no sense of time. This is my 2nd go around but always battling my weight against metabolic disorders and chronic illness. I started out on my own my highest weight over 215lb and reached 124lb. It didn’t last no matter how hard I fought to eat right. At some point it just kept climbing until I was nearly back where I started. I lost height due to spine problems (and hysterectomy apparently does it too) I also used to be big boned as a teen but now (due to my medical conditions) my bones are very small. As big as I still am my wrists and fingers are bony. It’s weird to me.

    Sometimes I am afraid to fail after all this. Sometimes I wonder why I just couldn’t do it on my own anymore and just eat like a normal human being. But apparently my body has the metabolism of a sloth. I’m still not tolerating anything but Protein Drinks, and maybe a little bariatric pal Soup. Even those are hard to stomach or swallow. Water? I used to love drinking water, I’d get 8 glasses before lunch. Now it’s painful. So I barely drink.

    Im 5’ 0” my weight day of surgery 203lbs that was almost two months ago?

    So far I am down around 30lbs. I stagnate and then it drops a little. I’ve been marking a calendar each day. I have a lot more to lose ...

  21. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. I’ve had difficulty with thinning hair for some time. I started to keep it short because everything pulled my hair out in clumps. Even just to comb it.

    I can’t afford to lose hair, mine is like baby hair, very thin strands. I usually keep it extremely short. But then it’s hard going for haircuts.

    Post op. I’ve been taking gummy vitamins but I make sure they are Whole Foods Vitamins. Garden of life makes a good Whole Foods women’s multi Vitamin. (There are others as well I might try rainbow light chewable multi vitamin next time) And Natures Way makes a good hair skin and nails Gummy with extra collagen. Even if you can swallow pills gummies or liquid vitamins absorb better. And even better if they are Whole food based. I also take Omega gummies for the EFAs. A b complex. And of course Calcium.

    For hair, You need Vitamin A, b complex vitamins too especially Biotin and also collagen. I get my vitamins from vitacost and always get coupons. I haven’t bought bariatric specific vitamins because the multi vitamin all have iodine and I’m allergic. Some basic vitamins like Centrum do nothing and don’t absorb any benefits at all.

    I use cleansing conditioner on my hair and a scalp massage brush in the shower. Since a healthy scalp helps healthy hair. I’m not as far along so I don’t know what will happen with my hair. I’m just taking it one moment at a time.

    I hope you find the answers you need.

  22. Thank you for your responses. I am in a kind of holding pattern. My doctor seems I should wait another two months to recheck the pelvic mass. I’d rather not. I at least wanted a clearer idea what it could be. Clarification. No one said it was just a cyst. It seems big enough to question it at the least. But that’s separate from my RNY.

    I have not heard from my surgeon about the upper gi fluoroscopy. My endoscopy isn’t until July 11th. I like at least knowing what I’m going into with the endoscopy. Some part of me just doesn’t want to do it.

    i think the 26th I’m supposed to progress to the next phase. But I know it won’t happen. I’m trying to take it in stride and make sure to get 50 grams of Protein. It’s hard to get Water without pain. Let alone enough. I’m taking Vitamins (I bought mostly Whole food gummies)

    all the physical things aside. It kind of hurts that I had to go this far just to lose weight.

    I fought so hard to lose weight before and didn’t think I ate unhealthy at all. Low carb, low calories, etc. it’s hard when simple carbs are easier to stomach when you feel sick. But I looked for low carb alternatives. I didn’t give in for so many years to my sugar addiction or cravings for things like fried chicken. I followed strict low carb. It wasn’t until my weight jumped literally 30lbs out of nowhere that I loosened up on the carbs.

    My worst cheat most times was sweet kale salad with gardein crab less crab cakes or tuna salad. I’d make low carb grilled cheese sandwich or low carb pizza. But not very often. I ate cauliflower mash, cauliflower rice, shiritaki rice, and mostly vegetarian foods occasionally meat , and more veggies. I mean how can veggies make me fat.

    I can’t even think about food now. Though I do miss sushi. I admit I cheated once before surgery to have sushi that I hadn’t had in many years. Prior to surgery I’d already lost my ability to properly taste food or smell. For some time. I tried to find texture and taste in food. Like salty or sweet or crunchy. I know food isn’t everything but does it need to disgust us in order to lose weight?

    I know I’m totally off topic. I can’t get back on track. With my health. Was I ever on track? I knew the risks but it was RNY or give up. I just have no one that understands Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, and metabolic disorders, and having Gastric bypass surgery.

    I don’t expect much if anything, and I never ask for help. But right now I appreciate the response to this. I’m not very good at this.

    Thank you.


  23. I have chronic illness that always tends to complete things, if there is a side effect to be had from a medication- I get it. Same for surgery. But it was either take the risk to fight to lose weight against metabolic disorders amongst other things, or give up. I had RNY April 29th and I haven’t progressed to soft foods without getting sick. I’m not ver good at tracking time passing. 2 weeks liquids got extended, and I’m probably supposed to be getting past purée.

    I was in hospital 3 days post op. I finally got home and ended up in the ER and in hospital another 3 days due to aspiration pneumonia (plus acute uti, and critically low potassium) they did a swallow study and said I have Dysphasia and can’t drink Water without it trying to go down the wrong way. When I try to drink it’s painful. My chest ends up in pain for awhile. It takes well over an hour to drink my morning Protein Drink. I can’t use the thick it water thickener additive because it’s food starch aka corn starch and maltodextrin, which is basically like sugar in the body.

    I tried some purée, later than I should have. Had a few episodes of throwing up. Though the one time I just had a few sips of Protein drink while doing laundry and got violently sick. A thick mucus, a lot of foam, and the little bit of shake. I had another follow up with my surgeon. And he ordered a upper gi fluoroscopy. And a endoscopy. I was told previously to see an ent about the dysphasia who then told me to see a neurologist.

    the upper gi fluoroscopy Showed:

    1. Sliding hiatal hernia

    2. Schatzki ring of distal thoracic esophagus

    3. Luminal channel at the gastrojujenostomy appears narrow measuring 3mm (I’m assuming this means anastomic stricture)

    i have too many things confusing me. The endoscopy couldn’t be scheduled until July. I got the test results on a Cleveland Clinic App (my chart) so I didn’t hear from the doctor about it yet. It seems too thin of liquids don’t go down well, but neither does purée. I had to drink water to flush out the oral contrast and ended up in a lot of pain. It took days for it to move out of my system.

    I had a ct when I was in hospital for pneumonia that showed a pelvic mass. My gp ordered a ultrasound but I couldn’t properly fill my bladder, the tech said nothing. I went to see my doctor (uro/gyn) only to find the appointment was with a nurse practitioner instead and the only date to see him weeks away. I got a call from the testing place to schedule a repeat ultrasound. I explained to the technician what happened last time and she agreed it made no sense if it was on the ct to order a test that didn’t work to visualize the mass let alone order a repeat. So I’m waiting to know what to do. Given my history and my lower abdomen still abnormally swollen... I’m not worried but I know my history of inaccuracies in tests that they only see how bad something is when they end up doing surgery.

    i have a brain mri early tomorrow that the ent ordered for the neurologist. I have had loss of taste and smell prior to RNY surgery. Worsening tinnitus, pain, dizziness, vision problems, etc. I’m concerned I won’t get answers about anything.

    I’m not worried but other stressors are compounding the problems. I know that

    A. Proton pump inhibitors never worked for me and always caused more problems than they are worth

    b. I had ulcers in my stomach prior to surgery so I’m confused how they can visualize the sectioned off stomach for ulcers since the contrast doesn’t go into that portion of stomach

    c. I’m feeling the same ulcer symptoms again

    d. I know anastomic stricture is treated with a dilation procedure but 3mm seems extremely narrow.

    e. Schatzki ring seems to go hand in hand with hiatal hernia but doesn’t seem that common. I can’t imagine what the doctor would suggest there. But with my chronic illness even small things aren’t minor. If that makes any sense. I can never get across the risks even so called conservative approaches have (ie, medications)

    also my Vitamin B12 levels came up well over normal limits, before taking any supplements yet no doctor has said anything. B12 is water soluble and shouldn’t build to that level in the blood. I’m also needing a colonoscopy because of possible colitis.

    Im not really expecting answers, but perhaps someone might have had similar issues. I’m just trying to process some things. My energy level gets eaten away very quickly. I deal with things moment to moment. But some things are overwhelming my system. (Not even the medical issues) but that exhaust me so I can’t process anything. So maybe some perspective might help. What scares me most is my medical conditions will block me from losing weight. I’m in a stall. I’m getting at least 50 grams of protein. I can only be so active. I lost about 29lbs since surgery. I’m sorry this is long and maybe even pointless.

    ~ Christine

  24. 54 minutes ago, Amelia2019 said:

    Wow what an ordeal you have been through! I have been trying to get the surgery for years ! Every time I go through the whole process I end up having a seizure! I have epilepsy with uncontrollable seizures, a heart condition , severe neck and back Chronic pain from falling from my seizures. I am trying again this month to start the process and am terrified! I hope someone on here can give you great advice 💗

    I understand, every step forward my body fights me and sends me reeling backwards. It’s like climbing a steep cliff. I have many diagnosis and many unanswered symptoms. It took what feels like most of my life fighting with my weight before I could take this step. I had a tbi as a child, severe Migraines, though I haven’t had seizures I can understand your predicament. Have you ever tried the Keto diet to help with seizures. I studied a lot when I was first diagnosed. food as medicine. Something about the high fat, low carb, controlled Protein can help. It’s been used as a medical treatment since the 1920’s. Also low dose CBC oil for epilepsy has been shown to be the one true scientifically proven medical use for CBD.

    I took so many Vitamins, herbs and supplements that I researched to no true benefit to me. High fat, low carb, moderate protein worked ok for me until it didn’t between metabolic disorders and hormone imbalances and surgery. It gets exhausting when battling with obesity is a daily thing. Some part of me feels like this is punishment , having the surgery. I thought I was doing the best I could and it wasn’t enough.

    I wouldn’t have gotten this far had my mother not been my advocate and at times almost like an interpreter talking to doctors, making phone calls, dealing with the insurance and all the hoops you have to jump through. Being autism spectrum, I deal with sensory overload, it gets worse the more fatigued I am.

    it takes too many words to try to find the ones That make sense and to say what I want to say. Don’t be afraid, step into it knowing that you are doing what you feel you need to do. My brain works differently. I don’t see ahead, I see the moment I am in. I didn’t think about the surgery until I was there. When the surgery date came up I didn’t think of the after. Just getting through the day. Probably not a good way to think but it’s how my brain works. I just knew it was either do this surgery and risk everything or give up ...

    I hope you can find the road to what helps you most ,


  25. I am new here, I haven’t been on a public forum in a long time (and for a reason) but I thought it might be helpful to write out my bariatric surgery journey as best I can. I don’t know anyone who has had the surgery with chronic illness, disability, multiple medical conditions, etc. let alone anyone with M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) which is a kind of immunodeficiency. I’ve lived with this from childhood and also battled with my weight longer than I care to remember.

    This is long and hard to talk about without going into intense detail. I wasn’t not diagnosed with M.E. Until I was in my early twenties. It was a long road to get there and led to many questions and many other medical conditions down the road. At some point my weight skyrocketed out of control and I was at a loss as to what to do. I was diagnosed with metabolic disorders but meds made me sick and doctors don’t discuss weight. They only vaguely agree that the metabolic disorders cause weight gain. And at most prescribe risky weight loss drugs.

    At some point I was just too sick to know what to do. The reality is I always will be sick. It was easier to eat carbs when I didn’t feel well enough to tolerate much food. I was always a clean plate person and hate waste. My weight grew to over 215lbs and my body couldn’t take it. I needed to do something even if it took every ounce of my being. I didn’t know then what I know and doctors know now about M.E./CFS. But I studied holistic health and nutrition, trying everything to no avail. I ended up trying a combination of low carb/Atkins and calorie counting (weight watchers points) slowly I lost weight (I was 5’ 4” then 5’ 2” I kept losing inches due to degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my spine , I’m now about 5’) I got down to the lowest I’d ever been at 123lbs.

    But it crept back up by 10lbs. But I had to accept it. I started having trouble eating certain foods and feeling very sick. I had some major stress events happen, several surgeries on my feet and tendons, and also Major surgery (hysterectomy) I wasn’t eating the best I could for reasons I couldn’t control. Eventually my weight hit 160lbs about when I moved with my mother to a new state. I was on a beta blocker and reduced my calories further and did strict low carb again. But reached about 134lbs. I couldn’t sustain it.

    Not that long ago, months, my sense of time is terrible I can say what happened but not the order or time. I fought as hard as I could and would go on nature walks until I learned more about the birds and became a birder and took to loving photographing them. I went as often as I could and it wasn’t often enough. I found out the hard way that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis causes something called post exertional malaise. Doctors only now are starting to understand it and it explains a lot. Activities from simply writing out this message, taking a shower, making a meal to exercise, make my medical condition worse and cause lasting damage that I lose bits of my self. And doing no I enjoy hurts like a punishment.

    My weight started a sudden drastic climb from 134lb to 160+ and I went to doctors and specialists hoping for an answer why. And then again it continued to climb to 180lbs. I had thought about bariatric surgery the first time but wanted to do it on my own. But this time I couldn’t, my body just wasn’t burning enough calories and how little could I eat without getting too sick. I was eating healthy the same portions as my mother, almost the same meals, I prepared us lunch almost every day and she is the same height but at most 100lbs. It was fight for surgery or nothing. The first time I saw a bariatric surgeon he talked at me and didn’t listen, my weight was slightly below BMI to qualify with comorbidities, i had plenty. But nothing acceptable by my insurance. I had just had to have surgery for another problem and could hardly eat. But I kept gaining. And I gave up on that doctor. I forgot to say I found out at some point that the reasons some foods made me sick was my gallbladder and surgery was recommended so I decided if I have to have that then I should pursue bariatric surgery since recovery is quite similar.

    eventually it reached 200lbs and I was on the edge of being nearly 40 BMI. I decided to see another endocrinologist about my medical conditions. She couldn’t help me since the meds make me too sick and I explained how I eat and count calories and yet my weight skyrocketed. I was about to quit when I decided to say I was fighting for bariatric surgery. She said go to Cleveland clinic. It’s a far distance from me and I needed medical assistance for rides there. But I got in to see Dr. Szomstein and he right away was ready and willing to help me, I was a hair from 40 BMI at the first appointment. He didn’t quite understand all my medical conditions if at all but he knew what to do. He said I should have RNY Gastric bypass due to severe GERD and I was thankful for that since it would reduce calorie absorption as well. I was almost not expecting approval from my insurance. I had months of my doctors noting my efforts to lose weight and letters from the endocrinologist and surgeon. They had me go for pre op tests and medical clearance. I still didn’t expect anything.

    i was in target when my mom and she got a phone call. Scheduling surgery in two weeks and for me to start the liquid diet that day. The surgery date was April 29th. I was so unprepared my gastroenterologist had wanted me to have a colonoscopy before surgery and that didn’t happen (he wasn’t happy with that) I knew I was possibly in for hell with this, but it was either surgery or give up.

    surgery day I was like this is easy. But I hit a bumpy road. Without going into too much detail right now. I didn’t expect it’s impact on my chronic illness. Waking up from surgery was like a long tunnel I couldn’t get out of. I was partially aware of things around me during the entire surgery just sped up like a weird dream. In the hospital room when most people get up and walk, my body couldn’t move at all. And when I tried once I crashed hard. Every chronic pain in my body was screaming all at once in the hospital. I was having severe pain in my chest, they blamed on gas I knew it wasn’t. I was struggling to breathe and needed the oxygen longer. My surgical drain kept getting full too fast. The catheter hurt. I high pain tolerance and yet this was slamming me everywhere all at once. They tried me on liquids by day three and I just wanted out.

    I got home and had trouble breathing and was very weak. I struggled to do laundry and get groceries. Then I started spiking fevers. My body doesn’t react with fever when it needs to, my lungs are sometimes too weak to cough when I need to. My temp went over 102 at night then dropped to low grade by morning. I ended up being told to go to the ER but I couldn’t get to Cleveland clinic. Long story short it was another long three days in hospital, pneumonia, acute uti, and critically low potassium. My temp was normal. They pumped me with potassium and antibiotics but had no concept of pain control and knew nothing about post bariatric surgery diet of Protein Drinks and liquids. They brought me a regular meal for Breakfast. By day three I wanted out. I left with a diagnosis of Aspiration pneumonia, and esophageal dysphasia and told to see an ent (who then told me to see a neurologist) and a incidental finding of a pelvic adnexal mass that I am see my euro/gun about.

    Swallowing is painful, the pain in my chest never went away it waxes and wanes and gets out of control painful at night. I am still mostly liquids. I was supposed to start purée some time ago. I tried some things that were palatable but the first tiny bite I got Nauseous and couldn’t push it even sitting drying to consume either liquid or purée took nearly an hour and the purée was just not working. I don’t regret it yet I do yet I don’t. I’m still trying to get answers to some things. Other things I won’t go into detail now. This is much too long. I saw the doctor for follow ups twice. This time he ordered a upper GI fluoroscopy, and then a endoscopy. The first is this Wednesday. I’m struggling to get in at least 50 grams of Protein a day. I lost around 27lbs but am in a five day stall.

    I think that’s as much as I can describe for now. But my one issue no one ever addressed is no nsaids aka Ibuprofen for life. I took it three times a day to take a bit of the edge off my chronic pain. My muscle relaxer doesn’t do much and it’s impossible to grind and swallow tablets. Thankfully diphenhydramine comes in sleep melts. But I have no pain management now. And I can’t function to walk as much. I try to keep on my feet as much as I can to at least do what I need to do. But now when I crash each day I crash hard. I got extremely sick doing laundry when I had to do three loads and threw up more than once. (I have a bit of ptsd when it comes to throwing up) but this is too much to write here and now. I just am finding myself alone in this, my mom can’t quite understand how it is. And I don’t know anyone else who has chronic illness that has had gastric bypass surgery. I’m not worried about food, I can make my mom a meal and not want to eat it. Actually my taste is nonexistent. I had trouble with it prior as well as my sense of smell. But so much just tastes nasty and bitter. (Didn’t help I ended up with nasty oral thrush I can’t shake)

    i feel weird putting this all out there. So I hope that sometime say can relate to someone somewhere in some way.


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