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Posts posted by Darktowerdream

  1. Pouch restriction is a definite as is malabsorption which increases rate of weight loss but of course it’s still a tool and the work is up to you

    while it does alter gut hormones and biome, including the hunger hormone, I personally don’t believe it increases metabolism. It probably helps increase fat burning when you fuel your body with little to no sugar and get optimal Protein. The main thing is muscle burns more calories than fat. And the surgery is a tool to help you move into that direction of burning fat and building muscle.

    When your hormones change it helps people get off diabetes medication and even reverse diabetes in many people. I’ve seen cases where people get off all meds very quickly after surgery.

    Try not to overthink it, take each day at a time and stick to the plan that your nutritionist provides you. And you will do great.

    I have metabolic disorders, it worries me that I will be able to keep losing and maintain. So I just do my best each day.

  2. @Frustr8 thank you. I wasn’t sure if I was going to say anything else on the forum. Or if I will continue coming here.

    Self evaluation is hard, if I did right now I couldn’t deal with it. I’m not sure I really know even myself so I know no one else can understand. I can’t seem to say things the way people want to hear them.

    People say they don’t expect anything of you even when they do, but they don’t expect anything for you. What do they care as long as they have what they need for themselves? I can’t explain it. You can do things to help someone else without them saying what they need but then they expect you to detail or even beg for the smallest of things. So I basically go it alone. The only exception being a ride to the doctor or errands or help with a phone call.

    Im saying everything wrong. It’s not as if I expect anything from anyone but sometimes you just want things straightforward and not a convoluted mess. Sometimes you want some semblance of normalcy and not always feeling like nothing is in your control.

    I went for pre op testing today for surgery Monday. Separate from these issues but has to be dealt with. I tried to post about this on another subject (menopause and Bariatric surgery) but feel like it was just seen as an annoyance and I want to remove it but they don’t let you do that here. No I didn’t ask a direct question. I can’t always if ever find the words anymore. So I guess I’m better of saying nothing.

  3. My weight loss tends to slow with periods of stall and then loss but it seems to average out ok. I have metabolic disorders, adult onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pcos, endometriosis and other medical conditions that effect my metabolism.

    i am 44 my height is 5’ and my starting BMI was 40 (around 208lb) I had surgery April 29th 2019 and as of today my weight loss is about 62lbs according to my home scale.

    Rate of loss depends on medical conditions, starting weight, and other factors. Because my metabolism barely functions and I have glucose intolerance my daily calories tends to be low and I don’t consume more than 50-60 grams of Protein per day since protein that isn’t utilized converts to glucose. I also cannot exercise due to chronic illness and disability.

    My nutritionist thinks my rate of loss is going good. So I trust her judgement. I weigh myself daily and track my calories and protein daily as well to try to determine if a certain food is causing stall more than another. Or if I am meeting my needs. As well as to note any issues that come up with foods I’m eating our how I feel (symptoms) I don’t use a special app. I just have a notepad on my tablet.

    Considering you just had your surgery only October 1st and lost 28lbs you are doing great.

  4. I’m sorry I will figure out how to have my topic removed. I have no clue how since they don’t let members control their own content (remove their own post) and only edit them within a small window. I guess I should not have started the topic.

  5. I keep thinking about this topic and where to discuss it even though it’s not directly related to bariatric surgery at the same time it is in a way connected. I always waffle between trying to think about something and just not being able to think about it until it happens, I guess I’m just a cat ... you know how for cats it’s whatever is in that moment is everything and they don’t really perceive tomorrow.

    I don’t think I am even worried about it, I won’t know until the day arrives how I will feel. But I do need to at least confront the issue. Right?

    I guess a brief backstory is in 2010 (age 35) I had a hysterectomy, they took everything except my ovaries. I had fast growing fibroids everywhere including cervix. My uterus was retroflexed (is that the word?) toward my spine and I had a large pedunculated fibroid connected there pressing against my colon and spine area. Also a lot of fibroids, nodules and cysts in the walls of my uterus and cervix. They also removed a fibroid from my left ovary. A few years before this whole situation, a doctor told me I likely had endometriosis, bowel bladder etc. but the only way to diagnose was medical menopause but I refused and that was that. I also have Pcos. My doctor at the time said the only way to not repeatedly have the painful cysts was to have my ovaries removed but she didn’t want to do it so soon.

    Fast forward to last year I saw a uro/gyn due to issues related to my hysterectomy. I had a mass on my left ovary as well. I had pelvic floor repair procedures and he removed my left ovary since it was covered in endometriosis. But left my right ovary even though there was also endometriosis. He said he didn’t want to put me in menopause.

    i know menopause doesn’t cure endometriosis. But after my gastric bypass surgery and gallbladder surgery and I ended up in the ER with pneumonia and other problems. They incidentally found a mass on or near my right ovary. I have a lot of pain in that area. Some time later I had a MRI that showed hemorrhagic cysts. I saw my Uro/gyn and we decided it’s time to just do a oophorectomy and remove my last ovary and also check for any visible endometriosis. The problem with endometriosis is that it can be in places they won’t be able to find it. Even lungs and brain. I am hoping he will also revise one of the other procedures giving me trouble.

    this is hard since this is a very personal issue. But I will be facing menopause now. I’ve had hot flashes and night sweats for years likely due to my body’s inability to regulate temperature. And I know about natural supplements for menopause. But what worries me is it’s impact on my weight loss journey. Especially since hormone replacement therapy doesn’t seem like a good idea since that triggers the endometriosis.

    I haven’t quite thought about it, except my metabolism is already basically nonexistent. I already have weird body issues both due to how the hysterectomy changed my body shape along with degenerative scoliosis, and body dysmorphia. I know it’s a long message for a simple question that probably doesn’t really have an answer since each persons menopause experience can vary greatly.

    Im already in a longer than usual stall and my weight backslid after I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy. It just won’t budge. The only thing different is my dr gave me prescription famotidine since the omeprozole contradicts a medication I’m on. And I’m thinking it’s that. I added extra Vitamin C since there’s some possibility it can help with Constipation. But I’m switching back to a natural heartburn remedy for now too.

  6. Yes and no and yes and no ... I wouldn’t call it anger or feeling that I’m necessarily missing out on foods. For me it’s hard to explain how I feel or put it into words. It was hard knowing my mother would eat nearly the same amount of food as me and yet I started gaining weight to the point I was twice her weight. It was hard knowing that I was eating around 800 calories of healthy food and eating little to no sugar and low carb and gaining weight. It’s hard knowing that because of metabolic disorders I will never be able to just eat normally. At the same time I don’t care that I will eat smaller portions (I am fine with that) or healthier options. I battled those sugar addiction demons years ago (even though that never really goes away does it) what I think bothers me most is the fear that even doing the right things I won’t know what might trigger gain or a extended stall. And that I still won’t be able to eat “normal calories” then there is always keeping myself from falling to old weird habits along the way. But yeah, it’s hard seeing other people casually eat and never truly have to worry about their weight. When I can’t remember a time when I didn’t worry over my weight. All the way back to being in junior high school (my brain is not very good at when, just what happened) I kind of remember weighing myself at an aunts house and the scale being 133lbs and I was called fat and bullied.

    I also sometimes catch myself looking at the grocery stores and like I can’t eat most of what’s in this store. But on the other hand I shop for my mom and I prepare her lunches most days. And I don’t really mind that. I just try to not really overthink it and consider there’s a lot bigger things to worry about in life.

  7. It doesn’t take much to lose a cup size, it’s only 1” in measurement per cup size. Your under bust measurement (gotta pull that measure tape tight) is your band size rounded up or down if need be. And measure loose on the fullest part of your bust. Each inch difference between the two is one cup size. As a general guideline since bra styles vary plus other factors.

    I had some nice Freya deco bras that I loved but with sudden weight gain didn’t fit anymore, they were size 30F UK (30G in U.S.) of course I bargain hunted them when I got them but they were practically brand new when they stopped fitting. So I put them away. I’d bought bigger sizes from Target. But After surgery I just wore sports bras for a while. But then finally my Freya bras fit now! They are a moulded cup so give some shape. I just hope I get some wear out of them awhile. I hate bra shopping since I’m weirdly small in the under bust area and stores don’t sell the band size unless their sizing runs small. I used to find in Nordstrom rack but last few times their inventory was terrible, then Again I only shop the clearance rack.

  8. To be totally honest I never think in terms, of positive or negative , just see it exactly as it is in that given moment, I mean I guess optimism is good but I am just a realist, and want that from other people especially doctors to just say the facts not like oh you’re fine or everything is going to be fine, or to just go by the book or what other people experience. I don’t like sugar coating. I either say it as it is or say nothing.

    food lick ... I’ll leave that there my brain is more scrambled than eggs tonight I meant to type good luck with getting through to someone with how you feel. It’s a hard path, wear good tough shoes ... maybe for a little butt kicking. Don’t let them play the age card either, you deserve to feel good after having surgery and lost so much weight.

  9. 7 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

    people keep saying "I'm Just Fine" nobody actually seems to Listen-

    7 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

    the Brave Little Cowgirl is feeling Midnight Blue this AM-

    @Frustr8 I understand, I really honestly do. I’ve spent most of my life with chronic pain, always fatigued and sick, always some new diagnosis or symptom. My main diagnosis has Bayan considered worse than HIV worse than cancer and causes something called post exertional malaise. It impacts every part of my body. It doesn’t matter my actual age my body feels old, there are people twice my age that feel younger than me. Not asking for pity for myself but that I understand you wanted the surgery and losing weight to make you feel good and not like a gastrointestinal cripple.

    Its hard. The smaller body is good but people look and think well then everything else must be good too. People didn’t think I needed to lose weight before surgery and now I’m sure they think I lost enough when I didn’t. They assume that you will also feel physically well. And you should expect to. But when you ask for help they look the other way.

    My head doesn’t work very well anymore, All I can say is can you see the bariatric surgeon and talk about the never ending nausea? That you still can’t enjoy food.

    I understand that feeling. On one hand I already had aversion to foods because of loss of ability to properly taste food and smell and always being nauseous but I could find things I liked sometimes and I could drink lots of Water. I only really liked water. Now I can’t drink sips without feeling supremely sick. I try to drink ice tea and thinner shakes it’s the same. I was told thicken the water, yuck thicken water with some nice chemicals? Though the water thing probably isn’t because of the surgery.

    but not moving past the softest of “foods” can be truly frustrating. So I try to tell myself I don’t care and my nutritionist says I have to try as if it’s just a mental block and not a physical one. Im not trusting the whole balloon dilation now and expecting it to go back how it was (stricture)

    i knew going into this I would probably make my overall medical conditions worse but it was either fight for bariatric surgery to fight the rapid weight gain that even eating 800 calories of healthy food I couldn’t stop, or give up altogether. And even now I walk that thin line. And moments when my body feels literally like death and that would be easier. Yet I keep going and trying to take each step forward and trying to focus on the tiny goals of losing weight. Even though I will always feel like the bullied fat kid.

    You answered my message on my post but I needed to respond here first before I got too tired to say what I wanted to say. Please give things time, I know it’s hard. Get an appointment to speak to your surgeon and nutritionist and try to get that message across to them. You have a goal to reach and you just want to get there and also feel better too. I truly hope you do.

  10. Gastric bypass surgery ended up being the choice due to severe GERD, metabolic disorders and extremely slow metabolism. My nutritionist gave a list of brands for Protein and Vitamins, but it’s a suggestion not a rule. As long as you get the protein and vitamins you need and there isn’t too much sugar. Usually no more than 4 grams. I think my papers said no gummy vitamins but I did my research to find a combination to work for me and showed my nutritionist and she said it’s fine. She is a nutritionist that works with my bariatric surgeon. But she is also open to new ideas that might be helpful for the bariatric patients she sees. She does nutrition classes for bariatric patients. I was required to attend before surgery. The difference between sleeve and bypass is less about amount restriction but more the bypassing of part of the small intestine and rerouting of digestive juices. If your gut says RNY Stick with RNY and you will do great.

  11. Thank you @Bastian and @FluffyChix I haven’t answered I’ve been in a mood. My weight did a bit of a backslide after the colonoscopy and endoscopy.

    Three days of prep I got in less calories than usual but got my average Protein in 52 grams. Colonoscopy day I only managed a packet of BariatricPal Cappuccino (80 calories, 15 grams protein)

    the past two days I had around 60 grams protein. My weight was down the day of the colonoscopy but then backslid. My nutritionist wanted me to try new food I tried smoked salmon last night she said it was ok to try It was soft enough to not have a hard time going down. Tasted fine, I ate extremely slow. But I was nauseous and got a Migraine.

    I admit my mom asked me to go out to dinner with her friends. The day after the tests. I had enough protein that day I had a few small bites of her sweet potato and a drink I sipped very very slowly, nothing with added sugar, some crushed ginger and lime, my first time having any alcohol for a long while, it wasn’t a sweet drink. I don’t usually go out I am terrible in social settings and all the loud voices in a restaurant, so that’s why I got a drink hoping to relax me, to numb the throat pain, even though I felt no effects from it at all.

    As for the colonoscopy and endoscopy they never give a option of what time it is. They also require I do prep the night before and the morning of or drink it five hours before the procedure. I had no idea that a noon appointment was their last patient. This was the only availability otherwise the wait was a month or two longer.

    On 9/28/2019 at 9:32 AM, FluffyChix said:

    think the ge junction is the gastoesophageal junction where the esophagus meets the stomach. And if so, that is where the tear is and it would be very painful. It's a valve, not a stoma there. The stoma is at the gj junction where the gastro jejunal junction where the tummy pouch meets the jejunum. (I think?)

    You are right the stoma is the GJ junction, so then GE junction is gastroesophageal junction. How do they tear that during dilation of the stoma? No one talked to me because I wasn’t alert enough. So it was my fault I had an involuntary hiccup? Probably from having to try to do all the prep despite the Dysphasia. And then my follow up isn’t until November 27th!

    I’m just getting frustrated with doctors, with myself, with just about everything lately. This could just be a normal stall before it starts but I hate the backsliding, for me it triggers a sensation of ptsd and I feel like I can’t keep from going back to being fat even though I try so hard. I also feel like my metabolism is just so slow I’ll never be able to eat normal calories even after surgery that I’ll have to stay below 400 calories and stick to around 50 grams protein.

    My nutritionist wants me eating more normal foods and I’m afraid it will trigger more gain even if it’s within calories and protein. Never mind the swallowing issues.

    Not sure when or how to discuss the colonoscopy and endoscopy or if the doctors will even care. And I need to prepare for surgery on the 14th and hope I can keep my weight going down despite that. With my lifelong chronic illness constantly getting worse, and dealing with new unknown neurological problems, I can’t deal with setbacks with other things. Especially my weight. It may seem like a small thing to me it’s a big thing. But I have no control over much of my life it’s one medical thing after another and needs to work around fatigue and post exertional malaise.

    I don’t want people thinking it’s a pity party. I’ve had my mom accuse me of that. It’s just my reality. I feel rather stupid venting on a public forum on the internet again. I hadn’t done this in a while. I’ve got no one. My moms boyfriend seems to think because I “look good” automatically I should be perfectly fine and have no problems. I try to be a part of my mother and her friends sometimes but it’s not my place here it’s hers and her life. I just feel like the idiot with autism and chronic illness that no one wants to hear exists. So then I don’t get involved. When we moved here I encouraged my mother to take advantage of the opportunity to do so, and to get away from our life in NY so she could have a better life for herself. It was never for me. And the one thing I enjoyed most about being here, going on walks to photograph birds and critters and nature, is getting further away from being possible. I tried to tell my mom these things, she doesn’t want to hear it just says she is worried but she gets to go about her life. Of course she should. I say she is better of without me but she says she needs me. Story of my life. I’m never good enough.

    Again I rant. I’m Sorry about that.

  12. I had a hard time finding Protein I could tolerate, texture, flavor, and that didn’t have added iodine. I couldn’t tolerate Isopure zero or Premier Protein clear they felt like they coated my throat in hair. I didn’t care for Syntrax, I was hoping I would. The smell of isopure plain was nauseating alone. 100% whey protein isolate didn’t agree with me.

    Ones I found worked for me are for powder mix I used PEScience Select. So far I liked Cookies and cream, Peanut Butter cookie but they have other flavors that look good.

    For RTD labrada lean body is good I especially like salted caramel, banana is good too

    if I need quick protein from the grocery I get Boost Max

    if I want a non dairy protein in RTD I get Koia. The cinnamon horchata is the best.

    I like to mix my protein powders in either unsweetened Ripple milk, unsweetened Edensoy, or TwoGood yogurt since they add more protein. (For breakfast)

    My mom bought me performix io whey Protein Powder in banana nutello flavor to try.

    Everyones taste is different. Also BariatricPal has quite a selection of juice flavor protein mixes, hot cocoa and cappuccinos with protein, protein bullion’s and Soups. The Protein Shots also come in handy for post op when you can’t drink a lot. I wish I had them then.

  13. Most times when GERd gets bad with sleeve they convert to RNY. Maybe more due to undiagnosed GERd prior to surgery?

    I don’t like the long term effects of ppI or side effects. I am extremely sensitive to medication, even herbal supplements. I have such a long allergy list it’s a pain when I need a procedure. My dr prescribed omeprozole, I honestly didn’t take it. Even after they said I had ulcers at the stoma. But the next time they didn’t see ulcers. As to accuracy of any test, it’s a crapshoot. PPI long term can cause serious side effects include kidney disease, fractures, infections and Vitamin deficiencies

    I had to get a new prescription anyway because I needed to start a new, more effective muscle relaxer (diazepam) and proton pump inhibitors block the absorption of the muscle relaxer. They gave me a prescription for Pepcid (famotidine) it’s an antacid and antihistamine.

    They all say don’t take longer than two weeks unless the dr prescribes it. What gets me is listed side effects. Does it cause Constipation or diarrhea ... pick one, sometimes people need to know that before taking a medication and how can it be both? I definitely don’t need more headaches or other side effects to add to my existing illness. But I will give it a try.

    Pepcid (famotidine) is an H2-blocker used to treat and prevent recurrence of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Pepcid is also useful in managing heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Pepcid is available as a generic drug. Side effects of Pepcid are not common, but may include:






    mood changes,



    muscle pain or cramps,

    joint pain,

    dry mouth,

    nausea, or


  14. Im the odd one out perhaps since I was hoping for RNY to have some amount of calorie malabsorption due to extremely slow metabolism. Turned out the doctor agreed anyway since I had severe GERD so bad my ears would burn from it. Both have similar surgeries and recovery, the only difference is more initial restriction with RNY. Better to have RNY now than have sleeve and end up needing revision later. RNY is seen as the gold standard.

  15. Wow. What does thiamine deficiency have to do with the topic of this thread? That’s an awful lot of medical jargon mixed with scare tactics of posting it in a thread that has nothing to do with Vitamin deficiency.

    I have complex lifelong chronic illness which includes neuroimmune/immunodeficiency. Basically it effects every aspect of my body. I also have neurological symptoms starting long before surgery. I take a series of gummy vitamins. My last bloodwork by my bariatric surgeon my thiamine aka B1 was within the normal range.

    Just take the right Vitamins that have good bioavailability (whole food based, chewable or liquid form) and have regular bloodwork and there is no need to panic about vitamin levels. Besides an issue with Iron and some bloodwork that could indicate anemia (which I’ve had issue with before surgery) my blood vitamin levels have been fine so far. Even my extremely low Vitamin D is in normal range now.

    Low thiamene isn’t going to instantly cause some life threatening neurological disease. If your doctor says it’s low, take the vitamin. Or just take a good food based b complex as prevention.

    I e studied holistic heath, nutrition and vitamins. Do I remember everything. No my memory sucks but it’s crazy to post a long medical research report and not even on the appropriate topic. Sorry if I’m rather touchy today.

    Taking a basic Multivitamin isn’t enough especially tablets like Centrum or any tablet that might not get properly utilized by the body is probably not enough. One of the things about gastric bypass surgery is an investment in our health and making sure to get the right vitamins and nutrition.

    But I’ll shut up. I got flack because I said I take Gummy vitamins and too many. Just do your best and don’t worry about thiamene deficiency unless your doctor says it’s low and it’s easy enough to get a natures way alive b complex vitamin at the grocery store.

  16. I’ve been taking things in stride as best I can but am rather miffed at doctors and events today so I am just going to rant even though I need to be trying to sleep.

    Prior to my gastric bypass surgery and gallbladder removal My gastroenterologist insisted I have a colonoscopy due to the fact that previous ct scan had shown severe narrowing of my colon and a recent ct showed possible colitis. But the colonoscopy had to wait until after my surgery.

    I went through three days of Clear Liquids and hellish prep trying to swallow the required liquids. While the nurse was great I was literally the last patient and they were already starting to close down the facility before my procedure started. I had an unusually hard time waking up from the sedation and just wanted to close my eyes but they were in a hurry to get me out, I was barely awake and told to get dressed and get in the car to go even though I was stumbling and could hardly walk.

    I didn’t get answers from the colonoscopy. I don’t know if endometriosis can be confused for colitis. But why would a ct scan show something but not a colonoscopy. It showed melanosis in the colon usually caused by chronic laxative use which I refuse to use laxatives on a regular basis so rarely take it. Also diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon which has been there some years now and the last doctor just said well you have to wait until you end up in the Er with an emergency to even do anything. Like ok. But no biopsy was taken of the darkened spots of my colon. And no explanation of my symptoms.

    My bariatric surgeon said My gastroenterologist could do the endoscopy since he is closer to where I live, and he got all my information and everything. I had previously had a balloon dilation of a very narrow stricture. They saw the stricture during this procedure (so I guess the previous dilation didn’t do anything) but my endoscopy report reads:

    “ge junction with mucosal tear from hiccup during dilation” I didn’t speak to the doctor, I wasn’t alert enough. He made it out like nothing to my mom. They didn’t take any biopsy from either tests. And I have a mucosal tear but not what to do about all the pain?

    Im just tired and frustrated. I can only manage so much when I don’t have clear answers. I have to have another procedure this time a surgery in two weeks to do with the endometriosis. Not even sure the doctor will be able to find where it is since it can be anywhere and the main reason is my ovary has to come out.

    All my long rambling, sorry. Has anyone had a tear happen during a balloon dilation? From what I see dilation isn’t a cure just a treatment or temporary fix. I know you don’t want the stoma too big but too small is not good either. I’ve been having spasms in my left side, crushing chest pain, nausea and difficulty with purée and other symptoms. I’m the end I just shut up and deal with it.

    Im not regretting RNY because with my nonexistent metabolism I would not have lost nearly 63lbs. And I knew it would take its toll on my chronic illness but so much at once has me exhausted.

    end of rant.

  17. I really think a lot of the initial feelings of regret is hormonal. Though my hospital stay was hellish due to uncontrollable chronic pain and that I was bed bound. My one attempt to walk at the nurses insistence I could only make a few steps out to the hall before My body said no way and set off every nerve in my body like raw nerves and I was an emotional wreck. I hated anyone seeing me that way since I usually hide it. It will feel dark, sad and angry but your body has gone through a lot so give it time and try to think about how much it will help you. For me it sometimes feels like a punishment, and why can’t I just eat like a normal human being. But it was RNY or give up. I had run out of tools to fight my weight.

    Thankfully you can find support here and I hope the dark clouds lift for you soon.

  18. On 9/21/2019 at 7:18 AM, always said:

    I can still barely handle 50-60gms of Protein a day and maybe 40oz of Water, and that's with a lot of effort all day long. They still want me at 80gms of Protein but I just cant get that all in.

    I’m taking it slow since I’ve got a lot of issues going on. One thing I found is that some doctors expect way too high a protein consumption. Since excess converts to glucose in the body and I struggle with glucose intolerance I keep my daily protein between 50-60 grams. Mostly around 50 unless I just happen to get a little more. I started purée and couldn’t tolerate it especially meat, chicken, fish even softened and very wet, I’d get very slow nibbles in and my gut said no no no, so I stick to what I can tolerate until I’m ready and have some things sorted out with my doctors. I also got foamies on a liquid shake, I definitely drank very very slow. Out of nowhere it caused me to heave and feel the need to bring it back up. I think because I tried to drink a shake that had an ingredient I’m allergic to. Though could also have been due to the Dysphasia and the fact that I was doing loads of laundry and exhausted myself.

    My nutritionist urged me to try again and have some soft vegetables as well. I’m going to have to have a colonoscopy in a few days and endoscopy as well to find out what’s going on with my stricture. They say a sliding hiatal hernia isn’t a big deal except if there’s symptoms. There’s also a Schatzki ring. Like a band of tissue around the esophagus.

    One problem I have is drinking Water and thinner liquids. I have a neurological form of dysphasia, it was coincidentally diagnosed after surgery. Thinner liquids make me nauseous, ready to hurl, my chest hurt, and put me at risk for aspirational pneumonia. I can’t get answers what the cause is but even if they knew there is no fix.

    Sometimes it’s error on the persons part, but sometimes it’s something that needs to be addressed with the surgeon or other doctors.

  19. Well my memory is terrible but I had surgery April 29th and I stayed in hospital two nights, I had a rough time of it since I was bed bound. I was also not doing well. Yet they sent me home day three, maybe they shouldn’t have and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I hated feeling so out of sorts and wanted my own bed.

    I got home late into day three, and the next day I tried to do some normal things, to get my body moving but I was having a hard time breathing, I managed an errand and laundry but started having intermittent fevers. But because I have chronic Illness (immunodeficiency) my body doesn’t have fevers normally when it should. I tried to ignore it until it went up at night over 102. Now mind you this likely won’t happen to you but I ended up at the Er and admitted for pneumonia, acute uti and critically low potassium. I got stuck there another three days. They were going to make me stay longer. They had no clue about bariatric patients.

    So maybe your doctor is just being extra cautious and if you do well after surgery and are up and walking about soon after and once you can tolerate small amounts of liquids, they will give you the ok to go home. It could be much sooner than the doctor estimates but since you won’t have help at home they just are extra cautious. Maybe inquire with your insurance if you can get a home visit from a nurse a few times.

    All the best to you in your journey ahead.

  20. 8 hours ago, cajunredpanda said:

    I'm afraid I might've totally messed it up by doing that. I think there's one other counselor at the clinic but I'm afraid to switch at this point. Probably need to. Just don't know if it's okay to call the receptionist and go "hey, can I change to ____?" I just want my parents to come to a meeting or two with me but they don't seem to want to go. When they do take me to meeting since I can't drive they just drop me off and go to McDonald's. Then they'll tell me everything I'm doing wrong and nothing I'm doing right. That I'll be like the people on My 600 Pound Life that get the surgery and then go straight back to eating copious amounts of food within a month. My brother compares himself to me because he's been losing more weight than me despite me telling him that males lose fat easier than women and yadda da. You're right though, I may need to write down refutes.

    (I meant to say that my initial interaction with the clinic was November 1, 2018. Sorry for the confusion.)

    I'm confused why what my nutritionist said isn't mattering. I got cleared on that end in early August. She said that my food intake was overall good. I'm making changes and as long as I keep making them that I'm doing great. If anything my Fiber was too low. That and to check food labels for fat and sugar intake.

    Meanwhile my psych is telling me that the more stressed I am the more I eat, so you need to do something about that. She nearly got on me for eating cake on my mom's birthday and I had to clarify that it was one slice and I didn't eat any leftover cake. Heaven forbid I want to Celebrate. I keep feeling like maybe I should find someone else but I don't know if I can. There's one other psychologist in the clinic I believe but I don't know how to switch or if I can. This is the only clinic I can really use.

    My clinic has a Facebook group and list of people that had the surgery that I can talk to. Do you think I should ask one to be my advocate?

    I really think it would help you to have an advocate. I find it wrong for the

    8 hours ago, cajunredpanda said:

    I'm confused why what my nutritionist said isn't mattering. I got cleared on that end in early August. She said that my food intake was overall good. I'm making changes and as long as I keep making them that I'm doing great. If anything my Fiber was too low. That and to check food labels for fat and sugar intake.

    Meanwhile my psych is telling me that the more stressed I am the more I eat, so you need to do something about that. She nearly got on me for eating cake on my mom's birthday and I had to clarify that it was one slice and I didn't eat any leftover cake. Heaven forbid I want to Celebrate. I keep feeling like maybe I should find someone else but I don't know if I can. There's one other psychologist in the clinic I believe but I don't know how to switch or if I can. This is the only clinic I can really use.

     My clinic has a Facebook group and list of people that had the surgery that I can talk to. Do you think I should ask one to be my advocate?

    I really think you might benefit from an advocate. I don’t think the psych is being fair to you. I live with my mom but my having surgery is not reliant on her support. While it’s true, other people’s eating habits can effect your own this shouldn’t be a deciding factor. It’s also unfair for her to shame you for having a piece of cake. Change takes time and surgery will be a tool to help with change.

    My first surgeon appointment went horribly for me. Like your psych, he talked at me and made assumptions instead of listening. I could barely conceal my utter and total meltdown when I left the office. It was the combination of constantly telling my pcp about my weight loss efforts and my finding a better endocrinologist (the first endocrinologist was also a disaster) but the second endocrinologist listened to my history and medical issues and referred me to Cleveland Clinic, she said the whole bariatric surgery process was easier and she ended up being right.

    I know some require psych clearance and yes you need to do the head work, dealing with eating habits, cutting carbs and sugar, etc. but you are working at it and it’s that pre surgery diet that is what prepares you for what comes after.

    For me I had already fought hard some years ago to deal with sugar and carb addiction due to metabolic disorders. Even with my strict changes in my eating habits I ended up back to square one with my weight. I got to where I knew I needed extra help of bariatric surgery.

    I wish I had better answers but keep fighting. Try to find an advocate and if possible see another psych and try to write down exactly what your goal is with bariatric surgery and the steps you have taken so far. I know it’s hard when options are limited. See if you can talk to the nutritionist or have an advocate talk to them and ask why the psych is clocking you from getting clearance for surgery and if they have the right to do that to you. Someone in the bariatric surgeons office might even be able to help you with the process.

  21. I’d find it upsetting that it’s a therapist deciding if you can handle the surgery and not a surgeon and nutritionist. A bariatric nutritionist would be better at setting the pre surgery goals to work on calorie intake and carb intake. I had letters from my pcp about my efforts at low carb, low calorie approach and a letter from a endocrinologist about metabolic disorders. But never would I trust a therapist to decide what’s best. It’s that initial pre op diet that is the true test of how you will function after surgery. I didn’t have support, I’m living with my mom. She is much smaller than me and never had food issues. I can’t say how long it took me to fight sugar and carb addiction many years back and yet I ended up back where I began. It’s a hard road but I think you need an advocate to help navigate the system and get on the right track. Start with gradually lowering calories and carbs and cutting sugar. Look for healthier alternatives.

    I wish I had better to say. My first visit with a bariatric surgeon was a train wreck and yes I had a breakdown and knew it wasn’t going to happen. The doctor then refused to help me. I kept pushing my pcp to record my efforts and finally saw another endocrinologist who recommended Cleveland clinic where the process was much smoother and the staff their extremely helpful.

    it wouldn’t have happened without their help. It’s not an easy road. Though they do need to know you won’t fall back to bad habits. I don’t think a therapist is as good a support system as a bariatric care team with a nutritionist.

    ugh. I’m sorry im too tired to make sense today. I’m sad that you felt so bad during the appointment and couldn’t get your words across. I deal with that all the time and have to try to push down as hard as I can if I start crashing into a total meltdown. It’s not easy. But I think at some point you will get where you need to be. Try to seek out an advocate. You need a bariatric care team working to help you through this fight.

  22. 1 hour ago, Frustr8 said:

    Well for me overweight came at a little less than 190, say 186, but I must be a lot taller than you. When I achieve the weight I set Myself I will probably still be in the "Overweight" catagory. I think the BMI Would Be 26.6, so to reach "Normal" would be many more pounds to go!

    You are at least 7-8” taller than me, I’m basically 5’ maybe an inch more on a good day ... I think I’m finally in the high end of overweight category vs obese. For now i would be ok reaching the second goal and seeing how I feel. I never could seem to get below around 134 lbs. I’d like to at least reach 124 lbs. in my next goal, seems low but comparatively my mother is similar height and around 98 lbs, at my heaviest I was over twice her weight . Your frame size also factors into it and while I used to be larger boned, due to chronic illness I lost a lot of bone density and my frame size is more on the small end now.

    I think the frustration is that we ate the nearly same foods and for so long I was strict about carbs, no sugar, and low calories to try to compensate for very low metabolism. Yet I started gaining out of control. And even now I don’t think I will be able to eat normal calories. Anything over 400 calories and I stop losing. I keep trying to test it.

    I try not to focus on the numbers. I wish it didn’t have to be at the forefront, it takes a lot of energy to keep up, and I have little to no energy to begin with. People assume it’s my low calories, actually not but rather chronic illness.

    I don’t know, people think I’ll magically be cured because I fought to lose weight. It doesn’t work that way not for me at least. I just couldn’t carry the burden of 100 extra pounds of weight.

    I’m still on very basic foods and haven’t even tried purée again. At the most I have a Protein Shake, yogurt mixed with Protein Powder, cottage cheese, occasionally soft boiled egg. I did try mixing Protein powder with egg and cooking it. I guess anything that isn’t dense and very easy to chew or barely needs chewing. I had a recent follow up and the nutritionist was helpful but I didn’t see my surgeon and the doctor I did see was not listening very well. But I am going for a colonoscopy so my gastroenterologist will do the endoscopy that my surgeon wants so they can check in on things. Sorry I went totally off topic.

  23. Yes I’m taking 5-6 different Vitamins, I decided to not take b complex right now. I am on a very tight disability budget, I shop where I can get lower prices and extra savings both coupons and rebates through a site called Rakuten. But I do my best to budget in important things. I take gummy vitamins so what, we aren’t supposed to take tablets for the first few months post op. I talked to my nutritionist she said as long as there isn’t more than 4 grams of sugar in it it’s fine. They are easier to chew and I couldn’t find bariatric vitamins without added iodine. Things like Centrum just go right through you. I just looked for more food based vitamins in a chewable form.

    Vitamins are very important after gastric bypass surgery. A single Multivitamin especially just a basic one that isn’t food based or bio available won’t do much. Also your vitamins are adapted based on bloodwork and your own personal needs.

    if people want to rake me over the coals for what vitamins I take or what kind. Or if it looks expensive When All I did was answer a question. Then I guess I won’t comment anymore. If I could go back and remove my comments then I would.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
