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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Darktowerdream

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 04/07/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    I am on the Autism spectrum. I have lived most of my life with Chronic illness, immunodeficiency and many medical conditions. It all started with M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) I ended up on the RNY journey due to this and metabolic disorders.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Birding, photographing birds and wildlife.
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  • City
    Boca Raton
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  1. Darktowerdream

    Vegetarian meat substitutes

    I get enough protein without meat I love No cow protein bars. If you need protein shake supplement Vega yea one I found I like. I am not vegan. I always ate a mix of vegetarian foods and meat but health reasons I slowly stopped eating meat. I did have eggs with a veggie burger (the actual vegetable style burger a way of getting veggies made in a way my gut could handle) Dr. Praeger's Cauliflower Burger and California Burgers have been my go to. I used to put egg on a small veggie burger. They have "Just egg" that is a vegetarian egg substitute that you can make your own scramble or omelette. There are many options not just beans. You can take plant based omegas, Bragg Nutritional yeast, Vitamin K to name three I can think of as top supplements. Protein intake is based on body weight and activity base protein is 0.36 grams Protein per 1lb of body weight. and more based on type of diet and activity level. too much protein actually converts to sugar. I am now working through some issues not related to my surgery. but have reached goal and maintained since my surgery 2019.
  2. April 29th 2019 at 44 with lifelong chronic illness/disability, already had hysterectomy at 35, metabolic disorders, inability to exercise due to post exertional malaise from M.E. I was already utilizing tools of low carb low calorie yet my weight skyrocketed and I was just lost. Finally came the tool of Gastric Bypass (had to have my gallbladder removed at the same time) I was strict, eventually found it helpful to keep a daily log of weight, food, calories and protein. I reached goal by March 2020. As a lifelong tool it is very beneficial. I do not think age is a factor. Perhaps menopause can be in some ways for women but otherwise this is the Gold Standard ... never see it as a diet but a change for life and it will take you far.
  3. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    @ChubRub I hope you are continuing to do well. I thought about starting a new topic but I am too chicken 🤣 I kind of acclimated myself to the idea of swimsuits by walking around in my underwear (around the house alone of course) and slowly wearing different clothes. and finally got myself to get into a swimming pool. Trying to go each day but boy do I pay! The hefty price of living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Post Exertional Malaise. I can barely do much else. I mean its nice being in the water albeit the pain is there but yet you can kind of turn focus elsewhere in a way. Last time I genuinely was in a pool was as a kid. I was never good at traditional swimming. My thing is swimming under the water. People cant figure out how I can sit on the bottom of the pool ... But I can't doggy paddle or float. Have you been swimming yet? with the heat as it is. Its a necessity to even be outside at all ... I actually got myself to wear two piece swimsuits. Not full on Bikini. Thats just not my thing. And there is a lot of gossip at the pool already ... dont need more. get enough commentary on swim shorts and a crop top. dealing with some digestive issues the pool is a distraction.
  4. Darktowerdream


    I meant to answer this but have been exhausted. I don't know exactly what it was that impacted my post op recovery most. I had my gallbladder removed alongside the gastric bypass. besides Adult onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia I have lifelong Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. And quite a few medical conditions. I am now finding out it is likely I also have Ehlers Danlos. I am trying to find a definitive diagnosis. My post op recovery took a little longer, I was bedbound after surgery. I ended up back in hospital shortly after going home due to an undiagnosed pre-existing condition (likely tied to Ehlers Danlos) that caused Aspiration pneumonia (a form of dysphasia) I dont think the Adrenal Hyperplasia itself affected my recovery. Even with all my medical conditions and even with the challenges I have had over the course of my surgery and the recovery and the challenges now - I do not regret having had Gastric Bypass surgery. I would never have reached the weight I have now which is a normal healthy weight for my height that I never could reach even as a pre-teen. Well I cannot remember being this weight. I have to find ways to work around different barriers and challenges I guess. I was extremely weak but now I think it was both due to M.E. and possible Ehlers Danlos. I just would do it again as well as the skin removal and body lift procedures I had despite the challenge that was ... especially because of the roadblocks that Adrenal hyperplasia, PCOS, and the inability to exercise due to M.E imposed on me. caused.
  5. Darktowerdream

    pain under ribs on left

    I have read that since gas does not go into the stomach after bypass or stay in the pouch it travels directly to the small intestine which is below the ribs on the left side, try to avoid gassy foods and take digestive enzymes with meals (chewables) and see how you feel. It tends to get trapped in the blind portion of small intestine as well (at least from some reading I have done) if it persists then you investigate further.
  6. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    @ChubRub I have wanted to say something and just have been overwhelmed and exhausted but you look absolutely amazing! I would like some touch ups too but doubt it is in the cards for me. Flat Tummy looking awesome it is a win for sure. helps make feel that hard work of the WLS journey was worth it. To see the excess skin gone too. I am finding I might have a connective tissue disorder that effects collagen so no amount of collagen supplements can help my skin or joints I worry return of laxity and already have some in areas (calves, back of knees, inside of knees) seeking diagnosis. of course there is more pressing issue to do with bones and joints and such. Just frustrating. I have not had anyone to talk to. I found out it tends to effect people who have had Gastric bypass surgery (digestive problems) so all signs are there since I am having major issue there even now two years out. likely due to this not the WLS itself. sorry went off on Tangent. I cant stay in a straight line. Just why I have not been around much. Keeping it vague because I dont want to take away from your awesome post. My scars are mostly fading pretty well and I am reaching my one year post plastics very soon.
  7. Darktowerdream

    The stomach left behind...

    I have not been around much and I have thought about this question also. I know the stomach is only separated by a staple line. But do wonder if the fact that it is only separated by a staple line can cause ulcers at the junction point between pouch and intestine (in some people that were previously prone to them) I sometimes question if my body is adverse to the staple line. I am nearing my two year anniversary it is so hard to believe that. But am struggling with some problems eating. and an ulcer. I did see my surgeon a few months ago, but besides medication even my gastroenterologist had no answer and the meds are not working they just dont work for me. This question made me think how I question what role the remnant stomach has in this.
  8. Darktowerdream

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    my honest first thought you look stunning and the green is gorgeous. I am not much into clothes or being fancy but I have been working on wearing things I have not since I was a kid pretty much. Like short shorts instead of Bermudas ... wearing shirts that are either tucked in or don't cover the butt of my bottoms and wearing more casual dresses than I wore in my lifetime (literally) I have yet to conquer the swimsuit arena. I have collected some I got cheap. I think part of it is "poolside politics" 🤣 and I know how critical the people are.
  9. Darktowerdream

    Iron deficiency

    I find it confusing too as my Ferritin has consistently been 6 even when my iron has been within normal range. Its hard for my digestive system to handle Iron supplements because of diverticulosis, and some unknown issue causing narrowing of the colon (and inflammation) even small amounts of iron constipate terribly, The only time my Ferritin when up a bit was when I had blood transfusion for surgery. I took a "non constipating" iron supplement lets just say it didnt live up to its claim. not sure how people do it. Or if theres possibly another cause of low ferritin unrelated to gastric bypass thats coincidental that compounds the issue.
  10. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    this is a balm I used, not as thick but I liked it https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YN6TT33/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 post shower wound care cleanse I used before drying off https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B004YNP9ZA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Comfortable bras https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08B4GTKRZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 another thing thats very good is Tamanu Oil! I highly recommend it. I used mine until it ran out ... its good for many things.
  11. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    looking awesome! my Faja does not have a flap so I did wear my underwear over it but not as nicely matched as yours! I still feel when I swell especially when it gets humid, but also have issues separate from the surgeries. I ended up not using any silicone strips ... I just have no patience (or funds) for things like that ... I did use a natural ointment vs antibiotic with propolis, silver, tee trea oil blend. I use natural exfoliation scrub and lotion as just regular shower routine. but not anything special for scars for a while. my surgeon recommended kinetic tape but I did not try it. I do sleep with the Faja on. though I have taken a bit of a break here and there from it.
  12. I know this is not really going to get answers but maybe someone might have some insight. I have lifelong chronic illness and disability. A challenge is being sensitive to medications and side effects and having allergic reactions (my list of antibiotics I am allergic to is growing) It started with Umbilical area pain that radiated upward to the right shoulder blade area like spasms. Admittedly I am also dealing with diverticulitis issues, bleeding and pain I'm not sure the source as well as Interstitial cystitis. My gastric bypass surgery inadvertently revealed a form of neurological dysphagia I have difficulty drinking thin liquids. landing in hospital with aspiration pneumonia a day after I got home, I found out that was why. started before surgery but I didnt know why I was having difficulty drinking water. normally i could chug it no issues. For a while I had trouble with eating which turned out to be stricture. I had history of ulcers prior to my gastric bypass surgery. and they found it afterward as well. I had dilations. and eating got a bit easier I just had to be careful what types of foods I ate. But then some weeks back it got really bad I found myself feeling sick just taking nibbles of my lunch. I always meal plan daily and prepare portion control sizes so I know how much calories and protein I am getting and what my portion is so its never too much for my pouch. But Id get partway through nibbling slowly and at times depending what Im eating Id just have to stop. and then feel the need to throw up but cant at times heaving but only a thick mucus comes up. I saw my general practitioner and had a CT scan and bloodwork. I also made some appointments. She told me to see my Bariatric surgeon. I had to wait until just recently to have a Endoscopy. I am just frustrated. because the CT scan showed Hepatic Steatosis. My one liver level is high it was not high when I was losing weight. Only when it was stable already. I did not have fatty liver prior to surgery. But they want to assume I did and that no one told me. But that's something they check for because its a co-morbidity! Also my gallbladder was checked at the time it had to be removed due to chronic inflammation. People have gastric bypass to get rid of fatty liver ... I have only read of maybe a rare case of liver disease post surgery. Anyway. back in June I had a enteroscopy to check the remnant portion of stomach and dilation. no mention of ulcer then. I have trouble with proton pump inhibitors not working and they just seem to deplete my vitamin levels too much. plus trigger my migraines. Ive had ulcers go away without the PPI and gotten ulcers while on them so they just dont seem effective. Then there is carafate. one side effect is constipation and with diverticulitis I cant afford that especially since the CT also showed inflammation and narrowing of my colon ... and I am trying to get iron and even the supposed non constipating kind in my whole foods based multivitamin is throwing my system off. so I had the Endoscopy this month and it showed Jejunal ulcer so the doctor just prescribes proton pump inhibitor and carafate (my insurance decided to not pay for carafate) but what other options are there besides these? and what could be causing the ulcers if Im not taking motrin or similar meds even though I do need them. Ulcer at the junction between the pouch and small intestine can happen in the first months post op and common treatment is PPI and carafate but not nearly two years out. Hard to believe April will be two years ... my gut keeps telling me its issue with my remnant stomach. perhaps even with the staples used. but I dont know how to get answers. I have seen when these things dont work doctors do a surgical revision of some kind. my surgeon is great but yet he seems to address it as it too simply and its not that simple anymore. Also I cant figure out the fatty liver aka hepatic statosis and the high ALT (liver enzymes) they assumed it was high before but no not really. Also I had blood transfusions in June and the levels went down due to the transfusion but then went back up again. so one would assume if it had to do with the weight loss the levels would have stayed down. I cant sort out what move to take next. I kind of sat on this post a while and didnt post it. I still hesitate. I know its probably not something anyone can answer. I am just getting frustrated. I am also retaining fluid in my abdomen along with a lot of pain.
  13. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    Looking great @ChubRub my drain was in longer than most. I didnt bother hiding it when I went out 🤣 which wasnt all that often. I even have of tohose belt things with a pocket for it but never used it. I took my drain out myself when it was time. We waited until the output was low enough. I was surprised I only had the one drain for three surgeries.
  14. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    @ms.sss Honestly I researched them endlessly to buy one but couldn't budget it in I get emails with deals and this happened to be in one of them just recently its one of the best I have seen of the bed wedges since its adjustable and also a cooling memory foam.
  15. Darktowerdream

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    I was not very good at keeping measurements pre and post op. I did probably lose and inch to an inch and a half in my waist, my hips like 1.5" also my underbust area is smaller my bust gained 2" projection Id say? yet my overall weight did go up a little bit post op. perhaps mainly due to some challenges Im having. sometimes its reasonable I mean for the most part except after some recent tests its below my goal. sorry. Im tired. I wanted to buy a bed wedge I never did for the foot of the bed or whatever I rolled up a weighted blanket I had and propped a pillow on that but this might be something you might be interested in https://www.amazon.com/Cooling-Bed-Wedge-Pillow-Adjustable/dp/B088C4Q3JP/ref=sr_1_43?dchild=1&keywords=Gel+Firm+Memory+Foam+Standard+Wedge+Pillow&qid=1611353815&sr=8-43 I got some good bras on Amazon as well. keep wearing the Faja. I wear mine to bed. And do try the Turmeric and also limit salt intake for a bit. Hopefully the swelling will come down. maybe you need some massage with some oils. One nice thing about the Hospital BC I got lymphatic massage each day I was there. Couldnt have it at home but I think it helped. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SG5H8KF/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=ARDJXY8HB6KO5&psc=1

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
