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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by NEWME2008

  1. Hey girl just wanted to see whats going on and see how your feelin.. Give me a shout out... All is well on my part..

  2. Hey lady i love the new picture... Hows everything give me a shout out later let me know how things are going....

  3. Whats up lady!!!! Hows every thing??? Give me a shout out i have a joke for you....

  4. See i should have read first we were banded on the same day yay!!!!!!! So girl how do you feel?? Have you been walkin? I walk every day and its feels good its cold out side but i go out for atleast 30mins and walk. I would love to talk to you more because were around the same weight and we could share goals and share ideas with each other? P.s have you cheated yet and ate something you wasnt?? (smile)

  5. Im sorry i didnt see it.. How are things going? Have you gotten banded? I was band on november 14th.. And girl i have some stories about that..lol but give me shout out @ sweethoney0215@aol.com and well talk....ttyl dawn

  6. You go girl!!!!!!!!!! Trust me you will get in them jeans.. I wrote down some goals for my self and its funny because i have a pair of 7 jeans that a size 18 and last year i could fit them..girl this year they cant even get over my thighs so yes we have a mission you to get in your jeans and me to get in mine. But my surgery is tomorrow and i will keep you updated....

  7. I was just crusin and wanted to say hello...and you look good... I get banded on friday the 14th and if you could give my some ideas of what you eat and what you did for the first weeks that would be great... If you dont mind how is your weight lost? How much weight have you lost so far?

  8. Hello you look great!!! im getting banded on friday the 14th i cant believe its finally happenin, I would love to chat and get some ideas from you... how is your weight lost been???

  9. also just crusin wanted to say hello and welcome to LBT!!! how far r u with your journey and hope things r goin good.....

  10. I am also floored by your success!!!!! First an for most gril you look effin great... I will be getting banded hopefully in november and i would love to talk to you about how you did.. Once again you look great your my hero...lol

  11. thank you i was nervous to put them up, but i wanted everyone to see who they were talking to

  12. Just wanted to say hello and welcome and if you wanted to talk just holla!!!!!

  13. Hello My Name Is Dawn And I Was Looking At The Albums And Saw Your Picture. I See Your New And Just Wanted To Say Hello. How Far Are You With Your Journey? Hope To Be Talking To You Soon Dawn....

  14. i am sooo sorry i dont get back to you i DONT know how to use the site yet.. i am happy that your feeling a little better. i have so many questions i dont even know where to start. i go for my 3rd visit with the doctor and on the same day i have the gastroscopy. i am a sista like you i have 2 kids and a husband. the only thing is my husband does not know that i been going to the doctor and im thinkin about getting banned. i know thats bad but my mother does know and shes been there for me its just that he feels that im ok an he doesnt want me to have all that skin and than be sad about that.... i know that he is a good support team but i dont want to tell him yet... am i wrong for that.....dawn

  15. hi i am new to the site and i just wanted to talk to some people. my name is dawn i am from the bronx. i have just started my journey. hope to here from you...

  16. hi i just wanted to say that you look great from these pic.... i am a female from the bronx and i have just start my journey. i hope i can talk to you and you can give me some insight because this is something that i want i just need some support from other banners...

  17. Hello my name is Dawn i am from the Bronx and i have just started my journey to getting lap band. i was just going through the site and the pictures and i cant wait to meet new people. i hope to here from you so we could talk..

  18. Hello my name is dawn.. i am from the bronx i am also new to this site... i just wanted to meet some friends that were having the same thoughts i was having meaning weight lost.. i have just started my journey and wanted some support...

  19. today is your day i hope everything goes well with you. i have just start my journey and i really hope its not a long one. i am from the bronx and i would love to talk to you in the future..

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