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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bamagal

  • Rank
    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 05/17/1962

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  1. :rolleyes:Hi Bamagal! I saw that you were banded by Dr. Liza Maria Pompa in Mexico, so was I! How was your experience? I was banded on June 2 of this year and tried to go for my first fill last Saturday but she couldn't find my port:thumbdown:. She poked me several times and now I am hoping my port is not tilted. I am going to another fill nurse tomorrow with some more experience and she is going to see if she can find it. I can find it no problem when I am standing up and I don't think she was poking in the right place. I am also scheduled for an X-Ray tomorrow if this other nurse thinks that my port is tilted. So wish me luck, lol! Other than that I have had restriction with my band and have lost 24 1/2 lbs so far. Everything has been peachy up until this fill thing! P.S. I have added you as a contact on here if that is okay! I just thought it was neat we have the same doctor:biggrin:

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