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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Keleka

  1. Hi Everyone!!!!! I'm on day 13 of pre-op and not doing too bad with it!!!! I only have 3 more days to go unitl BandDay!!! :lovechoc: I'm getting really excited now!!! Good luck all!!! Teresa
  2. Hi All!!! I am on day 12 of my pre-op and it's not been too bad! I sort of did a modified diet about 3 weeks ago. But for the past 12 days I've had opti fast shake for breakfast, opti fast tomato soup for lunch and a healthy choice tv dinner for dinner! My Dr. doesn't require a strict diet per se but would like you to try and lose. As of today I am down 18 pounds!!! My surgery is Monday! And I am everready!!!! To quote GG2007 - On Monday I will go from a "Bandster" to a "BAND STAR"!!!:lovechoc: Good luck to all!!! Teresa
  3. Hey GG!!


    Glad you are doing so well!!!! I'm really happy for your video blogs! It really helps me know what to expect! My surgery is Monday!

    Take Care!


  4. Hey There!


    Wanted you to know you have been in my prayers today! Can't way to hear from you once you are a BandSTAR!!! (I love that btw... from Bandster to BandSTAR)!



  5. Thanks! Yes! As a matter of fact I have started my pre op diet:w00t:! I started it on Monday! An so far so good! No real complaints yet! I am doing a mix of Optifast high Protein choc shake, and tomato Soup (not too bad with some hot sauce!) Also, unjury chicken soup (like a thicker chicken bouillon) and Lo carb slim vanilla slim fast (my favorite! will continue this prolly for a long time). So I have a shake in the morning, soup at lunch and a health choice tv dinner for dinner! Hope you do well!!! It's going to be here real soon!!!!!:thumbup: Take care! Teresa
  6. Hey Molly, Just click on my ticker and follow the prompts to set yours up! Good Luck!
  7. Today I went to my nutrition meeting! They covered what to eat, when to eat, how to eat etc... They also covered on what to expect with the surgery! I was surprised to find out they really don't have a pre-op diet so to speak, but the Dr. would like you to lose about 10 pounds. I want to make sure everything is ok so I opted to do a cross between unjury and Optifast for Breakfast and lunch and then a healthy choice for dinner! I also went to the hospital today and they did a UA, chest x-ray, ekg, bloodwork, weighed and measured me. They also gave me a bottle of magnesium citrate (for clean out) on Sunday before surgery:scared2:. They also gave me some soap to wash with the night before and then the morning after. The good news I am the first one out in the morning. My surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. I also found out they give me a tummy teddy bear for coughing~:smile2: It's really nice to see so many of us able to be sharing in the wonderful journey ahead! Good luck to all! Teresa
  8. Hi MissBS! Just having your surgery in September means you are already part of the group!! YAY! If you click on this link September 2008 Bandsters - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum It's a forum just for Septemeber bandsters! Good Luck and Welcome!!! Teresa
  9. I go Monday for nutrition education for 3 hours. This will start my 2 week liquid stage prior surgery!:thumbup: Then I have to go to hospital for my PAT workup!!! The week after that I meet with the surgeon! Come on September 8!!! btw.. I bought a journal book.... my DH thought it would be a good idea to log in it everyday! Good Luck All! We are all in this together!!!:sad: Teresa
  10. Hi Lilysmommy! I think if you just copy it and paste into your signature under edit options. This is probably the easiest way! Or you can go to the ticker factory and make one! Whichever you prefer!!! :thumbup:
  11. Keleka

    They changed my date

    Hey Debbie! Hang in there!!! Don't let the crotchety nurse get to you!:cry_smile: You are still further then most people with getting the surgery done!! I think things happen for a reason... let's just hope and pray they don't change again! Even if it gets discouraging... think of something positive and be happy! :drool: It will all work out! btw.. this is still August... lets not worry about October yet!!! Take care and keep the faith!!! Teresa
  12. Thanks DenverGirl for keeping track!!! We are gonna be such LOSERS!! Woo-Hoo:w00t:
  13. Keleka

    The one thing

    Exactly.... I didn't want to be weighed and I was told if you weigh too much you can't go on the helicopter tours! I wanna lose enough that I can even have a window seat!:thumbup:
  14. Keleka

    Date is scheduled!

    Congratulations and Good Luck!!! Try to keep the faith while your husband is away! You'll do fine! This site is a great source for support! Besides... He will have a "new woman" to come back to!!!:biggrin: Take care!! Teresa
  15. Keleka

    I have a date!!!!

    Hey Debbie! I actually like the red and black!! I think I can make it sparkle! Hopefully it will work!!! Teresa
  16. Keleka

    psych evaluation

    My psych eval wasn't much either. I had to fill out a paper for anxiety and one for depression. She also asked me a few questions realitive to place, date and time. She also had three words she asked me to repeat after her and then later in session she had me repeat those three words. I guess to test my memeory! LOL After the session she said she was going to approve me! I was only there for an hour!
  17. Keleka

    The one thing

    I want to go for a helicopter ride over volcanoes in Hawaii!!!:teeth_smile:
  18. Of course my DH knows and has been supportive. I've also told my family and a few friends and the people I work with. (I'm in a small office, nothings sacred lol) Other then that I am being selective rignt now of who I tell.
  19. Keleka

    I have a date!!!!

    Good Luck! My date is also Sept 8!!!!
  20. I'm planning on a full week as well.
  21. September 8 here!!!! Woo-Hoo~~~ Teresa
  22. Hi All! Love the name! I'm getting bannded Sept 8!!! Good Luck to all!!!! Teresa
  23. I'm having mine done in Winchester, VA. Dr. Troy Glembot! Hey Kiz.. thanks for the link!!! Teresa
  24. Hey Jenn!

    How's things going! Just wanted to drop a quick line and let you know I got approved! My surgeons office called today! My date is Sept 8!

    Hope to talk to you soon!


  25. Keleka


    I'm in the Eastern Panhandle! Martinsburg. I have a friend that lives in Conway! Good luck with your surgery! You can go to the https://www.hnfs.net/common/home/ to check claim status and approval status, etc... I only had to pay for the psych consult, but that was because she was out of network and I didn't mind. It just seemed easier because she saw me in my surgeons office. Hopefully I will be getting a date soon!

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