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Posts posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. Im in Texas too, so not only are we having surgery close together, but we are both Texans. Im up a little north of Dallas in Richardson TX.

    There are quite a few people from Texas on the boards. Not too many from around my area, so I just group myself with the DFW people since my surgery is in Plano.

    I really have enjoyed this website. Everyone is so supportive even if the views aren't always the same. We still all share something in common.

  2. I have not told my husband, and I don't plan on telling him. He just retired from the military and has PTSD and just wouldn't be supportive (he came back from the war a totally different person...long story).

    I just feel like this is something that I need to do for myself. I have taken care of the kids by myself since the war started, and I am a CCU nurse so I am constantly caring for others. This is going to be for me and only my closest friends, mother and my oldest daughter will know about it.

    I am sorry your husband is going through his own ordeal. I appreciate the sacrifices of soldiers and their families, even if I don't always agree with what the government does with our troops.

    Anyway, sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to be happy. I am sorry you can't share this experience with your husband, but sounds like you have other family for support and you have all the people here as well.

    I know what you mean about caring for others; I am a Pediatric nurse. I am constantly taking care of others as well. Not only the kids, but their entire family. Time to put my own life in check. How can I effectively convice others to live a healthy lifestyle if I don't?

    Good luck to you!!!!

  3. I have told my wide that I am going to have this surgery. She thinks that I am crazy and should just go to counselling and "face my demons" to user her terms. She doesn't see why I can't just eat in moderation. I've told her I've been trying to eat in moderation for over 30 years. I Just can't. So, she does not agree with it, but I know she will fix my dinners the exact way I need to have them going forward. I have to do this for me. I am tired of the many drawbacks of being fat and I'm going to change it.

    Good for you!!!!! My fiance is very slender and doesn't understand the need for surgery either. People that don't have the issues we have don't truly understand the emotional and physical pain we go through.

    I have tried and tried and cried and cried in my attempts to explain it all to the man I love, but I think if you don't know what I am going through, then don't be so quick to criticize and judge my efforts to lose weight, no matter what method I use.

    You see all the infomercials for many weight loss products, but you don't see many follow-ups with those people several years down the road. Did they stay slim and fit or did they gain it back and then some? Plus the other thing, when you see some of those infomercials for those popular pre-packaged meal plans, it makes me so sick to see those people that say, " I went from a size 10 to a size 2". Please!!! For a guy that would be like saying "I went from a big size 34 to a 28 waist pant."

    This place is not a substitution for the support you need from your loved ones, but we definitely get each through the tough times. I probably would have already given up if it weren't for the support I have gained here on LBT. Good luck to you!!!!!!

  4. He thinks that it is "rediculous" and that I wasn't overweight enough to go through surgery. We argued (and I cried) about it for a couple of weeks. I finally told him that I am going to have it done whether he liked it or not and that I needed him to support me.

    I think that my husband is more against me spending that kind of money (I'm self pay - in Mexico) rather than the surgery itself. He is an only child, he is a little spoiled, and LOVES his "toys"....boat, motorcycle, etc. So, I really feel that he wants that money for himself......MEN!!

    Anyway, he is still not crazy about the idea, but he has softened up a little.

    I just basically told him that I am unhappy with myself and uncomfortable in my own skin. And that I am doing this for both of us, remember the old saying "Happy wife, Happy life". Oh, and I also threw in there how much better our sex life would be once I'm thinner and feel better about myself....that got his attention.

    Good luck, and keep us posted.


    Surgery date: July 14th, 2008 Dr. Rodriquez

    Good luck to you too Jane.

    I told my fiance, today, that he didn't have to go with me for my pre-op appt Wednesday if he didn't want to. He told me that he still doesn't like the idea of me having the surgery, but he still wanted to be there for support. He thinks of this as my "last ditch effort" to lose weight, which makes me a little upset, bc he likes to think of wls as a quick fix and this type of surgery is not. It does take a great deal of work.

    I guess what is more important is what I think and what I want. I love my fiance, but this is mostly for me. And you're right, guys like the idea of an improved sex life, lol!!!!

  5. Hi,

    I am having surgery this weekend and although I kept saying I wasn't worried or nervous or anxious, I've now realized that I am all of those things. I can't seem to want to talk about anything other than the procedure. My boyfriend doesn't really want to talk about it. He was supposed to go with me at first and after I told him that I didn't mind if he was there or not, he's decided not to go. He's completely shut down on me and doesn't want to discuss the procedure. He just says it'll all be fine. Not to worry and that we'll get through it.

    I am at a loss and I've realized he's actually a little insecure. It's a side of him that I've never seen and I really don't know what to do.

    My family is now freaking me out more, my mom keeps asking me if there are issues with the surgery could we sue. All these questions that I at times don't have answers for. I am a self-pay and after tons of research I am going to Mexico. I just want to stop questioning myself. I keep asking myself am I doing the right thing and almost feel ashamed that I have to go to this extent to lose this weight. I am just freaking out.


    I know exactly how you are feeling. My fiance is acting the same way as your boyfriend, probably worse. He went with me to all my appointments, now he doesn't want to talk about any of it. When I mention things for the future, it is almost like he doesn't expect us to be together. He thinks I am going to feel so good about myself that I am going to want to move on with my life without him.

    He tries his best to make me feel ashamed of wanting to have surgery, though he is not saying it. I know all the things he says with regards to my surgery, are saying those unspoken words that tell me how much he is against this and how he thinks if I work hard, I can accomplish the same goals. He knows I will have the surgery no matter what he says and he wants to be there for me even if he doesn't agree. I hope your boyfriend will change his mind.

    I am having this surgery for me. I have tried just about every diet, every pill, and have too many pieces of exercise equipment sitting around collecting dust. This isn't the quick fix, those who don't understand, try to make it seem, this is just a tool; the one I needed and you do as well. Don't look down on yourself for wanting this. This is about your health; the physical one, as well as your mental health. Be proud of yourself for finally taking a stand and doing what is right for you.

    My fiance will either be here for me or he won't, but the one sure thing is, I will be healthy and around for years to come and so will you.

  6. Hi Peggy D.,

    I am 5'2" and weigh 206. If you are self-pay, you should be able to get it done with a lower BMI. Most of the strict requirements to have surgery are with those relying on insurance.

    I am also self-pay bc my insurance won't cover surgery for out of network physicians with this type of surgery. The surgeons here aren't as experienced with wls. BTW I live in Waco, Tx. I am having my surgery in Plano, which is in the DFW area. The cost is around $12,000.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey. My surgery is June 30th.

  7. Just finished a chocolate Optifast. They are ok. I have quite a few left, so I better like them, LOL!!! I really like the packets from Designer whey. I wish they made more flavor choices bc those are easy to take to work, but they do have more in the canisters.

    I need all the help I can get, that is why I check in frequently with LBT. At least, here I know I can get support from others in the same boat.

    Look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing.

  8. It's great that we'll all be going through the same things together! I tried to add you on myspace, but it requires your e-mail address. You have a cool page on there, by the way!

    Oh, I guess I forgot about that. The address I use for my MYSPACE is same as the profile name; u_go_gurl68@yahoo.com.

    I would be honored to have you as a MYSPACE friend. I have several others from LBT. And thanks for the comment on my page.

    Stephanie--Waco, Tx

  9. Queen Jane & flowers,

    Thanks for your replies. I almost thought I wasn't going to get the funding for this surgery in time, but it only took two days. Yeah!!! for me. I was so afraid this would be another set back, but I think this is a sign it was meant to be.

    My HR retirement financial advisor at work told me to get a loan instead of withdrawing so I don't lose any money and continue to build my retirement. I didn't think I was able to get a loan for the cost of my surgery, but I was. I guess I had more than I thought.

    Now I am really excited and jumping around bc I can do this without the money of my jealous, insecure fiance. He thought he was going to hold me back and keep me from this, but he is not.

    Thanks for being so supportive; I so need that right now and throughout this journey. I can also be there for you if you just need to vent or just feel like talking. I wish both of you nothing but the very best.


    Stephanie---Waco, TX

  10. With regard to no health issues, just add the word "yet" to it. I am 32..starting weight was 262 and I am 5'3". I had a high BMI and no other health conditions. You should sit and think about your eating lifestyle. That is how I made my decision. I took my weight and looked at myself in say 10 years and for each year added about 5 lbs. That seemed to be accurate for me. Another 50 lbs. by the time I would be 42 was not something I wanted to see. I was already wearing a size 22! That was out of control for me and I knew I had to make a change cause soon my health conditions were going to change if I gained more weight. I have been banded for a month now and lost 25 lbs...still waiting for my first fill. It has been the best thing in my whole life and now when I look down the road 10 years from now, I am happy, healthy, and know I will see 10 more after that! Best of luck to you! It is a big step--but the best one!

    I agree with you 100%. I will be 40 next month and losing weight has been a very big challenge. Ten years ago, it would have not been so hard, but the older I become, the harder it is getting. That is the main reason I am having my surgery. My mother is 20 yrs older than me and she has so many health issues. I totally saw myself following in her footsteps if I didn't do anything and I knew that is not where I wanted to be in 10 yrs, 20yrs. or even 30 yrs. I am fighting this all the way. I currently weigh 206.6 and every year that has gone by has added a few pounds here and there. It seems as though my set point kept getting higher and higher.

    A few years ago, when I would try to lose, I couldn't get under 180 for anything, now it seems like I can't get under 199 for anything. I had to take control of my life and I feel getting banded is the right choice for me.

    Good luck to all.

  11. AmosRacki,

    I know exactly how you feel when you talk about being tired of being overweight and the issue with your boyfriend. My fiance and I have been battling this out too. He says he is happy with me no matter what size I am, so if that is true, then he will be happy with me when I am smaller as well.

    He is insecure about me having this surgery because he thinks I will want to find another man when I am feeling better about myself. He is very slender and can eat whatever he wants, so he doesn't truly understand how I am feeling and the pain I am experiencing being overweight.

    I made up my mind that I have to do this for ME, no matter what. I am not saying that I don't care how he feels, but he will come around when this is over. He has voiced his concerns and I have accepted his feelings and he has accepted mine. He has apologized for not being as supportive as he knows he should. He has also told me if I don't get this done because of his feelings towards the whole thing, then I will blame him all my life for continuing to feel the way I do about myself and for any health issues that arise from me being overweight. And he is correct.

    I think you should do your research and attempt to include your boyfriend as much as you can. Perhaps he just needs to be educated, or perhaps he just needs reassurance. Either way, in the end, do what feels right for you. Don't let anyone stop you from living YOUR life. Especially if their fears and insecurities are more important to them than your health. Thats all I have to say about that.

    Good luck to you.

  12. kizzie and all the others,

    I hope everything went well for all of you. I wish you a speedy recovery and happiness with your decision to be banded.

    I will be banded on the 30th and I am starting to feel all those things you described in your post kizzie. My stomach is in knots, but at the same time I am so excited.

    I believe my anxiety is due to the fact my fiance doesn't want me to have this surgery. He wants me to be healthy and happy with myself, but at the same time, his insecurities are getting the best of him. He has this fear, along with making healthy changes in my life, I will want to change partners as well. I keep trying to reassure him this is not going to happen, but he is having trouble believing me.

    I have all of you wonderful people here on LBT for support, but I wish he had someone to support him as well. I know it is going to take more than me telling him things will change for the better to put his mind at ease, but I don't know what. We have gone through so many things together these past 6 yrs which left us wondering at times if we belonged together. But through it all, we have made it through and are stronger for the experiences; good and bad.

    I can't wait for my day to come. I think when it finally gets here I will feel much better. Right now, too many thoughts are going through my mind. I think I am worrying too much about the "what if's". I have told my kids ( 15,17, & 22)about my upcoming surgery and they are kind of like, "whatever you want". My mom knows and I think she is nervous too. I haven't told my dad because I don't think he would understand. My close friends at work know and I think they are divided, but for the most part happy for me.

    Sorry for rambling on. I can't wait to hear about your experience.

  13. First time poster----

    Tomorrow is my day! June 19th~ 5:30 am and surgery around 10:00am. Will stay the night and get home June 20th~ Everyone is getting into position--cleaning house, gassing up cars, doing laundry, paying bills, grocery shopping--just preparing.

    Wish me luck~~ I still cannot believe I have not needed meds to manage the nervousness....

    Good luck to you. I will keep you in my prayers. As well as any others getting banded today. Today is the beginning of the rest of your life.

  14. According to my surgeon.. the band is on the OUTSIDE of your stomach and there is absolutely nothing on the iINSIDE of the stomach--no stitches or anything. So, whatever you eat or drink--the content does not affect the pouch. I want to know, too...anyone here that can say their band slipped from drinking carbonated drinks? I really don't think so!


    You are right about the band being on the outside, but have you ever drank a carbonated beverage and have your stomach bloat causing intense pain from the gas build up? I know I have had that happen to me and it was very painful. Maybe I took a drink too fast; I don't know, but anyway I know how much pain I was in. I could only imagine how that would feel if my stomach was smaller. It would be like forcing more air into a balloon that is already full.

    You do have stitches on the outside of your stomach to secure the band to, hopefully, prevent slipping. So if you do things like drink carbonated beverages, eat lots of gas forming foods, eat too much, etc, you will end up causing problems, which unfortunately can be slipping of the band.

    I haven't been banded yet so I don't speak from personal experience; just my opinion.

    Good luck to all of us trying to kick those habits that can hinder our healing and progression towards our goals.

  15. Ditto as to what most of you have said about not drinking sodas. Besides causing discomfort, and band stretching, they are just not good for you anyway. I am going to miss my sodas too, but only for a little while. I have been going through caffeine withdrawals and I just like the taste of carbonated drinks. I don't think I would like them flat.

    Anyway, I read years ago in a fitness magazine that carbonated beverages slow your metabolism. Not only that but diet drinks have alot of sodium which is not good for weight loss either. Sodium causes Fluid retention and can make your blood pressure go up. We are trying to get a way from all those types of problems by having the band surgery in the first place.

    Good luck at kicking the habit.

  16. well iam going to have my on june 30 now . it was going to be on july 28 but they move it up so i can get it with my best friend.

    Welcome to the group. We are having our surgeries on the same day.

    That is so awesome that you and your best friend will be able to share this experience together.

    Good luck to both of you.

  17. I am sitting here at work reading the WARNING message and nearly fell out of my chair. I am sorry this happened, but not uncommon. I am sure you aren't the only one this has happened to, but you were probably the only one that had the courage to put your experience out there for all of us. Thanks so much for the warning.

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