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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. Hi all. I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I, too, am experiencing some pain and discomfort in my left abdomen.Mine is more underneath my port incision. There is a firmness under each incision, but more so under the port, I guess due to it being larger. When I sit for long periods of time, it kind of feels like being pregnant with the baby constantly kicking my left rib. Plus the occassional pulling and stabbing feeling is really starting to get on my nerves.

    The surgeon called it "healing pockets" and said it was normal and the firm areas should go down or away all together. He didn't think I had any signs of infection, which is my biggest worry.

    I hope this pain goes away soon. I am also using a small pillow across my abdomen when I am driving to keep the seatbelt from rubbing. I guess I never realized how much I bumped and rubbed the area until now.

    Good luck to everyone.



  2. Hi there. Welcome to LBT and I hope you are getting some great/helpful information.

    I researched the lapband for about three years before deciding it was right for me. I just got so tired of failed attempts with diet and exercise programs that I had to finally commit to making a lifestyle change completely and not "just trying" something else. There are still many things I need to work on, but having the band as a tool, is helping me day by day.

    I was banded not too long ago (June 30th), so this is all still new to me as far as actual experience with the band. Some of the info can be terrifying at times, but all in all, I think the good out weighs the bad and in some cases the bad is preventable by following your guidelines.

    If you gain nothing else, you will at least meet some great people to help you through your decision making process and beyond. We are all at different stages and there are many stories.

    I am not in the food industry so I can't give much advice in this area. I don't really think you would have too many problems because you are only tasting and not just sitting down for a full meal. But during your healing period, it could be rough since you are only allowed liquids and mushy foods depending on your surgeon. How much longer do you have in culinary school? Do you get breaks? Perhaps this is something you could wait and do. Or maybe you can explain the situation to your instructors and see if they can help you in your Quest to lose weight. Not only that, but perhaps as a project you could come up with some tastey meals for all your new bandster friends to try :tongue_smilie: Everyone is always looking for new meal ideas.

    Anyway, Good luck with your weight loss journey.

  3. Is the pain in a specific spot?

    My pain is more right above the pubic area,but deep. Seems like it happens more during the ovulatory period of my cycle as well. I guess it is because I am more tender during that time anyway. Since I had my tubal, I could always tell which side I was ovulating from because the pain is so intense and sex just makes all of it worse.

    When I have gone to the Doc in the past, they come up with all kind of possible explainations and even have treated me for pelvic inflammatory disease, but can't ever find anything wrong. All my paps and ultrasounds come up normal. I have wanted a hysterectomy, but the GYN doesn't think I need it. Primary physician just thinks it is a hormonal problem

    and has suggested bio identical hormone treatment.

    I don't know, but I hope you get it all worked out.



  4. Just started into mushy stage, but you have to get that Protein in. I was at a stand still for almost the entire two week liquid period until I started watching my Protein intake more carefully. When I added more protein shakes, the weight just fell off and I wasn't hungry either.

    Proteins are more useful than carbs. They are your building block. If you don't take in enough, your body will break down your muscle tissue to insure it gets what it needs. The carbs that are not used will convert to fat. Proteins also take more time to breakdown, so you are able to stay full longer. Whereas most carbs just keep you wanting more.

    Perhaps you could do like Erin and mix non-flavored Protein Powder into your Soups. Get you one of those high protein powders and blend with fresh/frozen fruit to make a thick smoothie. That usually does the trick for me. If you make a smoothie, try mixing with Water instead of milk and or maybe throw in some yogurt or cottage cheese in for extra protein and added creaminess.

    Hopefully these next few days will pass quickly and then you can eat something else. I was ready to breakdown in tears if I had to eat more cream Soup, so I know how you feel. Try to make your meals more enjoyable if you can. Set out a nice place setting. Make the atmosphere as peaceful and nice as you can. Listen to relaxing, soft music. Perhaps even add a candle on the table for dinner. Try not to see it as the same old boring meal. Prepare you body and your mind for the nicer things to come. When it comes down to it, we just need to break away from those old bad habits. I struggle with them everyday, but I know in the end it is going to be worth it. Plus like you, the thought of spending all that cash on another failed weight loss plan is a great deal of motivation for me. That and the fact my fiance didn't want me to have the surgery and thought it was a waste of my money.

    Good luck to you.



  5. I was banded on June 30th and only feel sore in the area where my port it. That area is more tender, not do to infection, but because I seem to bump it more often or the seat belt strap just rubs against it more often. Under my port incision there a slight firmness about the size of a 50 cent piece. The surgeon said this is normal due to healing and should go away. When I sit for awhile or walk a bunch, it makes me like I am pregnant with a baby kicking me in the rib.

  6. What kind of job do you have? Are you on your feet most of the day or are you sitting? Walking is said to be cumulative, so maybe get a pedometer and keep up with all your steps. You may find that you are walking more than you think, just not all at once. Perhaps park further out when going to work or shopping. Or maybe one of those little portable steppers that you can use while cooking, washing dishes, folding clothes, etc....

    I need to start walking too. I did the first few days after surgery to help get rid of that gassy bloating feeling but I do need to make a habit of it. I work nights and my kids are much older, so I have no real reason not to do so other than just being lazy.

    I will start working day shift hours starting in mid-August and I am also thinking of getting a part-time job so that I don't have much time to sit around getting bored and resorting to eating. That is what has gotten me in trouble in the first place.

    Good luck in figuring it out. And congrats on the weight loss you have had so far. You're doing great.

  7. Pat,

    I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings. Please don't ever hide or feel ashamed! Remember, I have been there/done that. If I fuss at you are anyone, it is only that I want you to be successful! I know it is a hike to get to aftercare, how about the other locations?

    There is a lunch in Plano on a Saturday,

    A diiner in Dallas,

    A dinner in Arlington

    Any of those work for you?

    Please again, accept my apology. only want the best for you!



    When are Saturday groups held? I live in Waco and currently work night shifts so weekday meetings are out for me. Saturdays would be great because then I could make a day of it being that I would have to drive about 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get there.



  8. Choopie,

    We will all be waiting to see how things turn out for you. You are going to love the banded life. I am still fairly new to it myself, since I was banded on June 30th, but I am so proud of myself for finally taking control of MY life.

    I know this is going to be a continued journey towards being healthy, but having the band is just the tool I needed. There are many emotions and fears that come before hand and they are all normal, but after all is said and done, you will see you had nothing to fear.

    Be proud of yourself. Many people sit on the couch and complain about being fat, (I know because I was one of them, ) and even though there are many people working hard to do something about their obesity, there are many more who never do anything but wish they could be thin and healthy. You saw where your life was headed and you are doing something about it.

    My prayers are with you.




  9. im on 3 week liquids 1st week clear last 2 full fluids. im also worried, i can eat to much. i mean i can eat the whole can of Soup 10 3/4 oz which is like two cups of Soup. i dont know if that is to much or not, i cheated yesterday and ate a soft necterine, peeled it first then kinda sucked it and mashed it. i feel full after the soup is gone but i wonder if im just eating to much of it and maybe should only eat half the can?? i usually eat a yogurt in the morning, can of soup for lunch, can of soup for dinner and try to get in 1 Protein shake and of course i hit the Water hard!!

    Sounds like you may need to have more of those Protein shakes. I was doing pretty much the same thing you were and not seeing much result and not feeling too full either. I also was able to eat a can of soup, which didn't leave me feeling full for too long. I kept going over my diet guidelines and found that I wasn't getting enough Protein in. Proteins take longer to breakdown, thus the need for a high protein diet. Now I am up to 3-4 shakes and half a can of soup and feel totally satisfied. Since you are doing awesome with your Water intake, try adding some protein there too, for days when you just can't get as many shakes in.

    When I starting adding more protein, the weight loss started up again. For 5 days I was stuck in the same place , but now it is coming off at a slow steady pace.

    Good luck!!!!:biggrin2:



  10. Jackie H,

    I think it all depends on the patient. Some surgeons want you to do the liquid diet to shrink your liver to decrease the risk of injury during surgery. Your stomach sits below your liver and if it is enlarged it increases the risk for injury to surrounding tissues and makes placement of the band harder.

    If on the day of your surgery, after your surgeon gets in, your liver is enlarged, most will reschedule and not perform the surgery.

    This is what I have heard anyway. I didn't do a full two week liquid diet either because my surgery kept getting rescheduled due to scheduling conflicts so I only did it two days before and all went fine.

  11. I haven't gotten to the point where I feel really hungry yet. I guess that is a blessing for me, because I have always been a binge eater and without the band I would make myself sick eating everything and anything until I felt full when my emotions were running high.

    To be honest with you, I don't really crave anything just yet either. I ordered my kids pizza last night and the smell was heavenly, but I really didn't even have the urge to look at it. I thought I would have a big problem with not having my carbonated soft drinks either, but to my surprise, it has been rather easy. I am so loving my band.

    I know eventually things will change and I will need a fill more than likely, but I am enjoying not wanting anything for now. Not only is this the time to heal from surgery but to change my way of thinking about food before I am let loose to eat solids again.

    Good luck everyone.


  12. Choopie,

    You are doing ok sweetie and will be fine. If eating Ramen noodles is the worst thing you did; I say you're doing pretty good as compared to some of the posts of others I have read in similar threads. I am not saying just cheat and blow it all to heck, but relax and try to do better. Besides shrinking your liver pre-op, the diet also teaches you how to handle your diet after your surgery.

    Everything is a learning process and we all do make mistakes along the way in some form or fashion. I have not come across one person that has followed everything to the T. If we were able to follow Dr.'s orders all the time without a slip up, I doubt any of us would be fat in the first place or have to take medications for obesity related problems. The world would be a happy place and the pharmaceutical companies would go out of business. I know I am being overdramactic, but telling the truth in my opinion anyway, LOL!!

    My surgery kept having to be rescheuled due to things that were going on in my life so I never got a handle on keeping up with the diet anyway. I actually ate up until two days before surgery, then went on a liquid fast. When I woke up the morning for surgery, I had lost 10lbs. Everything went fine and there were no complications at all. Some of the other people I have met on here never had to do a pre-op diet and were only on liquids the night before surgery, then nothing after midnight.

    Good luck to you and I pray all goes well.



  13. Hi all,

    I, too, had all the same fears prior to surgery starting about a week or two before and up until they came to wheel me back to the OR. I had my band on June 30th and I don't regret it one minute. I even started crying before I went back because of all the fears I had built up during those two weeks pre-op.

    When I woke up, I didn't remember a thing. I didn't experience any real pain until the second day, but not until the evening. It was mostly due to gas pain and only lasted a few days. The only discomfort I get is an occassional tugging feeling if I try to sit up too fast due to use of those abdominal muscles or if the seat belt in the car rubs against my incisions. For that, I have been using a small pillow to place under the belt for padding.

    All the things you are feeling are normal, but they will pass. Good luck to all of you.



  14. I had my band placed on June 30th. The first few days I didn't even have Protein shakes. All I could get down was sf popsicles, ice, Water, crystal light, etc....

    I think it is a combination of the gas bloat and the swelling. I still don't get too hungry, but I am able to get Soups and shakes down just fine. I still have to be on full liquids til next Monday, but not feeling like I am missing anything.

    Good luck to you both.



  15. Had my follow-up appointment yesterday and I have lost 13 lbs so far. I was also happy to hear that my surgeon gave me what he called a "low profile" port so that it wouldn't show when I lost weight.

    I am also a Fabulous Forties girl now, as of yesterday. I feel so good right now, not even turning 40 can bring me down. It was also good to be able to Celebrate a birthday that didn't revolve around food for a change.

    I hope everyone is doing great.



  16. thank you for the info. I just read your message and you now have you lap band, congradulations. I hope things are going well for you. I just started a 401k two years ago so I don't have much there yet but I pray I can come up with a way to get a lap band before the year is up.

    Hi Peacheez,

    I had my surgery on June 30th and doing well. Still have a little swelling but not much discomfort at this point. I went for my follow-up appt yesterday and I am down 13 lbs. I am so happy I did this and you will be too.

    I will pray for you and hope that you find the way to get it done. The best investment you could ever make is the one you make in yourself. I wish you all the best and please keep in touch.



  17. Could it be just changes in hormones? When you are overweight everything changes and I am sure weight loss effects chemical reactions in the body as well.

    If it is a penetration thing, perhaps that is also due to losing excess fat in certain areas. Now that there is not as much cushion, the positions you are using may be allowing your man in further causing the discomfort you didn't feel previously.

    As far as the swallowing issue, I don't know what to say, only that I heard it was made up of mostly Proteins anyway. So you are at least safe there :biggrin:

    Good luck on getting this problem solved. I agree with the others; see your GYN soon.



  18. Thanks for all the info VickiJ.

    Tomorrow is my 40th bday and I figured I might as well, put of the real celebration for next year. I will still go out and do something that doesn't involve food. My mom is kind of upset with me because she wanted to get the family to go out to eat and I can't have anything, but full liquids still. Oh well, there's more to life than just food.

    I will keep in touch.



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