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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. Did it really give you your life back? I've been trying SO HARD for over four years to lose the weight, and I can only succeed a few weeks (at most) before my hunger overpowers me, and now I feel hopeless. Did any of you feel hopeless, and did the lap band really make a difference? Thanks.

    I was banded on June 30th and even though it hasn't been all that long, I do feel more powerful than before. Now I can stop eating just about anything in a lot less bites than before. Since I am not hungry all the time, I can actually focus on other areas of my life, instead of the food.

    I was a big emotional eater as well, so being hungry wasn't always an issue to cause me to eat. But since my surgery, I couldn't eat very much even if I wanted to. If I even dare take one more bite than I should, my stomach hurts so much from the bloating, that I don't even dare try that again.

    Having the band has helped me so much. It was my 40th bday gift to myself. I proclaimed this my year to take back control of my life and this is what being banded has helped me to do.

    No more yo-yo dieting, no more failed attempts to lose weight, no more excuses, and no more insanity. I was my own worst enemy I think. If I didn't see quick results, I would quit and go on to something else. And when I did lose significant amounts of weight, I'd end up putting it back on and then some.

    I am so happy, I wish I would have done this sooner, but I guess mentally, I just wasn't ready.

    I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey.


  2. With the cost of healthcare, food, gas, and everything else rising, think of all the money you will save in all those areas. With the band you won't be able to eat much, so you will be saving there. You won't be going to the store much for groceries, because your food will last longer since you are eating less. Your health will improve so your healthcare costs may go down and you will save money there. You will spend more of your time actually enjoying life and being healthy and in turn you will actually be saving more than money, you will be saving your life.

  3. ivytone,

    Best wishes on finding money for you surgery. I was also self-pay and thought it would never happen for me. My ex-husband pretty much ruined my credit, so I couldn't get approved for financing or would get very high payments. My fiance said he would pay for it, yet the closer to surgery I got, the more he was against me having the surgery and kept giving me the run around about financing it for me. A friend of mine suggested I borrow from my 401k and that worked out just in time for my surgery. I put in the request on a Tuesday afternoon and had my money in the bank by that Thursday, which was a few days before my surgery the following Monday. I just wasn't going to give up. When it all fell into place, I knew it was meant to be.

    I wish you all the best.


  4. If you do add some weights to cause that needed weight gain and are able to get approved for surgery, just think how successful you will appear to the doc when they weigh you the day of surgery. He/She will think you did super with your pre-op diet.

    I pray your appointment goes well and you get approved by your insurance company. I was self-pay and borrowed the money from my 401k. I didn't even tell my primary physician about the surgery yet because she is one of those people that believes in alternative medicine and I know she wouldn't approve. Plus my insurance company would only pay for Docs doing surgery locally through the hospital where I work and since they are fairly new to this type of surgery, I didn't want to take a chance and chose someone out of network.

    Best wishes,


  5. The gas pain is very painful. I had it for almost 3 weeks and still do, if I eat something that doesn't agree with my stomach. I went through a whole box of Gas-X strips during those first couple of weeks. Make sure to walk, walk, and walk. Also using some occassional heat to that area helped me. I used a heating pad, but make sure to keep on a lower heat setting. I like high heat, but ended up with a slight burn around those delicate scar areas because of it.

    Unfortunately that gas pain just takes time to get rid of. I wish you all the best.



  6. Hello Everyone!

    I attended an informational session back in March, but then found out that my company had an exclusion for bariatric surgery. However, my husband's insurance does not, so I've been waiting until open enrollment in November so that I can join his insurance and be covered.

    As that time approaches, I'm starting to do more research and read other people's stories, which is what led me here!

    I'm 30, no kids, live in Atlanta and I work for a national non-profit health organization. Needless to say, at just over 300 lbs, I'm the biggest one here and I feel terribly out of place with all my super health conscious co-workers.

    Over the past three years, my husband has lost 210 pounds without having any surgery. I tried to do it his way, but I just haven't been able to stick with it. I've lost and gained back the same 30 pounds probably 10 times.

    I love fashion and design, so my goal is to be able to shop at trendy stores, not at plus-size stores and to be more comfortable, both physically and socially.

    I know exactly how you feel. I am a Registered Nurse on a Pediatric unit and most of the nurses are very cute and tiny. So I know all too well about feeling out of place. Also I can't wait to be able to go shopping and know that I will be able to find something cute that fits. It is so frustrating to me when I want to go out and find something nice to wear, and I spend all day shopping only to end up settling for something I didn't want because it was the only thing that really fit.

    I wish you all the best in getting approved for you surgery. In the meantime, please stick around. Keep us updated on your journey. We are all here waiting to cheer you on.



  7. I am 25 year old male and weigh 246 pounds, 5'11 tall. My BMI is only 34.5. I don't know what to do. My insurance doesn't cover ANY weight loss procedures. I am getting fatter and fatter and am sure by this time next year I will be 260 pounds, however, I don't want to get that fat.

    I have thought about the Lapband for a long time and believe it would give me the freedom from food that I have needed for so long. At only 25, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. What do I do?

    Sounds like you do have some health problems that would normally be considered, but since you don't have any coverage for WLS and your BMI is low, you may want to consider self-pay. Is that an option for you?

    I had to borrow against my 401k to pay for my surgery.

    Like the other person said, you will have to follow a strict diet and exercise plan to be successful, but it is much easier with the band. I am not going to say you don't need the band, because I know all too well how frustrating it is to be considered "not so big" and getting bigger all the time, until one day you wake up unhealthy and fatter than you've ever been and wondering how you got there.

    I hope you find the way to finance your surgery if you decide to have it done. Just make sure you are READY. Lap-band surgery, unlike everything else, is not something you just try. You have to be committed for it to work.

    Best Wishes,


  8. I have been considering the lap band for a long time, and attended my first seminar back in January. I went to my PCP, got a referral, got my psychological evaluation, met with the surgeon, and then just... stopped. I think that it was a combination of getting a bunch of confusing insurance statements that made me think I was thousands of dollars in the hole, and a consultation with a bariatrician who seemed to think I would fail no matter what. I decided that I wasn't in the right head space for a lap band.

    And yet, several months later-- I have realized that without consciously trying, I've given up carbonated beverages, cut WAY back on alcohol (from 2-3 drinks per night to maybe 1-2 per week), slowed my eating pace, and started eating at home almost all of the time. I've also decided that my health is worth spending money on-- I'm a big saver, and it is very frightening for me to spend money, because I am afraid I will lose control or go bankrupt. However, my husband pointed out to me that my mother does the same thing-- never spends money on herself and is still miserable, and I realized that maybe being happy and healthy is more important than having a big fancy house or high bank balance. And so suddenly, the lap band seems doable again.

    Part of me feels like I just needed to take a step back and take some time to decide to move forward, but part of me is still saying that it's selfish, that I'm just lazy and gluttonous and I shouldn't need surgery to lose weight... but those voices are getting quieter.

    I guess, after all this rambling, what I really want to know is if anyone else experienced these roller coasters of emotion while going through the process. And if so, how did it work out for you? Any advice or guidance or sharing is very welcome. :thumbup:

    I also researched WLS for several years before taking the plunge. I realized no matter what diet or exercise program I tried, I couldn't do it alone. I was so fed up with yo-yo dieting and had to take a really hard look at myself and my reason for failure. Everything was about my inability to control my food intake. I ate because of boredom, depression, for nourishment, for celebration, for getting angry, for just about everything. I felt like I was eating all the time. Most of the time, it wasn't due to actually being hungry. I hated myself because food had more control over me, then I had over anything and everything in my life.

    All of the ups and downs were affecting all aspects of my life. I was so tired from all the sugar ups and downs. I felt lazy. I was emotional. I was just a downright MESS. Several months ago, I decided it was time to take control of my life and this DEMON that was causing so much trouble. I had my surgery on June 30th and I turned 40 on July 9th. I feel so much better about myself and my future. I am very hopeful and happy about the life I have ahead of me.

    I borrowed from my 401k to fund my surgery and I have to say, it is the best investment I could have made because it was one I made in myself.

    I wish you all the best on your Quest for good health and happiness.



  9. My doc suggested adding Crystal light or sugar free Koolaid to Water if I don't like drinking plain Water.

    I guess if you are drinking lots of it, it could be causing you to retain Fluid. Crystal light is low in sodium, but depending on how much you are consuming, it could cause you to appear you are not losing as fast.

    If you are exercising a lot too, it could be that your weight loss is slow because you are building a little muscle as well.

    Just a thought.

    Best wishes,


  10. As long as I get my Proteins in, my cravings stay down. I am so full, I can't even think of adding a bite of anything in my mouth.

    I made a chocolate cake yesterday for my family and my fiance offered me half of a bite. I took a taste with my tongue, and maybe it was all in my mind, but I just couldn't do it. It is not bad to indulge a little every now and then, as long as it doesn't turn in to a habit.

    And as with any diet, you have to include a regular exercise program. It is tough to lose weight and the band is only a tool to help cut your intake.

    Don't let another persons experience keep you from getting the band or help you decide to get it. You have to decide that you are truly ready. It took me three years to make my decision. I just had enough of yo-yo dieting and was finally ready to make a committment to become a healthier me. The success of this kind of weight loss is just as much mental as it is physical. You have to be ready for it.

    Best wishes,


  11. I have a similiar firmness near my port area and my surgeon said it was a normal part of healing. The band and port are stitched into the muscle tissue and take longer to heal, which can at times cause that sensation of a sharp, pulling, or tugging. He gave me what he referred to as a "low profile" port, which is stitched down deeper into the muscle so it doesn't show through the skin when I lose weight. He said that is what was more than likely causing the pull. He said it would go away in time, but to be careful with my diet and not to do activity that was too strenuous during the healing process.

    I hope your Doc gives you some good news and tells you, you have nothing to worry about.

    best wishes,


  12. I kept seeing an infomercial for Zumba DVD's and decided to order them. They look like a lot of fun. Kind of mixes salsa dancing steps to make it more fun. When I get them, I will let you know how they are.

    I used to work out with The Firm DVD's til I injured my knee. I think they are great videos. They mix strength training and aerobics. I just couldn't do them anymore because they have some exercises that were bad on my knees.

    I really need to start working out regularly myself. I was on my AirClimber yesterday for about 15 minutes and my thighs are killing me today. First time I exercised, besides walking, since surgery.

    Best wishes,


  13. Are you getting those Protein shakes in? Sometimes that will help keep that hunger away, or at least to a minimum. If you aren't, try drinking more of them and see if that helps.

    As far as the coughing, that is what the breathing exercise are designed to do. They make you cough, so that you can keep your lungs clear and not develop pneumonia or a collapsed lung due to decreased activity. Walk as much as you can without overdoing it. This will help with the gas and with your breathing. It will pass, but I know while your experiencing it, it doesn't seem to pass soon enough.

    Be sure to report to your doc if you have increased trouble breathing and/or develop fever. The cause of the fever is not always through incisional infection, sometimes it could be respiratory related.

    Best wishes,


  14. You know, the media doesn't want the band to be successful. They wouldn't have anything to write about. There wouldn't be anymore "great diets" out there. People would stop spending insane amounts of money for supplements and meal replacements. Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and the rest of them would go broke! Everyone would find out that all of those so called "diets" are a scam. Millions of dollars would be lost! (How's that for a conspiracy? LOL!)

    As sad as it is, I truly believe that in most cases. Instead of finding ways to help people be successful, the world is really trying to keep us fat. As long as we are struggling to lose weight and as long as there are Docs putting us on medication, after medication, after medication; all which are causing other problems, everyone is making money.

    You hear all these stories on the news about Obesity and healthcare costs rising. Yet for most, weight loss programs are not an option. Why? because they make it so hard to get help for Obese patients. Insurance companies don't pay for weightloss programs and for most, they don't help with weight loss prevention either. They only help once you started having problems related to being overweight, because then everyone's making money.

    I find myself not really knowing what to do sometimes. I am a nurse and supposed to push compliance with certain treatments, but it is so hard when you see your patients develop other problems due to their so called "healing" treatment plans. And the bad thing is, I am a pediatric nurse, so I see it at the beginning of a child's life, which will carry on to adulthood. The other things is, if you are poor and don't have insurance, they don't even try hard to help the parents understand the importance of a good diet for their children so they don't grow up with problems. I guess it is called job security.

    Again, I've rambled on too long. Sorry.

    Best wishes,


  15. I haven't read the article, but I can see how that would be upsetting and offensive.

    I think you hear all this negative crap about WLS because all the medias that you'll hear all of it from get paid by advertisers. Pharmaceutical companies, Docs pushing their own plans designed to keep us sick and fail, fitness related items, so on and so on. Every year, especially at New Years, all those companies make large amounts of money on us fat people who are looking to reach our goals, "this time". If they keep pushing the "natural way/ harder way", they all win and we lose. Millions of dollars are spent all the time on weight loss products, fitness equipment, fitness attire, magazines, etc. They are designed to give us the idea that we can achieve something through buying their products, but we all know that isn't the case.

    Having the lap band surgery is the best gift I gave to myself. No more fad diets. No more false hopes. No more negativity about weight loss. This is our chosen way and it works. Plus it is hard and it is natural, just with a little help of the band :wub:

    I guess I vented my own anger long enough. Best wishes to you on your journey.



  16. Hey everyone,

    I have been researching lap banding like crazy and I am excited and scared! I know this is a life style change, and I am MORE than willing to do that, I just have this fear that I am only going to be able to eat rabbit bites of everything, and not enjoy eating with my family. I don't want or expect to eat like I do now, but I do want to enjoy some of my favorite food every once in a while.

    Can anyone tell me what its like to eat after the surgery, like when you hit your goal weight? I plan on being very strict to get to my goal weight, but I hope that one day I can enjoy certain foods .

    I guess I just don't know what to expect, and am scared of the unknown. Please help educate me!


    I am fairly new to all this myself, as I was recently banded on June 30th. So I am not sure I have much advice to give you as of yet. But I would like to say that having the band is not about deprivation, just making better choices. I have enjoyed my band so far.

    Since I started in the mushy stage this week, I am at least able to have more than just liquids, which is nice, but I am enjoying eating with my family now. I am able to focus more on conversation and trying to come up with some creative meals for myself. I think now, I am enjoying everything much more, because now the focus isn't about food.

    Best wishes to you,


  17. Hi Daniel,

    Welcome to LBT. I enjoyed reading your post. I hope you find many friends here. We all could use some support and encouragement. You seem to be doing very well. Congrats on your weight loss.

    I have bad knees too. No surgery, but getting this weight off will sure help. When I injured my knees, I was unable to keep up with my exercise routine and the weight just piled on. Even something as simple as walking hurt, so I didn't do it more than I had to outside of work. I am a nurse and on my feet alot, so that was enough for me.

    Soon people will be staring at you because you look and feel good about yourself. Be proud you made the decision to take control of your life and really start living.

    Best wishes to you.


  18. Glad you found this site. I have enjoyed it very much.

    I had researched the band for several years and after yo-yo dieting most of those years, I finally got tired of all those failures and decided I needed to take control of my life. I was banded on June 30th and my only regret is not doing it sooner.

    You will go through many emotional and physical changes throughout your journey and we are all here to provide you with support and encouragement.

    Best wishes,


  19. Hello,

    I joined a couple of weeks ago and have enjoyed all of the valuable information on here. Thanks for letting me live in **lurkdom** and read the posts. My surgery date is July 24 - one week from today! I'm excited...and very nervous. Wish me luck! I look forward to getting to know you.

    CONGRATS on your upcoming surgery. I love this place. Everyone is so helpful and supportive for the most part. Please come back often. This site is for everyone in all stages and supporters as well.

    I was banded on the 30th of June and haven't regretted a thing, but not doing this sooner. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.



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