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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by U_go_gurl68

  1. I will also be getting banded June 30th. I am so excited. I have been trying to get done for a month now, but things keep coming up. Was supposed to get May 30th, but car broke down with severe issues on way to pre-op; just got back yesterday.

    I am so ready for this. I am happy to have made it just in time to join the group.

  2. Great question. I haven't been banded yet, but will be struggling with the same issues. The only difference is I work 12 hour night shifts (7p-7a). Hopefully, I will be working day shift by the end of the summer. I know working nights has contributed to my weight gain, as all I have the energy to do is sleep. I eat on the run and or at bad times.

    I can't wait to read the replies you get, as I am also facing this challenge.

    Stephanie---Waco, Tx

  3. Hi all,

    My name is Stephanie and I am from Waco, Tx. I am 39, but will be turning the big "4 0" July 9th. I am a registered nurse on a pediatric unit and if you can't tell by the time of this post, I work nights(7p-7a). I am trying to get off of nights and hope to in the next month because I think working nights contributes to my weight problems and my poor eating habits. I hardly ever have time to sit and enjoy a meal at home with my family. When I am sleeping they are awake and when I am awake they are asleep. Unless I am off, we see each other in passing.

    I have a wonderful fiance that I have been with for 6 yrs now. He is the one actually paying for my surgery. He didn't want me to get it at first, but I think he is finally coming around. He has gone with me to appointments and he is seeing how much this means to me.

    I was supposed to have surgery on May 30th, but too many bad things happened a couple of days before which made me postpone til June. I haven't yet scheduled my date, but will this month for sure. I have already done everything in prep for it, just need to schedule date. I almost cancelled surgery altogether and my fiance is the one that actually encouraged me to continue with my plans.

    Oh by the way, I have 3 children, ages 22, 17, and 15. The middle one is my daughter and best friend. I also have a very cute, hyper 1 1/2 yr old Westhighland Terrier named Daisy. After my surgery, she will help keep me active.

    I look forward to joining all of you successful, supportive winners very soon.

  4. Well my delay wasn't something that was decided by the surgeon, but from myself.

    Since I am a self-pay client, the office I was going through was able to schedule me for surgery quickly after my first appointment with their clinic. My surgery consult was supposed to be on May 28th with a surgery date of May 30th.

    On May 28th while on my way to meet the surgeon, my fiance's car decides to have some major problems. When we got the car to an auto repair shop we were told it was a good thing we weren't on the highway going 70mph otherwise we could have been involved in a very bad accident, if not killed. That was all I needed to hear to know that it just wasn't my time to be banded.

    I am a strong believer in "things happen for a reason", and with all that happened I just couldn't go through with it that week.

    My fiance, who is on the fence about me having the LB, felt very bad for me. He knows how much I want this and he knew how much missing my appointment and having to reschedule hurt me. Even though he doesn't think I need to have the LB he says I shouldn't let him or anything else stand in the way otherwise I will end up regretting it and probably in the end blame him for not getting it.

    I plan on getting banded in the next couple of weeks when it is better for me. To be honest with you, when I had my first visit and was told the following week I could have surgery, I was excited, but felt rushed at the same time. I tried to work my busy schedule around to make it happen and I think by this delay, I received the message that this is too important to just SQUEEZE in. I need to take time, not only to make the right decision, which I have already made, but to allow time for the entire healing process. Later this month would be a better time for me since it will be easier to take off of work and the first two weeks in July I have already planned to take off anyway.

    I guess good things really do come to those who wait. (but not too long, LOL)

  5. Didn't get to have my surgery as planned but will reschedule soon. My fiance and I were on our way for my consult two days before my scheduled surgery and his car decides to fall apart. The mechanic said if we had been on the highway we would have either been in one heck of an accident or been killed.

    After hearing that, I took that as a sign it wasn't mean to happen that week. I have always believed things happen for a reason and it just wasn't my time to have this surgery. But I plan to reschedule in the next few weeks. The timing will be much better.

    I will be 40 July 9th and this surgery is my bday present from my fiance. I can't wait.

  6. Was Supposed To Start Optifast shakes, But Haven't Received Them Yet. They Were Ordered Wednesday From The Doc's Office. I Bought Some Designer whey Products Which Were On The List Of Approved Protein Drinks. I Have Downed So Many Popsicles, Broths, Jello, Water, Other Unsweetened liquids, But Am Still So Hungry.

    Tylenol Is Probably Going To Be My New Friend For Awhile. I Hate Taking Medication, But If Needed I Will.


  7. Hi There,

    I Am A Registered Nurse On A Pediatric Unit (12 Hr Nightshifts, 3x's A Week)and Will Have My Band Placed On The 30th, Which Is A Friday. I Will Go Back To Work The Following Tuesday, But Have Plenty Of Sick Time, If Need Be. We Have Pts Ranging Between 0-17 Yrs Of Age And For The Most Part The Parents Attend To Their Children's Immediate Needs, So I Really Won't Have To Do Much Lifting At All. Maybe To Weigh An Infant Or Assist In Repositioning A Post Op Pt At Most. But For Those Working On Adult Units, Especially The Cna's, I Would Take More Time Off.

    I Worked In Several Nursing Homes Before Coming To The Hospital And My Cnas Worked Their Tailends Off Lifting And Repositioning And Such. I Wouldn't Recommend Going Back To Work Right Away.

    Good Luck To Everyone.

    Stephanie--waco, Tx

  8. Hi All,

    I Am Fairly New To This Website And I Have Been Learning So Much. I Will Be Banded On May 30th. I Kind Of Put Myself On The liquid diet For The Past Day, Just Because My Surgery Is Around The Corner. The Docs Office Ordered Me Some Optifast And Told Me To Start It As Soon As It Arrives, But I Haven't Received It Yet.

    When I Met With The Dietician On The 21st, She Told Me I Would Be Doing The liquid diet For Two Weeks, But When I Met With The Program Coordinator Afterwards, She Was Able To Secure Me An Appt With The Surgeon For The 28th With A Surgery Date For The 30th. She Said Since I Had A Lower Bmi I Didn't Need To Be On The liquid Diet For Two Weeks.

    I Wasn't Sure Whether Or Not To Go Ahead And Start liquids, But I Did Because I Had Anticipated Having My Protein drinks By Now. I Sure Am Hungry Though. I Am Going Through food Withdrawals, Lol!!! Maybe Not, But Definitely Through Caffeine Withdrawals. No Carbonated drinks, That Is The Major Test For Me, But I Know In The Long Run It Will Be Better For Me And The Appearance Of My Skin.

    I Will Be 40 In July And Want To Keep Looking Young As Long As Possible. Most People Think I Am In My Late 20's Or Early Thirties. I Do Everything Possible To Keep Looking Young And Now I Am Getting Banded To Feel Young. I Don't Have Any Energy Due To Excess Weight, So In Order To Be Healthy And More Active, I Need To Get The Weight Off.

    Well I Guess I've Rambled On Enough. I Am Currently At Work. I Am A Registered Nurse In Waco, Tx With A Specialty In Pediatrics. Time For Midnight Rounds. Good Luck To Everyone.

    Stephanie---waco, Tx

  9. Hi all,

    I am fairly new to this website and have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and experiences with the lap-band. I am from Waco, Tx. Not quite 40, but will be 40 in July, so I didn't think I really fit in the 30's group. I am actually looking forward to the 40's because they are the beginning of the REAL me.

    What I mean is, I have lived my life for everyone else but me and now it is my time to be selfish and put myself first. Not everyone is on my side in regards to having the lap-band surgery, but I am thankful to have found this site for the support.

    I will be banded on May 30th in Plano, Tx. I am so excited and can't wait. I went for my first appt this past Tuesday and since I am self-pay, was able to get my surgery right away.

    I started liquids yesterday and I am starving. I feel like what I imagine someone going through withdrawals feeling. I guess I am withdrawing from my former unhealthy life. I am sure it will be well worth it. But for now, I have a killer headache. Any suggestions? Need help fast.

  10. Here at work checking my emails and reading posts. My shift is almost over, thank goodness. I am so tired. Didn't get to sleep much yesterday after getting off work. I have one more night to work, then my weekend starts, yay!!!!!!

    Next week is a very busy week for me. I have several things going on Tuesday and then work. Wednesday I have to meet with surgeon at 11am, then back to Waco for a nap, then work again. I am scheduled Thursday night, but may have to get someone to work for me or call in, bc my surgery is Friday. I don't have a time yet, but are most surgeries scheduled early?

    Everything happening so fast and I am trying to fit this in and around my busy schedule. I don't want to put it off bc I am hoping to feel pretty good for my 40th bday in July. My work schedule has been made out for weeks so it is difficult to change things around, but it will all work out. I have a few co-workers that are willing to lend their support in every way.

    Heck I will be so tired by the 30th they may not even have to give me anesthesia, LOL!!!! I will just pass out on my own.

    I haven't gotten my Optifast yet, but since it is coming up so fast I bought some Protein Drinks to sip on while here at work, along with crystal light. I am so hungry, but distracting myself makes it a little easier.

    Drifting off, gotta get back to the grind.


  11. Hi All,

    I Am At Work Right Now Reading Everyone's Posts. I Went To My Pre-op Appt With The Dietician And On-site Physician Today Or Rather Yesterday Now. I Have An Appt With Dr. Castro Next Wednesday And My Surgery Is Scheduled For Next Friday, May 30th. I Am So Excited. My Fiance Is More Nervous About All Of It Than I Am. I Am Sure I Will Be Nervous As It Gets Nearer. I Have Had A Couple Of Minor Surgical Procedures And I Have Always Hated The Feeling Of Going Under. I Guess It Came From Having A Tonsillectomy At Age 9. The Main Thing I Remember About That Time Was My Mom Signing The Consent Form, Which As Most Do, List Death As A Complication Of Surgery. I Know It May Sound Silly, But That Is What I Think Of Everytime I Have Had Anesthesia.

    I Am Not Too Worried About The Pain Afterward. I Have A High Pain Tolerance And Don't Like To Take Too Many Meds Anyway.

    Well, I Guess I Better Get Back To Work. My Shift Ends In 2 Hours Thank Goodness. After Driving To Plano And Back And Coming In To Work With No sleep, I Am Exhausted.

    Have A Great Day Everyone.

  12. I am new to this forum and have enjoyed reading all your posts. Sounds like TLC is a great place to have my surgery done. I have been searching and searching and thanks to all of you, I think I have made up my mind.

    Oh, BTW, my name is Stephanie and I am a Registered Nurse from Waco, Tx. I have 3 children, ages 15, 17, and 22. I will be 40 this year and not getting any younger, so getting this surgery will be my gift of improved health to me. I am 5'2" and 205 lbs. My BMI is 37.5 with a BF % of 40. Time to seriously do something. I have tried just about everything out there with temporary success. I am tired of taking pills and eating cardboard tasting foods. I like the idea of being able to eat smaller portions of foods I like. I know the lap band is not a miracle cure and takes time, but I can either invest in myself for the long hall or stay fat and unhealthy for God knows how long. Every year I don't make changes is another wasted. I am ready to enjoy life to the fullest and for no one else but me. It's ok to be selfish, isn't it?

    I am glad I found you gals/ guys. I look forward to being able to report back with great results as you all have experienced.

    Stephanie--Waco, Tx

  13. A little about me. I am 39, will be 40 in July. I have three kids ages 15,17, & 22. I have a wonderful fiance, that will be paying for my surgery. He knows I really want to get this done and although, he isn't too thrilled about it personally, he is excited for me because he knows the struggles I have had over the past 6 yrs we have been together.

    I am also a Registered Nurse (Pediatrics), so I need to practice what I preach in the way of promoting health. There are so many children afflicted with obesity and it is hard sometimes (for me anyway) to get on parents about their child or children's diet or activity when I don't practice good health habits myself.

    I have not yet been banded, but hope to soon.

    This Forum has provided me with a great deal of information. I am glad I found it.:biggrin2:

  14. I had my surgery in January of 08 and have been very impressed with Cribbins and his office. He has excellent bedside manner and really takes care of his patients. I highly recommend him.

    Thanks for your post regarding Dr. Cribbins. I have not found anyone on the net so far that has used him. I was starting to get worried. I heard of an office named iVital and Dr. Cribbins does their surgeries, but had not found anyone that has experience with them or the surgeon.

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