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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pattymmw

  1. pattymmw

    It's Out!!

    I had my first banned placed in August 07 and developed an infection in my abdomen in January 08. While the surgeon was operating to see what was going on with the infection he removed the band. I had lost about 60lbs and was somewhat indifferent about having it removed until I started gaining more and more weight. Last February I quit smoking and have continued to put more weight on. I now am about 30lbs heavier than when I had the first band surgery. I feel discusted with myself, I have no energy, my back hurts constantly and exercising is so difficult. On Tuesday June 26th I am having surgery to have another band placed. I am hoping and praying this will help me to get back to feeling good physically and mentally.
  2. pattymmw

    Help Think Ive Got A Problem!

    At this point, wet to dry dressings and steri strips are not going to do much. You do need to get started on antibiotics as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more time the infection has to get worse. Are you experiencing a temperature? Does the drainage smell or have a particular color to it? You probably shouldn't wait to call the doctor because now it's the weekend. You should go to the emergency room and get started on antibiotics to avoid being hospitalized and requiring IV antibiotics.
  3. I was just wondering if anyone has consulted a lawyer reguarding complications? I really feel like my doctor was negligent by not listening to my complaints and I feel the infection got a lot worse because he woudn't listen to me. It was like he just wanted to put the band in, get the money and didn't want to hear that there could possibly be something wrong. I was sent to the ER by my regular doctor. The ER doctor saw inflamation around the band which indicated infection and he put me on antibiotics and talked to the surgeon on the phone. 3 days later the surgeon told me to stop taking the antibiotics and said I didn't need them. This is just one example..... Thanks,
  4. pattymmw

    anyone consulted a lawyer?

    Hi, thanks for responding. I am also considering consulting a lawyer. I feel my doctor was negligent because he wouldn't listen or respond to my complaints for about a month. I had an infection (and still do). Another doctor admitted me to the hospital and finally the surgeon had to do something but by that time I was really sick. I had the band put in in august 07. A second surgery in January when the infection was found and he removed my band at the same time. The incision got infected so I had to have a 3rd surgery at the end of February and a wound vac was on my stomach for 8 weeks. Now the incision has reopened in areas and I still have MRSA in the wound. The surgeon just told me the other day that he thinks I will have to have a 4th surgery and another wound vac put on. My wound care doctor wants me to try the new antibiotics for a few weeks and see if it improves......hopefully it wil. Good luck with your case. I can imagine how hard it would be with your doctor in Mexico. Let me know how it goes.
  5. Hi Mindy,

    Hope I'm doing this right to reply just to you......I'm new at this.


    I live in Texas...Dallas area. I feel like from the beginning the surgeon didn't want to hear about any posible complications. I was banded in august 2007. At my 2 week checkup I was in alot of pain in my back and chest. I couldn't take a deep breath at all. I was in tears in the surgeons office and he told me it was normal post surgery stuff and it would get better. When I got home from his office I called my primary doctor. They saw me right away....did a chest x-ray and I had pneumonia. Things got better except for 'normal' aches and pains.

    At the beginning of December I started having terrible pains in my left side. I saw the surgeon 2 times in december and told him how bad the pain was. I had called his office a couple times also to complain about the pain. I am a registered nurse and I just had a feeling that something was wrong.

    The first week of January I was still miserable and went to my primary. She did x-rays of my stomach and did not see any evidence of bowel obstruction but I felt constipated. I was taking laxatives and liquid tylenol regularly. A few days later I still was in alot of pain and still believed that I could be constipated. Back to my primary again. I asked her to order golytely for me......the medicine they goive to clean you out before a colonoscopy. I had very little results with that also. January 9th I went back to my primary. She sent me to the ER for eval and a cat scan. The cat scan showed some inflamation around the tubing of the band indicating infection. The ER doctor called the surgeon who was in Vail CO skiing at the time and told him his findings and his concerns. The surgeon told me to come in and see him the next week. In the mean time the ER doctor put me on antibiotics. When I went to see the surgeon which was about 4/5 days later he told me to stop taking the antibiotics, that there was no infection and the fluid was normal. He had not even gotten the results of the cat scan from the hospital. Another week went by and I started running temperatures of 102-103.5 and back to my primary. She sent me to a gastro doctor who sent me for a stat cat scan. The gastro doctor called me at home that night about 7pm and told me to go to the hospital where my surgeon practices to be admitted for IV antibiotics. The next day, January 22 the surgeon came in and said the only way to see what was going on was to do an exploratory lap. I agreed and when I woke up from surgery was told that he had found a 'phlegmon' (infection) larger than a baseball that was attached to my stomach, colon and splenic flexture. That day he told me that he removed as much as he could and also removed the lap band but he said the lap band had nothing to do with the infection. My daughter was with me at the time and she clearly remembers him saying that he removed as much of the phlegmon as he could. I'm an RN but had never heard of a phlegmon so I started investigating. The treatment for a phlegmon is not to touch it because it could spread and get much worse. It should just be treated with antibiotics. When I questioned him about this he said that he didn't remove anything, just closed me back up. I was in the hospital for 6 days. Went home and things were ok for 2 weeks. I was going to see him for a post op check and part of the incision started leaking. He opened a small area of the incision in his office and it was draining alot of puss. I asked him to cultue it and he refused and said it wasn't necessary. I was doing dressing changed on that area at home for 3 days and another area of the incision opened and started draining. The next week I went back to him and asked him again to culture it again. Again he refused. At this time I also told him that I work alot with wounds and I know when they look OK and the drainage color and amount was not good. I said "I can picture you having to open this and me having a big wound vac on my stomach". He said I was worrying to much. I told him that there was a wound care doctor that I work with and I wanted her to check the wound and see what she thought. He just had me doing wet to dry dressings and packing the wound but I knew there were better treatments. I made an appointment with the wound care doctor and the first thing she did when she saw it was a culture. It came back positive for MRSA. She started me on antibiotics. This is the end of February now. I had an appointment with the surgeon on February 24th. He then said he was going to need to clean it out. It would be an outpatient procedure and he was going to put a wound vac on it. Funny how I called that one about 3 weeks prior. I had the wound vac on for 8 weeks......home health nurse in to change it 3 times a week. I have had the vac off for about 1 month now. The incision was open in just one small place that was tunneling. Since the vac was removed it has reopened in 3 other areas. The wound care doctor recultured last week and it is still showing high counts of MRSA so I am back on antibiotics. I have been out of work for almost 18 weeks and don't know when I will get released. Bills are piling up like crazy. I really believe it was alot of neglect on the surgeons part for not pursuing any of my complaints and just telling me everything was normal. I believe the infection would not have gotten as bad as it did.


    Thanks so much for your time and for listening.


  6. pattymmw

    Side pain...looking for input

    Thanks, I am beginning to feel better, some days. I know this will all pass, I just hate that I went through getting the band on just to lose it and have so many problems. I know they say there can be complications but who ever thinks those complications can happen to them?
  7. pattymmw

    Side pain...looking for input

    I don't want to scare you......but here is my story! I had the lap band put on in august 2007. Went back to work 1 week later.....I'm a registered nurse. Worked for a week and was out of work for 2 weeks with pneumonia. The surgeon refused to believe anything was wrong so it was my primary doctor that did the xray and diagnosed. Things got better....I was getting my fills and losing weight. In the beginning of December I started having pain in my left side that would radiate to my back. The surgeon told me that it was normal and it would go away. After about 1 month of complaining I went to my regular doctor. I thought I was constipated....taking laxatives and drinking a bottle of tylenol every 2 days to try and keep the pain under control. After 2 cat scans and seeing a gastro doctor I was sent back to the surgeon. He said the only way to check was to do an exploratory surgeory, just laproscopic. I woke up with a huge incision and 2 drains in my stomach. He found a 'phlegmon' which is a big infection that was larger than a baseball and was attached to my stomach, colon and spleen. I was in the hospital for 7 days and released. 3 1/2 weeks later the incision started draining and got infected. By the end of February the surgeon decided he has to go in and clean out the incision. He had to cut away tissue and muscle and a wound vac was placed on my stomach and was there for 8 weeks. It turned out I had MRSA infection in the wound. Anyway...the first surgeory was January 22......second surgeory was Feb. 25. Here is it May 12 and I am still out of work.......still on antibiotics for the MRSA and I don't know when I will be released to go back to work. Be careful...trust your instincts....if you think somethin is wrong don't let your doctor tell you that the aches and pains are normal because they are not!!!

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