thats awsome banded!!! I just did my weekly weigh in and im down 12lbs!!! wooooow hoooooo :thumbup: so im not that far from you.
i found a Protein drink thats ohhh sooo goood. :thumbup: its called nectur. i found it at a store called the Vitamin store. they have fruity powders that u add to Water and its not chalky or milky. i got fuzzy naval to me it tastes like oj with a little water in it but that could be that i didnt put enought powder. ill try again today and see what happends. then there was one called Isopure which was cool also. u can get samlples of that at GNC but they are a little pricy. i paid $5 just for a 20 oz drink. im happy now that i found something i like.
i cant wait till i can eat mushies!! i have been dieing to eat some tuna(canned cant do the fresh!! lol) and chicken. i need some flavor in my life!! i going to the store today to get the sourcream and try that in the tomato Soup like u suggested. well im off to have me some Breakfast. talk to u ladys lata. :thumbup: