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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jodi_620

  1. Jodi_620

    Flip or Slip?

    By flip I assume you mean the port. You will know if your port flipped when you go to get a fill; they will not be able to access it. It happens because it wasn't stitched down enough or a stitch came loose. By slip, that would be the band. You would get acid reflux, nasea and/or vomiting. The band can slip if it wasn't placed correctly, if you don't follow your post-op diet properly while healing, if you consistently overeat or vomit too much. Good Luck!
  2. Jodi_620

    Thyroid problems?

    They need to get your thyroid levels under control or you will probably not be able to lose weight even with the lap band. The insurance may not approve you if you have uncontrolled thyroid disease.
  3. Jodi_620

    Anyone with hypothyroidism or PCOS???

    Isn't that frustrating? With the last endocrinologist I saw, I was going along fine for about six months when I started losing my hair in clumps, my skin was flaking, I had zero energy, no concentration, memory issues and worst of all horrible anxiety as well as all of the other clear signs of thyroid issues. I went to see the "endo" and he said that my blood levels were normal and I would just have to accept these side affects of thyroid disease because I would have them for life. I found a new endo right away, he adjusted my Synthroid dosage and I felt wonderful in a week or two. My mother is experiencing the same thing, she has every symptom of thyroid disease and her doctors keep saying she is borderline but within normal range. I keep trying to convince her to find someone else but that is not easy where she lives. A good Endocrinologist will know that there is no one "normal range" for everyone. They should work with you to find your own normal range that keeps your symptoms at bay while not throwing you into HYPERthyroidism.
  4. Yeah, I didn't know I had a hernia until I had the pre-op tests for lap band surgery, they found it during the barium swallow. Prior to that I had occasional heartburn for a year or so but nothing alarming. The radiologist called it a slight hernia and my surgeon wasn't convinced that there was even a hernia there until the actual surgery. I didn't know for sure that I had hernia surgery until a day after when I noticed the breathing problem, I got scared and called the on call surgeon who explained that my breathing problems and burping pain were due to the hernia surgery. Cigna should have set guidelines for weight loss surgery as long as you are within those guidelines, whether on lower end of the scale or not, they should cover it. I just made it with a 41 and no co-morbities. l would call them and find out what their requirements are. Like I said, it is typically BMI of 35-40 with co-morbities or above 40 without. Give them the code for surgery (CPT 43770), ask them what their requirements are and you could even ask them to send you a copy of their policy for surgical treatment of morbid obesity. That way, if they deny you unfairly you will be armed with the facts to fight it.
  5. Jodi_620

    Bandster Hell

    Sure that is normal. I am one month post-op and am at the same point where I can eat more than I should. Everybody is different. Many people do not get good restriction on the first fill but the fills have to be done a little at a time until they find the right amount for you. How long it will last until you need another fill is individual too. Starting at six weeks after surgery, average adjustments to maintain weight loss and goal weight are 6-8 in the first year and 1-2 the second year.
  6. Slinderella, If you cant take the shakes, you might want to try the Protein shots. They are fruit flavored whey protein in little plastic bullet shaped containers. If you were to drink it straight it has the consistency of Jello before it becomes solid--if you mix them with a similar flavor of Crystal Light they are easy to drink. Walmart has them near the Atkins shakes, brand name Body Fortress (my Walmart only carries Fruit Punch), it has 26 grams of protein in one bullet. $1.97 each. Maybe buy one or two and a package of fruit punch Crystal Light and see if you can handle them. I take Flintstone Vitamins (my hubby loves them!)and Caltrate Calcuim Plus D chewables
  7. I am not sure that doing surgery at their own facility is a requirement in order to be a COE. The Surgical Review Corporation reviews bariatric surgeons on quality, their programs, standards and sucesses with patients. All of the important things involved in success with lap band are handled by your surgeon--preparing you for surgery, educating you on how it works, placing the band properly, handling recovery and lifelong maintenance.
  8. Jodi_620

    Anyone with hypothyroidism or PCOS???

    Yes, it is best to see a good Endocrinologist for hypothyroidism. Hopefully he/she will get your dosage right or find out what your problem is. From what I have read it is important to make sure that your thyroid levels are in control before getting the lap band. Out of control thyroid levels can make it nearly impossible to lose weight. As far as how to take the meds, my synthroid are pretty tiny and I am able to swallow them whole with no problems.
  9. Jodi_620

    Anyone with hypothyroidism or PCOS???

    I am PCOS and Hypothyroid too. 1) Yes and no. Thyroid: as long as you take your thyroid meds and you get your thyroid levels checked regularly to make sure your meds are right, your hypothyroidism should not hinder weight loss. Make sure your doctor is not only looking a bloodwork but at hypothryoid sypmtoms when determining your medication dosage. Finding a good endocrinologist is important for both conditions PCOS: Yes losing weight for us "cysters" is always a little more difficult. Of course we have to watch our carbs and avoid refined flour and sugar. I had to follow a low carb high Protein liquid diet pre-op (and boy was that torture) But that got all of my carb cravings out of my system during that time. Now that I am allowed to eat carbs I still have not allowed myself any bread, sugar, Pasta rice or starchy veggies. I feel like now that I got that stuff out of my system I don't want to start eating them again and go back to the cravings. 2) My endocrinologist told me that it is very possible that the Lap Band will resolve my PCOS issues without the need for medication! Like Diabetes, there really is no cure for PCOS but both can be resolved with weight loss surgery... 3) Yes hypothyroidism is for life. Weight loss will not resolve this.
  10. Happy to help! I was not prepared for the hernia repair problems, I was told that the typical shoulder pain that we get from the lap band surgery would last a few days longer due to the added hernia repair but that is all. I was upset that nobody warned me that although rare, other recovery issues can arise. Just didn't want you to think that it is easy 100% of the time. I work a desk job; waitressing would probably have been difficult for me for at least three weeks. My BMI was 41. I have United Healthcare, their guidelines are BMI of 35-40 with co-morbities or a BMI above 40 without co-morbities (which is fairly common with many insurance companies). Happy to say, I had no problems getting approved and didn't have to provide weight history or do the supervised diet thing. Best of luck for a fast and smooth approval process!!!
  11. Mine said 2CC-3CC to start-I have a 10CC band. I have to come in once a month for the first year to have my restriction checked but if at any time between those monthly visits I feel I need an adjustment I can do so but I also have to wait a week after being filled if I feel I need more. You were banded just two days before me but I have to wait six weeks before my first fill.
  12. Jodi_620

    Nervous Newbie :)

    No the lap band will not stop your head hunger but it will make it more difficult for you to keep eating once you are full. It also makes it easier because you are not hungry and you fill up on less food. If you can accept the fact that you will no longer be able to eat like you did before then the lap band will work for you. We all love food or we wouldn't be here right now. I still have the head hunger like when I am bored or tempted but I have been able to fight it. If it gets too difficult then I will go the see the Psych. I have not had a fill yet but when I eat a meal I am full and I stay full for several hours, I am up to a cup a food per meal. In between meals even though I am not hungry I do think about food especially when I smell it or see it (damn those Olive Garden Commericials! :thumbs_up:) I have to remind myself that After all I have been through with the surgery and expense I don't want to cause damage or fail, the food will still be there when I am hungry again, and with the band if I overeat I am going to get sick. Honestly it is a whole lot easier to fight the head hunger with the band because you are full and you can only eat so much. But the only one that can answer whether you are truly ready to commit to this is you. It is a tool that makes weight loss much easier but you have to be ready to do what it takes to make it work.
  13. Jodi_620

    Pre Surgery Questions

    I agree with Nancy. Just wait until you are two weeks pre-op then start your recommended diet. The diet is different depending on the doctor but most are Liquid Protein diets which are very difficult and there really is no reason to do it any longer than the recommended two weeks. Since the first place that fat leaves our body when we diet is our liver, two weeks will be plenty of time to get the fat from yours. If you are on the higher end of the BMI scale and want to drop a few pounds you could just lower your food intake but it really isn't necessary. You should check with your insuarance company to see if they cover fills, they all have different guidelines.
  14. Jodi_620

    What exactly is PB/PBing?

    No need to be nervous. Just be sure to eat slowly, chew well and stop eating when you have had enough. PB'ing, sliming and getting stuck are good ways to teach us an unforgettable lesson about eating right with the band. I have not PB'd yet but I did get stuck once...OUCH! I was in too big of a hurry and swallowed a piece of turkey cold cut without chewing it enough. It sure did teach me a lesson! :thumbs_up:
  15. Jodi_620

    Greetings from VA

    BTW, I am in Northern VA near Dulles airport. I was curious did any of you get to see pictures of your own surgery? At my first follow-up my surgeon showed pictures of mine. When he pulled them out I was almost afraid to look, I thought I would be grossed out but it was actually pretty cool. There were before and after pictures of my hernia repair, a picture of my liver before it was clamped up, one of the band being placed around my stomach, one with the band in place and one with my liver back in place with the band behind it. I didn't ask about his opinon of the condition of my liver and he didn't say anything but from the pictures my liver wasn't all fatty it was pink with just a small thin patch of fat in one spot.
  16. My surgeon didn't charge for the hernia repair. He said he would literally be right there placing the band so he just repaired it As for longer recover, my recovery was no longer but it was more difficult. Most people don't have problems with the surgery but some do and I was one of them. I had a hard time breathing for several days. I was told that is was due to the hernia repair, which involves the diaphragm (the muscle we use to breath). It was just very difficult to pull air in. If I would talk for more than a few minutes or walk across the room I would get breathless. I was and still am unable to belch. Right after the surgery I would get the sensation in my stomach that I needed to belch followed by a severe pain that moved from my stomach, up my esophagus to my throat...but no burp. I am still not able to belch but I do not get the pain. I had my surgery on Friday took Monday-Wednesday off then worked half days on Thursday and Friday. So I didn't take any more time off than was expected but I think I could have gone back to work Tuesday or Wednesday had I not had issues with the hernia. But like I said these problems are rare...I'm often the unlucky one :thumbs_up:
  17. Jodi_620


    It took about two weeks maybe a little more before I could stop wearing the loose fitting clothing. If you are able to comfortably wear one, I wouldn't think that it would mess up your band.
  18. Jodi_620

    Greetings from VA

    Welcome Hazmat Guy...I'm in Virginia too. Looks like you are well on your way. It is normal to be nervous and the closer you get to your band date the more anxious you will probably feel. But in the end you'll find that it isn't nearly as hard as you thought and it will be worth it! I wish you the best.
  19. Yes, my surgeon repaired it while he was in there...I think most surgeons will do that. It is best to have it repaired not only because of the reflux but because if it is not repaired your abdominal organs can start migrating up into the chest area which would be bad especially with the lap band. BTW: Reflux and PB are very different. Reflux has the nasty stomach acid whereas PB is just your food coming back up in the same form as when it was swallowed.
  20. Jodi_620


    Hi Lalared...you're not too far away from me (I am near Dulles Airport). I don't think that a girdle would have been very comfortable for me. My smaller incisions did not hurt but my port incision was sore and the skin around the port and across my waistband area was very sensitive to the touch (sort of felt like the pain of a sunburn). Around the house I felt better in a loose nightgown and underwear that didn't go above my belly button. And when I had to go out I wore very loose clothing.
  21. Thanks for the video JRT Mom...very cool to watch!
  22. I have the Lap Band but am now seeing commericals for the Realize band and like the sound of the support program that goes with it (at least they make it sound good) although my Lab Band surgeons staff is wonderful. I have not heard anything about the realize band kinking. Do you remember where you saw the thread with the guy who didn't like the realize band? It is a little last minute now, if you had time, maybe you could ask the doctor if you could look at a model. I know my surgeon has sample lap bands in his office for patients to play with. I agree that the band quality is more important than the extra support, especially if you have a good surgeon (and staff). I 'm sorry I can't offer much about the realize band but I can say for sure that the Lap Band does not have those type of issues...
  23. Jodi_620

    Approved in a day!!!!

    Welcome Shavone! Looks like we both started out at about the same weight, I was 5'4" and 234lbs. I wish you all the best and hope to see you here regularly, it is a great place to get info and support.
  24. Jodi_620

    Confessions of an addict

    I was where you are now. In the back of my mind I just kept thinking "this won't work for me, I won't be able to control myself, lap band or not. " I was a grazer, I never had a chance to feel hungry because I was eating all day long. food was the first thing I thought of in the morning and I ate right up until bedtime. I am just about four weeks post-op, no fill yet but I am doing fine. I am satisfied on less than a cup of food and I stay satisfied 3-4 hours (sometimes longer). Yes, I do feel temptation but it is much easier for me to pass on those temptations now. I am watching my carbs too and I think that is helping a lot. My pre-op diet was mainly Protein so I was able to get the carbs out of my system and have not allowed myself any starches or sugars post-op because I know, for me, those are the foods that trigger blood sugar spikes and food cravings, I feel like if I go back to putting those carbs into my system, I will lose control. I do drink skim milk eat oatmeal cooked in milk and eat veggies and fruits but no Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, corn or sugar. I am moving forward to the solid food stage this Friday and I am a little nervous, it has been 6 weeks since I have had solid foods and I hope I don't go too nuts!
  25. Jodi_620

    sleep apnea question

    sleep apnea is when you stop breathing multiple times during the night (could be anywher from 5 to 50 times) but you usually don't realize it (a sleeping partner may notice it though). Symptoms are: Snoring, restless tossing, excessive daytime sleepiness, morning/night headaches, hearburn/sour taste at night, swelling of legs, getting up to urinate, gasping or choking in your sleep, sweating with coughing and/or chest pain at night. Which symptoms you have depend on the severity of your apnea.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
