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About Caltania

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    Senior Member

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    Video games, board/card games, reading
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    Administrative stuff
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  1. Caltania

    Crazy Question

    Pretty early on I was cleared to have sugar free candies or cough drops, though as other users have suggested, you may not want to have too many at any given time, since they can cause some digestive upset if you have too much at once... But they're great for the occasional mouth distraction!
  2. Caltania

    Four weeks post op RNY

    Wow, that's really a bit of an insensitive thing for that person to have said! Every person is going to lose weight differently, and sometimes for reasons out of their control... I'm just glad you are doing so well, keep it up! It will get easier to meet those intake goals before you know it!
  3. Caltania

    Protein powders

    I hope it helps too! I'm really glad it's been such a smooth road for you so far, that's wonderful!
  4. Caltania

    Lowest point before surgery

    Mine was a miscarriage... Of course, I'll never know what, if anything, caused it, but it made me realize that, if I want to have a kid and give that kid the best chance of success in life, I needed to fix my own health first.
  5. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Day 14 gratitude - I am probably most grateful I was rejected by the person I was pursuing before I met my SO. Man, would that not have been a good match... whereas my husband complements me about as perfectly as one can. It really worked out for the best, as much as it hurt at the time.
  6. Caltania

    Today's NSV

    That's awesome Lynda, congrats!! Keep up the awesome work, and the scale will catch up too!
  7. Caltania

    Stall and gain

    I'm 5 months post-op, and I have hit several plateaus in that time, including a couple of long ones. A couple of things you can try... make sure your water intake is where it needs to be, in case you're dehydrated. You can try mixing up your physical activity, especially if you tend to do the same thing every day (I was doing mostly walking, but have had to start mixing it up a little more). Another thing you can do, if you haven't started it yet, is to start tracking measurements. I feel a little better about my plateaus when I can see that, although my weight hasn't budged, I've lost a couple more inches in various places 🙂 Non-scale victories in general are an excellent help when in a plateau. Most importantly, don't give up on your healthy habits! If you get frustrated and start to adopt your old habits, you have a pretty good idea of what will happen to your weight 😞 Hang in there! And keep us posted!
  8. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Yeah, chic is definitely a good way to describe that area! I only live a few miles away from it, so I drive through Monona quite frequently. It's so lovely there! I wish I'd grown up in Madison (my hometown leaves a fair bit to be desired...), but I'm very grateful to have discovered it as an adult at least!
  9. Yep, I can relate to this as well! I've been plateaued for about 2 months, with a 5 lb dip in the middle (so I guess two separate, consecutive plateaus?) But - I've lost 2 more inches total across my body in the last month, despite very little change to my weight. So bear in mind that you may be gaining muscle (as much as that sounds like just one of those things people say during a plateau to make you feel better!) Most importantly... don't let the plateau derail you! If you stop walking, and start giving in to your cravings frequently, then you know for sure what is going to happen - the plateau will break, but in the opposite direction. Keep up with your water intake, keep up with your steps, and maybe add in something new and fun. Focus on non-scale victories. You've totally got this! (We both do!) Hang in there!
  10. I've mostly been plateaued for the last two months, with the exception of about a 5 lb drop in the middle. It's really frustrating!! I feel your pain. But I took a new set of measurements yesterday, and I lost another 2 inches across various parts of my body over the last month, despite only weighing about 3 lbs less than my corresponding weigh in. So I'm going to believe that I'm losing less because I'm gaining more muscle as I lose the fat 🙂 The plateaus will pass - for both of us! Keep up the good work!
  11. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Day 13 gratitude: I'm going to go with spring, because it (usually) has stopped snowing and dropping below freezing, and it isn't yet so hot that I'm desperate for air conditioning Plus it's also so pretty! Though fall is my favorite for sheer beauty, especially in these parts... As far as my hair - I miss it 😞 I've probably lost somewhere between a third and a half of my hair since having the surgery, though my hairdresser says it's already starting to grow back. I miss my thick head of hair, but it was well worth the cost!
  12. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    I'm a few days behind... time to catch up on my gratitude! Day 9 gratitude: Without question, it was China (although I haven't done much international travel, so someday this could change!) I was with my best friend when she adopted her son. It was a life changing experience in so many ways. Day 10 gratitude: An odd choice, but I am grateful for video games. Even though my choices were really limited in early childhood (Atari!), I actually learned a lot of very useful life skills from video games, and bringing that love into adulthood helped me form some of the friendships I have today. Day 11 gratitude: Another odd choice, but probably the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The community around the show helped me through my difficult teen years, and as an adult, I still find that movie worming its way in to my life. Runners up would probably be the two movies I quote most often, Airplane! and Spaceballs Day 12 gratitude: 3 people, huh? If I could only choose three, I guess I'd have to say my husband, my mother, and my best friend. B-Side Question: What would you tell past/future you if you could? I would tell past me to hang in there and to try to care much less what other people think. B-Side Question: How has your S/O been handling all of the changes since WLS? Like a champ, though it helps that he's also probably having WLS himself next year, so he's acutely aware of pretty much all things related to it, good and bad.
  13. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    I adore Madison. I'm an east coast transplant, and I still go back there to visit, but the only thing that would ever make me leave Madison is the cold 🌨️ Especially as I continue to shed pounds from my surgery... brrrr.
  14. Caltania

    Protein powders

    I'm wishing you the best of luck as you go through your bypass today!! 🤗
  15. Caltania

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    I'm not used to seeing so much Wisconsin in one thread! I just drove through Tomah this weekend, but then again, I live in Madison, so it's not terribly surprising...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
