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Everything posted by robinher1

  1. I am 6 years out if sleeve and I am now getting very dizzy after eating carbs or sugar. No stomach pain but burning in stomach all the time
  2. I’m also so sorry your going through this. I went through something similar and you must stay strong and focused on your own needs right now. I had the surgery two years ago. Every day my husband checks my clothes and fights with me about what I wear etc. I am living my best life right now. I finally love to dress for work. But the best part is I’m healthy and vibrant again. So I say the hell with him. I’m sure you can find someone to get you there. Good luck and feel free to reach out if you need encouragement
  3. robinher1

    Weight Gain

    Same thing is happening to me. I can relate
  4. robinher1

    Stopped Losing Weight

    Weight gain 1 year after sleeve
  5. Had sleeve surgery May 2019. I have lost 80 lbs
  6. I’m so sorry you are going through this. You have made a huge effort to take control of your health and life. Do not let anyone get in the way of that. I too had toxic family members that I had to discontinue my relationship with. It’s difficult at first but my life has been so much more peaceful. Just realize that this is who your mom is and you can’t change her. Surround yourself with positive people who will support your efforts. Good luck!
  7. robinher1

    3 week stall

    I had vsg May 15th. I’ve lost 72 lbs. however I have stalled several times for weeks at a time. Ignore the scale numbers. I’m shocked to see I’ve lost 72 lbs after ignoring scale. I’m losing weight so slow now. I do spin class 3 to 5 days a week and lift weights. I’m lucky if I loose 1lb a week. It does come off eventually.
  8. robinher1

    Where's everyone from :)

    Hello I am from New York. Had sleeve surgery on May 15th. I have lost 72 lbs and feel the best I’ve ever felt. Good luck to you.
  9. robinher1

    Sleeve Next Week!

    Sorry you are going on through this. I only told my husband and children. It is a very personal decision and is no ones business. People will talk shit no matter what. I had sleeve in may and lost
  10. robinher1

    Pre op diet pain.

    My heart goes out to you. I was on liquids for two weeks in May prior to surgery. I was so crazy. I found hot broth helped a lot and miso soup. On day of surgery my surgeon said liver was perfectly small and it made it so much easier for him. You must stick to this for your own safety. Hang in there it will be worth it.
  11. robinher1

    So what are you unable to eat now?

    I too had sleeve surgery. I can tolerate most everything. However I have not taken sugar back since my sleeve surgery on May 15th. What’s the point. I don’t eat carbs cause I don’t have room. I eat protein first then vegetable last and then have no room. I haven’t tried pizza or big quantities of sugar. I have had popcorn and that is fine. Also meat is fine too
  12. robinher1

    Binge eating-14 months after surgery

    I agree a counselor can really help. Keep protein snacks in the house and don’t have anything bad in the house. Just realize we have all made a major change to our bodies and you must maintain this.
  13. robinher1

    Post sleeve feelings

    I had sleeve surgery on May 15th. I had all the same feelings as you. I’m over two months out and have lost 52 lbs. my surgery was a breeze and I took 3 weeks off. I have more energy than ever. I’m so glad I had this surgery. The sleeve has taught my head and that I must eat right and really listen to my body. If you let your sleeve do the talking you will do just fine. Good luck
  14. I was sleeved on May 15th. My starting weight was 240 after two weeks liquid diet I was 225 now two months out I am 194.5 total lost is 45.5 lbs. I also stalled for 3 weeks. However I continue to walk 3-5 miles a day. I have gone from a size 18 to size 12. A lot of inches! I did not measure myself cause I don’t want to drive myself crazy. I just eat right and ignore a lot of this because if you don’t you will go crazy. People are constantly telling me how much weight I have lost. Exercise is the key! I also weight lift. I eat no carbs. I drink decaf coffee black. I’m very strict. Hang in there it will come off.
  15. robinher1


    Three week stall

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
