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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Paulax

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  • Birthday 10/23/1963
  1. Happy 49th Birthday Paulax!

  2. Paulax

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Happy 6th bandiversary everyone. Still here. Still at/near goal. Loving life with the band.
  3. Banded for 6 years now. My rule was that I would only tell people if I thought it would help them. I agree that everyone is different.
  4. Paulax

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    Sadly, I really don't eat much. I am 48 years old, not active enough and the amount of food it takes to maintain is sadly little. I have been defilled, gained got refilled. I eat small portions throughout the day, not always able to stay away from sweets. When I do eat sweets or too many fatty foods, I will gain. I rarely eat wheat products, I love rice products, rice crackers, rice cakes, small amounts of rice. I drink a lot of my veggies, Even soft cooked vegs are still hard to take sometimes. I try to get my Protein in chicken, beef mostly. I eat a lot of nuts, raw cashews, almonds. They give me great protein and energy. Some days I drink Protein shakes for Snacks, but then I get sick of them and opt for cheese, crackers and nuts. Typical Breakfast, either nothing or a rice cake with pb &j. Some days small amount of oatmeal, some days my two capuccinos and a handful of nuts. lunch, some type of left over, or often, chicken or tuna salad, with nuts on top. That is my favorite. sometimes a muffin, if it will go down, homemade pumpkin muffins. I do not eat processed foods much. When I am not lazy, I will juice because I can't eat one cucumber, two apples, 2 stalks of celery and 3 carrots, but I can drink them! Supper, I am usually a bit looser in the afternoon, so I eat whatever I cook for my family. If I make Pasta, I can not eat the noodles, so I will eat pasta sauce with cheese, I shred zuchinni and carrots in my pasta sauce. I eat a lot of dairy products, drink lots of milk. I feel wonderful. My band is STILL a fickle friend. I am too tight one week or month, then it flips and I can eat small portions of anything. I am at a much lower fill than I was losing weight, but still, the weather, Water retention, Saturn rising over Venus, it never makes sense when it is tight and when it is not. But I have learned to embrace it because this band keeps me from gaining the 90 + pounds I lost. I feel like a miliion bucks when I put on my size 10's. My body works easier, faster and I feel beautiful again. I come to this site, rarely, but always check in on this Fill thread, because I spent most of my time here, complaining, crying and checking on everyone elses fill. I think being at the right fill is one of the most important part of losing, and getting your proper nutrition being #1 and that is not always an easy combination. BTW, I noticed on my way down the scale, that I'd get a fill, lose 10-15 pounds, then start struggling. My fill doctor is strick, so I'd really bust a move at the gym and eat simply before asking for another fill. I also have the old style small band, maximum size 4.0ccs, so I was probably easier for me to get restriction more quickly than the friends I have with a 10cc band. Just means you have to monitor it more. Every day I try to think about putting the stuff in my body that is good and good for me. I know it is hard, I am a sugar addict and have to keep it in check. Our pouch is so small, we need to focus on putting the healthy stuff in it. Sorry to bore you. I just want you to know that although it is hard, it is so worth it. Dr Phil calls us the weight loss resistant. That is so true and that is why the band was necessary for me to get to and keep at goal. Keep on trucking ladies. I am here with and for you. hugs Paula
  5. Paulax

    Frustraaaaated!! Arrrrgggh!!! >:(

    I want to encourage all of you working on your journey. Banded in 06, goal 18 months later. I can testify that it was hard work the whole way down the scale, even harder to get the last 20 off. The difference between a diet and being banded for me, is that the band helps me stay at goal. The journey is not easy, but boy is it worth it. I feel like a million bucks. Keep on, keep on.........eat healthfully, exercise lots, keep up with your fills and it will come. hugs Paula
  6. Paulax

    Welll... Yeah....

    I want to encourage you too. I am a 6 year bandster, at goal for 5. I go up and down about 10 pounds but man, goal is a gift in life. I have been exactly where you are, and had to work so hard to get to goal. I came to this website and cried, and complained and got a lot of help along the way. Keep at it girl. Because goal is great and what a gift it is.
  7. Paulax


    Excellent results. Question: Is that mole by your new belly button the same one as it is in the before shot just under the blue shirt? Incredible! Congratulations.
  8. Right on, cheers my coffee to the next 5.... I find that I still get exhilarated when I catch a glimpse in the mirror and see that this weight has stayed off. My brain sometimes just hasn't accepted the fact that I am no longer fat. I don't drink and I don't smoke, but I actually get a 'high' just from feeling thin and ecstatic that it has stayed off. I am finally free of that "heavy" that weighed me down for so long. My dearest friend just got banded this year. She has seen me lose this weight and keep it off for 5 years now. She is tired of trying the next program, the next diet. I am so happy for her and I am impressed by the support she gets from Slimband. Tom, it is good to hear your story and share Cheers again, Paula PS, I just can't imagine what the last 5 years could have been like, had I not made this decision. I feel so really very grateful!
  9. Awesome Tom! Happy 5th Bandiversary! I just wanted to say I too am a 5 year bandster. I got very little support, but with the support of my dear banded friend and this board, I was able to make it to goal and keep it off, fought cancer, fighting my thyroid and I feel wonderful. I feel healthy, I feel alive and I feel beautiful again. I am so impressed with the support new bandsters get from their various programs. For me, this has been the best money I have ever spent on me. Continued success everyone. Paula
  10. Paulax

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Happy Late 5th Bandiversary 2006 ers. Reporting in that I am still at goal. Have gone up and down a bit, but the nice thing about this band is........it is adjustable. Hope you are all doing well. My loss has given me a new outlook on life. I feel energetic. I feel beautiful again. I feel lighter physically and emotionally. Cheers Paula
  11. Originally posted in 2007. Where is Cookielover today? I would love an update!
  12. Paulax

    Hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism from weightloss

    I am glad to see this post. I lost my weight and was just yesterday diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Picking up my meds today. Any advice you can offer me would be great. I am within 10 pounds of goal and trying to take the last 10 off. Hyper doesn't seem to be helping me any.
  13. I don't kwow what you want to do. Go in with a confident attitude, tell him you have every right to know your fill. You want to keep track of it. Tell him you need another fill and then you won't bug him for awhile. or get a new doc, but I'd be fighting for my free fills......you never know, he might be sheepish or have a completely different attitude next time you go in. hugs no one needs this crap, especially from the doc who is suppose to be rooting for you to get to goal.
  14. Paulax

    'Delayed Action' Fill

    Update: I have restriction! That first fill after a 2 year hiatis didn't do the trick. I gave it a good month to tighten up, it didn't, I went back, and voila. I am now back up to 2.6cc in a 4cc band and I have restriction. Welcome back restriction. Let the losing begin. The interesting thing is, the last time I was at this same fill, I weighed 245 pounds. I am currently 190 and heading back to my goal weight of 175 or less. I am 5' 11" btw A good fill feels good

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