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About Tinalsw

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  1. Tinalsw

    Eyebrow loss

    I lost the outer half of my eyebrows 25 years ago due to hypothyroidism. I have that stable now but the eyebrows never came back. Most eyebrow makeup is made to make hair that is there look thicker. I have tried literally hundreds of products and never could find anything that would last even through the work day. There are some products on Amazon that look the most natural and last the longest for me. They have a micro blade tip that draws hair-like looking brows. If you search on eyebrow tattoo pen some should come up. Look for a waterproof one with good reviews. If you need a link then contact me. They say they will last for days. That has not been the case but I can use it in the morning and it is still there when I take my makeup off at night. It takes a little practice but I feel like I have finally found a solution. I hope yours return for you and you don’t need this. The good news was that a year later I was able to stop shaving my legs! Congrats on your great weight loss!
  2. Tinalsw

    Ten month before and after pics

    Holy, moly, bijoly! You took it church, girl. Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
